Excel 2003 :: Expanding List To Use In Mail Merge Program To Produce Tags For Direct Mailing

Sep 25, 2012

I have an Excel 2003 list with four columns as shown below:





I want to "expand" this list to use in a Mail Merge program to produce tags for our direct mailing. Each bundle contains 50 letters, so in the first line on the above spreadsheet, there will be 13 bundles of 50 and 1 of 43. Currently, I can cut and paste to create the following table, but there has to be an easier way...



[Code] ........

So as I pull this into a mail merge I will get a tag that shows the zipcode, the crrt, the total pieces for that crrt, then number of the bundle for example " 1 of 14" and the quantity in that bundle, for example "50 of 693", then the next bundle tag will print, 3 to a page. I know that here has to be an easier way either in the mail merging process itself or with EXCEL? Am even open to build these with ACCESS to create the tags. The beginning database contains anywhere from 350 to 800 lines of original data, so as you can see the cut and paste is VERY time consuming.

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Mailing Address Pasted From Internet To Excel And Then Mail Merge With Word?

Jul 26, 2013

I'm trying to use Word mail merge with Excel to create mail labels and letters for each person on the list. For example,

Johnson, Michael
7391 Wilson Street
Van Nuys, CA 91405

I want to create a mailing label for this person. If possible, I'd like to make the top line of the address "Dr. Michael Johnson," however the format that I'm copying from is last name, first name. And I also want to want to create a letter that starts with "Dear Dr. Last name," such as "Dear Dr. Johnson." This is the website that I want to copy the addresses from:

Doctors in Los Angeles, CA | Primary Care Physicians and Specialists

I have done my homework, but I don't know how to properly paste the addresses into Excel and then use Word to create the labels and letter. I have tried many ways, but I have been unsuccessful.

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Quickly Removing Do Not Mail Names On Mailing List

Nov 1, 2013

I am trying to find out how to quickly remove do not mail names from our mailing lists. We have several lists and our do not mail list is huge(280) so it's getting very time consuming to clean the lists. I'm assuming I can copy the do not mail list names to the current mailing list and then remove duplicates..but I want to remove both duplicates when i do that. My understanding of the remove duplicates feature and unique values is already a bit foggy.

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Make A List Mail Merge

Sep 9, 2009

I am looking for a way to make the data mail merge friendly for our clerical staff! The intention is to be able to create a letter to the parents listing the dates absent and unexplained.

There are currently 7 columns ; ID, Surname, First Name, Current Level, Current Form, Absence Date, Absence Code.

I have downloaded and implemented ASAP Utilities and the Transpose funcion is really useful - however it works in predetermined steps - 1, 2, 3, 4 etc rows of data are transposed, depending upon the number you select. Unfortunately there is no such pattern - each student thas a different number of unexplained absences. Some have 1 while others may have 20.

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Mail Merge - Excel To Word Macro Edit?

May 3, 2012

This macro, enabled in Excel, is part of a chain of macros and will open Word, run the mail merge, save and close Excel. However, there is a macro in Word that I need to run but don't know how to activate it. Is there a code that I am missing that can be added to the end of the macro included?

Sub Mailmerge()
Dim wd As Object
Dim wdocSource As Object [code].....

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Excel 2013 :: Trying To Run Automated Mail Merge Via Word

Mar 20, 2014

The database is full of customer bookings and the email side is for sending automated emails regarding There Gift aid donation.

Im trying to run an Automated mail merge from excel via word. Basically im opening an a spreadsheet which has the same information as the Mail merge data source, its a refresh-able Query from microsoft query . I want to be able to click a button that opens up Word and produces an email mail merge and sends it to my outbox. So the emails can be viewed before the final send. I am using Office 2013.

Once i have this stage working i want to eventually move on to having a field on the main spread sheet automatically fill in saying Sent with a Time Stamp.I want to send either email or print a letter depending on what Address/Email information they have.There may also be multiple bookings from the same Customer e.g Restaurant and house booking, which will show separately, and i want to some how have a condition that it puts all the customers Bookings onto one mail merge letter, instead of sending 3 separate letters to one customer.

