Duplicate Check On Export Of Records
Dec 20, 2008
I have a spreadsheet that will export records when I "click" a button, to a spreadsheet on a network drive.
I would like to attach some code that will check to see if a duplicate record is going to be written to the network drive, and if so, alert the user that they are about to create a duplicate . If it is a duplicate, give the user the option to overwrite the existing record.
Ex. I export the results for account 12345.....Account 12345 is now written to an outside sheet.
User2 logs in and works with customer 12345, w/out knowing that someone has already worked with this account, presses the export button.....This is the trigger point for what I want to happen. At this point when it locates a dupe in the outside spreadsheet it will prompt the user too make some chouces .
find attached the code I would like to attach this to...
option Explicit
Sub TransferData(Optional Dummy As Long)
Dim Row As Long
Dim TargetRow As Long
Dim Path As String
Dim Prompt As String
Dim Title As String
Dim Cel As Range
Dim Wkb As Workbook
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set Cel = wsCustomers.Range("C:C").Find(What:=Range("C4").Value, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=True)
If Cel Is Nothing Then
Prompt = "There is no match for the Customer Number (" & Range("C4").Value & ")."
Title = "Process Aborted"
MsgBox Prompt, vbCritical, Title
GoTo ExitSub:
End If
Row = Cel.Row
Set Cel = wsSetup.Range("A:A").Find(What:=wsCustomers.Range("A" & Row).Value, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=True)
If Cel Is Nothing Then
Prompt = "There is no Workbook Path setup for this Region (" & wsCustomers.Range("A" & Row).Value & ")."
Title = "Process Aborted"
MsgBox Prompt, vbCritical, Title
GoTo ExitSub:
End If
Path = wsSetup.Range("B" & Cel.Row).Value
If Trim(Path) = "" Then
Prompt = "There is no Workbook Path setup for this Customer Number (" & Range("C4").Value & ")."
Title = "Process Aborted"
MsgBox Prompt, vbCritical, Title
GoTo ExitSub:
End If
On Error Resume Next
Set Wkb = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=Path, UpdateLinks:=False)
On Error GoTo 0
If Wkb Is Nothing Then
Prompt = "The workbook for this Customer Number (" & Range("C4").Value & ") could not be opened." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Path: " & Path
Title = "Process Aborted"
MsgBox Prompt, vbCritical, Title
GoTo ExitSub:
End If
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Aug 10, 2014
I have a range of columns i.e. 23 columns (i.e. B through X). Someone can write records in these columns (starting from B21).
Duplicates are considered the rows with similar data in columns 3 and 11. I know about the removeduplicate method and works really well but i want the duplicates not to be removed. Instead another column shall be checked for date of entry (user will entry date in format dd/mm/yyyy). The newest entry will change the value of the cell in column 4 (islatest column)to TRUE while all other records will be FALSE. This will work with the filtering of data on a pivot table on another worksheet.
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Oct 7, 2008
I have 2 columns A and B.
There are 1000 records in column A and 500 records in column B.
I would like to compare both columns for duplicate entries and deleting all instances of those record in both columns, leaving behind records that were not duplicated to begin with in their respective columns.
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Jul 15, 2009
I have a spreadsheet with a column of records (text ) from B1:B4000. I would like to delete the entire row of the duplicate record. Overall data set range is (A1:I4000). This spreadsheet may contain more than 1 duplicate record. Is there in easy fix?
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Mar 30, 2009
I have a single-column list. The column header is 'ID'... records within this column repeat sometimes (this is ok). I need a worksheet function that will allow me to mark the second, third, or fourth duplicate, but leave the first duplicate alone or unmarked. I have searched the Web and this forum, and came up empty. If this cannot be done with a worksheet function, then VBA is welcome. No ColorIndex.
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Nov 22, 2009
I'm having trouble getting this piece of macro to work. I want to delete duplicate Id records in (Cell B12 : B124), but only those with "No" in the (Cell Z12 : Z124) will be deleted.
B12 Z12
E1 Yes
E2 Yes
E3 Yes
E4 Yes
E1 No
E2 No
E3 No
E4 No
Expected results:
E1 Yes
E2 Yes
E3 Yes
E4 Yes
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May 8, 2008
In Column A, is gender: male/female
In Column B, is name: Bob, Jon, Mary, etc
In Column C, is salary: $40, $30, $20, etc.
In column B, there will be instances where a name might appear more than once. I want to be able to do a sumif formula of Column A and Column C, but not include any records where a name in column B is listed more than once. Is there a way to do this?
1 Male Bob $50
2 Female Jane $30
3 Female Kate $20
4 Male Mike $30
5 Male Bob $50
So if I wanted to sum all male salaries above, it would be $80, not $130.
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Nov 14, 2006
I have a spreadsheet with 2 columns of about 2900 records. about half of the records are duplicates. How can I eliminate the duplicate records?
