Edit Code To Add Extra Criteria

Feb 22, 2008

How do I make this formula include searching for "ann" and "john" (in separate cells)?

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Inserting Extra Code...

Apr 7, 2009

I have an excel sheet which contains the data in blue. In another sheet I have the same data but with an extra code (red). For my question I have put both in one sheet. My problem is that I need to combine the extra code info in the sheet with the blue data. Both the blue column and first red column are identical.

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Extra Code To Hide Columns

Jul 25, 2013

Below code isnt working for "5 Metre", columns dont hide from row 24 down.

My A10 is a drop down where i select 5 or 6 or 7 metre. If i select 5 it only hides rows 22 and 23.

I think the 2nd and 3rd lines marked red are stopping the rows from hiding!

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address = "$A$10" Then
Rows("22:40").Hidden = (Target.Value = "5 Metre")
Rows("24:40").Hidden = (Target.Value = "6 Metre")
Rows("26:40").Hidden = (Target.Value = "7 Metre")
End If
End Sub

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Code To Remove Extra Spaces From Data.

Mar 22, 2007

I have a macro which opens one excel file, then copies the data into another, dead easy. However the first file is 'downloaded' from a bespoke package, where (for whatever reason) the package appends a number of spaces (" ") after data in one of the columns,

So sometimes the data will contain one, ten or more extra spaces (no telling how many) ie, it could look like "AB ", "AB ", or "AB " etc

Ideally What i need is a small bit of code that once the data has been imported to my sheet it can run and 'strip' extra spaces from the column, lets say column f, to leave all the data in this column to look like:


I am drawing a blank, any simple lines of code?

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CountIfs With Between Dates And Two Extra Criteria That Excludes Blank Cells In Another Column

Aug 3, 2013

I have been using CountIfs with a lot of luck until I added one extra criteria that it ignores.

=COUNTIFS(ADate, ">" & N$2, ADate, "=" & 10000, WBid, "" & N$2, ADate, "=" & 10000, WBid, "

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Code Change Didn't Keep Formatting Of Extra Column

Jun 1, 2014

I changed the code below to add an extra column(E) this worked. However it does not keep the formatting from the top row in column E, How can i change the code to column E to keep the top row formatting ??

Also i added a list to cell A2, but this moves down, I would like to have the selected data move down but the list stays in cell A2, Was this possible ?

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Edit VBA Vlookup Code

Jun 3, 2009

Right now i have two worksheets:
"900 - Reel"

On the "900 - Reel" sheet i have a userform ("userform4") open when double clicking a specific cell. Upon opening it uses the following code to go to sheet "OverRides" to find two specific values and imputs them into "textbox1" and "textbox2" on "userform4"

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Edit ComboBox Code

Jan 5, 2007

I have a list of worksheet names in a combobox, when selected using the drop down arrow it takes you to that worksheet. The problem is say I select "ABC" from the list and it takes me to the "ABC" worksheet but when I go back to the summary page the "ABC" is already selected in the drop down box and I cannot click it any more. Is there anyway to reset the combo box so that it goes back to the first selection of the list?

Private Sub AFISGBox_Change()
Dim strSheet As String
If AFISGBox.ListIndex > -1 Then
strSheet = AFISGBox
End If
End Sub

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Edit Undo When Using VBA Code

Jul 21, 2006

Is it possible to enable the undo command when using VBA code in a spreadsheet? Right now if someone makes a mistake it can’t be undone.

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VBA Code For Saving PDFs To Edit Name

Jun 24, 2014

I'm working on a mac and have a macro that will go through all the sheets in my workbook and save them as PDFs to a specific location.

Sub CreatePDF()
For sh = 19 To Sheets.Count
Sheets(sh).ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, Filename:= _
"/Users/mikemahoney/Desktop/Publisher Payables/Statements/June 2014" & Sheets(sh).Name & "June 2014 Revenue Share Statement" & ".pdf", _
Quality:=xlQualityStandard, IncludeDocProperties:=True, _
IgnorePrintAreas:=False, OpenAfterPublish:=False
End Sub

The part in bold is obviously where I am saving the PDFs but it is also being included in the naming of the file. Need replacing the red text in the naming of the file with the contents of cell B9? I would still like to save the PDF to "/Users/mikemahoney/Desktop/Publisher Payables/Statements/June 2014" I just don't want the file-path to be included in the name of the file.

Also, this code seems to run into errors if a sheet is hidden, hence starting at sheet 19. Any way to tweak this code to skip over hidden sheets?

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Edit Chart Code To Exit If

Oct 13, 2008

I just wonder if we can have the code to exit if G2 returns an even number, as 2, 4, 6 etc?

