Add Conditional Formatting Criteria With Code

Jul 18, 2007

I recorded some code and cleaned it up to apply a conditional format

Sub condi_format_I()
Dim wbBook As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim rng As Range

Set wbBook = ThisWorkbook
Set ws = wbBook.Worksheets("Summary")
Set rng = ws.Range("C4:P52")

With rng
.FormatConditions.Add xlExpression, Formula1:="=C4<0"
.FormatConditions(1).Interior.ColorIndex = 45
End With

End Sub

I would like to apply a custom color index to all cells in range C4:P52 if the value is less than zero.

But when I execute the macro, many cells receive the custom format that do notr match the custom format. Other cells that should receive the custom format do not

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IF Statement Using Formatting Criteria (NOT Conditional Formatting)

May 5, 2009

Is there "code" for different formatting in a spreadsheet so you can use an IF statement to do something like:

if(A1=blue background,"Yes","No")


if(A1=red text,"Yes","No")

etc.?? But replace "blue background" and "red text" with some sort of number code? I want to compile a list of the items that are formatted with certain background colors and/or text colors and then organize only those items into a chart.

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Conditional Formatting For Dates (x3 Criteria)

Jan 31, 2013

I'm desperately trying to work out conditional formatting for different dates.

I have =TODAY() in F3

In the remainder of column F (from F19 to F625) I have either blank cells or varying dates (dating back to 2011 and dates going forward into 2014).

I need to Red/Amber/Green the following:

Green = any dates which are 45 days or more in the future from today's date
Amber = any dates which are between +1 and +45 days in the future from today's date
Red = any dates which are today's date or a date in the past

I can get one or two of the criteria working i.e. Green and Red, but not the Amber. Is one overriding or ignoring another?

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Conditional Formatting Based On Two Criteria (Using VBA)

Apr 7, 2014

how to create VBA code for conditionally formatting a column of dates that have expired. My unique challenge is that I first need to associate the item attached to the date with the expiration date of a particular group. Therefore, I have to first match the Item label with the appropriate group, and then I need to evaluate the expiration dates of both the Group and the Item. If the Item expires before the Group expires, then I need the Item date to be formatted in bold and with a red font.

Attached is a sample spreadsheet.

Thoughts about how to accomplish this with VBA? By the way, VBA is the necessary approach due to the fact that the data is updated several times per day, and all existing data is erased prior to uploading new data.

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Conditional Formatting And List Of Criteria

Jul 16, 2007

I have a column of information. The first cell has the record number. Then there are criteria the record must meet. If any of the cells have N for nonCompliant, i would like for the record number to change colors. If it were only one citeria, i think i know how to do that, but because there are as many as 10 I'm not sure how to make it change colors for all ten unless i do it one cell at a time.

Also there are several thousand columns on different worksheets, how do i apply the conditions to each column without doing it manually?

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Multiple Criteria In Conditional Formatting?

Jan 5, 2012

Start dateEnd Date01/01/201101/01/201102/01/201101/01/201110/01/2011

The above is the result that Im trying to get and I just cant work it out,


If B is Blank Format Red
If B is populated and A minus B is less than 5 No format
If B is populated and A minus B is Greater than 5 format Red

-- Im sure its easy but I just cant get it

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Conditional Formatting With 3 Criteria For Each Color

Jan 19, 2012

I need to assign 3 critera for Red and similarly for Green 3 Criteria ..

For ex: Red:"3yr"≤40%

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Conditional Formatting Based On 2 Criteria

Aug 10, 2006

I am trying to figure out how to set up a spreadsheet, that comprises a list of open-entries, wherein the user will insert their information and a % out of 100 assigned to them; the entire form, in the end, cannot go beyond 100%, so each entry has to be done correctly...

