
Feb 3, 2010

I have 2 columns, one has UPC which are sometime duplicated but the number associated with it in the next column could be the same or different. I need to identify which duplicate UPCs have different numbers, if they are the same I don't really care.

01030088834524need to identify
01116101270212don't care
0111610141268need to identify

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Pivot Table To Not Count Duplicates - But Show Duplicates When Click Into It

Aug 24, 2011

In short, I would like a pivot table to only count unique values, but when I click into the pivot I would like to show all instances of that value. For example:

I have a table of data that I am creating a pivot table from. There are fields for Customer ID, Task Name, Age, and Notes. There will be multiple records for a single Customer ID each time it has new notes.

I would like to create a pivot table that has Task Name in the Row Labels, Age in the Column Labels, and count of Customer ID in the Values, so that, for example, I can see how many accounts have been in the Design task for 2 days. However, when I do this it counts each record, but I would like it to count each unique Customer ID. Also, when I click into the pivot, instead of pulling up one line per Customer ID, I would like it to pull up each instance of Customer IDs in that Task Name/Age combination (similar to doing a DISTINCT in SQL).

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Count Duplicates And Duplicates With Suffix As One Instance

Mar 23, 2014

I have a list of isometric drawing numbers ending with a [underscore]weld number e.g. 1692-SG-0040-04_05.

Some welds are repaired--in that scenario the amended weld number will be 1692-SG-0040-04_05R1, and even 1692-SG-0040-04_05R2 if repaired for a second time.

On occasion a weld may be cut out entirely and a new weld done. The weld number for that will be 6317-FG-1690-02_06C1.

And here's a wrinkle I've just verified...a cut weld may also be repaired so the weld number will look like 1698-SG-0077-01_04C1R1.

Is there a formula to count these as one weld:

This as one weld:

...and this as one weld:

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Excel 2010 :: How To Count Duplicates Of Duplicates

Jan 24, 2012

I am having trouble creating a function to count duplicates of duplicates.

An example of the data table 1 is:

Product 1 2nd
Product 1 2nd
Product 1 New
Product 1 New
Product 1 Flt
Product 2 2nd
Product 2 New
Product 2 New
Product 2 Flt
Product 2 Flt
Product 3 2nd
Product 3 2nd
Product 3 2nd
Product 3 New
Product 3 Flt

I created a new table (table 2) and made a list of all the Products on table 1 and removed the duplicates. I now have 3 columns with titles New, 2nd and Flt as follows:

New 2nd Flt
Product 1 XX XX XX
Product 2 XX XX XX
Product 3 XX XX XX

I am trying to count the duplicates for each product (XX), but I can't seem to work it out. I've tried the MS help function, but unsure of the actual formula I need to be using.

I am using Windows 7 and MS Office 2010.

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Identify Duplicates On Sheet 2 And Populate Number Of Duplicates On Sheet 1?

Apr 8, 2014

I'm trying to Count duplicate text on sheet 2 and populate the number of times repeated on sheet 1.

On sheet 1 I have A3:A128 and would like the number of times these respective cost centers are repeated in Sheet 2 to populate Column B of Sheet 1.

File attached.

Not sure which formula to use. I tried CountIF but didn't work with 2 sheets.

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Add Duplicates

May 19, 2009

The data is copied daily to load and duplicates are removed and new entries are copied to list sheet, by searching on the concatenation.

The problem i have is that i also want to add to the list, the row lines from the load sheet if the date changes in column G. Not really sure how yo approach this. I have attached sample data.

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Sum Without Duplicates?

Oct 12, 2013

How do I do a sum without duplicates. In column A I have a list of ID, many that repeat. how to I sum with without the duplicates?

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How To Keep Only 10 Duplicates

Mar 21, 2009

I have a bunch of phone numbers in a row and I want to eliminate duplicates of 10 for a given number. For example - 5556839898 may appear 15 times, I want to delete the 5 extra instances of that number, leaving me with a maximum of 10 duplicates. This is for an SMS voting application where the entries where supposed to be limited to 10x.