Sub Listbox3_Change()

If ActiveSheet.Index 1 Then Exit Sub
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

With Sheets(1)
.Unprotect "mypsw"
.Range("G2").Value = ActiveSheet.ListBoxes(Application.Caller).Value
With .ChartObjects("Chart 2").Chart.Axes(xlValue)
If VBA.VarType(Sheets(1).Range("D1").Value) = VBA.vbError Then Exit Sub
If VBA.VarType(Sheets(1).Range("E1").Value) = VBA.vbError Then Exit Sub

.MinimumScale = (Sheets(1).Range("D1") - 0)..............

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Edit Code From The Macro Recorder

Jul 25, 2006

The way i have been creating macros is by going to the tools menu.....macro....then..... record new macro.

I have a file which I have re-formatted using a macro as described above however because i receives files every month to do updates every time i open a new file and try to perform that same macro it either wont work or it wont format the correct rows.......is VBA the solution to this????

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Code To Edit Macro Security Settings

Apr 1, 2008

I need a code to change the Macro security settings of the computer where the file is opened to enable macros.

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Edit VBA Code For Lotus Note To Display Email Instead Of Sending Out?

May 28, 2013

below is the code i use to create a lotus note email.

i would like it to display my email and send it manually instead of sending out automatically.

' Open and locate current LOTUS NOTES User
Set Session = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")
UserName = Session.UserName


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VB Code To Insert Row With Certain Criteria?

Apr 27, 2014

I need a simple VB Code which will check the vale in cell A11 in a closed workbook.

If A11=Lunch insert a blank row otherwise do nothing

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VB Code For Looking Between Two Dates For Certain Criteria

Jul 2, 2014

On worksheet A I have a series of dates and a location:

Date Location
05/07/2014 Zoo
09/07/2014 Farm
12/07/2014 Cinema

This is a series of trips that are planned to occur. In order to occur there is a criteria which is recorded seperately and is coded as '1' = criteria were broken and '2' = criteria were not broken. The criteria for each trip must be met from the date of the last trip until the day before the next trip - so using the above example, to get the farm, the criteria must be met from 05/07/2014 until 08/07/2014. In practical terms, there must be no '1' in the desingated column that records the criteria - fairly simple.

But there is an allowance of one case of the criteria being broken, which is recorded seperately ('1' = allowance used and '2' allowance not used). This allowance resets after every potential trip (whether the trip was earned or not). This is all displayed as a 'status' on Worksheet B.

So in terms of practical VB code I'm looking for:

-Start with row A on worksheet A - copy the date and location onto worksheet B (the next trip)
-On opening the file, take the date of the last trip (or in the case of the first trip, the designated start date)
-Look into Column J (between date of last trip and date of next trip) to see if allowance has been used (a '1')
-Look into column K (between the two dates) to see if the criteria has been broken on more than one ocasison (two '1')
-OR if possible - compare column J and K (between the two dates) to see if a criteria was broken AFTER the allowance has been used

Then, look to see if today's date is the same date as the next trip, if it is, move the reference down to the next rown (A3, A4, etc) on Worksheet A so that the status now reflects the next trip, and the code now looks between the two new dates.

How to do most of it, but its the comparing between two dates and the different criteria that is stumping me.

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VBA Code To Calculate When Criteria Met

Nov 25, 2013

In the first tab of my workbook I have a data table. In K2 down of that tab is a list of names, in D2 is their form, in I2 is the Type (there are 3 Types which start with (R), (P) or (S), in J2 is the points score associated with the Type and in H2 is the date they received the points.

For each name in the table I need it to sum the running points totals for (R), (P) & (S) Types and when they reach the minimum points thresholds below I want it to record the earliest DATE this threshold was achieved.

School Award: (R) = 20, (P) = 40, (S) = 20
Bronze: (R) = 40, (P)=80, (S)= 40
Silver: (R)= 60, (P)=120, (S)= 60
Gold: (R)= 80, (P)=160, (S) = 80

The output should look like:

School Award

Anders Peter

Ball Jim

Carter Mark

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Only Run Code Based On Criteria

Aug 16, 2006

The problem is this that I have a module and I want to implement a condition that if I press a specific button then run whole code except a specific line.Is this possible?

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VBA Code Stopping On Autofliter Criteria?

Dec 10, 2013

Why I get a debug message on the following piece of code


Sub Macro2() '
' Macro2 Macro
' Macrorecorded 10/12/2013 by nathajos


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Changing Criteria Code From Blank To Zero

Aug 29, 2012

The code below deletes all empty cells from column F starting from row 2 till last data cell in column A.

However what to change in it to do exactly the same except for empty cells, look out for "0" values...

Sub test()
Dim LR As Long
LR = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Range("F2:F" & LR).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).EntireRow.Delete
End Sub

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Looping Code & AutoFilter Criteria

Aug 12, 2006

I'm looking to use Autofilter and current region to select each persons data and paste to a new sheet.

