Move Automatically Data From Dynamic Table To Static?

Feb 13, 2014

I need to transfer data from a table dynamically updated every 10 minutes to a table that never changes and maintains data, how can this be done using a macro?

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Create Dynamic Table From Static Table?

Oct 19, 2011

I have a static table that contains a list of all posible components for a particular product that we sell. The sheet successfully calculates the qty. of each component required for a particular install.

What I would like to be able to do is to create a new list able from the static one that only shows the components that are needed i.e. those that don't have a zero qty count.

I have seen some examples that come close on YouTube but can't find anything that does exactly this.

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Making Dynamic Data Static

Aug 7, 2014

I want to take some data which is dynamic and make it static elsewhere in a workbook without doing a manual copy of the said data. Is this even possible?

For example, let's say Sheet1!A1 is the dynamic data I am using, and on Sheet2!A1 I want to replicate this data, I know I can just reference Sheet1!A1. However, this would make Sheet2!A1 dynamic, and I want it to be static. I know I can do this be just typing it in manually but I have a lot of data I would need to do this for, is there some way of making Sheet2!A2 static whilst still referencing Sheet1!A1?

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Data Validation List With Static And Dynamic Values

Apr 24, 2014

Is it possible to have a dependent validation drop box that under certain conditions automatically produces an actual value in the cell instead of a drop-down list to choose from? For example, if I choose “Holy Avenger” in the first drop box, and the value for that choice in the second drop box is always a “2”, can you get it to auto-populate in the cell occupied by that 2nd drop box (cell B5 in the attachment)? Or, are you restricted to using Lists only, meaning that you could create a List that only has the value “2” in it, and the user would be required to choose the “2” in the drop box?

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Dropdown For Dynamic Sheets With Static Data To Create Chart

May 20, 2013

I need drop-down combo box to change a graph based on the option selected in the drop-down

Challenge: my Combo box resides on the First sheet only, but the items that populate in the drop-down list are dynamic and change depending on how many sheets exist for this document. The options in the list are Overall, Week 1, Week 2, ... Week N. Overall needs to sum up the data (or I can pull just from the summary page if I am lazy) and the Week N corresponds to a specific sheet added.

I currently am able to get my drop down to populate items correctly, and my macros to create the sheets dynamically with templates just fine (not bad for newbie).

So what I need to figure out is how to tie my drop down to make a scatter plot/bar graph based on the selected option and action. I can't find an attachment option here but here is some code:

Sheet 1 Code:

Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
Me.ComboBox1.AddItem "Overall"


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VBA Dynamic Data From Access And Static Data In Excel?

Jun 3, 2014

I am using the statement

Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A6").CopyFromRecordset rs
to populate columns A through to F. These records come from an Access database.

In column H through to L, content is being written for each record.

For example columns A to C are dynamic and H to I are static


Record 1
Some data 1
Some data 3
Manually entered data 1
Manually entered data 3

Record 2
Some data 2
Some data 4
Manually entered data 2
Manually entered data 4

The problem is when a new record is added to the database. It creates a new row for columns A to F however the data for H to L does not move. The same occurs when a record is deleted from the database.


Record 0
Some data 0
Some data 0
Manually entered data 1
Manually entered data 3

Record 1
Some data 1
Some data 1
Manually entered data 2
Manually entered data 4

Record 2
Some data 1
Some data 1

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Code To Move Data From Entry Table To Historical Table By Date

Mar 14, 2014

In the attachment you will see an example of what I am trying to accomplish. What I am trying to do is find VBA code that is either specific to this worksheet or in a macro. When the sheet is opened I enter a date in B2. I then enter data into A7, B7, and C7. What I would like to happen is when the data is entered into A7, B7, and C7 the sheet goes and finds the same date that I entered in B2 and copies that data from A7, B7, and C7 into F7, G7, and H7.

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Date Is Dynamic But Time Is Static

Aug 24, 2013

If I want date to be current and time constant how to do it for ex:

in A1 want display of 8/23/13 8:00 next day when I open excel A1 should display 8/24/13 8:00

so my date is dynamic but time is static.

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Dynamic Range In Chart Reverts To Static Value?

