Dynamic Setting Of X Axis Minimum Value?

Jul 7, 2014

I have a graph where dates are shown on the x axis. I would like the date range always to start on the date when I am updating the chart, e.g. sourced from a cell with formula =now().

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Maximum & Minimum Axis Values From Chart

Nov 20, 2009

how I get the maximum and minimum values of the axis from and excel chart? What I mean is I want to specify a chart, and output in the same excel worksheet the values for the maximum and minimum of the two axis.

I have tried various searches, but cannot come up with the answer, although I have a sneaky suspicion it in here somewhere.

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Determine Minimum Scale Value Of Chart Axis

Dec 14, 2007

how to get the min value scale value off a graph when .MinimumScaleIsAuto = True?
The reason I ask is that I want to make my baseline for the graph that min number so that names from the x axis are not sitting in the middle of the graph. Incognito Auto Merged Post;I feel real bright...just playing around I found my answer...

With .Axes(xlValue)
.MinimumScaleIsAuto = True
.MaximumScaleIsAuto = True
.MinorUnitIsAuto = True
.MajorUnitIsAuto = True
.Crosses = xlCustom
.CrossesAt = .MinimumScale
.ReversePlotOrder = False
.ScaleType = xlLinear
.DisplayUnit = xlNone
End With

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Setting Y-Axis Min & Max According To Worksheet Values

Jan 30, 2009

i want to set the minimum to be 20 less than the minimum value in the data, and the max to 20 more than the max value of the data.

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Automatically Setting X Axis Value For Gantt Chart?

Sep 26, 2013

I have created a pseudo Gantt chart in Excel (a horizontal stacked bar chart). The chart is driven off data I have in a Power Pivot model (Auto Refreshed) and the Gantt chart displays data which spans a fixed 12 hour time frame.

The problem I am having is that in order for me to get the chart to display correctly I must manually (daily) get the excel decimal values for my Minimum DateTime and Maximum DateTime and then enter those numbers into the "AXIS Options" Bounds Minimum and Maximum value fields. I would like to automate that process so that the Axis Bounds are either driven from the data cells OR are always set to a specific 12 hour window 6pm->6am daily.

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Using Scroll Bar To Modify Axis Of Chart - Maximum And Minimum Values By Default?

Sep 22, 2013

how to link axis properties with a scroll bar (two scroll bars).

The idea is to be able to modify the maximum and minimum values for the axis in case there are outliers which might cause problems by analyzing the chart.

The Guideline in the scroll bar should be set to its maximum (all the way up) by Default, meaning that if there chart behaves itself well there is no need to change its axis values.

The same applies for the minimum guideline of the scrollbar but it should be sent all the way down by Default.

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Dynamic Range Setting

Oct 22, 2009

This should be easy ... can't figure it out. If I want a formula that wants to perform an action (NPV, but I don't think that matters) on the cell directly above and the next "X" (say 20 cells/years of cash flow) to the right of it, how can I set it up so that I can copy the formula across as well as change "X".

(Obviously, it's easy to select a 20 cell range and copy it across ... but what if I want the length of the range to by dynamic (ie I want to switch to a 40 year NPV instead of a 20 year)?)

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Setting Dynamic Folder Path?

Sep 6, 2013

I made an excel document for my boss with the list of the furniture in an flat that we will rent. The document will be signed by the the guest of the apartment and will be used if anything at the end of the renting period is ruined or is missing. It's kind of insurance. The problem is that next to the cell with the list of furniture I made a list of hyperlink connected to the photos of the furniture. Everything is working on my computer where the photos are in a folder that is contained in "documents" but as soon as I try it in another computer placing the folder again in the document folder it doesn't work. It says "the file is missing". I just realized that I need a dynamic path but today I have to handle the excel file and I don't know how to do it and to change the path of every link with just few clicks I have no time to change photo by photo (there are like 300 pictures).

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Dynamic X Axis Based On Values

Dec 3, 2011

I am trying to make a chart based on the following values (for example) The X axis values are week numbers, the chart X axis must stop at Week 4, the data range still contains all these cells, but the chart will only show cells with values, If i'll put a value in Week 5, the chart will auto-expand itself to include week 5 too.

Week # | Value
Week 1 | 1
Week 2 | 2
Week 3 | 3
Week 4 | 4
Week 5 |
Week 6 |

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Create Chart With Dynamic X And Y Axis?

Aug 12, 2012

I am trying to create a horizontal bar chart with a product code data set. The number of codes will increase over time. For each product code there may it may not be a sales value and that sales value will increase over time. I am trying to plot the product codes on the y axis and sales value in the x axis.