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Removing Some Duplicates

Sep 12, 2012

I am trying to organize some meteorological data for a project and I ran into a wall, basically I have 3 columns in one there is the date, in one the hour and in the third one the temperature the issue is that in the hour section i have the hour 12:00 that repeats its self , and this goes for the hole year , pretty much every day i have the hour 12:00 that repeats twice , so select for every Monday , Tuesday etc only certain hours.

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Combobox With Duplicates

Nov 29, 2012

I have a combobox on one of my worksheet, it is taking values from another worksheet and it is appearing that the values are repeated/duplicated.

VBA code to just copy the value once from the range.

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COUNTIFS Without Duplicates

May 12, 2014

I'm currently working with the formula


However I need the formula to count only one for the n possible duplicates in the Data[Name] column.

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How To Delete Both Duplicates

Apr 10, 2014

I've attached a test excel to this post. Column C contains several identical email addresses. I need ALL the rows containing the duplicate data removed, not leaving one remaining as Remove Duplicate Values normally does.

I'm going to be doing this with many Excels all with differing amounts of data surrounding column C. I need a reliable way to achieve this, regardless of how many extra data columns exist. If there is a duplicate of data in column C, all rows containing that data need to go, regardless of what other data may also be present in those rows.

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Find Last Value In Row With Duplicates?

Jul 6, 2014

I have a sheet with numbers in descending orders with duplicate in one row and their respective value in 22nd row. I want to find the2nd occurrence of that value. (max. occurrence2 is 2)

Foe example

A----B-----0---- C-----0-----D-----E

So if i lockup value "3" C should be returned (not 0) and for 2 "D"

see attached also

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Count Only Duplicates

Sep 7, 2008

I would like to be able to count only the duplicate numbers without having to put the actual number in the formula.



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Grouping Duplicates...

Feb 26, 2009

I have a table in excel that contains many rows, each row being a product. Each row has a product ID, and should be unique, but there are multiple instances of products in the table, some that are duplicate and some that contain different info (product notes, description, etc).

What I would like to do is group the products by product ID, so that I can show the different occurances of the product within each product ID, so that we can weed out the unique values within the duplicate products by ID. Is there any easy way to do that?


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Row Matching And Duplicates

Apr 23, 2009

I have a long table with duplicating id numbers but different values which i need to match. Basically the initial state is like this:

ID1 | example 1 |
ID2 | example 2 |
ID1 | example 3 |

and what i need is this:

ID1 | example 1 | example 3|
ID2 | example 2 |

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Deleting Duplicates

May 7, 2009

I m writing a formula that will highlight duplicates. I want to use the supplier code (column D) as the search criteria. can the formula identify these duplicates by entering the word 'duplicate' in column L.

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Duplicates And Averaging

May 20, 2009

Column A has approximately 50,000 rows with unique property parcel numbers. Column B has numbers that represent an elevation point on the parcel. The parcels are not level. The elevation of a parcel varies depending where one measures. So,...I have many rows with the same parcel number in column A but the adjacent column B shows a different elevation. Is there any way to:

1) remove all of the duplicate column A parcel number rows so I have just one column A parcel number row.

2) get the average of all the column B elevations to show up on the same one row?

I should only have approximately 15,000 rows if I could get rid of the duplicates and get the average elevation. I have version 2007 but I have to share with others who have version 2003. I don't know if that makes a difference but I thought I should mention it

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Show Duplicates Only

Jun 27, 2009

I have a movie list. column A is the number location i have my movie stored, and column b is the actual movie name. I backup my movies so that my kids wont destroy them. The list is around 1000. I have duplicate backups, i want to have a list of just the duplicate movie names and there locations.

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Finding Max Value In Duplicates

Jul 22, 2009

I have data that has about 10 duplicate values (UTC Time) in one column and another column with number values (depth ft) that vary. I need to obtain the maximum (highest) value in the depth column and remove the other duplicates to filter out the low values. So for the data example below for UTC 15:56:28 I only want the 5.7 row, for 15:56:29 I want5.3 row and so on. I can attach the sheet. - this is a huuge dataset so manual filtering wont work. Data is from a sonar that gives 10 depth readings per second - I only need one depth tat is the highest value.


