Excel 2007 :: Conditional Format Using 3 Arrows Coloured?
Sep 24, 2012
I'm attempting something that I feel should be relatively easy using the conditional formatting icon sets (3 arrows coloured)
I have values in columns A and B. I simply want to compare the value in column B against that in A, and format column B accordingly
B > A (green arrow)
B = A (amber arrow)
B < A (red arrow)
The icon set rules only allow for > or >= conditions, and I can't get the desired results using the rules.
B (with conditional formatting)
Green arrow (increase)
Amber arrow (no change)
Red arrow (decrease)
Excel 2007.
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Nov 1, 2011
i have a spreadsheet in excel 2007. It shows a students target grade in one column and their recent test mark in another column. Firstly i have applied conditional formatting to say whether or not the student has hit their target, below or above, using red, yellow and green colours. This all works fine.
Now i would like to add a formula that counts the number of cells that are red, yellow or green etc.....
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Mar 31, 2009
I have a workbook (see attached) that has 2 sheets, Work and Holiday. I want to be able to enter a persons initials into the wrksheet 'Work' for each day of the week.
If that person is listed on the holiday sheet for that day as 'A' then the cell in 'Work' is coloured Red, if not then it is coloured Green. I have tried to get this to work using a defined list and various IF statements but all to no avail.
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Nov 1, 2011
In Excel 2007, is there a way to format the top 3 values in each row of a pivottable?
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Feb 27, 2013
Is it possible to conditional format cells with formulas in Excel 2007. It used to be possible in Excel 2003 but I'm struggling to find this in the new version.
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Feb 20, 2014
In Column D of my work book are a list of months, I'm trying to use conditional formatting to do the following:
Highlight green the cells in Column D where the month is due (i.e the month is now).
Highlight orange the cells that are one month passed the due month.
Highlight red the cells that are two or more months passed the due month.
I'm using Excel 2007.
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Nov 5, 2013
I'm a 2007 user. I am trying to conditional format a range of F1:J10, where F1 will be conditionally formatted relationally to A1. G1 is relational to B1. H2 relational to C2, etc., all the way down to J10 relational to E10. My conditional format formula in cell F1 is >A1*2 (will format F1 as orange). I want to be able to copy the conditional formatting over so the formula in J10 for example would be: >E10*2 (will format it orange).
I omit the "$" in the conditional format formula in an attempt to prevent it from being absolute. But every time I copy the conditional formatting over to the other cells, the formula within those cells remains identical to the formula in the original cell.
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May 30, 2014
I am looking to show Month Wise Trend Up/Down/Nuetral Arrows for the Achievement % for each month.
I want to show the Increase or Decrease trend of the % in the next month.
I have Baseline figures (count) and i have count of Mar, Apr, May months. (Column A)
I have calculated the Achievement % by 100%-(Actual/Target) (Column D, G, J for Mar, Apr, May Months)
I want to show the Increase or Decrease Trend Up/Down/Nuetral buttons either by the Achievement % or by the Total Incidents Each month compared to the Baseline Figures (Column A).
I tried to use Icons Set in Conditional Formatting but i was not able to do that.
Sample file attached : Sample.xlsx
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Jun 10, 2014
I know the VBA code to count cells from a data set that were manually colour-coded.
The problem is that the code (pasted below) doesn't seem to pick up cells that were coloured via Conditional Formatting. How do I do this? What is the VBA (if there is one)?
Function COLORCOUNT(varRange As Range, varColor As Range)
Dim cell As Range
For Each cell In varRange
If cell.Interior.ColorIndex = varColor.Interior.ColorIndex Then
End If
End Function
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Sep 8, 2009
I´m having aproblem with Excel 2007 about Conditional Formatting. I have a row of Dates for example 02-01-2009 03-01-2009 04-01-2009 , etc in different columns.
Then what I want to do is use Conditional Formatting to Format cells on several rows below according to the day (if its weekend paint red, if not, dont do anything). I'm using the "Use a formula to determine which cells to format" and the condition is (supposing the cells with dates are A1 to C1)
=WEEKDAY(A1:C1) > 5 .
So with those 3 dates provided lets suppose Januar2nd is not a weekday, so the outputIwant is: Red White White, (Next Row) Red White White, etc for several rows.
Now what I think is not right is it only works for the row in which I have the cursor so its like: (Lets imagine I selected 3 rows on which I want to see that output) Red White White (The row in which the cursor is works fine), but the next row goes Red Red Red and the third the same.
