Getting Mailing List Into Word
May 1, 2013I created a new mailing list in excel, but when i try to open in word mail merge nothing happens. I have MS word 2008.
View 4 RepliesI created a new mailing list in excel, but when i try to open in word mail merge nothing happens. I have MS word 2008.
View 4 RepliesI'm trying to use Word mail merge with Excel to create mail labels and letters for each person on the list. For example,
Johnson, Michael
7391 Wilson Street
Van Nuys, CA 91405
I want to create a mailing label for this person. If possible, I'd like to make the top line of the address "Dr. Michael Johnson," however the format that I'm copying from is last name, first name. And I also want to want to create a letter that starts with "Dear Dr. Last name," such as "Dear Dr. Johnson." This is the website that I want to copy the addresses from:
Doctors in Los Angeles, CA | Primary Care Physicians and Specialists
I have done my homework, but I don't know how to properly paste the addresses into Excel and then use Word to create the labels and letter. I have tried many ways, but I have been unsuccessful.
I need to create a mailing list for people located in a specific area from a master list.
The address data is not in great shape so I need to check address field 2 and address field 3 in the list to see if the suburb in the location tab appears in either of the two fields.
Desired result appears in column F of the List tab of the attached spreadsheet.
seminar addresses.xlsx
i could create a spreadsheet with two columns one with email addresses and another with a path to an attachment
e.g. column a =
column b = c: est.xls
and then for a macro to read my data, and send an email to those email addresses in column a with the attachment of column b
I have a data set for over 9000 addresses and can't get it formatted the way I need to. Attached is a small version of the doc. I need colums with "Name, address, zip, state, etc." and need to get rid of any duplicate addresses. address mock1.xlsx.
The main issue i'm running into is some of the addresses are 3 rows, some are 4 or 5. If there is a way to group all the data automatically between the "----------------------" that seperate them I think the offset or concatenate tools might work?
This document was originally wordpad in this form and I don't neccesarily need all the data, mainly need to make a mailing list. address mock1.txt
I do not know what function will do what I need. I am compiling info from different sources to make a mailing list. Basically it boils down to the following. Sheet 1 has Names and Parcel Numbers, sheet 2 has Parcel Numbers and Addresses. I am trying to combine it in a way that I have names and addresses on the same sheet.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to find out how to quickly remove do not mail names from our mailing lists. We have several lists and our do not mail list is huge(280) so it's getting very time consuming to clean the lists. I'm assuming I can copy the do not mail list names to the current mailing list and then remove duplicates..but I want to remove both duplicates when i do that. My understanding of the remove duplicates feature and unique values is already a bit foggy.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have an Excel 2003 list with four columns as shown below:
I want to "expand" this list to use in a Mail Merge program to produce tags for our direct mailing. Each bundle contains 50 letters, so in the first line on the above spreadsheet, there will be 13 bundles of 50 and 1 of 43. Currently, I can cut and paste to create the following table, but there has to be an easier way...
[Code] ........
So as I pull this into a mail merge I will get a tag that shows the zipcode, the crrt, the total pieces for that crrt, then number of the bundle for example " 1 of 14" and the quantity in that bundle, for example "50 of 693", then the next bundle tag will print, 3 to a page. I know that here has to be an easier way either in the mail merging process itself or with EXCEL? Am even open to build these with ACCESS to create the tags. The beginning database contains anywhere from 350 to 800 lines of original data, so as you can see the cut and paste is VERY time consuming.
I have a table, 6 colums and rows which will be extended (further information added). Is it possible to code something in VBA which will search a spreadsheet at the end of the week and if it finds a row of information with a date which has passed, it will send an email to me? or alternatively can i setup a button which i can press at anytime and it works out which rows have dates that have elapsed and sends an email to me there and then? Do i need to configure my mail box for this?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI just received a massive worksheet full of information for mailing labels. It's all in columns-which is excel. Is there an easy way to set this up for mailing labels? I've tried to import it into word, but I'm not getting anywhere. Is it possible to change the way excel displays the cells? To a point where I can have the address beneath, then the state, zip, etc?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have a couple of spreadsheets that I have to mail out monthly to the same recipients and I have figured out how to do that in the macro. However, an Outlook alert pops up warning me that an outside program is attempting to send a message and I have to approve the sending of it. I have tried using the Application.DisplayAlerts = False statement, but that apparently only suppresses the displaying of warnings and alerts in Excel, not the entire Office suite. Is there any way I can make this message go away and just send the e-mails w/o intervention?