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Dynamic Chart With Two Parameters On Y Axis?

Aug 28, 2013

We're making a dynamic chart based (picture below) on test scores from neuropsychological tests ("IQ tests"). The chart displays median, min and max scores of several tests that are clustered on the X-axis into 9 domains (each containing several tests). The Y-axis display the results in T-scores ("T-Skarer") (kind of percentile rank). The chart is dynamic. If a person only have scores around the T=50 (50th percentile), the Y-axis adapts to this (no fixed values). But what we need in addition to the T-scores on the Y-axis are z-scores (standard deviations).

My question: Is it possible to incorporate an additional dynamic Y-axis with standard deviation (next to the T-score columns)? (the z-scores are eqvivalent to percentiles, but have different values.

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Setting Multiple Dynamic Print Ranges

Nov 18, 2008

So I've tried this a few different ways and every time I get the 1004 error: "Unable to set PrintArea property of PageSetup class"

Basically I have a macro that goes through a workbook to hide certain rows and columns based on some user inputs. After doing this I would like to set up appropriate print areas on certain sheets so that when you go to print anything it comes out clean. I thought this would be easy but I'm stuck.

The Plans variable in the code below is an integer from the user input. Think of this code as grabbing two separate boxes and setting them as print areas, which I've know I can do manually because I've tried it.

What's wrong with the following code?? (I've also tried using the union function here, to no avail)

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Charts - Dynamic Change Of Where X And Y Axis Cross

Oct 4, 2013

There is POLICY statement that determine an what ACTION should be applied to a paticular building given a score for "LIFE" & "RISK" which results in varing policies A-D. (The Policy intervention points differs slightly for varing types of building. This excel sheet works just fine, and provides the correct guidance for our engineers by suggesting Policy A-D on input of tbuilding type and LIfe/Risk score. However the Policy is a guide, and they do need to apply a level of judgement with the data close to intervention points.

My Question,

I would like to provide further graphical representation to aid decision making. I have a graph plots the X Axis ( LIFE) 0-100, and y Axis (risk) 0-5 and show the , but what i need to be able to do is dynamically adjust the position where the x&y axis cross, so showing visually the intervention point when different building types are selected.

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Changing Values Of X-axis, And Descending Order Axis(x-axis)

Feb 8, 2009

Two questions:

1) How do make values on x-axis as words? E.g. apples, oranges, etc.

2) Is it possible to have the numbers on x-axis in descending order? If I can figure out 1), I can do this as well, but it would be nice to know if it is possible to have the numbers on x-axis in descending order.

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Minimum Function In VBA: Find The Minimum Cumulative Cost In Week 0 Out Of The First Three

Jan 4, 2010

Attached is a print screen. I'm struggling with using the min function in vba. I want it to find the minimum cumulative cost in week 0 out of the first three, and the copy the permutations of it (1,0 or 1, 1 , e.t.c.) to Week one column C & D of the model.

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Create Chart With Names In Vertical Axis And Values In Horizontal Axis?

Mar 1, 2014

I have a spreadsheet with golfers handicaps, golfers names down the left in column A in rows 3-35. Row 2 has the event numbers titles 1 to 18 (18 events in a year). i need a graph that has the person as the vert axis and the horizontal axis needs to be the event numbers, so i can read down for the person and across to see how there handicaps change from each different event. i have attached the data below.

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Excel 2007 :: Primary Category Axis Title Rotates With Rotated Value Axis Titles

May 13, 2014

I've put together code to construct a chart

It all works fine but I've noticed an odd quirk which I can't explain nor can I seem to fix. Here's the (reduced) code :

Dim appExcel As Object ' Excel Application
Dim chtPareto As Object ' Chart
Set appExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set chtPareto = appExcel.Charts.Add
With chtPareto
' Primary category axis


The category (x) axis title should be horizontal, whereas the value (y) axis title should be rotated. Stepping through the code, when I .SetElement for the category axis title, it appears horizontal as planned. However, as soon as I .SetElement for the rotated value axis title, the category axis title also rotates.

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Draw Log Chart Or Edit Axis Intervals And Starting Axis Value

Apr 20, 2007

I have some numeric data that has to be put on a log chart. but there is no option for log charts. so i converted my data to log and then drew a chart but i am unable to edit the axis intervals and starting axis value. whenever i change the value it gets back to its default value,ie 1. can anyone tell me how to draw log chart or how to edit axis intervals and starting axis value?

