Excel VLOOKUP Multiple Values From Data Validation List
Dec 12, 2011
I've found a nice looking formula for looking up multiple values from a Data Validation List which you can find here.
Unfortunately I dont know why im getting a #REF! error for one of my spreadsheets. Here is my Formula {=SUM(VLOOKUP(A2,D:D,{6,7,8},0))}
A2 is the Data Validation drop down list that has most of the Values (Letters & Numbers) I want to look up. D:D is where it will find the Values (Letters & Numbers) and {6,7,8} is the currency I want added up and displayed.
I've tried this formula on other spreadsheets with success, but no success with the spreadsheet im working on currently.
I have a data validation list where more than one value should show the same list. Instead of make multiple range, I want to make it so if any of the values are in a cell the data validation list will show the list that goes with those values.
So, I need to figure out how to make the populated contents of a single dropdown box dependent upon the selected results in two other drop downs.
As there are ~35K lines in the sheet, creating Lists is impractical, and VBA is out due to client security settings.
My data sort order is: Region Name > Area # > Facility Name
I have a drop down to select the Region I want to work in.
The drop-down for Area # populates based on the selection from Region Name.
The hang-up is that the area numbers are 1-4 for each Region.
So, I can't simply populate another drop-down for Facility from the result from Area #, but it has to be based upon the results of both of the former results.
I watched a video on youtbe. And the women had three or four items in drop down box. She was using vba. When i emailed her to ask her how she did this, she kept telling me to go to her website and i was supose to figure it out on my own. I am trying to do a start up construction company. the link to her site is as follows Select Multiple Items from Excel Data Validation List - YouTube the idea of what i want to do, is how she clicks on a word and it follows in the coloumn to the right going down. This is what i need to know how to do. It is probably pretty elementary to many of you. But i build, i know how to read prints, to cut footprints for new homes etc. But when it comes to excel i am so green.
All I am doing is setting up a Data Validation list of say 10 items then in another cell I am trying to use VLookup to pull the corresponding information required for the data selected in the list selection cell but I keep getting "N/A"?
Am I right in thinking that you can't VLookup from a Data Validation list? If not how do I get round this?
I'm trying to use data validation to restrict the user to only selecting values in a list which I create. Right now, the list is a named range. I'd like to get rid of the range and just use a named list. I create a name using the following as my list.
Insert > Name > Create Name: Fruit
Refers to: banana,apple,orange
When I try to use the name Fruit in my data validation, I get the message "The List Source must be a delimited list, or a reference to single row or column." I thought my name "fruit" was a delimited list.
Attached is example of what I'm trying to do. I want to use the drop-down on the "Master Tab" and have the corresponding price by promo_month appear in the yellow cells.
Currently its on July, but I would like to switch that to August etc and have new prices populate in the yellow cells. Prices come from the "table" tab.
I have a List of Different Fruits in Cells A1 to A5
Apple Banana Orange Strawberry Cherry
And I use data validation list in 5 different cells from Cells C1 to C5 then in every cell the list will show all the fruits,
But I want that if I select Any Fruit in cell C1 that should not be included in the remaining 4 cells, and the fruits selected in Cells C1 and Cell C2 should not be included in the remaining 3 cells and so on....
I Used the formula
But this works fine if I select Apple in the Cell C1, then the List of C2 Shows all Fruits other than Apple, But if in Cell C1 I select any fruit other than Apple it does not work... (Using Excel2007 & Win XP)
What I have attached is spreadsheet I've built to quickly generate an army list for a tabletop game. Anyone can click on the Force Organization Slot (FOS) and choose the type of unit and from there, select the specific unit name attached to that FOS. Each individual unit has a list of options/upgrades currently attached to the sheet from cells AD through AX and the points cost listed next to each upgrade.
For example, when selecting the Rhino unit from the Dedicated_Transport FOS, there should be 4 drop down lists of selectable upgrades (Storm Bolter, Hunter-Killer Missile, Dozer Blade, and Extra Armor). Currently, I have only named the ranges for the Rhino and Razorback units in order to get this working properly without having to go through the entire list of units and change names/create ranges/ect.
What I'm aiming to do is to create an individual drop down list that is directly related to the Unit Name cell in order to populate a complete and selectable upgrade list for each unit. I have played around with some functions that work in the spreadsheet (see cells X10:X12) but do not work properly with Data Validation.
Oddly enough, when I enter this formula under Data Validation:
I have several data validation lists that are driven by named ranges. These ranges include blank cells in order to allow for expansion of the list easily - without updating the named range itself.
Seems like because of these blanks rows...excel is accepting any value. The list is visible and can be used, but the user can also enter in a value not on the list. (when I remove the blank rows from the range, the validation works properly)
data validation to display a list of values. The problem am facing is .. this list has a lot of names & it becomes difficult to scroll through when i need to search for a particular name.. Is it possible that when I press a key on my keyboard, the name starting with that letter is highlighted in the drop down list.. This is not happening automatically using data validation... Is there a work aorund for this?
I have data validation in cells A1:A50 which allows to select values from a list. There are about 50 items in the list that can be selected. Is it possible to have the user select an item only once i.e., if an attempt is made to select an item thats already selected it show an error message.
Is it possible to have a dependent validation drop box that under certain conditions automatically produces an actual value in the cell instead of a drop-down list to choose from? For example, if I choose “Holy Avenger” in the first drop box, and the value for that choice in the second drop box is always a “2”, can you get it to auto-populate in the cell occupied by that 2nd drop box (cell B5 in the attachment)? Or, are you restricted to using Lists only, meaning that you could create a List that only has the value “2” in it, and the user would be required to choose the “2” in the drop box?
