Filter Table To Show Data Meeting Wildcard Criteria
Apr 10, 2008
My goal is for any of my team members to be able to use a macro to delete all of the unwanted text from a fairly large worksheet and only show their specific information. I created it for myself and posted a slimmed down version of it below. Instead of the macro deleting any rows that do not have BRANDON SCOTT in column D, I want a pop up box to enter your name, and then any rows that do not have your name in column D will be deleted. I’m sure it is something simple, but I have not been able to find another forum with this information.
Sub MyTeam2()
With Columns("D")
. AutoFilter field:=1, Criteria1:="<>BRANDON SCOTT*"
.Resize(Rows.Count - 1).Offset(1).EntireRow.Delete
End With
End Sub
Im looking for a way to select between multiple choices linked to one criteria. Eg criteria beeing Chain x Article 1, which should give me the option to show and select from multiple unique values linked to that criteria (in attached example values 1 or 30 in column AQ marked in yellow). If possible solution should be formulas/functions.
I have a table detailing products and product options showing the options possible for each product. Each row has an option class and value(in separate columns):Color Red,Color Orange,Color Blue,Style A Style B and so on. Each product is in column.
Valid options for a product are indicated with a 1, invalid options with a 0. See attached sample file.
For instance, if the product in question is Alpha, then available colors are red and blue.
For a given product I need to return a randomly generated valid option. As I want to be able to drop in additional products and options, I want to return a value without resorting to manually generating a column containing only the valid options. The real data set amounts to dozens of options types and hundreds of parts for which I want to generate test data.
I want to write a VBA code, so I can apply dates criterias to my pivot table. Say, I have 1-Dec-2007 in "C2" and 10-Dec-2007 in "C3". Now I want my pivot table to show me the dates between those two dates and the data that goes along with it. I have written this code, but it keep debugging:
Sub FilterDates()
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Sheets("PnL").PivotTables("PivotTable3").PivotFields("Date") _ .PivotItems("01/01/1950").Visible = True 'to always have 1 populated
The below code is working for >200702 and removes all years/months prior to this entered value. Unfortunately the code does not work when a user enters <200706, instead the code goes through to the “NonValidCriteria” prompt.
Sub HideByCriteriaYYYYMM() 'Declare variables 'SEE: [url] 'SEE: [url] Dim pt As PivotTable, pi As PivotItem Dim lMonth As Long Dim strCri As String, strCri1 As String, strCri2 As String Dim bHide As Boolean Dim xlCalc As XlCalculation
I need to get the sum of a column where two conditions have to be met. I have tried doing something like: Sum(Sum(AND(V1:V1500="BEBLT", H1:H1500=17) +-Sum(AND(V514:V1512= "NVLIV", H514:H1512=17)))
In a nutshell I want to find the difference between the sum of a column whose criteria is 17 and BEBLT and the sum of another column whose criteria is 17 and NVLIV. This has been extremely frustrating since I am using SQL commands to pull the info from the workbook. Typically I would use
"Select SUM(Z) from Sheet1$ WHERE (H1:H1500=17 AND V1:V1500);"
Unfortunately for me my SQL command brings back an error so I must resort to finding the total in excel and then using the command to bring it into my VBA.
What I have is 4 columns of data broken down as follows Column A = Date Range B = Name C = City D = Amount of People.
What I want to achieve is to be able to go through my list of data and for all rows that match specifically matches A,B,C it will total column D and output to a cell. I also need for it to reflect the name somehow .. so in attached example A2-C2 matches A8-C8 so I would need the output of D8 + A8 (which should be 54) but I need for this to some how reflect a name combination City + Name. So I would know that abc & California have 54 people and that def and New York have 56.
I have attached a basic spread sheet of data; keeping in mind that in the complete data there could be hundreds of combinations for data to be matched.
I want to write a sub that captures the existing lists in the attached file in two arrays then create two new arrays of customer names and amounts spent for customers who spent at least $500. After these arrays have been filled, I want to transfer their contents to the columns D and E.
I am trying to include a series of vlookups to find products by a product code from a database, an example is attached.
I want to type a code into the box at the top and find the results containting but not uniquely being the input.
eg typing 15 in automatically finds 15 using "=VLOOKUP(TRIM($C$6),'Main Database'!1:65536,2,FALSE)" but my database also contains 15eurd and 15rf etc and i want these to appear too.
can i do this with vlookups with some clause that excludes a previously chosen entry?
I'm trying to create a formula (used in sheet 2 column B) that would generate the results in sheet2.B based on the contents of sheet 1. sheet2.B2 would contain a formula searching for the both "Y" in sheet1.C and the text in sheet2.A2 (in this case "E&P"). When each match is found, the contents of sheet1.A should be returned to sheet2.B, as shown in the mockup. There will be multiple matches (at least 15-20) for each search criteria, and I don't know how many there will be ahead of time.
I've tried various formulas, and they either have incorrect syntax and return every row in a range, or only return the first match correct match each time instead of all correct matches. I found some UDFs posted online that claim to do this, but I've gotten them into the spreadsheet and they generate # NUM errors. I would prefer to work with Excel-native formulas if possible, because I'm going to eventually hand this off to someone else to maintain and they may not have the level of expertise to deal with UDFs.
I would like to be able to filter my pivot table to shows the rows with no data ?