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How To Create Engineering Graph With Two X Axis And Single Y Axis

Dec 10, 2012

I need to create a graph with a 2 x axis and a single y axis. For example:

Pressure ( PSIA) Solubility (mol %) Velocity (m/s)
200 0.024 1
300 0.036 1.2
400 0.041 1.8

I need the two x axis to be pressure and solubility and the y axis to be velocity, with the data being demonstrated by a single plot (I have only managed it with two plots which does not demonstrate solubility's relationship to pressure ).

For example at a pressure of 200 PSIA (lower x-axis) and solubility of 0.024 mol % (upper x-axis) velocity was found to be 1 m/s.

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Find Minimum SUM If No Minimum Number In Row

Dec 24, 2009

I want in A1 to find minimum SUM if no minimum number in row.

Here is example attached: ...

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Graphing 2 Distinct X Axis Variables On Same Y Axis

Mar 26, 2014

I am trying to reproduce a graph similar to this: [URL] ....

How to get the Y axis in the center and two distinct bar charts on either side.

Sample data can be found here: [URL] ....

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Second Category Axis & Value Axis To Current Chart

Sep 27, 2006

how to incorporate another category and value axis to my existing chart.

1. I need to add a rank axis derived from my data column (C6-C15). This column should rank from highest to lowest and create a tie if any number is repeated. I have arranged the rank column in cells B38:L38 as they would appear. I would like this to appear on the top or bottom of the bar graphs.

2. Second I need to add the frequency of hits which = 3 derived from cell J1 This should appear on the chart were it is currently titled. This should create another bar graph colored green and labeled 3.

3. Lastly the numbers axis can remain the same as it appears on the chart or if it would be better to align as shown in cells B43:L43.

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Horizontal And Vertical Chart Axis As Value Axis

Jan 26, 2008

What is the best way to have both horizontal and vertical axis as value axis?

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Plotting Data With Two X Axis And 1 Y Axis

Dec 19, 2013

I have a data set that is a spectrum of (y)intensity vs (x)energy I was wanting to add an additional X axis at the top of the graph showing the wavelength conversion for the energy value, is that possible in excel? and if so how?

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Bar Graph With Values On Left Vertical Axis And Percentages On Right Vertical Axis

Jan 19, 2012

how do you create a graph with a field such as vendors on the X-axis, but with dollar values spent on the left side of the y-axis and percentage of total dollars spent on the right side vertical axis?

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If Minimum Below Zero Then Return Minimum

May 19, 2007

I have had a lot of luck finding what I need from the search areas, and I even found some information on the formula I am trying to build. The problem is I don't understand it and I need some help. First let me set it up for you. (I do not know the formula)

If cell L125 is has a value >0.00, I need to locate the smallest value the range of cells C125:F125, I then need to subtract L125 from that number, otherwise enter nothing.

This really has me baffled. I tried and I tried but it will not find the smallest value then subtract L125.

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Add Right Axis That Look Exactly The Same As Left Axis?

Jan 29, 2014

I would like to add a vertical axis to the right of my plot that looks exactly the same as the left axis. The only way I found to do this is to add a secondary axis. However this axis is based on a data series and it does not match the left axis.

How can I make the left and right vertical axis look the same.

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Getting Value On Y Axis By Putting X Axis Value

Aug 15, 2011

Any way to get the values in a chart/graph by putting an specific X axis value.

E.g. There is relation between Gauge height and Flow


If I draw the curve with Flow on X-axis and Gage on Y-axis and then want to know the flow at Gage 0.53m.


By putting flow value to know Gage height.

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How To Name A Dynamic Range & Make A Validation List (of 2 Dynamic Ranges)

Dec 22, 2009

I have a range which will change in size & in content, & I want this to be a Named Range at whatever size it is.

Reason I want to is because I want to make a Validation List with this dynamic range. I also want a Validation list which lists the content of 2 or more dynamic ranges which may or may not be on the same worksheet - is this possible?

First dynamic range: called "Milestones" at A11
Second dynamic range: called "Activities" at A25
& make a Validation list that will list content of both

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Dynamic Starting Point For Dynamic Named Ranges

Jun 21, 2009

I would like to replace the blue bit of this Dynamic Named Range (DNR) with an INDIRECT formula in order to modify the starting point for the DNR: =OFFSET(DATA!$C$60,0,0,20,1). Unfortunately, I can’t seem to get my INDIRECT formula to work in order to use it to replace the blue bit above: INDIRECT("'"DATA"'!&ADDRESS(MATCH('SHEET1'!AC8,DATA_Date,0)+22,3)"). The orange bit of the formula above returns a value of 60, therefore the ADDRESS formula should return $C$60, that can then feed into the INDIRECT and act as the equivalent of DATA!$C$60. But it doesn’t.

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