CountIfs With Between Dates And Two Extra Criteria That Excludes Blank Cells In Another Column

Aug 3, 2013

I have been using CountIfs with a lot of luck until I added one extra criteria that it ignores.

=COUNTIFS(ADate, ">" & N$2, ADate, "=" & 10000, WBid, "" & N$2, ADate, "=" & 10000, WBid, "

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Counting Blank Cells And Countifs

Jan 18, 2013

I have a spreadsheet that is used to capture information about Service Requests that my team handles in a 6 month period. At the end of January, the metrics for January will be added and the metrics for July will "fall off".

I need to be able to calculate the number of requests that were still active for each month. The formula I have created for this is below:

=COUNTIFS(Table1[Date Submitted],"Month Beginning of the First Month Being Reported", Table1[Date Closed], ">A Day Before Current Month Closing")

So, if my reporting period was July 2012 to December 2012, my formula for December would look like:

=COUNTIFS(Table1[Date Submitted],"7/1/2012", Table1[Date Closed], ">1/6/2013")

This accounts for anything that was opened in the months that was not closed before the month closing of the current month being reported.

I have two issues that I'm having with this formula:

1. The formula does not take into account the Service Requests that do not have a date in the "Date Closed" columns. Is there a way I can also count the items that have a blank "Date Closed"?

2. This formula will have to be changed every time a month "falls off". For example, when the reporting period changes from July to December to August to January, the formula for December will change to:

=COUNTIFS(Table1[Date Submitted],"8/5/2012", Table1[Date Closed], ">1/6/2013")

Is there a way I can have it change automatically without me having to do it manually?

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Count Cells Blank In 1 Column And Meeting Criteria In Other

Aug 13, 2007

I am trying to count the number of times a code appears in column N, IF the corresponding cell on column T is blank. Column T either has a date or is blank and column N has a 4 letter code.

This is what i have been trying.


I want the code in column N to match to the code currently in cell B2, i have also tried using "" instead of ISBLANK but i get # NUM! error as a result either way. the result should just be a number i.e. 400 (cells with the same code as B2 and no date in cell T)

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COUNTIFS On Filtered Table To Find Sum For A Column Based On 2 Criteria

May 23, 2013

I'm trying to use countifs on a filtered table to find the sum for a column based on 2 criteria.

I've used =SUMPRODUCT(SUBTOTAL(3,OFFSET(Sheet3!K7,ROW(Sheet3!K7:Sheet3!K7:K20000)-ROW(Sheet3!K7),0)),--(Sheet3!K7:Sheet3!K20000="Yes"))

for a single criteria which is great, but I also need it to look at column B.

In a non-filtered table it works as:

=COUNTIFS('Sheet3 '!$K:$K,"Yes",'Sheet3 '!$B:$B,B5)

Is there any way to do this?

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Sumif That Excludes A Column If It As 100% In There

Feb 25, 2009

I am try do is a sumif that Excludes a column if it as 100% in there, I have managed to do the sumif (( =SUMIF(A:A,F3,E:E)+SUMIF(A:A,F3,F:F) )) but
I don’t know what to put if I want to ignore it, if it has 100% in a cell

I have attached a test sheet if someone could have a look and try point me in the right direction

It works out a percentage returned if column E / F = the full amount in column k

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Concatenate With Text And Dates Where Some Dates Cells Are Blank?

Nov 14, 2013

I would typically consider myself a decent Excel user, but I haven't been able to solve this one. Maybe it's just the lack of sleep now. I am attempting to combine 4 cells into one where the last cell contains a date. Below is the formula I am using:

=B3&" "&C3&" "&D3&" "&TEXT(E3,"m/d/yy")

It works when all of the cells have values, but the only problem I am having is that some of the dates (in column E) are blank. When this cell is blank the default date that displays is "1/0/00." If I add the typical, " " at the end it says the formula has errors. The need for the TEXT(E3,"m/d/yy") for the cells that contain dates is throwing me off.

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Countifs Function Using Dates And For Loops

Jul 14, 2014

I am trying to develop a For Loop that will do countifs functions based on the criteria in the For Loop. Part of the countifs criteria is determining which values in a range are within certain dates. I have isolated the month and year data and am looping with for loops through the years (outer loop) and months (inner loop). The issue that I am running in to is how to place the month and year into the countifs in VBA: month/year. When I do these calculations in the spreadsheet it is easy to write for one of the criterias: ">=1/2013", but trying to do that same formula with variables is become much more challenging.

How could I write a countifs that uses variables to do the same as ">=1/2013"? In essence: ">=monthCount/yearCount".

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Attempting To Use Countifs / Sumproduct Where The Data Contains Dates

Jun 13, 2014

I"m attempting to generate a report to show the number of occurrences for a particular product within a calendar month.

Data is stored on the first sheet, output is populated on a separate sheet. Seems simple enough, but getting the "month" out of the date, whilst referring to another sheet seems to be the sticking point.

2014/03/24 14:34:17
2014/03/24 13:45:51


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Inserting Dates In Blank Cells

Jun 14, 2007

I have a workfile, containing dates in column C and values in column G.

