Excel 2010 :: Highlighting Data Based On Conditional Formatting
Apr 1, 2014
I'm using Excel 2010 on my Mac. I would like to set up the data as follows:
[Code] ........
Now what I would like to do is have the data in each column highlighted a certain color based on specific ranges. For example in Column B I want anything from 92% - 100% highlighted blue. I would like 83% - 91.9% highlighted purple, and anything under 83% highlighted red. Do I need to have a conditional format entered in each cell? Can I set up a conditional format for the whole column? Once I can figure the formatting in my example the remaining columns will be a breeze since they will be set up in the same manner just different number ranges, same colors will apply.
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Apr 12, 2013
I'm having issues with Excel's 2010 conditional formatting. Seems easy to use, but I'm trying to highlight values based on 2 columns of numerical data. Example:
Column F:
Column L:
I would like Column L to highlight values that are greater than Column F in green. If they are less than Column L then highlight them in red.
Seems I was able to do this with Excel 2003, but I don't understand the 2010 version.
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Mar 29, 2012
I have a date in column A. I want to format to YELLOW column F based on whether column F is blank and 20 days past column A. I also want the formatting to change colors to RED if it remains blank past 30 days. Then, when column F is filled in I want the formatting to be removed.
I am working in Excel 2010
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May 9, 2014
I need to highlight a column in a pivot based on the 3 rules below.
Highlight cell in column A if:
Cell in Column A contains numbers 4, 5, 6. or 6.5.
Cell in Column D contains a value
Cell in Column E contains a value
An example of how it should look (Excel 2010): MrExcelhelp1.xlsx
Formula to put in conditional formatting?
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Feb 3, 2014
I am trying to use conditional formatting to calculate when the date in the top column gets within 60 days from expiring to turn yellow, 30 days from expiring to turn orange and when it expires to turn red. The dates that are listed from row 5 down are when the classes were taken. the expiration date will be based on row 3. Some are annual,3 years and 5 years, etc. I am using Excel 2010....
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Jan 2, 2014
I'm working in Excel 2010.
I setup a table with a column titled "Type". Each value under column "Type" defines the type of row it is: "Section", "SubSection", "SubSubSection"
I wish to create a set of conditional formatting rules that apply to data rows in this table, each rule controlling how cells within a whole row should be formatted, according to the value found in "Type", for that row.
Rule1: [@Type]="Section" -> fat red line on top of cell.
Rule2: [@Type]="SubSection" -> thin black line on top of cell.
Rule3: [@Type]="SubSubSection" -> dashed black line on top of cell.
I can't seem to make this work.
How can I leverage the nice column names, and the "@"-this row designator, within a table to create conditional formatting rules that apply to all the cells within a row, in the same way one can refer to in table formulas?
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Jan 27, 2012
I am trying to use the status of Conditional Formatting to toggle on/off protection for a cell.
I have a cell with Conditional Formatting applied if the result of a formula is true. If the Conditional Formatting is applied, I want the cell protection turned on so a user can not change the entry in the cell. If Conditional Formatting is not applied (false), cell protection is turned off and the user may edit.
I am using Excel 2010 and Vista.
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Jun 1, 2014
I have a data with say around 500 rows and want to determine MAX for each row and HIGHLIGHT them, also if data in all cells is zero then it should ignore and highlight none.
I have tried this formula
But this highlights all the zeroes, you can refer attachment for sample..
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Feb 5, 2013
how to apply conditional formatting via VBA to a range of cells based on input from another range of cells. Obviously this would be easy in Excel 2010, but I'm still using 2003 at the office and it needs to stay in this format to be readable by other users:
For cells M8:EK8, my conditional formatting
condition 2: Formula Is =AND($E$8>=M2,(($E$8-$D$8)>=(N2-$M$2))), color index is 40
condition 3: Formula Is =AND($F$8<=M2,$G$8>=M2), color index is 39
I want to add:
condition 4: Formula Is =AND($H$8<=M2,$I$8>=M2), color index is 40
condition 5: Formula Is =AND($J$8<=M2,$K$8>=M2), color index is 39
and so on
The cells in the range M8:EK8 are blank, they only get colored based on input added to D8 to K8. If there is no input, then the cells should be uncolored.
resource tracking ex.jpg
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Sep 27, 2013
I'm using Excel 2010.
I have created a spreadsheet with 3 month inspection schedules on using the formula below.
I then copy this in to a cell where I want the date to appear... and then in to another cell where I want a further 3 month date to appear. Obviously changing the cell reference.
I would like the formula to ignore the very first cell "C50" if there is no date inputted in this cell.
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Jul 17, 2012
I have 2 worksheets. One has locations with numbers, example:
275 Location 1
276 Location 2
I have all my locations on the second sheet, but in 2 different columns, listed with numbers only, example:
271 275
272 300
I have 2 scenarios I need help with.
If any of the numbers on sheet 1 match the numbers in column 1 on sheet 2, highlight the number on sheet 1 in green If any of the numbers on sheet 1 match the numbers in column 2 on sheet 2, highlight the number on sheet 1 in red
If the number on sheet 2 matches any number on sheet 1, highlight green
I want these to apply to all the cells that have numbers (it could apply to all cells I guess as it should ignore it if it doesn't match, I would assume)
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Apr 25, 2014
I am trying to write a macro in VBA excel 2010 that compares 2 sheets.
