Dropdown For Dynamic Sheets With Static Data To Create Chart

May 20, 2013

I need drop-down combo box to change a graph based on the option selected in the drop-down

Challenge: my Combo box resides on the First sheet only, but the items that populate in the drop-down list are dynamic and change depending on how many sheets exist for this document. The options in the list are Overall, Week 1, Week 2, ... Week N. Overall needs to sum up the data (or I can pull just from the summary page if I am lazy) and the Week N corresponds to a specific sheet added.

I currently am able to get my drop down to populate items correctly, and my macros to create the sheets dynamically with templates just fine (not bad for newbie).

So what I need to figure out is how to tie my drop down to make a scatter plot/bar graph based on the selected option and action. I can't find an attachment option here but here is some code:

Sheet 1 Code:

Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
Me.ComboBox1.AddItem "Overall"


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Dynamic Range In Chart Reverts To Static Value?

Jun 7, 2012

I created a named range linked to a slider.


Problem is after I put in the range as the chart data range it reverts to -


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Making Dynamic Data Static

Aug 7, 2014

I want to take some data which is dynamic and make it static elsewhere in a workbook without doing a manual copy of the said data. Is this even possible?

For example, let's say Sheet1!A1 is the dynamic data I am using, and on Sheet2!A1 I want to replicate this data, I know I can just reference Sheet1!A1. However, this would make Sheet2!A1 dynamic, and I want it to be static. I know I can do this be just typing it in manually but I have a lot of data I would need to do this for, is there some way of making Sheet2!A2 static whilst still referencing Sheet1!A1?

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Dynamic Chart Based On Three Dropdown Menus?

Jun 25, 2014

Create a dynamic chart which is based on multiple dropdown menus. I'm trying to design a chart which shows figures per city. In the first dropdown menu you can choose a city.

The other two dropdown menus will determine the date range of the chart.

How to create this chart ....

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Data Validation List With Static And Dynamic Values

Apr 24, 2014

Is it possible to have a dependent validation drop box that under certain conditions automatically produces an actual value in the cell instead of a drop-down list to choose from? For example, if I choose “Holy Avenger” in the first drop box, and the value for that choice in the second drop box is always a “2”, can you get it to auto-populate in the cell occupied by that 2nd drop box (cell B5 in the attachment)? Or, are you restricted to using Lists only, meaning that you could create a List that only has the value “2” in it, and the user would be required to choose the “2” in the drop box?

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Move Automatically Data From Dynamic Table To Static?

Feb 13, 2014

I need to transfer data from a table dynamically updated every 10 minutes to a table that never changes and maintains data, how can this be done using a macro?

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Create Dependent Dropdown With Dynamic List?

Apr 1, 2014

I need to create a 2-stage dependent drop down list.

Stage 1:

In cell G7 (on a tab called 'Data'), I have created a drop down list based on a range name called 'Region' .

Stage 2:

In cell G8, I need to create a drop down list which is dependent on the value chosen in G7.

Problem is, I will need to create a dynamic range name here which needs to vlookup or match the value from G7 in a dynamic list of data (the data is on different tab called 'RCA Data' and is spread over columns A:E with row A for headings - the data will go down an undetermined number of rows)

Every time the value in G7 matches a value in the 'RCA data' (the potential matches are stored in column

D) I need the corresponding cell value in column C to be added to the dynamic list. This list then needs to be available to choose from a drop down list in G8.

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Create Dynamic Dependent Dropdown Menus

Mar 11, 2013

I need the drop down menu to update when the user adds a new entry. For example, if the user decides to add companies to the financial table, no matter how many new rows they add, our drop down menu at the top will update to include the new the entries. I want this to be the case in every table. How do I do this?

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Create Dynamic Table From Static Table?

Oct 19, 2011

I have a static table that contains a list of all posible components for a particular product that we sell. The sheet successfully calculates the qty. of each component required for a particular install.

What I would like to be able to do is to create a new list able from the static one that only shows the components that are needed i.e. those that don't have a zero qty count.

I have seen some examples that come close on YouTube but can't find anything that does exactly this.

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VBA Dynamic Data From Access And Static Data In Excel?

Jun 3, 2014

I am using the statement

Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A6").CopyFromRecordset rs
to populate columns A through to F. These records come from an Access database.

In column H through to L, content is being written for each record.