ID / ID#
2 3456789
2 3456789
3 5678987
3 5678987
4 1122334
4 1122334
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Dec 12, 2012
My spreadsheet has more than 200 columns and 5000 rows of data and blanks. When I select all columns and rows and remove the duplicates, 6 records are removed. I need to only keep and be able to identify those 6 records. I could use something like =IF(COUNTIF($A$2:A2,A2)=1,1,0) if I had only few columns that would identify dups but since there are so many columns it would be prodigious job to create one formula for each column and filter through 200.
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Jun 30, 2014
I am using the following code to remove duplicate records from a sheet:
[Code] ....
It successfully removes the duplicates (based on Columns A and B), however it is changing the formatting of the cells and messing with the conditional formatting I have on the sheet.
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Jan 31, 2012
i have data as ( name , Father name ,CNIC, and there salaries , but there is repeating in this data so i want to add their salaries to one name and delete duplication , it should be done in excel. this data is so long .
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Nov 21, 2012
I have following data on my excel sheet.
man ....
john ......
10 man cells are there, and 20 john cells are there.
I need 10% of this data.
It means 1 man, 2 john.
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Apr 12, 2013
I have spent the last couple hours compiling a large amount of data. I have a list of websites, each have a number of visits and transactions. The list is many thousands strong so i have a huge amount of data to work with but there are a lot of duplicate sites. See below, I have taken a snapshot of some of it:
I've highlighted a duplicate example.
Would it be possible across the entire data set to sum all of the duplicate rows into one. So, for the 3 shown, to be reduced to one row with 228 visits and 2 transactions?
And to do it quickly? As I could go through them manually but I don't have to time to go through 10,000 rows.
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Aug 20, 2008
Wondering if there is a way, script-wise or formula-wise that will look through a table and find duplicates but not just any duplicates, it has to match a certain criteria.
For example, I have a column for UPC and Vendor#. I have my table sorted by vendor (all 159 of them in one table) I want to find out whether a UPC appears more than once for a vendor.
UPC --- Vendor
11254 135
11251 135
11251 135
11254 9345
11251 9345
Here, as you can see, UPC 11251 appeared more than once for vendor 135. Can this be done through conditional formatting ? or a script?
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Sep 21, 2006
In my sheet I have it search for duplicate records and give those records the same id. Is there anyway to combine data into one record. For example, I have a person with a value in column Points1, on another row a value in column Points2, and another row a value in column Points3. I want take those values from the duplicate records and put them all in one record. I've attached a sample.
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Apr 4, 2009
Im trying to find out if there are any duplicate records in my spreadsheet. See look at the attached. Cell 6745 down is highlighted in green. I want to check this against all the cells above. need to write a formula so that it marks any products in the green section with duplicate (in column I) if they are in fact repeated.
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Mar 20, 2013
I have sales rep data with column headings as Sales Rep, Sales Date, Sales Item Code and Customer ID. There are only 2 sales reps in the data, I'll call them Rep A and Rep B. I need to extract rows where Rep A and Rep B have made sales on the same day to the same customer (it doesn't matter what type of sales). I don't want to extract sales by only one rep, it must be both reps on the same day to the same customer. I have tried a pivot table but it identifies all sales. Can this be done?
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Jan 28, 2014
Any way of Deleting duplicate records, using Excel 2003.
The raw data is in the form of a text string. For example:
Vehicle 123456_F_AB 280
Vehicle 123456_R_AB 147
So when I do a count of these cells, I obtain a count of 2. '=Count(A1)'. How can I easily exclude 1 of the duplicates (123456). It needs to be a user friendly solution as other people may have to run this when I'm on leave?
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Oct 16, 2008
Through a query I extract data from an oracle database. This database creates a record for every unique Article_Batch_Pallet_Faultnumber combination. Through a filter macro I create a new format on a different worksheet which creates a record for every uniqe Article_Batch_Pallet combination. I need a searchfunction to get the faultnumbers in the same row.
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Mar 27, 2008
I have a list of customers that contains duplicate records. These records ALSO include thier addresses WHICH may or may not be identical.
Example: Customer with LAST NAME in A1, FIRST NAME in B1 may be the same person as A2 and B2, however each record may have a different address in column C1 and C2 respectively.
I want to be able to filter out all duplicate customers based soley on the first and last name (data in columns A and B).
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Feb 13, 2009
I have to load the data in Sheet 3 but before I do that I have to make sure that any organisation name that already exist in either Sheet 1 or Sheet 2 should be removed from Sheet 3.
Sheet 1 has 226 Organisation Names
Sheet 2 has 62 Organisation Names
Sheet 3 has 664 Organisation Names
I do not know how to write a Macro, nor d o I know how to write code.
Can someone help with a formular or code? or is there another simple way to do it?
