Create Dynamic Chart From Source Table?

Apr 17, 2014

I have a table of company data, and I want to be able to select different companies data and create a chart automatically perhaps by pressing a 'create' button.

The table data contains three values I want to populate in the chart: red & green sales which I would like shown as a stacked bar, and red as a percentage of total sales which I would like on a different axis as a line.

I tried to create a macro but my VBA skills are almost non-existent.

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Macro Code Create Pivot Table Based On Dynamic Source Data

Nov 28, 2006

The "Sum" sheet can change its number of rows. The pivot table is based on it. I'm having trouble with the SourceData portion of the code in my macro ....

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Dynamic Chart Source Data

Jul 27, 2007

In a workbook that I am working on, a macro runs to import data onto 9 separate sheets. The data is essentially x- and y- coordinates of a plot profile from another program. The problem that I am running into is that the number of data points can vary each time the data in imported based upon how the data was acquired.

If I were to put a drop-down list (Method1, Method2, Method3, etc.) on the Instructions page that I have for this workbook and have the user select which method was used prior to running the macro, could I then incorporate some sort of IF statement in the macro to vary the Source Data Series for the charts that I have created? Right now, I have the Source Data covering the scenario with the longest list of data points so when fewer points are used, the graph looks essentially useless.

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Dynamic Named Range As Chart Source Data

Jun 16, 2008

I've read through every thread I can find about dynamic named ranges as source data for a chart. It seems as if everyone can get it to work but me. I have a chart on one sheet that needs to update dynamically from data on another sheet when a button is clicked. Here's my code that runs when I click the button:

Sub Update_Center_Chart()
Sheets("Center Data Chart").Select
ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Center Data").Activate
ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source = Range("CenterData")
End Sub

I get the error message: "Type mismatch." The data is in B1:F2 on a different sheet. The formula in the named range, "CenterData" is this:=OFFSET('Center Data'!$B$1,0,0,COUNT('Center Data'!$B:$B),4). The data will expand by 1 row every time.

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Error Message When Editing XY Chart Dynamic Source Data?

Feb 9, 2012

I am trying to create a simple xy graph in Excel 2010 using dynamic source data.

I have data in three columns.

There are headings on line 2 and the data starts on line 3.

2. dp ss ff
3 .1 .2 .3
4 .3 .4 .4
5 .4 .8 .7
6 .1 .6 .8
7 .3 .5 .1
8 .5 .4 .4

I want to create an XY chart with C3 to C8 as the X axis (or dynamic to what ever the last data point is) with A3 to A8 as the Y axis (or dynamic to what ever the last data point is).

I have Defined names for C3 to C8 (myXvalues) and A3 to A8 (myYvalues).

I have created a simple XY graph and selected the ranges as normal.

This is =DATA(,Data!$C$3:$C$9,Data!$A$3:$A$9,1)

The page is named DATA

What I am trying to do now is to edit this range to make the range dynamic.Unfortunately I get error messages which ever way I try to edit the range.

I have tried:-

=SERIES('Data','Data'!myXvalues, 'Data'!myYvalues,1)

The data range can go from 8 to 30000 hence the need for a dynamic range!

PS: Also, is there any way to create this graph and dynamic source data in VBA. I have tried this with no success.

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Automatically Adjust Dynamic Chart As Data Added To Source

Jun 19, 2008

Is there a way to make a chart adjust automatically when you add to the source data? I'm trying to use a named range in order to power a chart (something like chart_data=offset(a1,,, counta(a:a),counta(1:1)); the range is working fine). When I put "chart_data" into the source field for the chart, it seems to work fine; it picks up the right range... But when I later add more data, the chart source data field seems to have converted my named range into a hard-coded range, absolute range. So the dynamical named range updates, but the chart doesn't and I don't see the new data. Am I doing something wrong that I need to tweak? Does what I'm trying to do just not work? Is there another way to make the chart pick up the new data without adjusting the range?

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Pivot Table - Dynamic Source Data

Sep 26, 2011

I am using pivot tables/charts for drilldown reporting. After running a complex macro to consolidate multiple reports into one range, I need to generate pivot tables and charts.

These reports will change month to month in the number of entries they have (template will be identical), and therefore my data source range for the pivot table is bound to change. Therefore my question is, how to develop a macro that will dynamically change the source data range to the amount of rows?

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Dropdown Form Field With Dynamic Source From Table

Jul 18, 2012

Is it possible to set the input Range of a dropdown control to be a column from a table?

