Find Minimum SUM If No Minimum Number In Row

Dec 24, 2009

I want in A1 to find minimum SUM if no minimum number in row.

Here is example attached: ...

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Minimum Function In VBA: Find The Minimum Cumulative Cost In Week 0 Out Of The First Three

Jan 4, 2010

Attached is a print screen. I'm struggling with using the min function in vba. I want it to find the minimum cumulative cost in week 0 out of the first three, and the copy the permutations of it (1,0 or 1, 1 , e.t.c.) to Week one column C & D of the model.

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Find Minimum Number In Given Set Of Numbers Without Repeats

Dec 24, 2011

So i need a way to find the minimum number in a given set of numbers without there being multiple minimums. For example if you had 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 the minimum would be 1. If however you had 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5....i want excel to recognize there are multiple minimums (two 1's) and produce a warning (i realize this probably needs to be coupled with an if statement).

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HLookup Find Minimum Number In Row Then Return Left Most Number?

Mar 1, 2012

Items in Column A1 are calculated by (B2/4+5)*1.4 Items located under the columns 2000, 3000, 4000, etc... 10,000 are calculated by taking the top number, eg 2000/(A1 cell value)+the column B number. 2000/7+0 = 286 (rounded numbers)

I need to find an way to look up for x number (2000,3000,4000, etc...) find the smallest number in that column and then return the value in column A1.

A1 Number >2000300040005000600070008000900010000
70 2864295717148571000114312861429
84 24236148059971883795610751194


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Find The Minimum Value In A Row

Apr 24, 2007

I have a spread sheet that needs to compare numbers in a row & hightlight the lowest number in each row.

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Find A Minimum Query

Jun 25, 2009

I have a set of worksheets all of which are identical and covered by first:last sheets

What I am trying to do is come to up with a minimum figure for cell G30

With the proviso that it is a minimum of 30 as some of the entries in G30 are less than that figure.

=MIN(first:last!G30) is not the answer as it gives an answer of zero.

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Find Minimum Value Corresponding To Maximum Value

Jan 16, 2010

I am having trouble with large data sets of rents by market: trying to find the peak rent in a time-series, and then look for the next trough rent in time. I tried using the Newsletter 3 techniques which feels like the right direction, but I am not getting the nesting right or some of the parameters in the functions.

So, within each time-series I need to find the MAX value (peak rent), wherever that is in the array. Then I need to look to the right of that exact MAX value and find the exact MIN value (trough rent), whereever that is in the array (again, to the right of the MAX value).

A small sample of what the data set looks like:

2008 Q22008 Q32008 Q42009 Q12009 Q22009 Q3

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If Minimum Below Zero Then Return Minimum

May 19, 2007

I have had a lot of luck finding what I need from the search areas, and I even found some information on the formula I am trying to build. The problem is I don't understand it and I need some help. First let me set it up for you. (I do not know the formula)

If cell L125 is has a value >0.00, I need to locate the smallest value the range of cells C125:F125, I then need to subtract L125 from that number, otherwise enter nothing.

This really has me baffled. I tried and I tried but it will not find the smallest value then subtract L125.

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Find Minimum Value From A Data Group

May 27, 2009

I have been trying to solve this problem for the past couple of weeks and I have not been able to do so. I have come to do the operation manually, and it really takes a lot of my time, so if you guys could help me, I would really appreciate it.

Basically the problem is this:

In column "A" I have what I call point numbers for all the data entries.

In column "B" I have the station (or location) at which I vary slightly a parameter (represented by column "E") to give me a value shown in column "D" (the "Z" value, as shown in the sheet).

So basically you can see that my station 0 has 11 different "E" parameters (0, -1, -2.62, -5, etc) and each of them has a "Z" parameter (390.76, 390.775, etc).

What I am trying to do is to come up with a table that shows a summary of the following:

A column with each of the stations (0, 20, 40, etc -- notice that I have some weird numbered stations like 411.89).

Another column with the "E" parameter corresponding to the lowest (or minimum) "Z" parameter within the station range.

And a final column with the minimum "Z" parameter corresponding to its "E" parameter, which is included in the station range

You can see in yellow the way I have been doing this and you can see that it would take me so much time to accomplish the task.

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Find Minimum With Criteria - MINIF

Dec 10, 2009

I have following problem I have some table - 2 columns - in first is text in second is value.

