Dynamic Validation List

Jan 30, 2007

I have a sheet (database) which has dymamic validation lists based on a another sheet called "look ups". The problem I have is When I choose any of the validation drop downs there are two blank entries at the bottom and the cursor is on the first one of these. I would like the cursor to be on the first entry in the validation list

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How To Name A Dynamic Range & Make A Validation List (of 2 Dynamic Ranges)

Dec 22, 2009

I have a range which will change in size & in content, & I want this to be a Named Range at whatever size it is.

Reason I want to is because I want to make a Validation List with this dynamic range. I also want a Validation list which lists the content of 2 or more dynamic ranges which may or may not be on the same worksheet - is this possible?

First dynamic range: called "Milestones" at A11
Second dynamic range: called "Activities" at A25
& make a Validation list that will list content of both

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Dynamic Creation Of Validation List

Jan 29, 2007

i want to create dynamic validation list in excel. The logic shd be like
this. i m fetching data from SAP on the click of execute button in sheet2. at this point of time i want to create dynamic validation list in sheet2 in row "E". and data to be filled in the list will be fetched from sheet1. i have added new named range in sheet1 called"mbe"(in sheet1!A) when user will execute excel i will feel data in sheet1 cloumn A. and i have written this code in the click of execute button :

With ActiveSheet.Range("myrange")
.Validation.Add xlValidAlertStop, , "=mbe"

.Validation.InCellDropdown = True
.Validation.IgnoreBlank = True
End With

its giving runtime error "1004" (object defined error)

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Dynamic Validation List And Indirect Function

Sep 18, 2006

I have a dynamic validation list (see attached) which will not accept the indirect function as a formula in the listbox.

Using the named range on its own works fine, but using the indirect generates an error.

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Data Validation List With Static And Dynamic Values

Apr 24, 2014

Is it possible to have a dependent validation drop box that under certain conditions automatically produces an actual value in the cell instead of a drop-down list to choose from? For example, if I choose “Holy Avenger” in the first drop box, and the value for that choice in the second drop box is always a “2”, can you get it to auto-populate in the cell occupied by that 2nd drop box (cell B5 in the attachment)? Or, are you restricted to using Lists only, meaning that you could create a List that only has the value “2” in it, and the user would be required to choose the “2” in the drop box?

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Circulating Error On Creation Of Dynamic Validation List

Aug 13, 2014

I've converted to a dynamic validation list which allows for a selection of data to be made available based on the selection of the two previous columns.

Unfortunately since creating the new validation a circulating error occurs when tabbing through the table (B) to create a new line or entry? Additionally I've found the following to occur also;

1. The payments and PO# columns converts a red shade colour?

2. The validation on Table B description column do not work while in excel online edit mode?

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List Data Validation Fails For Dynamic Ranges

Oct 1, 2009

I'm working on trying to maintain an inventory management sheet where i basically enter all the spare parts issued to vehicles. Now there are more than 700 parts dat form the components of a vehicle, so i decided to split this list into 12 spare groups(Gear, Engine, Body, Axle, etc etc..) and then based on wotever spare group being selected my sheet wud pull dat specific spare group list.
Since i've worked with indirect function before i thought this was a piece of cake!

However when i actually sat working on getting my sheet together i realised its not gonna be dat easy! Basically my spare group lists are a work in progress and so new items would/may be added to these lists as we start working on this sheet. So i decided to make them dynamic by using the offset function. But list validation fails when i use Indirect function on dynamic ranges!

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Data Validation Dynamic Sequential Numbers List

Jul 21, 2007

I am looking for a way to define a 'Data Validated' Cell to hold a List of Dynamic Sequential Numbers - from 1 to the Value of cell A4. For example:

If cell A4 has a value of 5 the 'Data Validated' List will be 1,2,3,4,5

I have tried to 'name' the Array-Formula {=ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&A4))} and put the 'name' as the List source but without success.

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Dynamic Data Validation :: Dynamic Lists

Jun 24, 2009

I have a question on the above but can't seem to find a solution. There are two ways that I can find for dealing with dynamic lists via data validation:-

1) Offset and match, cavet being the data must be sorted a-z
2) Have lists for each potential selection

Is there any way to get around 1 without having to do 2? E.g. Got two columns of data, unsorted, and a list from which the user can choose from. The user chooses from the list in first cell, in the second cell require the dynamic list to return all the values accordingly?

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How To Create Dynamic List Within Dynamic Table

Oct 31, 2013

I have a dynamic table which is linked to a couple of charts. The table must remain dynamic.

I needed to add two new columns to the table, "Focus Area" and "Category". I need a drop down list in the "Category" column to be dependent on the item selected from a drop down menu in "Focus Area".