Second, I have another spreadsheet which imports data from our UNIX system that I run twice a week. It analyzes, massages and reformats the data, then saves it to a text file, which then gets sent to the same recipients every time. Is there a way to send the text file as an attachment automatically through a VBA macro in Excel? If so, how? So far, I have been able to find help on how to send the entire workbook or a sheet within the workbook, but not a file other than the workbook.
I want to create labels with data that I have like you would in ms word. I asked the asst. thing in there and it has no idea what I'm typing.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have an excel program that is supposed to count word instances in a word document. I can't seem to find the right declaration for a word document.
For example to declare a workbook in excel its
Dim wb As Work Book
I've tried
Dim doc As Word.Document
Dim doc As Word.Application
as shown in some of the forum posts, but an error user-type not defined keeps displaying.
I have a list of print titles and a list of eBook titles. I need to do a lookup ot bring across the ISBN of the print book over to the eBook list so I can compare them. I have already done the standard Trim and vlookup, and the "*"&A2&"*" lookup but there are still about 70 titles I need to find. For instance:
Table 1
B1 = 9780199134979
Table 2
B2 = 9780199135589
Is there a way I can just look up BATMAN from A1 Table 2 so that it returns B1 from Table 1 (the ISBN) in a new cell?
I receive a report that is generated by another program. One column contains the address, city, state, and zip (5 and 10 digit) with no coma separators. Macro that would add comas before the Zip, state, and city so that I can use the text to columns tool in excel.
here is an example of the column
PO BOX 1376 NEW YORK NY 10018
428 C ST APT 301 SAN DIEGO CA 92101
I need it to look like this:
1125 BIRCH ST APT A ,ROGERS CITY ,MI ,49779-1406
PO BOX 1376 ,NEW YORK ,NY ,10018
428 C ST APT 301 ,SAN DIEGO ,CA ,92101
Then I can run the text to columns and it will split the text into 4 columns.
I have spreadsheet that contains about 25,000 rows of client addresses. The columns/data is set up as follows for example
Jim Smith..........123 Apple Road.........New York NY 10022-3456
Tina Jone..........456 Apple Road.........San Diego CA 12345-1111
Bob Smith..........789 Peach Lane........Seattle WA 59802-3344
Tim Smith..........4255 Lime Lane.........Missoula MT 59802-3333
I am having an issue with the vendor whom needs to do a mailing of all 25,000 clients. They have indicated that they require comma delimited data to create the mailing. In order to do this, I need to place a comma after the city and a comma after the state.
So as in the first row of data the cells looks like this:
New York NY 10022-3456
The vendor needs it to look like this:
New York, NY, 10022-3456
Is there a function and/or VBA procedure to put commas in where I need them?
In column A we have words, like this:
In column B we have another list of words:
I need a formula in C1 which will check all the words from column B and find the ones which are anagrams of some of the words from column A, and then return those words next to them.
(Anagram is the word made up of another word's letters, without repeating or omitting any, for example anagram of SPARK is PARKS).
In the example above, we would have the words: EXCEPT next to EXPECT (in C3), OUTSIDE next to TEDIOUS (C5), and STREET next to SETTER (C7).
I have a very large numbered list in MS Word, in the following style:
1. Animals
1.1 Mammals
1.1.1 Dogs Beagles Pugs
1.1.2 Cats
1.1.3 Elephants
1.2 Fish
1.2.1 Cod
...and so on.
I am trying to bring this data into Excel (2007) but in a way so that:
"Animals" goes into column A.
"Mammals" and "Fish" go into column B (in their own cells, in different rows).
"Dogs" and "Cats" go into column C.
"Beagles" and "Pugs" go into column D...
and so on.
The idea is to have each line in a different row, but have the columns serve more or less the same function that the tab indents do when looking at it in Word. (I'm trying to create a "breadcrumbs" style list for each line item). I've tried using tabs as a delimiter for importing text into word, but it doesn't seem to recognize Word's tabs when applied through a numbered list.
