This spreadsheet uses a custom format of ##-##-## for a date such as 012214 prints as 1-22-14.
I need to convert this into normal short date format such as 3/24/2014 because there are four columns of dates in the spreadsheet and we have to do some addition and subtraction from one column to another.
I have a large spreadsheet from which I need to create separate Reports by hiding various rows and columns. I have followed instructions for creating a couple of Custom Views (View tab, Custom Views, Add, Inserted Name, OK, Saved the document) but nothing happens apart from getting the message "Some view settings could not be applied". In fact none of the view settings were applied.
Using excel 2007 I've created a new tab and wanted to place the 2003 file menu on it. I don't know how to include it automatically in the tab using a combination of XML and VBA. So I created a button with the callback to run some code. Unfortunately, it still places the item in the Add-in tab. How can I get the undernoted code to operate within my new tab with either XLM or VBA?
Code: Sub InsertFileMenu2003() Dim cb As CommandBar Set cb = Application.CommandBars.Add("xl2003 Menu", , True) CommandBars("Built-in Menus").Controls("&File").Copy cb Application.CommandBars("xl2003 Menu").Visible = True End Sub
Any way to import and use icon sets for conditional formatting other than the ones provided in excel 2007? I would like to have some circles and shapes in colors other than just yellow, green, red, and gray.
I already have a Macro button built that hides values in column A. The next step I am trying to perform is a custom sort on column B in this order "Backordered", "Sourced", Shipped", and "Received". Here is my code that I have so far but where to begin adding in code to make this button sort.
We are using Windows7 with Excel 2007. We have old code from excel 2003 and earlier that was adding a msoControlPopup with other sub-controls using the code below:
Code: Set HelpMenu = CommandBars(1).FindControl(Id:=30010) If HelpMenu Is Nothing Then ' Add the menu to the end
I tried going to Excel Options>Customize>Reset to reset any customizations to the quick access toolbar as this was recommended by something else I found online. This did not fix the problem.
I can find the control in the Immediate window but it just isn't showing in the add-ins tab. if I can find and repair that XML file perhaps?
I have a spread sheet that I'm using to organize data from a web based database. I have a formula that shortens a document number (i.e. 93400034) to a julian date (i.e. 9340). My problem is that when I copy and paste the 2010 document numbers (i.e. 00240057) into the spreadsheet excel automatically changes the number to 240057. I've tried to format the cell to read it as text, but everytime I paste into the cell excel changes it back to general and takes off the leading zeros. Is there a fix for this.
In cell 'I6' if I enter the text "Balance" I would like it to display as "Actual" but if any other text is entered I would like it to display the text entered. How to do this using custom cell formatting. (Currently on Excel 2010).
i want to type 1-1 in my excel sheet and it is automatically coverting to 1-Jan and then i checked for formatting to the way i want then i founf excel automatically selecting custom option in format then if i select general my 1-jan is converting to 41640 number. Now i want excel sheet should show what typed in it i .e. 1-1 only.
I'm working with three large data sets covering a month of data in 5 minute intervals. There is a single date and time column which I am using some custom formats to list Time in 12 hour format, AM or PM and Day of the week.
Based upon the various analysis scenarios, adding some Autofilter columns is meeting most of my needs. One issue I am having is that I can filter on a single day using the built in list that Autofilter provides. But I have been asked to look at weekend vs weekday.
Since Excel 2003 only offers two filter criteria, I thought I could use a custom filter with Saturday and Sunday as include or exclude criteria. But, what I am findings is that while the Autofilter shows each day in the dropdown, certain attempts to use them within the custom autofilter do not work.
For example, equals Saturday and equals Sunday correctly returns only weekend data. However, if I try changing both to Does not equals, the result is that no data is filtered.Some of my research indicates that the problem is that the date information being presented as days of the week would need to be text strings . This seems to shed some light on the issue as any attempts at using wildcards fail.
I have a worksheet that has a number in cell K5 - the number is generated on "file open" code and is custom formatted as "TN"0000. Thus 1 appears as TN0001, 2 as TN0002 and so on. I am trying to save a copy of the workbook based on the this cells contents i.e. TN0001.xls, TN0002.xls etc. but the files are saved as 1.xls or 2.xls. The code I am using is
I got some vb code from these forums to use with excel. But, I'm not sure how to run the code in excel. Here is the link to the topic:
Move Text Layout To Different Format
Basically, I too need to move text to other cells within excel. The code listed is exactly what I need, but I can't figure out how to run it in excel. I'm not an excel expert or vb expert obviously.
I'm a fan of the Excel 2010 table styles, but can't figure one thing out. When I create a table in excel (Ctrl+T), I like to reformat it with a new defined style. When I save the style, I can use it while I'm in that instance of excel, but when I close and reopen excel, the style is gone. How to save the custom formats to they are always available?