The data is imported. In most instances there are no dates in line with the second value. I need VBA code that will insert a the same date in line with the first value below the cell where there is a date....

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Edit Code To Add Extra Criteria

Feb 22, 2008

How do I make this formula include searching for "ann" and "john" (in separate cells)?

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Complex COUNTIFS / SUMPRODUCT Validating Dates Using 2 Ranges

Oct 4, 2013

I am trying to find out how many projects might be active as of a certain date.

I have a tab in excel that contains project data. For each project there is a "Start Date" and there might be an "End Date"

My question is, how do I count all the rows where the start date is Less than a given date and the end date is after a given date? The wrinkle is... if the end date is empty then obviously it should be counted as well (assuming the start date is still before the given date).

Here are the approaches I've used thus far:

=SUMPRODUCT(1*( AND(OR(RawMetrics!P:P > A2, RawMetrics!P:P = ""), RawMetrics!$O:$O < A2 )))

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COUNTIFS With Many Criteria In Same Range

Feb 5, 2014

How to combine many criteria in a COUNTIFS formula with the same range.

I made a formula:

=COUNTIFS(brut!$B:$B;"1T";brut!$G:$G;"F25"; brut!$C:$C;"1")

And it works fine, but I need four more conditions -

brut!$C$C; "2", brut!$C$C; "3", brut!$C$C; "4" and brut!$C$C; "5".

When I change the formula to

=COUNTIFS(brut!$B:$B;"1T";brut!$G:$G;"F25"; brut!$C:$C;"1"; brut!$C$C; "2"; brut!$C$C; "3"; brut!$C$C; "4"; brut!$C$C; "5")

It didn't work anymore.

I don't know how to use IF and COUNTIFS together.

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Countifs With References As Criteria

Aug 13, 2009

I'm trying to use this formula in a cell but it keeps giving me #NAME.

What does this mean?

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Month Criteria In Countifs ????

Feb 11, 2010

check out the COUNTIFS function on Data Tables Sheet -> Cell D29 and pls. let me know what's going on. I need is : To calculate the number of items on system data tab which has the "Pending" status and items which belongs to month "Jan-10" under a particular person selected from B 27 cell (Data tables tab).

I solved it by using >=01-01-10 and <=31-01-10 criteria but i don't think its nice idea .... I tried to use AND(function by got failed ...........

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Countifs Using Two Criteria Of Which One Is Colour?

Jul 17, 2014

I need to count certain data if they match the same week number but they are not highlighted in red (manual colour not conditional formating). I have a macro that allows me to count cells with a certain colour but I cannot seem to tell it to only to count them if it also meets the criteria of relating to the same week.

Can i somehow combine these to functions or do I need to add soemthing to the countifcolour macro?

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Countifs Two Date Columns And Count Number With Equal Dates

Oct 23, 2012

I have a spreadsheet with two colums with dates. The names of the ranges are 'DataContractualStartDate' and 'DataContractualEndDate'.

How do I manage to count the no. of records with equal dates at the same row?

I have used the following but this gives me zero, while in the example below the result should be 3.


The table looks as follows:



[Code] ....

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Count Blank Cells Between Two Dates Without Selecting Each Cell?

Aug 19, 2013

I have a spreadsheet that contains dates in column A, the number of rows between each date can vary. Selecting a cell with a date in will activate a checklist in the form of a UserForm.

I am trying to create a macro that will count the number of rows from one cell with a date, to the next cell with a date, and then resize the selection for printing.

So far I have this;

Sub test()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set InitialCell = ActiveCell


My problem with this code is that when it reselects the InitialCell, the UserForm is reactivated. Is there a way to achieve the same results without having to reselect the InitialCell, and therefore the UserForm wont pop up? I tried adding the Unload UserForm1 line but it doesnt have any affect, the form still pops up.

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Countifs Multiple Criteria Array?

May 20, 2014

I would like to count the number of values in column B IF the value in Column A is equal to a value from a range of cells.

I would like the formula to be in cell E7. And the range of cells containing the values is in column D.

Here is my workbook Book1.xlsx

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Add / Remove Criteria In COUNTIFS Statement

Apr 14, 2014

how to add/remove criteria to a COUNTIFS statement, based on the value of a VBA UserForm Checkbox.

All of the criteria for the checkboxes are based out of the same column. Here is the similar code I currently utilize for my checkbox filter.

[Code] ..........

The code hides fields within a collumn based on the tag within the checkbox's properties. Now I am trying to create an addition that will add criteria to a CountIf formula in real time.

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Criteria Values In COUNTIFS Function

Dec 2, 2008

I have the following formula in a sheet to record basketball stats that I am putting together.

=COUNTIFS('Running Game Log'!A:A,"=Jarod",'Running Game Log'!C:C,"=2 pt miss")

This formula counts from a list that is generated during in-game recording of stats & obviously counts the number of times "Jarod" misses a "2 pt shot".

My question is can the criteria "Jarod" refer to a value in a cell, rather than the specific name "Jarod" as I want to be able to change player names easily, rather than have to edit this formula every time.