I want to take a string which is a list of words and compile a list of the words listed and how many times each one is listed. For Example, for the string "word1, word2 word1, word3 word2"
I want to get the following calculations:
word1 = 2
word2 = 2
word3 = 1
I have a list of club members in Excel.
Is there some method in Word that allows a directory in Word to update from the Excel List?
E.g. If new members are added to Excel, When I open Word, the new members are shown automatically?
I have some code to email a single, different excel file to multiple Outlook recipients. I am using Outlook 2003, and Excel 2007. I always use Compatability mode in Excel as 2007 is not widely used.
The code is shown below. What I can't understand is why it fails at the code highlighted red. It tells me that there is Run-time Error '13': Type Mismatch, but I can't see the issue.
I'm having trouble filtering a large list of 900 names to create mailing labels for anon-profit organization. For years I have been using Microsoft Works to create these labels, however, the people now doing the membership insist on using Excel. I have Office 2013 and am using Excel 2013 on a new Dell PC using Windows 7. I have partially solved the problem but have one hang up.
I got to a point where I could filter out the dates and a couple of other items, but can't seem to get the last two. I was able to get the minimum date (equal to or greater) than 2012 to filter and the (equal to)LIFE (life membership) one and the (equal or greater than) ID# of 9000to filter by changing the cell format in all of those columns of cells to "text" instead of "general", BUT I still can't get it to (be blank) for the M column which houses a "D" or "U" (indicating deceased or uninterested) and an E column which houses an "E" if the person receives the newsletter electronically rather than by mail.
My fieldset up is:
To Year is equal or greater than 2012
Or M Class is equal to LIFE
Or ID# is equal or greater than 9000
And M is blank
And E is blank
The first three work but the last two do not seem to filter properly.
Whoever created my customer contacts Excel sheet prior to my arrival entered all of the contacts address information into one cell and in order for me to put this info into Access, I need them seperated. For example:
10000 X Street Louisville, KY 40291 is in cell E2
I would like it to read:
10000 X Street in cell E2
Louisville in cell F2
KY in cell G2
40291 in cell H2
They also did this with phone numbers (ie. desk# / cell# / fax#).
There are over 1000 contacts in this sheet, so it would take forever to split these apart row by row.
How to do this query but show all results found rather than just one result.
I want the result to be able to show multiple terms from the search terms and index.
for example
Bob's BMW and Ford
Result would be
Rather than just Ford
Is this possible?
I have a very large list of top scorers for a sports team MS Word. The name and number of goals are both on the same line. Is there any possible way I can past them into Excel, so as they are pasted into 2 separate columns?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to find the most occurances in one column of the same word (List of Suppliers) and return how many times that name cropped up, would like to use a single formula to do so and not have another column with numbers in it if possible.
View 9 Replies View RelatedIf a specific word is entered in a cell I want a list to show in another cell. This is better explained in an example. In cell A2 I have a validation list of names, eg. Mary, Mary Birth, John, John Birth,. . .) In cell N2 I have another validation list of places , eg. Ireland, England, Wales, USA, Scotland, . . )
In A2 if a name with Birth is chosen then I only want them to be able to choose from Ireland or England.
I have a sheet where in one column, the word "high" will be repeated. I need to find these multiples and then list down in a seperate column the text relevant to each of those multiples (contained in an adjacent cell). I.e if A1 & A3 hold the text "high", take the corresponding values in b1 & B3 and list them in new column C (C1 & C2 continuing in sequential order). I have searched the forums but i can' t seem to find anything.
View 9 Replies View Relatedi have list in A2:A4 (description) and B2:B4 is the Group of.
now i want B2:B4 fill using E2:G2 (group list which is Animal, transportation and fruit) if one of the key word in E3:G5 found in A2:A4
A2: people like to eat apple
A3: car is very expensive
A4 : dog is human best friend
E2: Animal, F2 : transportation, G2: Fruit
E3:E5 = dog, cat, horse
F3:F5 = train, ship, car
G3:G5 = apple, banana, watermelon
result i want is :
B2 :Fruit,
B3 : transportation
and B4 is animal
if you can remove the word total from each cell without deleting the numbers after you copy from a subtotal list?
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