Jun 7, 2012

I created a named range linked to a slider.


Problem is after I put in the range as the chart data range it reverts to -


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Automatically Move Data To New Sheet

Feb 12, 2014

Is it possible to create a cell in one sheet, where after data is entered, will move it to another sheet. Additionally, the data in the cell, after the transfer to another sheet is made would delete itself. Once the data is entered, sent to another sheet and deleted, next time data is entered into the same cell, it would be sent into a row below the cell that the first piece of data would be in. Therefore, after I enter data, [for example] press enter, then go back to input some more data, after a while there would be a long list in another sheet. The last feature of the problem (it would be something extra really) is that the function/macro is to be time dependent - during one month the data would stack up in one column, after the next one begins, the next column will automatically start all over.

The idea is to create a budget book - where on the main page I would only have to enter the value in a specific box, the value then would be automatically sorted into the right row and column in another sheet, after the month/week ends, data would start to stack up in a column devoted to a new month/week.

Of course the data could be entered manually in different sheets, but it proved to be too complex to be useful.

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Automatically Move Data To Another Sheet

Jan 23, 2008

I have Excel 2003. I need a formula that will automatically move data in a row to another sheet, in the same workbook, based on either a two digit department code or possibly a date. I enter information on a master sheet, (8 columns of data: Text/$/digits) and I need that information to separate out to the other sheets when that department's two digit number is entered on this sheet. There are a total of 6 sheets in this workbook, counting the master. The data I am entering will be about 40-50 rows down of information, 8 columns across. Will this take a macro? Loop?

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How To Make Dynamic Drop Down Based On Static Cell

Sep 25, 2013

I am trying to send my field reps a spreadsheet that will allow them to pick the proper location for each building. The problem I am having is that there are ~45,000 buildings, each with anywhere from 1 - 92 locations. Here is how my spreadsheet is set up.

Sheet 1
Column B is where I want the drop down to be available for the rep to pick the location

Sheet 2
Column A has a list of the buildings
Column B has a list of the locations

I understand that normally I would need to create a named range for each building and its locations. However, there are more Buildings than columns in Excel. Is there a way I can do this using Index/Match, or Offset, or Indirect? I have a sample spreadsheet that can be found in my dropbox account using this link [URL]

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Automatically Move Data From Working Worksheet?

Dec 27, 2013

I'm looking to automatically move data from my working worksheet, when a particular column states "Won" or "Lost". I'm hoping the entire row of data can be cut, and added to the appropriate sheet, determined by "Won" or "Lost".

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Targets To Make Data Move Automatically Across Sheets

Aug 1, 2013

I want to make a spreadsheet that has codes that make items show up on another sheet but how to do this.

For example I would start on sheet 1 and on cell A2 I would type the amount $100. Then in cell B2 I would type in F (I will call this a code).

Now on sheet two I want the amount on cell A2 to show up in a column of items designated for F items. If I had typed in G instead I would have wanted it to go to a column for G items. All the values under the given code will show up in the column that is represented by them.

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Automatically Posting Static Time And Date

Nov 22, 2010

I am trying to automatically insert a time into B and a date into A every time something is entered into C. I want the time and date to not change from the time it was posted. What formula will accomplish this?

I tried using if(C"",now(),"") while having Workbook Calculation set to automatic, but it would update every cell in column B every time I entered data into a new cell in column C.

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Automatically Insert Static Date In Different Columns Of Same Row

Apr 10, 2008

I recently found on this site the macro to auto insert a static date in one column when an entry was made in the previous column.

What I have in my spreadsheet and what I would like to be able to do is if I select a particular Order Status from a drop down list, that it auto inserts the date into the respective columns.

Column F contains the various Order Status indicators ie Order Submitted, PO Raised, Delivered, and Invoice Received.
The date columns that I would like populated and which correspond to those status indicators (in order) are Column G, Column I, Column L, and Column K.
So if I pick Order Submitted, the status date should be auto populated in Column G. If I pick PO Raised, the status date should be auto populated in Column I etc.