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Set Pivot Table Dynamic Source Range Macro Code

Apr 9, 2008

Ultimate goal is to automatically update the source data for 4 pivot tables that are on 1 worksheet. The data for those 4 pivot tables are on 4 different worksheets w/in the same workbook. Consolidating into one dataset is not an option.

I'm familiar with a dynamic named range, but the 4 worksheets that contain the data are replaced daily via automated Access output which creates an error.

I know how to do this adhoc by matching the pivot table names with their respective worksheets, but there are many other documents with similar layouts where this would beneficial.

Below is an example of how I currently update 3 pivots on separate worksheets w/ the same data range which is w/in the same workbook. My proposed changes are below the current. Any ideas on how to return the workbook name as a string...Or am I going about this the completely wrong way...

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How To Create Dynamic List Within Dynamic Table

Oct 31, 2013

I have a dynamic table which is linked to a couple of charts. The table must remain dynamic.

I needed to add two new columns to the table, "Focus Area" and "Category". I need a drop down list in the "Category" column to be dependent on the item selected from a drop down menu in "Focus Area".

I can get the first row of the dynamic table to do this.... however; subsequent rows all lock the drop down list in the "Category" column to the same choices regardless of what is chosen in the "Focus Area" list.

Is there a way to make dynamic drop downs within a dynamic table?

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Create Chart With Dynamic X And Y Axis?

Aug 12, 2012

I am trying to create a horizontal bar chart with a product code data set. The number of codes will increase over time. For each product code there may it may not be a sales value and that sales value will increase over time. I am trying to plot the product codes on the y axis and sales value in the x axis.

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Determine The Source Data That Was Used To Create The Pivot Table?

Sep 7, 2009

Given a pivot table, is there any way that I can determine the source data that was used to create the pivot table?

I suspect that the pivot table was created using only part of the data, but I'm not sure.

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Create Dynamic Range With Updating Chart

Jul 8, 2014

I have created a spreadsheet which uses data validation to allow a user to select a company, start Date, end date, and projected months in order to output different figures. I have attached a spreadsheet to this post in case that was hard to understand.

Since there is data validation, indexing, and matching going on, as different selections are made, various tables change as a result. Uou will be able to see what I mean as you open the example sheet and start messing around with the data validation boxes.

The problem I am encountering now, is creating an exponential graph that will also keep changing as the user changes their selections in the data validation boxes. I am unsure if this is even possible, but I figured it was worth a shot to ask. On the example sheet, I have included a graph similar to the one I want, but it only contains data in a certain range of cells, rather than dynamically changing to accommodate whatever data is outputted.

Here is what I am looking for in the graph:
1. Whatever dates are selected by the user in the data validation boxes, along with the projected dates will be on the x-axis.
2. The PMPM figures associated with the selected dates, and the projected dates on the y-axis.
3. Ability to make different selections from the data validation boxes and still have a dynamic chart that keeps updating itself.

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Copy Pivot Table Format And Create New Data Source?

Apr 26, 2012

I have created a pivot table in a workbook which relates to data from 2011 - 2012 and this works perfectly. What I now need to do is to copy the pivot table (without the data source) to a new workbook for data which will be collected from 2012 - 2013. Unfortunately when I copy it and try and find the new data source it does not update the filters according to the data in the new workbook.

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Excel 2007 :: Source Date Sorting Into Format Used For Pivot Table / Chart?

Sep 24, 2011

I am stuck trying to sort data that looks like the following, into a format that I can use as source data for pivot tables/charts.

DateArticleContentLapseCurrentCurrentCurrentLapseLapseCurrentCurrent612-SepRelieving 40 years - Oct 15, 1972
Thick Haze continues to blanket MalaysiaHistory42712-SepRelieving 40 years - May 5, 1972
All Sharifah wants is a pair of legsHistory1222812-SepA man and his agonyHistory3223912-SepA lesson on Sept 16History22Sheet2

I will need to group Data multiple ways. However, I cant work out a good way to sort it. Can I have a suggestion on layout that I will be able to arrange data appropriately.

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Create Chart Using Dynamic Named Ranges For Series

Jul 27, 2012

I've created my dynamic named ranges using the OFFSET function, ex.


I'm now trying to get my chart to use that range. I read at [URL] .... that I need to make sure my series reference is a fully qualified reference. So I've entered that series reference using the name of the workbook followed by the range name (=2012-PIRS.xlsx!SAM_CLAR2DEL). I have two copies of my workbook (one as xlsm with VBA project, and one with xlsx without VBA) and I can't get Excel to accept the series value in either workbook.