The trouble is i'm not sure how to change the criteria name in the loop

e.g first name in list is Jack, next is John

Selection.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="Jack"

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Multiple AutoFilter Criteria Code

Feb 27, 2007

I'm trying to program a macro that filters out codes in an autofilter list. There are about 40 codes in total, however I only want excel to display 3. The current script I am using is below. I know excel lets you filter for 2 criterias in this format, however is 3 or more too much? What would be the best way around this problem?

Selection.AutoFilter Field:=4, Criteria1:="=COR", Operator:=xlOr, _
Criteria2:="=REM", Operator:=x1Or, _ Criteria3:="=REA"

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Add Conditional Formatting Criteria With Code

Jul 18, 2007

I recorded some code and cleaned it up to apply a conditional format

Sub condi_format_I()
Dim wbBook As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim rng As Range

Set wbBook = ThisWorkbook
Set ws = wbBook.Worksheets("Summary")
Set rng = ws.Range("C4:P52")

With rng
.FormatConditions.Add xlExpression, Formula1:="=C4<0"
.FormatConditions(1).Interior.ColorIndex = 45
End With

End Sub

I would like to apply a custom color index to all cells in range C4:P52 if the value is less than zero.

But when I execute the macro, many cells receive the custom format that do notr match the custom format. Other cells that should receive the custom format do not

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Multiple Criteria Row Deletion Code

Aug 14, 2007

modify the delete row macro below. Unfortantely this is where my brain cell sometimes dies and the easy answers are as apparent as they should be...

Ideally what I am looking to do is have a growing list of "IDS" in one worksheet (call it delete IDS) that will be used to loop thru the sheet named "NRs" and delete the the IDS from that worksheet.

Sub DeleteNames()
'using set column
Dim RngCol As Range
Dim i As Range
Set RngCol = Range("A:A")
For Each i In RngCol
If i.Value = 156916233 Or i.Value = 600093 _
Or i.Value = 156970571 _
Or i.Value = 156948409 Or i.Value = 30560 _
Or i.Value = 163841503 Then _
Next i
End Sub

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Extra Controls

Mar 26, 2009

i've been scrolling through the Uerforms extra controls and just wondered if there is a comperhinsive list of them and what they actually do?

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Extra Spacing

Oct 31, 2008

In the below example each of the items listed in Row A have an extra space before the word, is there an easy way of taking that space out i've tried text to columns, paste special. Not sure what else can be done ...

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Extra Word

Aug 27, 2009

How do I trim an extra word. I downloaded a list with an address field and it has an extra city in the address. Ex. 908 Taylor St_Wake Forest_Wake Forest
How do I get rid of the duplicate state?

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Code To Filter And Search For Criteria And Cut And Paste To Another Tab

Feb 19, 2014

What I have is a workbook where I have to filter on a column called "Code" in a worksheet called "Current" and search for varies criteria and then copy these filerted rows and paste into a worksheet called "Past" and then delete the orginal rows form the "Current" tab.

e.g. filter on a column called "Code" and filter on the criteria that match "Monday", "123" and "Customer Accepted" and paste at the bottom of the "Past" tab and then delete from the "Current" tab. A message should then be displayed saying "Data Transferred OK" with the curser then highlighting "A1" on the "Current" tab.

The only cavat is that the code may find none, some or all of the required criteria, however, in the event of finding no matching data then a message should then be displayed saying "No Data Found" with the cursor then highlighting "A1" on the "Current" tab

As I have to repeat this to filter on various columns for various criteria I intend to modify the code accordingly, however, in once instance I will have to filter on a column called "Code" and filter on the criteria 1,2 and 3 etc but then I have to do second filter on column called "Code Extra" and then do a filter on the criteria 4, 5 and 6 so the additional code would also be good.

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Generalizing Search Criteria In Macro Code

Mar 24, 2014

HTML Code: 

Sub CopyTimeColumn()
Dim tFIND As Range

On Error Resume Next
With ActiveSheet
Set tFIND = .Range("1:10").Find("Time", LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
If tFIND Is Nothing Then

[Code] ............

This code searches the "Time" Column in first ten rows and copies it to another sheet...

If I have encountered with such a column whose title is "Time in seconds" then it will not search this column...What i want is the modification of this code such that it can detect column which contains any part of "Time" word in it ...

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VBA Code For Extracting Data From A List As Per Given Criteria

Apr 20, 2009

Suppose I have a list of data in which I want to retrieve or extract specific row from the list as per operator name & relative comments (Done or Not Done) from the given list as per the operator name, now what I want that my VBA code should be able to get the operator name & the relative comment data from the list according to the operator name in a new sheet. My data keeps changing so I need a code which can work on any size of the data. I need to retrieve only operator name & Comment column in a new sheet to run my Pivot table.

My Excel data is something like in the attachment & the result I want through VBA Code.

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