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Automatically Adjust Dynamic Chart As Data Added To Source

Jun 19, 2008

Is there a way to make a chart adjust automatically when you add to the source data? I'm trying to use a named range in order to power a chart (something like chart_data=offset(a1,,, counta(a:a),counta(1:1)); the range is working fine). When I put "chart_data" into the source field for the chart, it seems to work fine; it picks up the right range... But when I later add more data, the chart source data field seems to have converted my named range into a hard-coded range, absolute range. So the dynamical named range updates, but the chart doesn't and I don't see the new data. Am I doing something wrong that I need to tweak? Does what I'm trying to do just not work? Is there another way to make the chart pick up the new data without adjusting the range?

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Clear Data Depending On User Input And Move Cells Forward Without Deleting Data Table

Oct 25, 2012

I have an month input in cells B2 (user can enter values from 1-5)

I then have a data table that has month 1,2,3,4,5 running across range G9:K9. the data is held in range G10:K19.

So if user types in 4 in B2, what should happen is that months 1,2,3 and 4 the data for these months should be cleared and data in month 5 moves forward into month 1.

So basically, anything left of the month entered is B2 should be cleared and replaced with anything right of the month in B2.



[Code] ........

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Creating Dynamic List Of Data From Expanding Table Of Data?

Feb 13, 2013

I need to create a dynamic list from a table of data.

I have performance data for 110 different pumps. Data points are generated every hour, and the table is updated with new data periodically. I want to automate the population of a list of 6 different pumps, and specify the date range populated. To put it another way: I want to place data from Pumps 1 through 6 for all of November into Columns A through F. Then I want to clear that data, and show data for Pumps 105-110 for last week in those same Columns.

One of the main goals of doing this -- other than quickly narrowing a field of data -- is being able to quickly chart this data on a scatter plot with a custom format. The pumps are grouped together by region, and individual pumps have specific purposes. So I need to quickly generate graphs with a series' color scheme or formatting that is consistent and logical between different pumping regions.

I haven't been able to make pivot table work because of the graphing issue, and also because of the way it handles data points and presents data. I would like to make this work with excel functions and maybe some filtering, but I'm not opposed to figuring out a VB script if you think that's what I should use.

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Macro Click Button To Move Data To Table

Apr 13, 2013

This is the macro I am using

Sub Macro3()
' Macro3 Macro
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Range("A1").Select

[Code] .....

It does everything I want but take F2 info and send it over. But F3-F6 does go over.

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Sort A Table Of Data That Changes. Is Dynamic

Aug 28, 2006

am working on a spreadsheet that requires sorting a list of names and numbers. The numbers have a sum formula attached. I can set up the macro to sort the list fine by selecting the appropriate cells and creating the macro.

The code for this is below

Sub SurnameSort()
' SurnameSort Macro
' Sorts by mechanic surname

Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("B10"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess _
, OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
End Sub

However, I want the macro to still be able to sort the data when I add new rows to the list later on. In other words, the code above in bold somehow needs to be modified so that "H13" extends as far down as needed.

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Column Chart Using Dynamic Data Table

Aug 4, 2014

I'm using a table with dynamic data to populate a column/line chart.

The data is based on monthly targets achieved and forecasted. With each month, the information will update. The graph needs to have only the current month and future months to be displayed and I don't want to include the previous months information in the chart. The information in the chart automatically updates and loses the previous month's data. Unfortunately, the graph plots the blank data and has a blank entry on the graph. This means that the information I need starts in the middle of the chart and has a line that shoots up from 0 to the current month's value.

Is there any way that I can omit the month altogether?

The data source I am using is below:

MonthTarget for month* (examples)

October 100,123,669
November 125,154,586
December 150,185,503
January 175,216,420
February 200,247,337
March 225,278,254
April 250,309,171
May 275,340,089
June 300,371,006

As you can see, July August and September are not included. I want to be able to start the graph from October in the above example. In the following month, I want to use the same data but October Figures will not be required. How can I achieve this?

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Dynamic Row & Column Highlights In A Data Table

Jan 15, 2014

I have a two way data table for which the two variables are changed frequently. In the data table, for ease of reference, i usually highlight the corresponding row and column of the two most current variables the intersection of which gives you the current output. But these highlights need to eb changed each time the variables are changed 9the table is copied onto another document for presentation hence the need to keep changing the highlights).