I can get the first row of the dynamic table to do this.... however; subsequent rows all lock the drop down list in the "Category" column to the same choices regardless of what is chosen in the "Focus Area" list.

Is there a way to make dynamic drop downs within a dynamic table?

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Link Validation List To Another Validation List?

Jul 1, 2013

I have a list for example with two variants "YEs, "NO"..

Is there any possibility to choose YES or no in any cell an reflect the same value in another list on another sheet.

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Validation List To Depend On Another Validation List

Sep 9, 2006

I'm not sure if its possible to do what I want. I'm trying to do it without VBA as my users might have a high macro security setting.

I have a validation dropdown in A2 where they pick 'yes' or 'no' for FLSA. I would like B2 to be a dropdown (validation, listbox, whatever) that would change based upon A2. If A2 is 'yes' I want to use the data in A5:B7 and if its 'no' use A10:B12. Ultimately I want B2 to equal one of the numbers from A5 - A7 or A10 - A12. However when they click on the drop down they see the combo of column A and columb B as column A has no meaning for the user.

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Dynamic Data Validation From Other Worksheets?

Aug 4, 2014

Sheet A - The user input form. There is a column which needs data validation. I want it to look at Sheet B and ONLY accept values based on a column value from the other sheet

Sheet B- Contains the list we want the data validation from. One column is considered the lookup value, while the other is what we want the user to be selecting from.

Here is an example list:

Predecessor Entity Key---- Item ID
2659407------------------- SHELL - SOUTH TOWER
2659407------------------- MARKING / LABELING
2659407------------------- FOUNDATIONS & SUPPORTS
2659410------------------- UPPER HEAD - NORTH TOWER
2659410------------------- FOUNDATIONS & SUPPORTS
2659410------------------- LOWER HEAD - SOUTH TOWER

So, in Sheet 1, if one of the triggering values is 2659407, I want my data validation to ONLY Allow the first 3 values from the Item ID column.

The issue I am having is using a pretty messy formula to try and produce a dynamic range for the Data Validation to use.

Here is what works:

where J4 is the lookup value/1st column depicted in our simple example

This is done on the SAME sheet. So I figure, just add "'Sheet Name'!" for the first argument in CONCATENATE. Unfortunately, this does not work. How to get this to work on an outside sheet?


Also tried:
=INDIRECT(CONCATENATE("'Profile Item Library'!",ADDRESS(MATCH(J4,'Profile Item Library'!A:A,0),2),":",ADDRESS(ROW(OFFSET(INDIRECT(ADDRESS(MATCH(J4,'Profile Item Library'!A:A,0),2)),COUNTIF('Profile Item Library'!A:A,J4)-1,0)),2)))

The error I get is that I cannot Reference other worksheets. However, If I type in ='Profile Item Library'!B1:B18 for the Data Validation argument, it works.

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Dynamic Validation Without Using Named Ranges

Nov 24, 2008

I have a question regarding dynamic validation. I have attached a sample spreadsheet to clarify if my explanation doesn't. I have a list of codes that map to a list of other codes that are not one to one mapping. I would like for the other users of this code to populate what the correct code on our side is but without having to go thru the entire list in a validation field. (if that makes since)

Using validation before in a similar instance i used indirect to grab a named range to help shorten the list for them. However in this case that would be a ton of ranges i would have to set up! I've tried Match, countif and index in an offset formula in the validation list but can never get it to work!

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Dynamic Data Validation Dropdowns

Dec 17, 2013

I need to setup a dropdown list (I already have the dropdown created) so that once a value in the list is used, it disappears from the list. Now for the monkey wrench...It need to completely re-populate once the list that is being generated from it is cleared.

I also need to copy a value from one sheet to another sheet, however, the location needs to be matched with a corresponding value from the first sheet. Hopefully it will be easier to understand within the workbook (I feel like I'm not explaining it well).

I have attached a sample copy of the workbook and what I am trying to accomplish.


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Data Validation For Dynamic Numbers

Dec 2, 2006

I am looking for a solution for my problem: I work for a bus company, I need a spreadsheet where I will record the bus numbers into a sheet but I only want to be able to add the number once ie. error if duplicate bus entered. Also the numbers will change from time to time, old buses sold when new ones arrive. I have the following code that someone helped me with wich works fine provided you don't have to change the numbers.

=And(Or(And(E42>=121,E42<=125),And(E42>=149,E42<=156),And(E42>=320,E42<=363),And(E42>=700,E42<=799),And(E42>=800,E42<=991)), COUNTIF($B$3:$E$46,E42)<2)

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Dynamic Linked Validation Lists

Jan 21, 2008

I have a spreadsheet where I keep all records of all the rock climbing I have done.