The formula you typed contains an error. Try one of the following:
- Make sure you've included all parentheses and required arguments.
- To use a function, click Insert Function on the Formulas tab (in the Function Library group).
- If you include a reference to another sheet or workbook, verify that the reference is correct.
- If you are not trying to enter a formula, avoid.........

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Create Dynamic Chart Where Network Days Incorporated?

Nov 11, 2013

Is it possible to create a dynamic chart, where "networkdays" is incorporated? You will in other words have a start day and an end day, and the chart will be drawn of the periods in between.

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Create Report Table From Two Original Tables (source And Select Criteria)

Mar 31, 2014

I have two tables (Table 1 and Table 2). Table 1 has names of all employees in my organization ('Name' column) and corresponding information in the second column ('Textinfo'). I need to create Table 3 from table 1, but only select those employees who are in my team, ie matching names in the Table 2. I also need to extract corresponding 'Textingo' column information. I tried vlookup but it did not work because if there more that one name in the table 1, vlookup confuses it (i think). Would you know what function or code to use?

Sample file is attached : excel question 1.xlsx

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Dropdown For Dynamic Sheets With Static Data To Create Chart

May 20, 2013

I need drop-down combo box to change a graph based on the option selected in the drop-down

Challenge: my Combo box resides on the First sheet only, but the items that populate in the drop-down list are dynamic and change depending on how many sheets exist for this document. The options in the list are Overall, Week 1, Week 2, ... Week N. Overall needs to sum up the data (or I can pull just from the summary page if I am lazy) and the Week N corresponds to a specific sheet added.

I currently am able to get my drop down to populate items correctly, and my macros to create the sheets dynamically with templates just fine (not bad for newbie).

So what I need to figure out is how to tie my drop down to make a scatter plot/bar graph based on the selected option and action. I can't find an attachment option here but here is some code:

Sheet 1 Code:

Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
Me.ComboBox1.AddItem "Overall"


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Create Dynamic Table From Static Table?

Oct 19, 2011

I have a static table that contains a list of all posible components for a particular product that we sell. The sheet successfully calculates the qty. of each component required for a particular install.

What I would like to be able to do is to create a new list able from the static one that only shows the components that are needed i.e. those that don't have a zero qty count.

I have seen some examples that come close on YouTube but can't find anything that does exactly this.

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Dynamic Link Between Table And Chart

Dec 29, 2006

I m trying to make an Excel Charts that would update according to the choice made in a control box. I have uploaded the example test.xls. If you open the file, you ll see the graph is link to product 1. What I d like to do is if I choose product 2,3 or 4 from the control box, the chart updates itself to the good corresponding product.

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Create Pivot Table: Cannot Open Pivot Table Source File

Jan 4, 2010

I'm trying to write a macro that will create a pivot table, and am getting an Error code 1004: Cannot Open Pivot Table Source File "Sheetname". My code is below. I've tried to note what each section does, and it all seems to work well except for the Pivot Table creation.

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Column Chart Using Dynamic Data Table

Aug 4, 2014

I'm using a table with dynamic data to populate a column/line chart.

The data is based on monthly targets achieved and forecasted. With each month, the information will update. The graph needs to have only the current month and future months to be displayed and I don't want to include the previous months information in the chart. The information in the chart automatically updates and loses the previous month's data. Unfortunately, the graph plots the blank data and has a blank entry on the graph. This means that the information I need starts in the middle of the chart and has a line that shoots up from 0 to the current month's value.

Is there any way that I can omit the month altogether?

The data source I am using is below:

MonthTarget for month* (examples)

October 100,123,669
November 125,154,586
December 150,185,503
January 175,216,420
February 200,247,337
March 225,278,254
April 250,309,171
May 275,340,089
June 300,371,006

As you can see, July August and September are not included. I want to be able to start the graph from October in the above example. In the following month, I want to use the same data but October Figures will not be required. How can I achieve this?

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Create Dynamic Sum Formula Off Of Table?

Jul 23, 2013

I'm trying to create a dynamic sum formula off of a table of data which is then used in pivot tables and pivot charts. What I would like it to do, is show me the summation of values AFTER a filter has been applied. Everything I've tried returns a sum of the entire table (includes hidden cells). Perhaps I'm searching with the wrong query terms (this not called a dynamic sum formula?)

Using slicers and pivot charts, I need my account managers to be able to look at their territories quarterly performance vs. a "fair share" of company performance during that quarter. I.e. they would select the slicer for their region, and dates (ex april, may, june) and the pivot chart would show territory performance during that time, with a second column chart series which is company total from april/may/june (my dynamic sum) divided by the 8 territories...thus giving me what should be "fair share" during that quarter. Each territory has equal Opportunity, so this would allow them to see who is over-performing and underperforming in their territories.