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Sep 20, 2011
I'm trying to clear conditional formatting (icon set) that I was experimenting with, but no joy at all. The only function within the "Styles" section is Cell Styles -- conditional formatting & fornat as table choices are grayed-out.
I've tried to delete and re-enter the data, clear formats, clear all, copy and paste, format painter...nothing worked.
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Jan 21, 2011
I am trying to find a way in Excel 2007 to convert the date from US format to UK format, I tried to change it by using [right click=>Format cell=>Select Date=>Select the first option in Type:*14-03-01=>OK], but I doesn't work , the attached file are presenting the date in US format.
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Jul 24, 2014
I am using someone else's old spreadsheet.
This spreadsheet uses a custom format of ##-##-## for a date such as 012214 prints as 1-22-14.
I need to convert this into normal short date format such as 3/24/2014 because there are four columns of dates in the spreadsheet and we have to do some addition and subtraction from one column to another.
I am using Excel 2007.
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Mar 29, 2013
I'm using Excel 2007 and am trying to set up 3 columns of drop-down lists each dependent on the choice selected in the previous column's selection. It seems like it would be easy to figure out but I can't seem to do it.
I've already set up the arrays for the lists and "named" them but can't get the cell to be formatted automatically according to the previous columns selection.
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Jun 19, 2014
I have data in several columns going left to right. In column N I subtract column H from column I and then in column O I subtract column I from column J. I then use conditional formatting to indicate whether column N is greater than 45 and column O is less than 120, using different formats for each. If the cell value does not meet the condition then there is no conditional formatting used in that cell.
I want to subtotal each column to indicate the amount over or under 45 in column N and over and under 120 in column O and I would like to know if I can do it using the colors in each cell. Most rows do not meet either condition but a few rows do meet both conditions and I don't think sorting and subtotaling is not going to give me what I want.
I have about 7,000 rows in this worksheet and I am going to be removing lines and then maybe adding them back and I would like to track the balances as the data gets moved around. I can use Window Watch for that.
I am using Excel 2007, don't know how to write VBA and would really like a solution that does not use VBA.
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Apr 16, 2013
I select the date from drop down calendar in excel and linked with one cell. when i use the date in vlookup formula it does not work due to linked cell date format.
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Oct 5, 2011
Excel 2007 Textbox changes LinkedCell Cell format to Text. If I do a VLOOKUP on that cell it fails and I have to "Convert to number".
My application is to enter a ZIPCODE into ZIP textbox, then for CITY and STATE to autofill using VLOOKUP in both CITY and STATE cells.
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Jul 11, 2012
I have a file which included monetary amounts in many currencies, which appear in Excel 2007 as:
232.44 EUR
103,796.10 CZK
18,071.08 PHP
I need to use the value and currency code, but unfortunately the currency code is part of the cell format (so I can't use, say =right(3) to grab it.
The cell format is set to: #,##0.00 "EUR" , with each cell set according to the currency within.
Of course I will be going back to the source to see what I can do to get something more useful directly, but is there any way I can grab the currency code so I can use it ?
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Aug 27, 2012
I have phone number in phone format which looks like this: (123) 456-7890 which needs to be converted to: 1234567890.
I tried but unable to do so.
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Dec 24, 2012
I have a question about conversion of a text format into date format.
2 computers, the first windows vista, the second Windows 8, both Excel 2007.
The purpose is to calculate the difference between 2 dates with hour:minutes:seconds, like for example:
18/12/2012 19:20:00 and 18/12/2012 19:23:03.
So in this example the result should be 00:03:03.
Both dates are formatted with 'personalized' : dd/mm/yyyy hh/mm.
In the first computer everything works like it should, but in the second it is apparently impossible to transform the first of those date h:m:s which is originally in a text format into a date format. I tried all the methods which i found to transform a text date format into a date , like multiplication with 1, Datevalue and others, but nothing seems to work, the result is always "#Value".
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Apr 21, 2014
I can run this code successfully:
With ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 2").Chart
.Axes(xlCategory).TickLabels.Font.Size = 20
End With
But this code throws a "This Object Is No Longer Valid" error when it gets to the first .Axes line:
Sub ChartFormat()
' Format Charts macro
Dim ch As ChartObject
For Each ch In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Summary").ChartObjects
With ch.Chart
.Axes(xlCategory).TickLabels.Font.Size = 16
[Code] .......