I am after a way of choosing a climbing area either by data validation or combo box (already set up as a named range) and then the climb names available in another validation list shows only those from that particular climbing area.

From what I have seen from various web sites it seems the climbing area names need to be in a unique list (is this correct). My sheet looks like the following:

Column A | Column B (climbing area) | Column C (climb name)
Date | Mt Arapiles | Agent Orange
Date | Mt Arapiles | Auto Da Fe
Date | Morialta | Asgard
Date | Morialta | Al Sirrat
Date | Buckaringa Gorge | Agent Orange

The name in the climbing area column will be repeated often.

The climb name should be unique to each climbing area, but the climb name my be repeated in another climbing area.

The climbing areas are anamed range on a separate worksheet.
The details of the climbs has all the details of the climb i.e. the Climb Name; Climbing Area (VLookup); Grade ; Distance ; Single or Multi Pitch ; Lengths of each Pitch.

I already have a working example of the spreadsheet (220KB) but it currently works backwards i.e. I use validation to find the climb name and then this uses the INDEX function to return the climbing area.

I would like to be able to choose the climbing area and then the next available choices would be limited to that climbing area.

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Dynamic Data Validation :: Climbing Records

Jan 24, 2008

I have a spreadsheet that I use to store my rock climbing records.

how to create Dependent Validation for this spreadsheet.

The spreadsheet has three worksheets:
1. Climbing Area
This is a unique list of various rock climbing areas.
Data in column A only

2. Climb Details
This is where all the details of the climb e.g. pitch lengths, grade, etc are recorded. Column called Climbing Area uses a named range validation from the Climbing Areas) sheet.

Climbing Area data validation in column A and Climb Name in column B, grade, pitch lengths in other columns.

3. Dates & Pitches
This is where I record the date I did the actual climb. Once again the Climbing Area uses data validation from the Climbing Area worksheet.

What I am trying to work out is how I can get the next column Climb Name to be dependent upon the previous column. For example if I select a climbing area of Mt Arapiles, I only want those climbs from the Climb Details worksheet that a recorded as being at Mt Arapiles.

Column A is date when climb done. Column B is data validation from Climbing Area. Column C is Climb Name (would like this dependent upon column B.

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Return A Dynamic Column Via Data Validation

Feb 2, 2010

I am a personal trainer/strength coach, and i use excel to write my workout programs.

To save time in writing programs i have made lists of all of my exercises in a separate workbook. I have them all linked via data validation in drop down lists to different templates for different populations ;weight loss, injury prevention, sports performance, ect. And it has been working great!

However here is my problem, I would like to be able to return an entire list of an exercise circuit with one drop down list and have it input all the exercises in cells below the drop down list.

So for example i have three columns on a separate sheet.

Column one

Circuit A
exercise 1
exercise 2
exercise 3

Column two

Circuit A
exercise 4
exercise 5
exercise 6

Column Three

Circuit A
exercise 7
exercise 8
exercise 9

In cell A1 i want a drop down list that that has circuit A, B, C,

using the drop down list if i pick circuit A it will return exercise 1, 2, 3 in the cells A2, A3, A4, receptively.

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Dynamic Named Range As Validation Lists

Nov 13, 2006

In the attached example I have a column of data on worksheet 2. Extra rows will frequently be added and removed from the column. I want to use that column of data to populate a validation drop down box for a whole column of cells on sheet 1. (Target cells coloured yellow for demonstration purposes)

I dont want the validation drop down to be full of blank rows so I set up a dynamic named range to refer to the column on Sheet2. It all works really well...but...only for cell D6 on sheet 2. It doesnt work on any of the other target cells on sheet 2 or on sheet 1. I have been looking at this for far too long and it has begun hurting my brain.

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Data Validation List Automatically Show The First Item In The List Rather Than Showing Blank

Jun 20, 2008

I can't seem to find a way to make a data validation list automatically show the first item in the list rather than showing blank.

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Named List: Data Validation To Restrict The User To Only Selecting Values In A List

Jun 15, 2007

I'm trying to use data validation to restrict the user to only selecting values in a list which I create. Right now, the list is a named range. I'd like to get rid of the range and just use a named list. I create a name using the following as my list.

Insert > Name > Create
Name: Fruit

Refers to:

When I try to use the name Fruit in my data validation, I get the message "The List Source must be a delimited list, or a reference to single row or column." I thought my name "fruit" was a delimited list.

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Dependent Data Validation With Dynamic Named Ranges?