A 10
B 5
C 3
A 15
C 8
D 7
A 9

I need to use formula, which shows me minimal value for choosen text. I tried matrix formula like {=min(if(text table=choosen text; second column;0}, but it's not working

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How To Find Minimum Of A Range Omitting One Value

Apr 22, 2014

If I have a range of data say all numeric and range form cells A1:A20. How would I find the minimum value except A4 where A4>0?

I know I can use the 'MIN' function and highlight all the data bar A4 (min(A1:A3,A5:A20) but i was hoping for an actual way so I could later fix the column such that first A1 is the first to be omitted A2 is the second and so on.

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Find Minimum Currency Amount In A Row

Mar 20, 2007

I want to find out the minimum $ amount in a row with multiple columns but some columns will also have numbers that cannot be converted to string.

What formula could I use to only find the lowest $ amount?

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Find 2 Corresponding Values & Multiple The Minimum

Jan 10, 2008

Look in Column A and find the cell that contains "Std A 1" and the cell that contains "Std A 2".

Compare the corresponding values in Column B, and multiply the lowest value by .2
I've tried using various methods (find, if cell.value.instr) but I keep getting errors. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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Minimum Number In Cell Is 1?

Mar 20, 2014

If the result in cell i1 less than 1 to change it to 1

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Minimum Number To Display

May 27, 2012

I am looking for a simple formula that would show a minimum number of '1' if the two cells that I am multiplying together are less than '1'.

Example would be the total gasoline for a round trip is $58.65 at .24 round trips. I want it to show a minimum of '1' round trip at the cost of $58.65 and not a fraction cost of $14.08.

I am entering this formula on an iPad's Numbers app (formulas are basically the same)

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Find Minimum/Maximum Excluding Zeros

Apr 5, 2009

I have inherited some legacy templates (Standard, Leave and Exception) which cannot be changed. I need to summarise them (Total) selecting the earliest start and the latest finish. (Sample attached). The templates are 90 columns wide and about fifty lines deep so named ranges isn't practicle (I think). I'm running 2003.

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Conditional Count (Find The Minimum Value In The Range)

Dec 29, 2009

I am trying, without success, to create a formula that will refer to a column of data and do the following in one step:

1. Find the minimum value in the range, and then
2. From that minimum value, count back “up” the column the number of occurrences, including the minimum value, until a zero is reached. The zero should not be counted.

For example, if the values in A1:A6 are 1, 0, 2, -1, -2, 1, the minimum value is -2 and the count would return 3. (i.e. 2, -1 and -2)

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Find Minimum And Maximum Numbers In Table?

Oct 17, 2011

How do I find the minimum and maximum numbers in a table if I do not know the size of the table but can assume the user will choose the first cell (upper left cell) of the table and run the macro?

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Find Minimum Value In Non-successive Range Of Numbers

Nov 9, 2012

I'm looking for a formula to find the minimum value in a non successive range of numbers (excluding zero values).

My sheet contains four fields of numbers (#1, #2, #3 and #4) and than start over again with number #1, #2, #3 and #4 etc. This goes on for approx. 25 4-column blocks. A simple MIN-formula or SMALL-formula doesn't seem to do the trick as it takes all values into account, not just the #1 or #2 or #3 or #4 values.

Example (cells A1..A24):

The minimum value of #1 (excluding the zero's) would be 110, the minimum value of #2 would be 120, #3 would be 130 and #4 would be 140.

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Find The Minimum Values And Avoid Zeros

Feb 23, 2009

I have a range of values, (1,10,20,0,2,5)

I need to find the minimum values, but I want to avoid 0(zero)

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Find Minimum Value In Column Corresponding To Specific Text

Mar 10, 2009

I have a table that contains various aspects of information about customer cases, and I want to replicate a user 'picking up' the case by a simple press of a button.
Users have access to only one Country, so I want to be able to search a particular column for the lowest value, but check that the Country for that row matches the user's access. If it doesn't, I then want to find the next lowest value in the column, and this is what's perplexing me??? As mentioned, I want to click a button to trigger this, and therefore want to use VBA code.

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Getting A Minimum Number Other/greater Than Zero From A Column

Aug 25, 2009

What is the formula for getting a minimum number other/greater than zero from a column of added numbers?