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How To Create Dynamic Pivot Table Title

Jun 7, 2014

I have a pivot table without report filter and I set insert page break after one of my selected row labels.

I also would like when I print, these row Labels become the title of these pages at the same time.

Actual File : Untitled.png

However I would like when I click on print or save as pdf will print all pages as one file and each Center that I have set page break for, in separate page and add that specific center as its title:

Attachments for more details:


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Create Table With Dynamic Range From Rawdata?

May 2, 2014

On another sheet I would like to create a list of the countries.

However the list should be dynamic: I want that the last country in the list is UK. It should stop, when it sees the first element of the list for a second time.

The reason: In some years the list might change, countries will be added or similiar. For example: there will be a new entry called "EA19" => the list will have 1 additional entry.

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Pivot Table With Dynamic, Updatable Chart, But Not A Pivot Chart!

Dec 19, 2008

My boss wants me to design a dynamic, updatable chart in Excel 2003. I initially made a Pivot Chart based on a Pivot Table which worked perfectly, but it doesn't look professional enough when printed (or viewed) and she wants me to approach it a different way.

So, I created a graph based on the data in a Pivot Table, and used dynamic ranges as the source for the graph series so that the chart updates when the criteria fields are changed for the Pivot Table. I then added two combo boxes (ie data validation lists) to the Chart sheet, and wrote VBA code so that whenever the combo box values are changed, the Criteria fields for the Pivot Table on the 2nd sheet are updated accordingly, and this in turn causes the graph to be updated as well.

This solution also worked perfectly, but now I've been told to create the graph without macros.

Does anyone have any suggestions? The requirements/details are as follows:

1. The Pivot Table is on sheet "PIVOT", and the graph is on sheet "GRAPH"
2. The Pivot Table has two criteria - School Name and Year Level
3. On sheet "GRAPH" there are two data-validated fields, School and Year, which only allow the selection of valid Schools and Year Levels

Is there any way to make the Pivot Table update when values are changed in the fields on the CHART sheet so that the chart also updates, but without using code nor a Pivot Chart?

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Create Chart From Table Of Data?

Jun 19, 2014

Trying to create a chart from a table of data, however my column of data has zeros throughout. How do I insert a chart with just the data that are not zeros?

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Create Pie Chart From Table Summary Results

Jul 2, 2009

Attached is five months of dummy sales data for eight products. My objective is to filter this data with date ranges (using Column A in Data sheet), and have the corresponding pie slices (shown in Pie Chart Sheet) be the summation of the Products grouped by their designated letter. Currently, the result I am getting is 6 pie slices for "Product A" and this is wrong. I want to see "Product A" show up only once in the LEGEND and only as one aggregated pie slice. The same holds true for the rest of the Product Letters.

I want to avoid using Pivot Tables. My objective is to keep my layout clean and simple. I would like to know if anyone out there could help me figure out a formula that will automatically catagorize all of the resulting filtered data by the Product Letter they share. Once the formula categorizes or groups together all of the resulting filtered data by Product Letter, I would like the formula to calculate a summation for each Product Letter category. After the formula finishes the summation task I would like the formula to feed these results to a Pie Chart. The resulting chart I would like to see will show individual pie slices for each Product Letter resulting from the date range filtering operation performed on Column A. The resulting letters can be anywhere from "A" to "H". My goal is to only have one individual pie slice representing each of the Product Letters resulting from a Date range filter. I thought such a task would be as easy as baking a pie, but it's turned out to be beyond my Excel skills.

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Macro To Create Gaant Chart Style Table From Leave Data?

Jun 11, 2014

I have a leave history report with data for leave taken for the 2014 year. The sheet contains the following headings:

Name; Leave Start Date; Leave End Date; Date Paid; Days Taken; Roundup; Offset

The roundup column rounds the days taken up, for example if someone took 0.4 days off it would round it to 1.The offset column just subtracts the Roundup value by 1 (=Roundup-1) I think we will need this for what I am trying to do.

I have created a new spreadsheet labelled gaant chart, this shows the name of the employee with the working dates for the year and has the following data:



What I would like for the macro to do is lookup Employee 1 from my gaant chart table and search the leave history data if it finds a relevant start date for the employee it marks that date with a 1, it then looks in the offset column and marks the number of offsets to the right. For example if employee 2 took leave from 1/1/14 to 3/1/14 the macro would mark a 1 on the 1/1/14, and search the offset column which would have 2, it will then mark a 1 in the 2 cells to the right of 1/1/14 also (these being 2/1/14 and 3/1/14)

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