For example columns A to C are dynamic and H to I are static


Record 1
Some data 1
Some data 3
Manually entered data 1
Manually entered data 3

Record 2
Some data 2
Some data 4
Manually entered data 2
Manually entered data 4

The problem is when a new record is added to the database. It creates a new row for columns A to F however the data for H to L does not move. The same occurs when a record is deleted from the database.


Record 0
Some data 0
Some data 0
Manually entered data 1
Manually entered data 3

Record 1
Some data 1
Some data 1
Manually entered data 2
Manually entered data 4

Record 2
Some data 1
Some data 1

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Create Chart With Dynamic X And Y Axis?

Aug 12, 2012

I am trying to create a horizontal bar chart with a product code data set. The number of codes will increase over time. For each product code there may it may not be a sales value and that sales value will increase over time. I am trying to plot the product codes on the y axis and sales value in the x axis.

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Create Dynamic Chart From Source Table?

Apr 17, 2014

I have a table of company data, and I want to be able to select different companies data and create a chart automatically perhaps by pressing a 'create' button.

The table data contains three values I want to populate in the chart: red & green sales which I would like shown as a stacked bar, and red as a percentage of total sales which I would like on a different axis as a line.

I tried to create a macro but my VBA skills are almost non-existent.

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Create Dynamic Range With Updating Chart

Jul 8, 2014

I have created a spreadsheet which uses data validation to allow a user to select a company, start Date, end date, and projected months in order to output different figures. I have attached a spreadsheet to this post in case that was hard to understand.

Since there is data validation, indexing, and matching going on, as different selections are made, various tables change as a result. Uou will be able to see what I mean as you open the example sheet and start messing around with the data validation boxes.

The problem I am encountering now, is creating an exponential graph that will also keep changing as the user changes their selections in the data validation boxes. I am unsure if this is even possible, but I figured it was worth a shot to ask. On the example sheet, I have included a graph similar to the one I want, but it only contains data in a certain range of cells, rather than dynamically changing to accommodate whatever data is outputted.

Here is what I am looking for in the graph:
1. Whatever dates are selected by the user in the data validation boxes, along with the projected dates will be on the x-axis.
2. The PMPM figures associated with the selected dates, and the projected dates on the y-axis.
3. Ability to make different selections from the data validation boxes and still have a dynamic chart that keeps updating itself.

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Create Chart Using Dynamic Named Ranges For Series

Jul 27, 2012

I've created my dynamic named ranges using the OFFSET function, ex.


I'm now trying to get my chart to use that range. I read at [URL] .... that I need to make sure my series reference is a fully qualified reference. So I've entered that series reference using the name of the workbook followed by the range name (=2012-PIRS.xlsx!SAM_CLAR2DEL). I have two copies of my workbook (one as xlsm with VBA project, and one with xlsx without VBA) and I can't get Excel to accept the series value in either workbook.

The formula you typed contains an error. Try one of the following:
- Make sure you've included all parentheses and required arguments.
- To use a function, click Insert Function on the Formulas tab (in the Function Library group).
- If you include a reference to another sheet or workbook, verify that the reference is correct.
- If you are not trying to enter a formula, avoid.........

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Create Dynamic Chart Where Network Days Incorporated?

Nov 11, 2013

Is it possible to create a dynamic chart, where "networkdays" is incorporated? You will in other words have a start day and an end day, and the chart will be drawn of the periods in between.

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Excel 2003 :: Filter Data In Graph / Chart (without Having To Create New Chart)

Dec 29, 2011

I have a spreadsheet created in Excel 2003 (which is what we use at work, unfortunately).

My employees periodically take a test to ensure they have certain items memorized (or are making progress to that end). The spreadsheet rows show all 46 of my employees, and their test scores. The columns are the dates that the tests are administered. I can create a line graph based on the chart data, and interpolate these data with no problems.

The problem is that there are 46 employees! 46 lines on the same graph make for a very cluttered, hard to understand visual. I want to simplify the view by "filtering out" some of the data.

I have an additional column in my spreadsheet for each employee's work area (Area 1, Area 2, etc), and another column with data based on first letter of last name (the values here could be "A-G", "H-M", "N-S" and "T-Z", for example). I figure i could filter my line graph based on these two columns. For example, somehow select just Area 1, and reduce the number of lines on the graph to 16. Or better yet, Choose "Area 2" AND "A-M" and end up with 7 employees (and therefore 7 lines on the graph).