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Highlight Blank Cells Red In Column G If Not Blank In Column C (same Row)

Feb 17, 2010

I would like a macro to do this...If a cell in column G is blank and the cell in the same row in column C is NOT blank, highlight the blank cell in column G Red.

I need the search to stop ONLY when it gets down to the bottom-most row of data in column A.

Note: Any row headers will always be in row 1 only


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How To Ignore Blank Cells In Formula Counting Days Between Two Dates

Jul 22, 2014

I have the following formula which counts number of days between dates in two adjacent cells excluding holidays


The $AA$4:$AA$14 refers tote range where the excluded holiday dates are stored.

I have included the -1 at the end as it over counts by one day every time. i.e. if the same date is in both cells it counts 1

However if no date is in both fields it count -1 (minus one)

If a date is just in one field it counts a very high number, example below.






is there a better formula to use for this? How do I get the result to show ZERO when both cells are empty? can I get the result to show number of days to present date where there is only a date in first column?

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Count Of Dates Less Than Current &amp; Corresponding Cells Aren't Blank/Empty

Apr 19, 2008

I have a formula '= COUNTIF(A1:A5,"<"&TODAY())' that counts the number of expired dates in one column. I want to include a second condition to this formula that will check if another column of dates are blank then they should not be counted. So if for example a1:a2 have expired dates, and b1:b2 have both got dates then they should be included in the count.

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Count Blank & Zero Cells Where Corresponding Column Not Blank

Jun 15, 2007

I was curious if it is possible to give a single cell multiple number formats based on what the number is in the cell. So for example if my number is bigger than 1000, I would like to use comas so that it looks like this 1,000. However, if it is less than 1000 I would like it to look more like this 999.00.

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Removing Extra Tabs From 2010+ Tab Delimited Export Whilst Ignoring Blank Rows

Aug 1, 2012

I have a sheet in an excel workbook which I export to a separate file and then save as a text document, I need to remove the tabs in this file, however the file (example attached) needs to be in a certain format to be imported into a piece of equipment which has a proprietary file format. Part of this format is the 2nd row and 5th row must remain present and empty.


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CountIfs Formula Where One Criteria Is String Within Cell

May 10, 2014

I know this should be straightforward, but just can't "hack the logic", whether using "Countifs" oor "SumProduct" formulae.

Attached file 140509 String Criteria.xlsx file has database of three fields (Date, Route number and Part number)

I need the formula that totals number of rows meeting three criteria:
(a) A specific date from Col A
(b) A specific number from Col B
And the part I can't sort out:
(c) Any cell containing a "string" in Col C (so needs to count the "core" even if it has a prefix or suffix).

E.g. How many rows have "Date x" in Col A, "Route Y" in Col B and a cell containing "123" in Col C?

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COUNTIFS Using Date As Criteria With Wild Card

Mar 31, 2014

I'm trying to use the COUNTIFS function & have run into trouble because the 2nd criteria is a date. Typically I would just set the range & then put "01/01/2014" if I was looking for all of the January 1, 2014 cells. However in this spreadsheet my source data contains the date with the time. (01/01/2014 11:27:39 AM). Becasue the time is included in the cell, the function returns no results when I set teh date.

I tried to use a wild card "01/01/2014*" which I thought would bypass the time but it still retuns no results. Is there a way to use a windcard with a date cell?

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Using Multiple Criteria In Second Argument Of CountIfs Function

Feb 26, 2014

Need to use CountIFs formula to evaluate multiple conditions in the same column. Here is the formula I tried. It works for Resolved but returns 0 when i try to add Duplicate.

=COUNTIFS('P12 Source'!H:H,A18,'P12 Source'!F:F,"Resolved,duplicate")

Also used this formula with success by referencing a cell that had "Resolved" in it but when I tried to add another cell with "Duplicate" it again returned 0.

=COUNTIFS('P12 Source'!$H:$H,A19,'P12 Source'!$F:$F,'P12 Source'!$F$75)

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Count Blank Cells With Criteria

Aug 7, 2012

I have several in a row Cells A2: AE2 'I need to count all the empty cells but has a discretion.

If you find the letter 'X' will count all the empty cells before the 'X'.





See the example all cells that was before the 'X' were counted.

The result would be six cells (C3=6)

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COUNTIFS Formula Identifies Alphanumeric And Date Criteria

Mar 15, 2013

The attached file Countifs issue.xlsx shows my attempt to construct a "CountIfs" formula that finds the one record out of ten that matches the following criteria:

a) Col A has 10 IDs. 3 of them are between 40 - 49, and another 2 are alphanumeric. This formula SHOULD identify these 5:


Doesn't work, It finds the 3 numerics but returns "0" when the two alpha-numerics are added.

b) Col B has a list of dates. 5 of the 10 are this month. This formula SHOULD identify them:


Doesn't work. It returns a value of "0".

c) Col C shows the Status for each record. 5 are "A" and 5 are "B". The following formula DOES find all the "B"s


But obviously I need the full formula to find the one record out of the ten that meets all the criteria.

in (a) and (b) and enable me to combine all three sections.

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