I want to draw Excel chart Depending On chart Type I Filter From Data List In Cell H4 I & Change The Excel Chart Title Automatically To The Name Of Chart Type I Filter On
I have created a DAta Validation List and it only select one item. I want it to select as many items that is on the list but i can't get it to work for my main worksheet I am working on. I can't figure out why I can't get it to work for the work sheet "This Don't" but it works for the worksheet "This Works" why and how I can change it so both Reason (Column F and H can) select mutliple items on there. Data Sheet.xlsx
Can you create a Pull-down List that contains data from Multiple Ranges.
If I have a List of Names Running down column A (A2:A10) another List of Names Running Down B (B2:B25) and a Third down C (C1:C15) each of them named Ranges ("List1", "List2" & "List3"), can I create a Pull-down list in Cell A1 that would include the names from all three ranges?
is it possible to refer to more then one named range in my validated list's source field? If not, how can i make more than 1 named range to be the source of my validated list.
I am trying to create a Data Validation drop down, that is based on contents of 2 different cells, without using VB. I tried doing this with an "if" formula, but it did not work.
Column F is a DV with a list for Area. I can use "=INDIRECT(F115)" to have separate ranges for column G, but I would like to use DV in column H, based on the values in F & G.
I have made a spreadsheet where I want to input data and transport it to a rent card information.
I want to use vlookup to find the apartment number in a different spread sheet and fill in the information on a different spreadsheet (rent, fees, utilities).
I get how to use vlookup to get one value but I need 10 values to return.
I'm using Microsoft Excel for Mac 2011. I'm creating a drop down box from List within Data Validation. It's only letting my create a list of 17 names. My longest list is 63 names. What do I need to do to create a list that will support that?
In cell H5 there is list of dates and in H7 there is codex, based on these two conditions in H11 a data validation list should be populated from the code_sheet using column B. The populated list should be unique entries, as the column B in code_sheet has duplicates.
I have three individual lists and I am using a formula like this for each of them =OFFSET(Table1,MATCH(F15,Table1,0)-1,1,COUNTIF(Table1,F15),1)
for my final cell I need to create another data validation list which is depenant on the values selected in the previous three lists.. how I would alter the formula to allow me to do that? I tried using and after the match to match all three tables but it never worked
I have a VBA macro for Excel 2007 below that loops through a workbook and deletes a picture (shape) in a range at the top of each worksheet.
The macro works fine until a cell which contains a seemingly unrelated data validation list on Sheets(1) is changed. The macro then repeatedly trips up with a 'Run-time error 1004 - Application defined or object defined error'.
The cell with the data validation is outside of the range in which the shapes are deleted and does not set any of the variables in the macro.
Sub DeleteLogos() Dim Count As Integer Dim NumberOfWorksheets As Integer Dim Logo As Shape Dim LogoZone As Range NumberOfWorksheets = Worksheets.Count For Count = 1 To NumberOfWorksheets With Sheets(Count)
I am attempting to put a drop down list using "Data Validation". I can get it working when my list is on the same sheet (sheet 1) and the column of cells I want the drop down list to show up in....(you know..when the drop down list shows up in each individual cell)......BUT...when I put the list on another sheet (sheet 2) and try to do the "Data Validation" back on sheet 1, excel won't let me go highlight the list on sheet 2.
I even tried writing sheet2 and the range and that still doesnt work.
I have a spreadsheet where I am tracking several entries in a table that will keep growing. Three fields are Data Validation Drop Down Lists. The macro below works well to clear the two lists to the right when the first one is changed by the user.
[Code] .....
I want this to affect the rows below it in the table as they are added.
I have a list drop down that is dependent on a first list. The first list has numbers, spaces, and "-" at the beginning I need to get rid of to make it a valid name to reference. The "Substitute" function can't be nested enough times to make this work for me since I have a fairly lengthy list for the independent column which has differing numbers at the beginning. The first two examples of the independent drop down (which would dictate the second dependent column and drop down) are:
00 - Preconstruction 01 - General Conditions
I would like to name these something like "Preconstruction" and "GeneralConditions" for valid naming convention.
Second thought:
If character removal isn't the most efficient or possible at all, is there a combination of reference functions that could make this work? Ultimately I want to use these 2 drop downs for reference functions on a second worksheet.
I am working with an Excel 2010 workbook that has two worksheets in it. What I am trying to accomplish is I want the second worksheet to scan the first worksheet for a student's name, and count all of the instances that the student has a score less than a certain threshold (we'll say "5" for this example). I have tried using various combinations of vlookup and countif functions, but have not had much success. I did get it to a point where it worked, but only for the first instance of that student's name; it wouldn't continue searching the first worksheet for any other instances.
I have attached a sample workbook as a reference : Sheet1.xlsx
I have a worksheet containing a list of states in column A and a list of companies in column B (along additional data in columns C-L). I want create a lookup formula on a separate worksheet where users can select the state from a dropdown menu and it will return the information from columns B-L for that state.
For example:
A B C D Alabama ABC Company Active Expires December 2009 Alabama 123 Company Expired Expired April 2008 Alabama XYZ Company Active Expires August 2009 Alabama Larry Company Expired Expired May 2006
How can I do this without losing my mind? I've tried various Index, Small and Match formulas and none of them work.