I'm using Excel 2007.
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Feb 20, 2012
Using Excel 2007 and conditional formatting, how would I find duplicates across all fields in the table, similar to the "remove duplicates" tool that in default mode selects all the fields or offers the option to select fields of choice. I need to look at all the fields.
I've tried concatenation, but only with a limited number of fields; larger amounts slow the process to a crawl. If my table is 10,000 records with 15 fields, what process would I use to highlight the duplicates. How about something in VBA?
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Apr 17, 2012
I'm using 2007 and want to add conditional formatting to multiple cells.
Say I have 3 columns and 10 rows of data (A1:10 ; B1:10 ; C1:10). I want to add an icon set to everything in columns B and C based on a comparison with the figure on their immeidate left. So B1 is compared to A1, C1 to B1 etc.
When I do it though it compares everything to A1 (formula in the Conditional Formating is =$A$1 and it won't let me remove the $'s). It looks to me like I can't do it and have to add the formatting to every cell indiviually (which is quite a lot).
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Sep 26, 2013
Is it possible to set a conditional format for the following scenario:
a user clicks on or tabs over to A1 making A1 the "active cell". Once the cell is "active", a message appears in A2?
(Excel 2007)
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Feb 3, 2014
I wish to create a worksheet which I want to visually show milestone progress via a traffic light system based on dates , however I need a mechanism to lock these cells as each milestone progresses capturing whether it was within a certain SLA or not.
So for instance I have a worksheet as follows:
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Jan 20, 2014
The cell content is to be 0-7 characters in length.
Alpha characters only, i.e., no numeric.
First character must be uppercase.
Remaining characters may be lowercase or blank.
Is that possible to do in MS Excel 2007?
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Jun 22, 2014
I have a SS of a WW1 casualty list and one of the columns is Dates of Birth but the data has been entered in three different formats eg 21/2/1898 or 21.2.1898 or 21 Feb 1898. I have tried to Format Cells and change the date format to the slash but after highlighting a number of fields and right clicking they will not re format. Though i use Excel quite a bit i am a general user and dont understand it in depth.
article using =DATEVALUE(
am using Office 2007.
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Jul 14, 2013
I have some data coming in from another source system which has the date format as "DD-MM-YYYY" but while pasting it to Excel (2007) sheet some date fields has just DD-MM-YY format which disrupts my macro. I did changing the language settings to "English(UK)" ,which i wanted, and changed the same in Excel options as well. But unfortunately it doesn't work.
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Sep 28, 2011
I am having trouble getting Excel 2007 on my work computer to save as .xlsx by default.
I have opened the Office Button > Excel Options > Save > Save files in this format and selected "Excel Workbook (*.xlsx)," and if I save as before closing Excel then it works perfect and saves the file as .xlsx. However if I close Excel, re-open it later and save a new file the default "Save as type:" is "Excel 97-2003 Workbook (*.xls)" and if I open the save options again the "Save files in this format" option is reverted back to "Excel 97-2003 Workbook (*.xls)."
I have finally overcome the [Compatibility Mode] issue by saving a file named "Book.xltx" (not "Book1.xltx") in the two default locations "C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice12XLSTART" and "D:Documents and SettingsusernameApplication DataMicrosoftExcelXLSTART" (we use the D: drive at work for personal files). I thought this would solve the save as issue but it hasn't. I have also changed the "Save files in this format" before saving the .xltx files in the locations to apply the settings to those specific files but that hasn't worked.
It is on my work computer so I am limited in what settings I can change because they have them pretty well locked down.
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Nov 16, 2012
I am using Excel 2007
I am trying to conditionally format rows based on the first cell in each row. I had this working in a previous worksheet and have gone through several examples based on answers in other threads but do not for the life of me know what I am doing wrong. I am using the conditional formating rules on the ribbon menu.
I have a range A3-W100 pre-formatted with generic data and formulae. Column A has no data. I want the text to change color for that row if the cell in column A is populated. The background and text are set to black to appear unpopulated.
When an item number is entered in column A3, the text color in row 3 changes to white. I can get this to work on one row but if I extend it through the range, all rows change. I want them only to change if the respective A cell is populated.
I am using
Formula is =A3>""
Format is Yellow,
Applies to =$A$3:$V$100
Stop if True is unchecked
All I can get is column B to change color.
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