BASICALLY my problem is that I am trying to set up the " Total %" cell, which is already assigned the formula "=SUM(D5:D16)" (D5 through D16 being the cells in which %'s are assigned) so that it will auto-populate with the appropriate color/error if the %'s are either insufficient (short of 100%) or exceeding (above 100%). What I had been trying to set up (and have successfully set up in other spreadsheets, however under slightly different circumstances) is a Conditional Format in which the first (with the color Red for "exceeding") was " =If(SUM(D5:D16)>100,SUM(D5:D16),SUM(D5:D16))

" So regardless of exceeding, exactly met, or insufficient totals, it would post the total entered, BUT assigning the color red, so that IF it did, in fact, total higher than 100, it would appear red. A similar formula would be applied to Green (reflecting "on target") in which the formula would be " =If(SUM(D5:D16)=100,SUM(D5:D16),SUM(D5:D16))"

Now the problem is: this is not working for the SUM of the cells. In my previous experience with Conditional Formatting and color assigning results, it had been with the AVERAGE of two columns of cells.(worked without a hitch.)

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Conditional Formatting Criteria From Another Worksheet

Aug 24, 2007

I have a worksheet titled "detail" containing 3 cells which automatically and independently change colour subject to their proximity to various dates. On a new worksheet titled "overview" in the same workbook I would like to have one cell which changes colour if any of the 3 cells in the other worksheet are triggered.

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Conditional Formatting To Return The Following Results If The Criteria Is Met

Jun 19, 2009

I have a conditional format that does not seem to be working for me. Cell B2 has a drop down optionSelect, No, Yes); Cell B3 is supposed to be conditionally formatted to return the following results if the criteria is met:

If B2 is equal to No or Yes then colour should become Yellow
If B3 is >0 then colour should become Blue

The problem is when B3 is greater than 0 it does not change the cell colour to Blue.

B3 Conditional Format #1 is =AND(ISTEXT(B2),B2<>"Select")
turn background to yellow
B3 Conditional Format #2 is =AND(ISNUMBER(B3),B3<>0)
turn background to blue

See attached for spreadsheet with conditional formats

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Conditional Formatting - Based On Formula - If One Of 3 Criteria Are Met Then...

Jun 23, 2009

I am drawing a blank. I want to use conditional formatting in cell b2 that will outline the cell(I know how to do that) based on a formula. The formula I need would determine if cell a2 is 26,27, or 28. Or function just returns true/false. I would rather not use 2 formulas.

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Multiple Criteria Per Conditional Formatting Rule

Sep 9, 2009

Is there a way color a cell red if the the text is "Z" or a number between 0.5 and 10

Or if the cell contains a "Z" or a "C" ....

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Multiple Criteria Per Conditional Formatting Rule..

Sep 18, 2009

how to adapt the solution so it would work in multiple cells. Since I was told to start a new thread, here it is. I want to format a cell based on its contents, If it has one of three entries, it should be greyed. I then want to use the conditional format across the whole page, but the solution given in the other thread refers to a single cell, how can I do this without that reference?

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Conditional Formatting Duplicate Value With Multiple Criteria?

Aug 21, 2013

formatiing a cell, e.g. change color to RED, in the event the value is a duplicate. To make it clear, I need to show that if the Serial Number of a product just entered is a duplicate and should change color when a combination of conditions is true. i.e. if a "part number" AND the currently entered "serial number" already exist, the entered serial numbers should change color.

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Conditional Formatting If Cells Match Criteria

Sep 13, 2006

I would like to have excel check if eight of ten of cells in a row are above a certain criteria, then if they are format the tenth cell to be excel checks the ten cells above and if eight of them are above a certain number then that cell shades red.

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Exceeding 3 Criteria Limit In Conditional Formatting

Jun 6, 2008

The code segment from "Get Around Excels 3 Criteria Limit in Conditional Formatting" works perfectly if I type the variable directly into the cell, but not in a range of cells. That is to say, if I copy the source cell to a range of cells I receive a "Run-time error 13: Type mismatch" error". Is there a way to get around this? This is the code segment I've tried in the worksheet.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim icolor As Integer
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("b2:q53")) Is Nothing Then
Select Case Target
Case "IBBCH", "ibbch"
icolor = 36 'light yellow
Case "OBBCH", "obbch"
icolor = 34 'light turqoise
Case "OBBRDG", "obbrdg"
icolor = 35 'light green
Case "LNCH", "lnch".........................