Here's what i have tried:

1) Select the work area column, and use the Filter, which created a drop-down list at the column heading. When i use this drop-down list, i can easily filter the data in the worksheet by Work Area, but this is not reflected in the line graph, which still shows all 46 lines. The problem was that i forgot that i had set the Calculation Options to "Manual". Setting this to "Automatic" (or leaving it on Manual and pressing F9) solved the problem, as the chart now updates when i use the filters. Calculation options are under the "Formula" tab in 2007, or in Tools -> Options -> [either calculation or formula, i forget what it's called] in 2003.

2) Create several separate line graphs in several separate sheets. I wouldn't want to assign someone else the task of maintaining a spreadsheet of such inefficient design.

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Dropdown Or Combobox With Static Space Between Text

Jan 13, 2010

I have a set of date of different lengths that I would like in a dropdown or combobox in a grid like fashion. Example

Apple, Banana, Orange, Kiwi
Mangos, Pineapple, Passionfruit, Guava

and I am trying to get it into the dropdown/combobox as


(without the dashes, the forum does the same thing excel does)

The data is of varying lengths, and the lists are actually parts lists, so they are long and of varying lengths each. Aside from physically going in a manually padding spaces, which isn't feasible given the number of them. The have alphanumeric characters, so jumbled all together seperated by commas is very messy and hard to read. I have tried padding with spaces using a formula but they do not line up right. I have been searching for a solution either having the entries in separate cells and concatenated entries, and still no luck.

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Date Is Dynamic But Time Is Static

Aug 24, 2013

If I want date to be current and time constant how to do it for ex:

in A1 want display of 8/23/13 8:00 next day when I open excel A1 should display 8/24/13 8:00

so my date is dynamic but time is static.

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Dependent Dropdown Lists Based On Dynamic Data Range?

Apr 19, 2013

I have data that resembles (I have also attached an example workbook as well if that is easier)

Column A.................Column B................Column C..................Column D.............Column E................Column F
Year.......................Quarter...................Month..................Product-Code...........[data A]................[data B]


I am hoping to have, on another sheet, a series of dependent drop boxes- Year, Quarter, Month, SKU- which after selecting then displays 'dataA' & 'dataB'.

So you could select- List 1: 2013 ----> List 2: Q1 ----> List 3: Jan ----> SD-21.................and then 13% and 0.05% are displayed.

The data will be continuously added to and so needs to be based on a dynamic data range.

I know that a pivot table is the perfect way to do this, however my bosses have requested that I do not use that format so it is easy for all staff to access.

So I think I need to construct some sort of dashboard sheet, I have experimented with OFFSET from other posts, but so far have had no joy.

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Dynamic Chart For Data

Jan 30, 2014

make it working, tried from online thread but unable to get it done.Dynamic.xlsx

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INDEX / MATCH Using Multiple Static Lookup Values From Dropdown

May 20, 2014

I am trying to do an INDEX/MATCH to return a value based on multiple lookup_values.

The workbook is attached, and what I am trying to accomplish is this:

If 50, 75, or 90 are selected from Column D drop down of this (Main) worksheet, then return Column A, B, and C values for those rows to the Report worksheet.

So in my sample spreadsheet, John, Jim, and Jack's information should be returned on the Report worksheet because their Column D shows 50, 75, and 90. Alice, Wanda, and Cindy's information should not be returned on the Report worksheet because their column D shows Budget Only, Contacting, and 100.

My current INDEX/MATCH formula is =INDEX(Main!$C2,MATCH(50,Main!$D2),0), but this only works when column D has 50 chosen because I have only asked MATCH to return info if it finds something with 50 because I do not know how to ask it to search for multiple lookup_values.

So, as you will see, only John's information is returned on the report worksheet, but Jim and Jack's are not.

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How To Make Dynamic Drop Down Based On Static Cell

Sep 25, 2013

I am trying to send my field reps a spreadsheet that will allow them to pick the proper location for each building. The problem I am having is that there are ~45,000 buildings, each with anywhere from 1 - 92 locations. Here is how my spreadsheet is set up.