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Sep 15, 2006
I have an excel spreadsheet that should have one record for each artifact in a museum collection. The problem is that the museum has consolidated this information from several different sources into one spreadsheet and now there are many duplicate records. They want all the duplicate records removed so that there is just one record for each artifact, BUT there may be different pieces of information in each of the duplicate records. So I want to do the following:
- sort records based on Accession Number (column A)
- find duplicate Accession Number records
- determine which fields (columns) within a duplicate record are unique and concatenate those entries into one master record for each Accession Number
- delete the duplicate Accession Number records
In the attached sample sheet, for Accession Number 66-1-100, we have 6 duplicate records. In the columns, we have information which in some of the records is duplicated, in some it is unique and in some it is missing completely. The museum wants just one master record for each Accession Number and they want all the data from the duplicate records concatenated into one and all the duplicates and blanks discarded.
What I've done so far:............
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Feb 9, 2013
I have a created recording sheet (attached) for the purpose of recording moths. I send this sheet out to those recorders who live in my county and at the end of the year they send the filled in sheet back to me. Over time I have put safeguards onto the sheet to ensure that I get the cleanest data returned to me. However, there is still one area which is giving me problems - users entering duplicate records.
Some formula which will stop recorders from entering those duplicate records. There are many columns on the sheet which recorders have to fill in with information, but as far as the duplicate records are concerned it is where the same information is entered into columns C, F and J that I'm having a problem with. It would be great if, when the same information was entered in these columns that the affected cells were highlighted in some way and if an error message appeared saying 'Duplicate record, either delete or alter grid reference'
I have entered two test duplicate record on the 'macro moths' sheet of the attached file : Test Recording sheet.xls
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Feb 17, 2014
i have to removed the duplciate records with older dates. The date column is made up of date and time.
IDExpiry Date
1202 Mar 2013 12:57:04
1220 Apr 2013 10:49:24
5020 Apr 2013 10:57:06
5021 Oct 2013 07:20:54
5024 Oct 2013 08:41:56
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Mar 26, 2009
I got a formula from this forum to eliminate duplicate records in a array from 1 column in database. Now I would like to take it one step further and filter out records in the array that do not meet the criteria of being in a particular "Zone" selected by the user by clicking on a ComboBox from cell "AA18".
The first formula is copied to cell "C7":
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Aug 29, 2013
I have a workbook with a list of new contacts in one sheet, and a list of old contacts on another sheet.
I want to run a duplicate check throughout the workbook to highlight and delete any contacts on my new list, that have already been contacted on my old list.
Also, I need the the duplicate checker to check for non specific names, regardless of punctuation, upper/lower case, etc.
I need to to highlight all of the following variations as possible duplicates which i can then review & delete manually;
Apple Corp,
Apple Ltd
What I can use to do this?
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Jun 18, 2009
Hi guys/gurls.. is there a way i can get the following check against range for orders which give result as invoiced(if within the range), duplicated(if 2 or more than 2 are on the orders list) & missing (which on not in the orders when checked against the range).
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Feb 2, 2009
I have written some code which asks the using for a name, selcet's a sheet, copy's the sheet, rename's the copied sheet then hide's the original sheet and makes the copied sheet with new name active.
My problem is that I need some sort of code to check for sheets with duplicate names and if true ask the user to rename the sheet or maybe delete the sheet.
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Jul 19, 2012
I've been assigned to develop a workbook that autopopulates a different workbook but they wanted it so the second macro is never messed with and the information is only entered once. Here is the macro i developed
Sub Monthly()
Dim wbthis As Workbook
Dim wsthis As Worksheet, wsm As Worksheet
Now The area in red is where the macro writes into the form. My thing is that I want to set up a check so there isn't duplicated entries. This is how the check would work. First it would match up any excisiting entries with JobNo and then check to see if the JobDate was the same. If both are the same then it would check Waste or CutTime, either one would work. If they didn't match, then those cells would be overwritten. If nothing matched then it would put in the new entry.
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Oct 29, 2008
I want to Check the Duplicate Name in the Excel Sheet Using VB Macros
****** name="ProgId" content="Word.Document">****** name="Generator" content="Microsoft Word 11">****** name="Originator" content="Microsoft Word 11">
If the 1 nd Row Contains Name as " 101 Calif " and the Value For Vb is 77
2 nd Row Contains the Same Name "101 Calif " and the Value for this is 2.
Now I want the Output As Follows
101 Calif and Column 3 values is 79(77+2) and Column 5 Value is 105 and Column 7 Value is 105 and Column 9 is 100 and Column 11 is 3 and Column 13 th Value is % Value . (10+30/2 = 40/2= 20 )
***** http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">****** name="ProgId" content="Word.Document">****** name="Generator" content="Microsoft Word 11">****** name="Originator" content="Microsoft Word 11"> Vendor
Actual YTD Annualized
2007 Actual Difference % Change.........................................
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