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VBA Code Instead Of Conditional Formatting

Jun 30, 2006

Using conditional formatting, I set the font color to Green for Cell G12
=IF( SUM(G12) > C28,SUM(G12),""). This worked. However I needed 6 conditions for this formatting. Excel only allows for 3 conditions. My VBA code is not working. Can someone tell me the correct code?

For cells "G12,O12,G23,O23" I want the font colors to change if their value is
1. greater than or equal to Cell C28 (change to green font)
2. greater than or equal to Cell C29 (change to orange font)
3. greater than or equal to Cell C30 (change to brown font)
4. greater than or equal to Cell D28 (change to green font)
5. greater than or equal to Cell D29 (change to orange font)
6. greater than or equal to Cell D30 (change to brown font)

It is set so that if a value is enter in C28, D28 will have a zero value. Can only use one or the other. Likewise if C29 has a value, D29 will be zero and cannot be used.

The code I used was:.............

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Apply Conditional Formatting To Cells That Meet Certain Criteria?

May 19, 2014

Column b in sample is conditionally formatted based on it's values. I want to also apply that same formatting to the person's name in the chart in D2:I9. For example, Jeff is in bottom 50% so cell B2 is shaded red with red text. I would like to apply that same red shade and red text to all the cells in my chart that say Jeff. Also, as example, all of the cells in my chart that say Kelsey would be formatted with green shade/green text and so on...

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Conditional Formatting Based On Multiple Text Criteria?

Mar 1, 2014

I'm trying to set up conditional formatting in a spreadsheet where there are 3 possible correct letters that can be entered into a range of cells and if one of these letters is not entered then I would like the cell to be highlighted.

To be more precise, it's an accommodation spreadsheet and in each cell if someone needs a room for that particular night (each night is represented by a separate column) then a letter is used to indicate what type of room they require i.e. "k" is a king room, "s" is a Suite and "t" is a twin. I don't want to force people to have to select from a list which would be the obvious solution to this as it is simply too cumbersome for the amount of data entry we do.

However i want to ensure that if someone accidentally enters anything other than t,k or s then the cell is highlighted. We work in large spreadsheets covering months of dates so to manually have to find any errors is hugely time consuming.

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Excel 2010 :: Conditional Formatting With Multiple Criteria?

May 16, 2013

I am trying to do a conditional formatting based on the result in one cell but it needs to add up multiple cells first to determine which conditional format it needs to use. I am not sure whether I need to do a formula conditional format or whether to use cell is greater than with =sum() in it. I have tried both but neither seem to be working correctly. I have attached an example of the spreadsheet and the conditions I am trying. I am using 2010 version.

Basically, the closing amount for Monday in prod 1 (cell c4), needs to display in red if sum of the cumm value for Tuesday (L4), Wed (N4), Thur (P4) & Fri (R4) is greater than that value or display in amber if the sum of the cumm value for Tuesday (L4), Wed (N4), Thur (P4).

I need to complete the same for the whole column for Monday (col C) for each appropriate product. Then the same for column B but this will sum different cells but the principal will be the same.

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Conditional Formatting - Highlight Row Based On Cell Criteria

May 19, 2013

I need a macro that will highlight a row based on a cell criteria. I have used conditional formatting but there is a lot to format and has dramatically slowed the sheet down. However, I know nothing about macros/vbas.

E.g. If it states JI sent then I want the whole row to be highlighted light green.

App form needed = peach
Waiting list = light blue
Cancelled = red font strikethrough
DNA = purple font strikethrough.

Also - it could well be that in the row it has App form received, JI Sent and DNA all in 1 go. So ideally I would want that row to be highlighted light green with purple font strikethrough.

Booking Status
JI Status
Date JI Sent
Cancellation date
Chargable / non chargable Cancellations
Chargeable / non chargeable DNA
Date taken
Time taken
Event Title
Start Date

App form received
JI Sent

[Code] ......

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VB Code For Conditional Formatting On Font

Apr 29, 2014

Please refer to attached file.

I have data in cell B2:K11

Each cell consist of 12 digits with 1 and 0.

I need to see if digit 1 can have one color font (yellow) and 0 can have other color font (light Orange).

(Either VB Code or Formula would work for me).