I am trying to find a way in Excel 2007 to convert the date from US format to UK format, I tried to change it by using [right click=>Format cell=>Select Date=>Select the first option in Type:*14-03-01=>OK], but I doesn't work , the attached file are presenting the date in US format.
Is it possible to conditional format cells with formulas in Excel 2007. It used to be possible in Excel 2003 but I'm struggling to find this in the new version.
In Column D of my work book are a list of months, I'm trying to use conditional formatting to do the following:
Highlight green the cells in Column D where the month is due (i.e the month is now). Highlight orange the cells that are one month passed the due month. Highlight red the cells that are two or more months passed the due month.
I select the date from drop down calendar in excel and linked with one cell. when i use the date in vlookup formula it does not work due to linked cell date format.
I have a file which included monetary amounts in many currencies, which appear in Excel 2007 as:
232.44 EUR 103,796.10 CZK 18,071.08 PHP
I need to use the value and currency code, but unfortunately the currency code is part of the cell format (so I can't use, say =right(3) to grab it.
The cell format is set to: #,##0.00 "EUR" , with each cell set according to the currency within.
Of course I will be going back to the source to see what I can do to get something more useful directly, but is there any way I can grab the currency code so I can use it ?
I have a question about conversion of a text format into date format.
2 computers, the first windows vista, the second Windows 8, both Excel 2007.
The purpose is to calculate the difference between 2 dates with hour:minutes:seconds, like for example: 18/12/2012 19:20:00 and 18/12/2012 19:23:03.
So in this example the result should be 00:03:03.
Both dates are formatted with 'personalized' : dd/mm/yyyy hh/mm.
In the first computer everything works like it should, but in the second it is apparently impossible to transform the first of those date h:m:s which is originally in a text format into a date format. I tried all the methods which i found to transform a text date format into a date , like multiplication with 1, Datevalue and others, but nothing seems to work, the result is always "#Value".
Code: With ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 2").Chart .Axes(xlCategory).TickLabels.Font.Size = 20 End With
But this code throws a "This Object Is No Longer Valid" error when it gets to the first .Axes line:
Code: Sub ChartFormat() ' ' Format Charts macro ' Dim ch As ChartObject For Each ch In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Summary").ChartObjects With ch.Chart .Axes(xlCategory).TickLabels.Font.Size = 16
I have a SS of a WW1 casualty list and one of the columns is Dates of Birth but the data has been entered in three different formats eg 21/2/1898 or 21.2.1898 or 21 Feb 1898. I have tried to Format Cells and change the date format to the slash but after highlighting a number of fields and right clicking they will not re format. Though i use Excel quite a bit i am a general user and dont understand it in depth.
I have some data coming in from another source system which has the date format as "DD-MM-YYYY" but while pasting it to Excel (2007) sheet some date fields has just DD-MM-YY format which disrupts my macro. I did changing the language settings to "English(UK)" ,which i wanted, and changed the same in Excel options as well. But unfortunately it doesn't work.
I am having trouble getting Excel 2007 on my work computer to save as .xlsx by default.
I have opened the Office Button > Excel Options > Save > Save files in this format and selected "Excel Workbook (*.xlsx)," and if I save as before closing Excel then it works perfect and saves the file as .xlsx. However if I close Excel, re-open it later and save a new file the default "Save as type:" is "Excel 97-2003 Workbook (*.xls)" and if I open the save options again the "Save files in this format" option is reverted back to "Excel 97-2003 Workbook (*.xls)."
I have finally overcome the [Compatibility Mode] issue by saving a file named "Book.xltx" (not "Book1.xltx") in the two default locations "C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice12XLSTART" and "D:Documents and SettingsusernameApplication DataMicrosoftExcelXLSTART" (we use the D: drive at work for personal files). I thought this would solve the save as issue but it hasn't. I have also changed the "Save files in this format" before saving the .xltx files in the locations to apply the settings to those specific files but that hasn't worked.
It is on my work computer so I am limited in what settings I can change because they have them pretty well locked down.
I am trying to conditionally format rows based on the first cell in each row. I had this working in a previous worksheet and have gone through several examples based on answers in other threads but do not for the life of me know what I am doing wrong. I am using the conditional formating rules on the ribbon menu.
I have a range A3-W100 pre-formatted with generic data and formulae. Column A has no data. I want the text to change color for that row if the cell in column A is populated. The background and text are set to black to appear unpopulated.
When an item number is entered in column A3, the text color in row 3 changes to white. I can get this to work on one row but if I extend it through the range, all rows change. I want them only to change if the respective A cell is populated.
I am using Formula is =A3>"" Format is Yellow, Applies to =$A$3:$V$100 Stop if True is unchecked