Aug 7, 2014

I am unable to use dependent data validation lists using the INDIRECT function when the initial named range is a dynamic one.

See attached.

The named ranges 'Men','Women','Children' are all dynamic based on number of entries in each column order to accommodate a growing list, whilst also not having blanks in the dropdown (hence I haven't used entire column ranges). The named range 'test' is a static one.

Column H has a dependent data validation based on entry in Col G. This works for the static list, but not the dynamic one!

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Dynamic Data Validation To Determine SUM Related Output?

Dec 2, 2013

Trying to set up a dynamic data validation, where each of the subsequent data validation boxes change based on the selection in the first data validation box (while maintaining 4 parameters within a cell, except for the last one).

I have used the IF-statements to determine the "Week's SUM" in H5.

What I'd like to do next is to determine a formula in the "Week's SUM" cells (H6,H7,H8) based on the choices in data validation boxes "Week #" (G6,G7,G8) with the following rules in place:

1. If I made a choice in G5 to be "1" which caused data validation in cell G6 to update, then in G6 I choose "2", the output in H6 should be just week 2's value of 20 (not the sum of week 1 and 2).

2. However, if I choose "3" in G6 (after I chose "1" in G5, as above) then I'd like the output in H6 to be the SUM of week's 2 AND 3, if that makes sense and so on. (e.g. If I chose "5" in G6, then output in H6 should be the SUM of week's 2 AND 3 AND 4 AND 5).

Same rules apply for H7 and H8. I have a feeling this may involve MATCH function and INDIRECT or SUMIFS but how to approach this.

I've attached a file : Dynamic DV and Dynamic SUMS.xlsx‎

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Data Validation Error Alert Dynamic Text

Jun 23, 2014

I'm using Data Validation for various fields in a form and I'm trying to make it user friendly by adding Error Alert conditions and text explaining why the error has occurred. I also want the form to be translatable into other languages.

For some VBA message boxes that get displayed I can put the English text in some hidden cells and that can be translated easily by someone without access to the code. But I cannot figure out how to make the Data Validation Error Alert messages point to a cell so that they are also translatable without forcing the translator to open each Data Validation dialog.

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Dependant Validation Lists With Dynamic Named Ranges

Jun 18, 2008

in a sheet I have two cells using data validation and dropdowns - the source for the first cell is a static named range - no problems. The source of the second cell is dependent on the value in the first cell and the sources are dynamic named ranges.
The dynamic ranges in cell#2 is named according to the value in cell#1 and I therefore have referenced the ranges using the INDIRECT function - but this only works with static ranges.

In the data validation source field for cell#2 I have the following formula:

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Created Validation Drop-down List - Can I Make The Row Now Change To The Colour That Relates To The Selection From The List

Jan 13, 2009

I am trying to create a fairly simple spreadsheet with about 8 columns and about 400 rows. One of the columns features a drop-down list with about 8 or 9 different options. Dependant on which option is selected, i would like the entire row to change colour with that option.

For example:
FAILED - whole row changes red
SUCCESSFUL - row has no fill
Tested - row changes to orange


Is this possible within Excel 2003?

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How To Get Unique List From A Column To Data Validation Dropdown List

Oct 28, 2011

I'm looking for a way to get a unique list from a column to a data validation drop down list. Any fancy formula or vba script to create a UDF which. Does this?

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Excel 2007 :: Data Validation List Depend On Another DV List

Apr 29, 2012

I have a List of Different Fruits in Cells A1 to A5


And I use data validation list in 5 different cells from Cells C1 to C5 then in every cell the list will show all the fruits,

But I want that if I select Any Fruit in cell C1 that should not be included in the remaining 4 cells, and the fruits selected in Cells C1 and Cell C2 should not be included in the remaining 3 cells and so on....

I Used the formula


But this works fine if I select Apple in the Cell C1, then the List of C2 Shows all Fruits other than Apple, But if in Cell C1 I select any fruit other than Apple it does not work... (Using Excel2007 & Win XP)

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Validation List Based On Named Range Not Restricted To List

Dec 15, 2007

I am attempting to use a named range as my Validation data source but have two questions:

1) It seems when you use a named range as a source the user can enter in any data they want in that cell. I really only want the user restricted to the list I give them. If I enter the list manually in the source box then it works but I really want to use a named range

2) My range is fixed to 10 cells and the user can enter in as many variables as they want (up to ten). When a user clicks on one of the cells that the validation is set to read the range the user has to always scroll to get to the top. When selecting the cell Ecel always defaults to the bottom choice in the list. I want to minimize the VBA because Mac users will be using this and VBA seems to be touchy with macs.

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