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VB Code To Replace Conditional Formatting

Mar 20, 2009

I have a workbook that requires a VB code to help me out with Conditional Formatting. I use Office 2003 which is restricted to 3 conditions, I know there is an add in I can use that would help me do this but other people may use this that wont have the add in. I have decided to use VB if possible to get this done.

I have a range of cells from B22 – T22 in these cells I will be putting codes, when these codes are put into the cells I would like the cells to shade a different colour depending on what code I use. Here is an example of what I mean.

P = blue

S = red

HL = green

ML = magenta

FL = orange

I may have a couple of more codes I will add at a latter time. Is it possible for VB code to do this?

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Conditional Formatting - How To Shade Cells Based On Meeting 2 Criteria

Jul 19, 2012

I have a gantt chart that was built in excel. I need to shade cells in the timeline based on persons title under each project.

I can provide a snip of what the layout looks like for a better visual. I want the PM's Green, Supers Yellow and Persons Reporting Orange.

To get the green bar shown is using formula: =SEARCH("Project Management",$E17) , The issue with this is it fails to consider the start finish dates. For this particular project it works but when the formatting is "dragged down" the issue arises.

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Formula Within Conditional Formatting To Color Cells Meeting Criteria

Aug 25, 2009

I need to be able to get a macro to do this. I recorded the macro. The conditional worked, but when I cleared it and then ran the macro, it highlighted all of the wrong stuff. Here is what I want to do: In column(AJ) I have cities with Prefixes or not In another column (AV) I have Criteria1 and in yet another, I have criteria2 (CB)

(AJ) Criteria1 Criteria2
SCRNRTH_SCRM1 FALSETRUE should fail test
SCRNRTH_SCRM1 TRUETRUE should fail test
A9_SCRNRTH_SCRM1TRUETRUE should fail test

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Conditional Formatting Code To Shade Cells

Mar 19, 2009

In B16:T24 I have cells that need shading depending on what code I put in them. I have 5 codes P, BH, S, ML, HD

I would like the cells to change colour, when I put P in them I want them to change to blue, when I put BH in them I want them to change to green, S I want to change to red and so on.

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VB Code For Conditional Formatting On Live Value Cell

Jul 3, 2008

Is there a way to look at a cell's own value and then format it accordingly using VB?

I have a cell whose value changes based on DDE link to live price data.
Cell is "Q5".

When the new value is greater than the old value - i want to format the pattern color of the cell.

When the new value is less than the old value - i want to format the pattern color of the cell.

Does anyone know how to do this please or is there a way to do this using spreadsheet formulas as oppose to VB?

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Conditional Formatting Code In Calculate Event

Dec 11, 2006

I have found this code while searching. I would like to know how to call the vba code only when clicking the button. On much bigger projects Excel has to re-calculate all cells everytime i change a cell value.

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Optimize Slow Conditional Formatting Code

Jan 23, 2008

I am having a little trouble with this code, which runs in my simple but efective ressource overview. It loops through a rather large range and assigns interior colour to the cells based on certain criteria. On my stationary machine (Excel 2003) it takes approximately 15-30 seconds to run the code which is acceptable. On my laptop (Excel 2007) it takes 5+ minutes which is unacceptable. Is there a workaround so as to optimize the speed? Further, when I run this workbook on Excel 2007, even entering an integer in the sheet takes 3-4 seconds, and no code is running! In my first version I used a Change_Event to colour cells on the fly but this was slow and prevented multible cell editing as well as pasting values into the appropriate range.

Public Sub Farvelade()
Dim icolor, Navn As Integer
Dim TargetRow, LastRow, Previous As Long
Dim Target As Range
MsgBox "Det kan tage 15-30 sekunder at opdatere ressourcekalenderen"
Range("A5"). CurrentRegion.Select
'Set range
ActiveCell.Offset(Selection.Rows.Count, 0).Activate
LastRow = Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row.....................

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Multiple Filters Or Advanced Search Criteria Not Working In Conditional Formatting?

Jul 18, 2014

I have created a spreadsheet that will show me where people are working on what day, etc. however i want to be able to filter by week to create a list of say 2 particuar shifts - in this case "syl ld" and syl n so that the spreadheet would show the people who are working these shifts and I could print out. I have tried Multiple Filters and Advanced search but cannot achieve what I require

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