The macro should be something along the lines of if column 7 on sheet 1 = column 1 on sheet 2
on that same row if column 6 on sheet 1 = column 3 on sheet 2
highlight green
** also on sheet1 there can be the same batch ID so if it is the same batch ID it needs to calculate the sum and look at that amount...
min Tran Date
Payment Vehicle
total Deposit
total CF
total MRI
[Code] .......
Results >
min Tran Date
Payment Vehicle
total Deposit
total CF
total MRI
[Code] ..........
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Sep 24, 2013
Using Excel 2010
I need to "Fill" cells A1 to A10 with a fill colour if cell A1 contains anything (Value or characters)
Is it even possible using Conditional Formatting rather than VBA?
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Jan 5, 2013
I'm running Windows XP with Excel 2010. I would like to be able to have a group of 19 boxes of which each box has a unique entry, ie 1, 3B, 5C etc. Each box I'd like to have a way in which when selected only the single or dual unique characters show as a color. See attached spreadsheet with sample. When a cell with lets say 1 is selected, a drop box appears and the color and description are shown. Select a color but only show the 1 and the color selected, leaving behind the description. How can I do this for all 19 boxes. This seems like its a classic conditional format. Unfortunately it appears to be several orders of difficulty than a normal conditional format.
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Feb 19, 2013
I need to generate conditional formatting in Excel 2010.
For the planned date of material submittable should turn yellow before 10 days ago & planned date of material submittable should turn Red when overdue.
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Jan 10, 2012
I'm trying to do conditional formatting that applies to an entire column (that way there are fewer conditional rules), but it only applies to a certain range of cells within that column. So what I did was setup the rule such as:
Applies To:
Formula I want to use:
If I copy the entire formula into a cell on the spreadsheet itself, it works just fine returning TRUE and FALSE depending on what row I'm on.
However, the above formatting rule does NOT format ANY row. But if I remove the AND function and the first condition (the one that limits which rows it's actually going to apply to) then it will work...OR if I do NOT use the INDIRECT function then it seems to work, it's some weird combonation of using the two together that is causing it to not evaluate to true.
Oh, and I thought of trying to get the formatting to work with the INDIRECT...then I put in the AND function but the only parameter was the original INDIRECT function (see below)...it stops formatting!
Office 2010 on Windows 7 64bit
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Jun 21, 2011
I have a spreadsheet where we track our contractor's Worker's Comp and General Liability insurance certificate expiration dates. I want the expiration date to highlight in red if it is expired and to highlight in orange if it will expire within 30 days or less.
I have attached a testing sheet similar to what I'm working on. The F column has the dates that need to highlight. I have MS Excel 2010.
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May 16, 2013
I am trying to do a conditional formatting based on the result in one cell but it needs to add up multiple cells first to determine which conditional format it needs to use. I am not sure whether I need to do a formula conditional format or whether to use cell is greater than with =sum() in it. I have tried both but neither seem to be working correctly. I have attached an example of the spreadsheet and the conditions I am trying. I am using 2010 version.
Basically, the closing amount for Monday in prod 1 (cell c4), needs to display in red if sum of the cumm value for Tuesday (L4), Wed (N4), Thur (P4) & Fri (R4) is greater than that value or display in amber if the sum of the cumm value for Tuesday (L4), Wed (N4), Thur (P4).
I need to complete the same for the whole column for Monday (col C) for each appropriate product. Then the same for column B but this will sum different cells but the principal will be the same.
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Nov 26, 2013
As per my attached file : duplicate value.xlsx
How to highlight duplicate value by using Conditional Formatting in office 2010.
Actually i Know how to use this feature in sheet "example" of my attachment.
But i want to highlight inv# 457878268 in cell E9 of sheet "My requirement" if it is exist above in cell E2 to E6.
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May 30, 2012
I've run into an issue where conditional formatting is working correctly 98% of the time, but 2% seems beyond logic. Basically if I have more than 120% of Stock Limit on hand I want the cells to turn green. To do this I entered the following Conditional Formatting formula in cell D4:
HTML Code:
I copied the formatting to all the other cells in the range, and most are colored correctly. This is what I get:
Overstock Threshold: 120%
3ItemNameMin Limit5/1/20126/1/20127/1/20128/1/20129/1/201210/1/201211/1/20124123Part A2-328765435234Part B35-2-21212489898
As you can see, it works correctly for the most part, however some cells, such as cell H5 in the example, that should be colored by they aren't.
My first thought was that this is an issue with the reference, because as I examine other cells it doesn't look like conditional formatting formulas are updated relative to that particular line, however that is the same case for my red formats and those are correct. I have over 50,000 rows so creating a new formula for each row certainly isn't the preferred option, neither is writing a macro to manually color them because of the processing time. I'm using Excel 2010.
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Jun 18, 2012
Excel 2010. I have a field that is color formatted based on the value of another field, which is calculated.