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Checking For Duplicates

Oct 15, 2009

On the attached example i am concatenating surname with the first letter of the forename. However, what i want to add into the formula is if the answer is a duplicate of another answer in a range that these duplicates are changed to surname and full forename.

Is this possible with a formula or would it need a bit of vba programming?

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Removing Duplicates..

Oct 21, 2009

I have list of data references about 60000 of them but some are duplicated. I have used advanced filted then unique records only. So now i have just the unique records showing now. How do i copy the accounts that is just unique into a new worksheet? I tried copying it but its copying everything. I even tried using paste value but still copying everything?

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Identify Duplicates

Nov 9, 2009

I have two worksheets one worksheet contains Insurnace names and Addresses from a hospital. I need to match these up to specific Insurance codes from a billing company worksheet. The bad thing is my billing database has multiple duplicate addresses for different insurances (Yes this does happen where different Insurances have the same address-don't ask me why). So originally I did a VLOOKUP where I looked up the address from the hospital Spreadsheet and matched it to the Insurance Specific code. The pitfall to doing it this way is that it only grabs the first exact match from the Billing worksheet. Is there a way to either automatically identify the possible matches and allow me to choose which one is the exact match or how do I just identify duplicates on my billing worksheet and match them manually? I attached the worksheet.

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How To Remove Duplicates

Sep 25, 2013

I have an excel document that looks like this: Capture.JPG

I need it to look like this: Capture2.JPG

As you can see, the batch #, document #, amount, debit and credit all duplicate based on the number of debits that appear for each document #.

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Assigning Value To Duplicates

Dec 4, 2013

The first column shows the sample data. The second column is what I'm expecting.

How to assign a similar value to the duplicates and the unique ones should have the values in order


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Remove Certain Duplicates ....

Jun 29, 2009

Is it possible to scan through column A for duplicates if found delete the row that has not got any data in either column D E or F? If Duplicates are found and neither have any data in D E or F Delete all but one of the duplicates.

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Count Without Duplicates

Oct 13, 2009

In my attachment is what i'm working with. In the first worksheet tab, "NOTBA 10 09", i need it to count what's in the other worksheets, minus the duplicates.

So C4 should be referencing to H3:H21 in the 04-Edmonton worksheet. The number it should be showing is 11, however it's counting 15 because there's 5 entries for CDAU034479. Is there a way for it to basically count what's in that column, minus the duplicates?

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Duplicates In Two Columns?

Sep 27, 2011

I have two columns of data, I and M and need to find the cases where duplicates occure in I but the data in M does not match. If the data in M matches then it's ok. I have column I sorted A to Z.

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Duplicates In No Order

May 16, 2013

I'm trying to find 4 digit duplicate in any order from 0-9 in 4 different columns and because they are from 0-9 in each column it doesn't seem possible.

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Sum Without Duplicates With Other Criteria?

Nov 20, 2013

I need to do a sum with multiple criteria and that can account for duplicate entries and select the correct duplicate to add. I have a sheet with 6 columns of data: TripDate, Company, DepartureTime, BookedTravelers, TripNumber, DataEntryDate. It's just a running data dump from multiple sources and times and can therefore have duplicate entries for a specific trip but where the number of people booked has changed and I need the sum to use the most recent number (dataentrydate is newest).

TripDate Company DepartureTime BookedTravelers TripNumber DataEntryDate
10/31/13 A 15:30 10 111 10/01/13
10/31/13 B 15:30 11 999 10/01/13
10/31/13 C 15:30 12 999 10/01/13
10/31/13 A 16:00 20 222 10/01/13
10/31/13 A 17:00 30 333 10/01/13
10/31/13 A 15:30 50 111 10/15/13
10/31/13 A 15:30 40 111 10/25/13

Currently I have this in a seperate worksheet to break down the hourly loads where A2 is a date reference I can change to what date I need, and each company is listed in a different column with hours running down Column B from 0400-2200:

=SUMIFS(BookedTravelers,TripDate,Template2!$A$2,Company,Template2!J$4,DepartureTime,">=" & $B5,DepartureTime,"

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