This is my code so far:

Sub OpenWord()
'Setting up Word Application Dim wdApp as word.application
On Error Resume Next

Dim wdApp As Word.Application
Dim wdDoc As Word.Document

[Code] .....

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Mail Merge From Excel Data To Word Template?

Jul 9, 2013

I am trying (and failing) to set up a mail merge with a Word document. I would like for the doc to take information entered in specific columns and display it in the right field. I've set up the field and the excel doc and went through the mail merge wizard's steps for setting it up but it doesn't seem to be doing what I want.I am attaching the doc and spreadsheet below.

MichaelFields TEST.Contract Entries.xlsxFields Test.Contract to Provide Legal Services.docx

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Mail Merge Excel Data Into PowerPoint Slides?

Aug 8, 2013

If I have a simple spreadsheet with Name, Class, and date in Columns A, B, and C. Labeled as NAME , CLASS, and DATE acccordingly is there a way to merge that data onto a certificate in powerpoint so the result is a slide of each student?

I can do this in word easily and perhaps the easy answer is to just convert the certficate slide to word and go from there?

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Mail Merge Settings For Sending Multiple Mail?

Sep 14, 2012

We need to send multiple mail with attachment with outlook 2007 with option "Resend this message", now we want to use excel for sending the mail.

S.No. To cc----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. xyz@ymail.com----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. abc@gmail.com hursh@rediffmail.com, hursh@rediffmail.com, hursh@rediffmail.com, raj@hotmail.com----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3. ram@ymail.com ramesh@gmail.com---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. rajesh@ymail.com----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5. raghu@ymail.com raju@hotmail.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. info@ymail.com----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7. ranjit@excel.com xyx@gmail.com----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and

we have two files for attaching on desktop, one is a excel file and second is a zip file. we want to send the mail with excel mail merge.

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Mail Merge Multiple Rows In Excel To One Sheet For Reviews?

Aug 20, 2014

So Im working on a project where I want to take the reviews from our employees and put them on letters and email them out. Every employee has 1-4 reviews and multiple questions answered for each- normal mail merge would send someone 4 letters with the review info & I'd love to have it all pulled into one. I made a fake one & attached below. I've tried a couple of formulas I've seen online but none of them have worked.

fake feedback1.xlsx

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Excel 2003 :: Search Condition And Replace Program (VBA Coding)

Nov 12, 2011

I have two work sheets where I have data.

Sheet1 contain daily input table which as follows:

Namesalary Bonus Check
XX1000 2 FN
XY900 1 NA
YY1100 2 FN
ZY1500 3 DP
ZZ1250 2 FN
AA1050 2 NA
AZ 950 1 FN

Sheet2 have table where all the information is saved. So we can say this is database of sheet1. Which store every day information of sheet 1.

Name SalaryBonus

What I want to do is that ---it copy all the data which fullfile condition FN and move to the Sheet 2 which is salary database. Two important things to check is that. IF name already exists in the sheet 2 then it replace old info with the new one. Second thing is to sort the whole table(Salary database-sheet 2) according to A-Z (Name column). I use office 2003. I hope I provide all the information.

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Excel 2003 :: How To Merge Several Worksheets

Nov 21, 2011

I would like to merge several sheets into one sheet, all from within the same workbook. All sheets have the same data layout. I use xl 2003.

How can I merge them all into a single worksheet?

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Mail Merge

Oct 30, 2007

I am a teacher and my department uses Excel for grades. We need to be able to print grade reports for students. We currently use a mail merge to do this, but some teachers are having a hard time with this process. They don't seem to understand using the two programs together.

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From Pivot To Mail Merge?