The conditional formatting does not refresh when the value is recalculated, but when I go away from the tab and come back, it works fine.
Any simple VB code to refresh the conditional formatting upon a workbook change?
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Oct 11, 2012
I'm looking to create a conditional format which highlights a date RED if it is within 90 days of today's date (the date the file is opened). What would the formula for that look like?
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Apr 24, 2013
I am trying to use condtional formatting to highlight a row in a table if the order number is NOT on another table, on a different sheet. Example: Order Number 1001 is in my table on Sheet4, Once the order has been filled is comes off my "Pending Orders" table on Sheet1, which is based on a data connection, so it updates once the connection is refreshed. I would like the row with order number 1001 in my table on Sheet4 to be highlighted letting me know it can now be removed, since I have to manually manage this table. I am using Excel 2010.
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May 28, 2013
I have two conditions for a cell. One is that it counts the time elapsed in cell M4, (=now()-J4). The other is whether or not we are still waiting for a response (in cell L4, Y or N). What I would like to do is make it so that when we are still waiting for a response the M4 cell is highlighted yellow if more than 3 days and red if more than 6 days, but if cell L4 is changed to "N", then the formatting goes away. II use Excel 2010.
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Feb 16, 2014
Excel 2010
Conditional Formatting 1 cell with 3 different formulas
I am monitoring tank levels using a program called "PI". I need to know if the tank is rising, lowering or staying the same.
I am using conditional formatting to turn red if high, blueif low and yellow if stays the same. Column B, F and J are tank volumns, Column C is in feet and D is in inches.
2 7:00 3628 18 11 9:00 3456 18 0 11:00 3321 17 3
1305 5600 3600
I started using formals =$B$2=$AD$2 COLOR YELLOW
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May 6, 2014
Using Excel 2010.
The background to this question is that I'm trying to replicate conditional formatting using a user VBA function, because I require a thick border around the cells (and the conditional formatting within Excel only has thin borders)
In the final function, there will be 9 combinations of formatting {Red, Amber, Green} interior with {Red, Amber, Green} thick borders.
The formatting is determined by a number in another cell (the "target" cell), which returns a value 0,...,8
I've only got as far as filling in the interior for the first combination, but the function returns an error "Application-defined or object-defined error".
Function VBA000_003_SetRAG(strTargetRange As String) 'strTargetRange is the reference for the target cell that contains the value 0,...,8
On Error Goto handler [code]....
There is not a problem with the target range, if I remove the two lines relating to rngCaller then the function works OKExecuting the rngCaller.Interior.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0) command through the Immediates window works OKI've tried calling a subroutine & passing the range across
Same errorChanging the range in the subroutine to an absolute range (eg. Sheet1.range("A1")) also causes the
same errorExecuting the subroutine on its own (with the absolute range) works OK
So my guess is that it's a bug/limitation with Excel VBA when trying to execute commands from inside a user function
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May 2, 2012
I have a workbook containing two worksheets of staff training records.
The first work sheet contains a list of names and the dates they completed various training courses. I have used some simple date based formulas and conditional formatting to colour-code their name depending on whether their earliest retraining due date has passed, is coming up in the next few weeks, or is a long way off. The data is set out alphabetically, one person per row of data.
The second sheet contains the same list of names, but each person's data is split across two consecutive rows. The cells in column A which contain the staff names are merged in pairs so that the name heads both rows of data.
I want the colour coding of the merged name cells in sheet 2 to automatically copy the colour coding applied to the single name cell in sheet 1, but don't know how.
I'm using excel 2010.
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Jul 27, 2012
I have a problem where Excel 2010 is deleting one of my conditional formatting conditions. I do not know if it is deleting it on open or close. I just know that I enter the conditional formatting, save the workbook, close the workbook, reopen the workbook, and it is gone.
The other conditional formatting conditions (simple "Cell is Blank") are left intact.
Cell with conditional formatting is on sheet "MyRecord" at "$E$7". A corresponding boolean value on separate sheet "Data" and must be referred to by using "OFFSET" with a record locator value (workbook level named range "RecordLocator") that leads to corresponding data row, so looks like following:
When I configure this, it works great until I save and close the workbook. When I reopen the workbook, this particular conditional formatting is gone with all other conditional formatting left intact.
I've tried using the actual range address in place of range name "RecordLocator", changes nothing.
I can't figure out why Excel deletes this particular conditional format.
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Sep 19, 2013
I am using Excel 2010 on XP. I would like to apply conditional formatting to shade every group in alternating color. For example, I have a list of US states. I have a formula already to produce this:
Current Conditional Formatting Formula: =MOD(SUM(1/COUNTIF($a$2:$a2,$a$2:$a2)),2)=1
STATES (unfiltered)
When I apply a filter, the rows remain shaded as they were originally:
I want the conditional format to change when I have filtered out items (DESIRED RESULT):
I would assume SUBTOTAL(3,...) would need to be incorported into the conditional formatting formula above, but I do not know how.
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Mar 2, 2014
I'm new to 2010 and can't work out the new conditional formatting! I need to be able to enter a letter in A1 and have E1, F1 and G1 automatically show a different letter in each cell (different coloured fonts in each cell as well).
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