I was thinking of configuring the highlighting process to happen dynamically, i.e. the row and column highlights change dynamically when the variables are changed.

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Pivot Table - Dynamic Source Data

Sep 26, 2011

I am using pivot tables/charts for drilldown reporting. After running a complex macro to consolidate multiple reports into one range, I need to generate pivot tables and charts.

These reports will change month to month in the number of entries they have (template will be identical), and therefore my data source range for the pivot table is bound to change. Therefore my question is, how to develop a macro that will dynamically change the source data range to the amount of rows?

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Gathering / Referencing Data (dynamic Table)

Jan 3, 2014

I'm attempting to list my data... I have a dynamic table that has the following columns:

number of countries
country 1
country 2
country 3




As you may have guessed, I want trends on these countries. That would be easier to do if I had a single "Country" columns but I have to work that way.

I would have wanted to work with a pivottable (because they're so "user-friendly" (not always though^^)) but I didn't find a way to do it.

The reason why I want to work with a pivottable is to be able to link my countries results to the rest of the table.. If that's not possible, I'd still want to be able to reference them and say "USA, egypt and scotland pop up 2 times"

I found the following formula (in E2):

=INDEX(Table1[country 1]:Table1[country 3];MOD(ROWS(E$2:E2)-1;ROWS(Table1[country 1]:Table1[country 3]))+1;INT((ROWS(E$2:E2)-1)/ROWS(Table1[country 1]:Table1[country 3]]))+1)

Which works but I have to manually click-drag that cell down to complete my list. I'd rather have it grow automatically if I have to work that way.

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Summary Report Of Dynamic Table Data

Nov 10, 2008

I am interested in finding vba code that I can enter as an add-on for a weekly training report that I receive.

An example of the weekly report is attached. A Computer based training program populates the reporting tool with the date that the course was completed. Each week a report is generated as attached with the dates completed filled in the matrix.

The goal is to: Report the total percentage of training completed. I would like to be able to run a vba add-in that will determine what rows have entries. Perform a countA on the date fields. Sum the counta's and populate a cell with the % complete. In one simple touch of a button or keyboard function that can be ran each week without editing the code. These reports are filtered by department and the size of the matrix change all the time.

The hang up I am having is making the code dymanic enough to figure out what cells are filled and calculate and populate by that factor.

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Pivot Table Fields Expands Automatically When Updating Data (only Where Data Has Been Changed)

Jan 11, 2013

I have created a pivot table that is connected to an input sheet with data. The input sheet retrieves data automatically from a external source through an add-in to Excel. When updating data the fields expands, but only for the items which have been changed. I want the table to be updated automatically, but not the fields expand automatically. Is there any pivot options to prevent this problem?

It should be mentioned that the pivot table is not directly connected to the input sheet (which is updated from the external source), but from a "help-sheet" reflecting the input sheet with some additional columns. I use conditional formatting and name range in the pivot.

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Dynamic Formula To Keep Column Of Data Aligned With Pivot Table?

Feb 23, 2014

In this file Vehicle Fuel Tracking.xlsm I have a pivot table set up to filter my data. Next to the pivot table I have a column that Totals the Mileage based on the MAX and MIN of each group. I am looking for a dynamic formula to keep the totals alligned if data is added or deleted from the pivot table.

I would also be open to changing the data table to accomodate this request if needed.

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Dynamic Comparative Matrix Table With Data Validation Conditions?

Jul 8, 2013

I have attached a sample data sheet which i am working on . ITs a comparitive matrix trable with Input validation between 0&2 . I also want the table to be dynamic .If i want to increase or reduce no. of rows and clumns i should do it some how . More details are mentioned in the attached file .

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Move Value From Calculated Cell As Static Value To Another Cell?

Jul 22, 2014

I have a filtered row that calculates values based on user input. I would like to take the calculated value of a cell in that row and place it as a static value in a different cell.

For example, the filtered row is row 85. The user inputs 5.5%. Cell AK85 calculates the value to be $100,000. Cell AK3 references the original row, which is 3. I would like to take the $100,000 value and place it in cell AK3 but as a static value and not based on a formula.

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