Jun 10, 2014

I want to do a mail merge from a pivot table. The pivot looks like this (bit simplified ;-) :

Name JanFebMar
Joe $12 $23 $34
joe(a)test.com $12 $23 $34
Frank $45 $56 $67
frank(a)test.com $45 $56 $67
Alex $78 $89 $90
alex(a)test.com $78 $89 $90

Created with: Name and e-mail as row items, months as columns and cost as values.

In the e-mail I want to address the person by his name and use the right e-mail address to send it. So ideally (I think) the pivot should look like this (e-mail address in the column next to the name instead of under the name):

Name e-mail JanFebMar
Joe joe(a)test.com $12 $23 $34
Frank frank(a)test.com $45 $56 $67
Alex alex(a)test.com $78 $89 $90

Now the problem is that I can't place e-mail in the column section of the pivot... Instead of placing the e-mail addresses vertical beside the name they are place horizontal...

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Formula To Mail Merge

Jul 28, 2008

I have a sheet of 2000 rows. What I want to do is merge the information into a word document with 8 rows of information on each sheet. These will then be printed and guillotined. what I want is to have the information for the second row to appear under the first one and so in position 9 and the third under that in position 17 and so on so I can just stack the piles up and they will be in order rather than having to sort them all into order. I do not know if there is anyway of tell word what oder to put the records in or if I will have to use a formula in excel.

If I have to do it using excel I need to be able to have a separate column which i can sort and it will then be in the right order for the merge. The first row will be 1 then 9 then 17 (adding 8 each time) up to row 50. Then row 51 is 2, 52 is 10, 52 is 11 up to 100. Then row 101 is 3, 102 is 11 and so on and so on.

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Mail Merge Into Word

Oct 17, 2008

I have an Excel spreadsheet with names and addresses which I want to mail merge into a letter on word (annual benefit statements). The names and addresses on Excel have been imported from system software and are all in capitals. Is Excel smart enough to be able to keep the first letter of text in a cell but to change the remaining letters to lower case?

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Getting Junk When Doing A Mail Merge

Jan 1, 2008

I am doing a mail merge and one of my columns is an interest rate. It appears normal in my spread sheet but when I do the mail merge some of the number are extending about ten digits, for example, on my spreadsheet it is 5.75, on the mail merge it would be 5.759999999. It appears to be totally random.

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Mail Merge Function

Aug 14, 2009

I've succesfully managed to get the mail merge functioning from within Excel at the press of a button. I had a problem initially Word not shutting down properly but have solved this.

The problem I have now is that after the merge has finished and the spreadsheet is saved/closed and Excel is closed, the process tab in Task Manager says that Excel is still running. I found other instances on the net in other forums of people having a similar issue but alas no solutions. The full code for the procedure is below:

Private Sub cbMerge_Click()
Dim wrd As Word.Application
Dim mydoc As Word.Document
Dim lastrow As Long
Set wrd = CreateObject("Word.Application")
wrd.Visible = True
Set mydoc = wrd.Documents.Open("U:TSD3-Projects11-CBRNCBRN-036-CVF HVAC Main Contract-T13212-WorkingECR FolderTESTINGEQR Test.doc")

With wrd.ActiveDocument.MailMerge
.OpenDataSource Name:= _
"U:TSD3-Projects11-CBRNCBRN-036-CVF HVAC Main Contract-T13212-WorkingECR FolderTESTINGECR Log TESTING.xls", _..................................

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Print Labels Via Mail Merge

Sep 30, 2006

I have a database of around 300 names and addresses from which I need to print labels .....

If not what is the best way to do it. Can this file be converted to a doc or mdb file and then mail merge in MS Word. Could somebody please reply at the earliest as I have very little time to create these labels ?

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How Do I Input Zeroes In A Zip Code For A Mail Merge

Sep 6, 2005

Couple ways:

1) Format the cell as Text: Format->Cells->Text
2) Enter the zip code with a ' preceding the number, i.e. enter 00345 as
3) Enter the zip code with the formula ="00345" ...