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Need Cell To Display Set Minimum Number

May 24, 2014

I'm trying to analyze the pricing we get from our shipping courier. Although the courier gives us incentive discounts, they also have a minimum charge that supersedes the discount. In other words, suppose the "Minimum charge" is set at $6.24. If the published "list rate" on a package is $10 but we get a 50% discount on all shipments, instead of paying $5, we pay $6.24. Basically, between the post-discount amount and the "minimum charge" we pay whichever is greater/higher.

Now, to the Excel part: I have cells with simple formulas applying our % discount to our carrier's published list rates to calculate the resulting price (i.e, where cell A1 contains published list shipping rate and cell B1 is our discount %, so in cell C1, I have a formula: =A1*B1). I would like know how, if the result of the formula in cell C1 is less than $6.24, that the cell could display $6.24 rather than the actual result?

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Find The Minimum Distance Between Two Points Using Two Separate Lists?

Jul 5, 2011

Is it possible to find the minimum distance between two points using two separate lists of different lengths without creating separate columns of equal row sizes

? I am trying to find the shortest distance form one point to another which is a fixed value. I am using the standard distance formula: =SQRT(((X2-X1)^2)+((Y2-Y1)^2)+((Z2-Z1)^2)).

My X1,Y1, Z1, has 2,000 rows in three columns that need to be compared to find the minimum distance from my one row/column of X2,Y2,Z2.

Is there a command that could go through and use each row of the X1, Y1, Z1, while looking for the MIN of the above formula without having to create an equal amount of rows for the X2, Y2, Z2?

I know I could do it by running this out the long way and then finding the min after I do all the math but I am wondering if there is an automated way for Excel to go through and do the forumla and then only return the MIN value?

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Macro To Find Maximum And Minimum Time From The Data?

Mar 24, 2014

Daily At the end of day We receive sales files from our different teams, these files are received at different times due to difference in working shifts. I have collated last one month data and from this data I want to know the earliest and maximum time and date on which we received the files in last month, so that i can fix the receiving time for all regions.

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Lookup Functions Find The Address Of The Minimum Value In That Range

Sep 19, 2009

I have a range of cells (say A1:D8).
I wanna find the address (say $B$2) of the minimum value in that range.

This command does it but it only works on a column. it does not accept a range spanning more than one column.
this will tell me the address of the minimum value.. but in a column... I need a range of many columns.

So I tried converting things to a Table.. but it never worked. basically the MATCH command is my problem. It only accepts single-column-ed ranges.

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Find Minimum In Multiple Tables & Match To Heading

Jun 7, 2007

Referring to the post Find Min Value In Multiple Columns And Match The Header. I would like to go little bit further and see is there a way to find and match not just in multiple columns but in multiple tables (see the example)

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Determine If Whole Number Exists Between Minimum And Maximum Value?

Feb 14, 2014

I have two columns of data with a minimum value in the first column and a maximum value in the second column. What I'm trying to get is an indicator in a third column which tells me if a whole number falls at or between the minimum and maximum values. Here is a sample of my data:

A1 B1 C1
0 0.1 TRUE
0.2 0.5 FALSE
0.6 0.8 FALSE
0.9 1.2 TRUE
1.3 1.6 FALSE
1.7 2.0 TRUE

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VBA Solver: Find Minimum Value Of Cell By Changing X Cells With Constraints

Mar 18, 2009

I'm trying to use solver to find the minimum value of a cell by changing 5 separate cells. These cells are subject to a set of constraints that are formulae. On top of that I have a large number of these solve's to run (The spreadsheet is creating randomly distributed data to form a Monte Carlo simulation). Therefore I am referencing the formulas using the ActiveCell, Offset() function. For some reason when running this code none of the values are changed. Also I changed the UserFinish to false so I could see what solver was doing at each solve, It stops at the correct cell (one after the final cell) but without me having to confirm it each time.

Here is the ....

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Formula For IF There Is A Number Present Then Give Minimum Or Maximum Value?

Feb 12, 2014

I need a formula to give me a MIN or MAX value only if there is a number greater than 0 in the cell AND not alphabetical letters (as some cells do contain). I need it to return the value for that cell across about ten sheets--I have that part figured out (I think). But I keep getting a #Ref error.

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