Sheet 1
Column B is where I want the drop down to be available for the rep to pick the location

Sheet 2
Column A has a list of the buildings
Column B has a list of the locations

I understand that normally I would need to create a named range for each building and its locations. However, there are more Buildings than columns in Excel. Is there a way I can do this using Index/Match, or Offset, or Indirect? I have a sample spreadsheet that can be found in my dropbox account using this link [URL]

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Formula To Retrieve Data With Multiple Criteria And Dynamic With Dropdown List

Jan 6, 2014

I have a complicated situation with Excel since I need a formula that can SUM data from the Pull 1 worksheet into the summary Sheet. I attached my sample for your reference because it is a bit complicated therefore I can not explain. It is better if you look at my Summary Sheet, need formula that can retrieve the same information.

Formula Test.xlsx

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Dynamic Selection Of Data For Chart

Oct 13, 2009

I have a follwing data:

Sheet1 ABCDEFGH2Days12345673Values2040550000 Excel tables to the web >> Excel Jeanie HTML 4

I have plotted a line graph based on the above table; but I am getting zero values also plotted. since these Values are linked to some other workbook I can't delete the cell values also.
How can we avoid Zero values on a graph; Also is there any approach, that my graph should get automatically updated whenever the linked values are updated.

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Chart Dynamic Data Range

Aug 31, 2006

I have created a chart that automatically expands as more data is added. This works great by using named ranges in my Chart's Series' Values and Axis Label fields. The named ranges use the Offset function.

The problem I am having is applying this same technique to to same chart to vary the number of series that I want to chart. I created a name range, using the offset function. But when I add the name to my Data Range formula, it will not stick. It changes the number of series displayed correctly when I add the name. But after I click OK on the Source Data dialog box, the data range reverts back to the address supplied by the name range variable; it does not retain the name range variable itself. Can Chart Data Ranges not contain a name range variable, especially when name range variables are used in the series formulas?

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Dynamic Chart Source Data

Jul 27, 2007

In a workbook that I am working on, a macro runs to import data onto 9 separate sheets. The data is essentially x- and y- coordinates of a plot profile from another program. The problem that I am running into is that the number of data points can vary each time the data in imported based upon how the data was acquired.

If I were to put a drop-down list (Method1, Method2, Method3, etc.) on the Instructions page that I have for this workbook and have the user select which method was used prior to running the macro, could I then incorporate some sort of IF statement in the macro to vary the Source Data Series for the charts that I have created? Right now, I have the Source Data covering the scenario with the longest list of data points so when fewer points are used, the graph looks essentially useless.

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Dynamic Chart Series Data

Oct 25, 2007

I have a chart with Data Series being dynamic ranges. There is only one series and x & y each have a dynamic range. I need to be able to include Series Name as a dynamic range.

For example. I have 3 rows of values with 3 columns.

Col 1 Col 2 Col 3
Name X-Val Y-Val
A 1 3
B 4 6
C 8 0

I now need a chart that has 1 series with a x range of col2 and a y range of column 3 but a corresponding name equal to Col 1. So when I move my mouse over each point I get the series name. E.G. I hover over poing 1,3 I show the name as A. Or I hover over point 8,0 I get C.

If it isnt possible using the ranges the way I am, then I would be looking for a possible solution. I am sure I could do this by some sort of loop but not quite sure given the number of rows constantly changes.

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Linking Pivot Chart With Dropdown (Data Validation) Without Using VBA

May 15, 2014

I got the attached dashboard example from a source online.

I was wondering how they linked their pivot chart with a drop down (data validation). This is the pivot chart on the bottom right that is labeled "Brick Styles".


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Data Validation - How To Create Dropdown List That Excludes Duplicate Data

Sep 26, 2013

I'd like to create a drop down list in data validation from a column of data that contains numerous duplicates.

For example, let's say column A contained hundreds of transactions with either North, South, East and West, how could I create a drop down list in another cell that only had four selection options?

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Create A Dropdown Box (data Validation)...

Apr 9, 2009

We've got a dropdown box (data validation - list) which is picking up data from a specific column. The data in the column is in the following format:

1 Sales
2 Contracts
18 Opening Stock
27 Purchase

When we select an entry from the dropdown box the cell obviously displays both the number and the text description to the right. What we need it to do is just display the number after selecting an item from the list. The text is descriptive and to make it easier for users. Is there a way of configuring the dropdown box (or another way) so that say if a user selects "1 Sales" from the dropdown it just displays "1" in the cell.

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