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VBA To Mail Merge And Attach Hyperlink File

Mar 30, 2012

I have an Excel file that has a persons name in column A, company name in column B, email address in column C and a hyperlink to a specific file to be sent with the email in column D.

I have the code to send the email and it works fine.

I've searched the net for mail merge and hyperlinks and have only become confused.

Here is what I want to do, attach the mail merge created file to the email, then the file associated with the hyperlink, I want to attach the actual file from the hyperlink into the email.

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Automate A Word Mail Merge From Macro

May 17, 2007

Is there a way i can dictate to Word from an Excel macro that i want it to open, Start a mail merge, use a pre-made file as a template, use the excel file the macro is in as the source, get it through the whole setup of the Mail merge all the way to the print function?

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Excel 2010 :: Produce Unique List Of Key Values With Second Values Concatenated Together

Sep 15, 2013

I have some data with recurring key values and differing values in the second column, I need to produce a unique list of key values with the second values concatenated together.(See below)

The data can be 10 rows to 5000 and I can have anything from 5 to 150 sheets (Separate data sets), a macro would go a long way to keeping me sane.

Sample data Required Output
A | B Z
1| 10 | a 10,a,b,c
2| 10 | b 11,a
3| 10 | c 12,a,b
4| 11 | a
5| 12 | a
6| 12 | b

My system is Windows 8 Excel 2010.

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Create Mailing List From Master List

Apr 5, 2014

I need to create a mailing list for people located in a specific area from a master list.

The address data is not in great shape so I need to check address field 2 and address field 3 in the list to see if the suburb in the location tab appears in either of the two fields.

Desired result appears in column F of the List tab of the attached spreadsheet.

seminar addresses.xlsx‎

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Data Table Layout Change For Mail Merge

Jun 17, 2013

I have responses from a questionnaire in the format below, and need to mail merge to a word doc.



If I'm right I need it in the following format for a mail merge.



I need to get this fixed by 5 pm tonight, otherwise a foresee a night of copy and paste ahead. I thought pivot tables might work, but alas no, it only tells me the number of the comments i have.

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Using XLSM Spreadsheet As Mail Merge Data Source?

May 13, 2014

I have a database that uses a few basic macros that I would like to use as part of a mail merge ---> Form Letter. Word does not seem to support the use though of xlsm files as a data source though.

Full disclosure - I am using a mail merge form letter to automate the creating of a report that has a LOT of place holders. I 100% realize that there are ways to do this within Excel that would be much cleaner and much easier, but truthfully, I DO NOT have the skills to write the code for it. (The macro I am using was wrote by a wonderful member of these forums. (Snakehips))

Do I have any work arounds to the xlsm / mail merge debacle? Is there a method that I could do that doesn't require years of VBA experience?

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Moving Duplicate Rows To Columns For Mail Merge

Jul 28, 2008

to prepare an excel spreadsheet for a mailmerge but as all of the info for 1 recipient needs to be in columns instead of rows. I need to convert 2 columns' data into columns but only when there are duplicate invoices, see below;

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Mail Merge Of Information In One Cell To Numerous Columns

Feb 23, 2010

I have a report that the name and address was put into one cell. I need to put this into numerous columns so I can do a mail merge.

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Macro To Open Word Mail Merge Document

Mar 5, 2007

I want to set up a one step button in an Excel workbook to open up a Word Mailmerge Document that I have already set up complete with Excel data source. I have used this code so far but it's not working. What else do I have to do?

Sub OpenWordMailmergeMasterB()
Set appWD = CreateObject("Word.Application")
appWD.Visible = True
appWD.Documents.Open Filename:="X:Detention filesMail MergeLesley's MailmergeMASTER Interim Report.doc"

'To Run the Mail Merge
'Data source is a range name in Excel workbook called "MailmergeReport":.....................

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Getting Mailing List Into Word

May 1, 2013

I created a new mailing list in excel, but when i try to open in word mail merge nothing happens. I have MS word 2008.

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