I can make "no value" appear in the pivot table in 2 ways - either by using column field as well as row fields or by using the "show items with no data" option in value field settings but I cant get filter to show only the "no value" rows
I have eight locations that appear on a single spreadsheet/Text file. I need to separate based on the Property ID for each location and then paste the result into a separate sheet for each one. I have arrange the code to look for each property ID and then copy the found data, but I am having a problem. The first find and Copy drops the first row but adds two to the end, so I am getting data for the next company. The second problem is that the second set of found data is appended to the size of the first found set. ( The first set is 3,570 rows, the second set is 2,646 rows. When Resized 6,216 rows are copied ) I can't seem to figure out how to reset the found range.
Sub Test() Dim RngSize As Long Dim srtHere As Long Dim endHere As Long 'Find The First company RngSize = Cells.Find("337x2", [B1], , , xlByRows, xlPrevious).Row 'Select columns to copy by resizing the found area to include additional Columns Set b = Range("Test").Find(what:="337X2").Resize(RngSize, 9) 'Copy Found area to the destination........................
I've inherited a reporting process which I need to convert to Excel but my knowledge of excel functions is fairly limited. I've attached a sample worksheet which sets out exactly what I'm trying to achieve in the comments. However to summarize here I need to add the data which meets set criteria together and display the result on a different worksheet. The problem I'm having is that the "criteria" the data needs to meet is dependent on info from other cells.
For example I only the totals of the data in column D where the date in column A is 01/01/08 and the data in column E is 1 and the result is to be displayed on a separate worksheet if that makes sense. It's difficult to describe without seeing the example workbook.
I have a very large table and i need to be able to Hide/show specific ranges based on:
Filter +and+ specific cell values in columns
brief example of the table : tablee.png
So... 1. Filter Column "B" (in this case we select "HELPING") 2. Auto hide/show collumns. - IF "C1" = "Required" THAN Show "C:E", IF "C1" ="N/A" , HIDE "C:E" and so on for every column like above.
There are over 80 columns like the "C:E" range. and I only need to show those that are "Required".
I have a "SUMMARY" sheet and then five other sheets. I need to be able to extract the data which is >0% from each of the individual sheets and capture the results in the relevant section of the "SUMMARY" sheet.
For example, the data from sheet "PAYG" would need to be entered into cells F148:AJ155. In each instance it is just the "model" detail I need to capture (column D)
I've a table of historical members status list. with this table, I could track each member status history, since the beginning they become a member.
Here is the short of table
Name Member Status Date
Adel New Member 1-Jan-14
[Code] ....
I expect to use Pivot table to show how many people which are still "New Member" and/or "Junior Member" up to now. From the table above, there should be: only one person who still as New Member. because it is only Smith, and only two people with Junior Member. they are Adel and Jhon.
I've search around and found the following useful link, viewing only the last date in a pivot table for each user also A quick way to return the latest date in a subset in Excel
How to know the last status of each user (each member in my case).
I have an issue with a Pivot table: I am using the 'show report filter pages' function and prior to this I have ensured my character length of that field is equal or less than 31 however when I hit the function the tab names are shortened to 26.
Hi All, I have 2 pivot tables (PivotTable1 and PivotTable2) which both source from the same pool of date.
The difference between the two are that I have a different report filter criteria.
For one the heading is "day", for the other it is "night". Each colum of data has the same entry range (names of staff) and I want to be able to link the two tables so for instance -
If i select "Paul" from the (day) report filter on PivotTable1, I want the (night) report filter on PivotTable2 to also change to "Paul".
My task is to write a macro on auto filtering. I got 2 columns of relevant data. Cells in column A show the team name and corresponding cell in column C shows the person who belongs to the team.
For clear illustration, this is an example of the list I got.
A1: A, C1: XX A2: A, C2: YY A3: A, C3: ZZ A4: B, C4: XX A5: B, C5, 00 A6: B, C6: 11
What I need to do is to write a macro that auto filters and shows only relevant data.
Assume XX used to be in team A but now moved to team B. When i filter for team A, i need all members who are/were in team A.
For instance, when i want team A, it has to include A1-A4 and when i want team B, it has to include A1,A4-A6.
I have an excel sheet with over 4,000 rows of records regarding our 80+ employees clocking in. There are three columns:
A: Date (MM/DD/YYYY) B: Time (HH:MM:SS) C: Employee Name
Our employees are expected to be at work (and clock-in) at or before 8am.
At first, I just filtered the data to display only rows that have a time value of between 8am and 9am (the hour when most people are tardy). However, I now realize this is not a very accurate way of reporting tardiness.
Our forklift driver, for example, almost always arrives at 7:45am, but then works around the entrance and has to scan his card (clock-in) several times throughout the morning to get back into the building. So if he's moving something outside and comes BACK inside at 8:30am, my current "filter" inaccurately reports him as tardy for that day.
Is there some way to filter this data to first reduce it down to their earliest clock-in for the day, THEN isolate only the 8am - 9am data (if we did that, the forklift driver problem would be solved because his only time for that day would be 7:45am - his TRUE clock-in). The forklift driver is just one example. Many other employees occasionally go in/out of that door and end up clocking in multiple times, so are getting wrongly reported as tardy.
I have spent the last 2 1/2 hours trying to figure this one out on my own. I have attempted multiple possiblities from the forum, however without success.
Okay, I need a count based on 2 criteria. My data source is a different workbook.
My last attempt on a formula is:
=SUMPRODUCT(('[eTE Status - TX HSP Math 2009.xls]Project'!$B$2:$B$248=D2)*('[eTE Status - TX HSP Math 2009.xls]Project'!$A$2:$A$248="978*"))
Column A - ISBN # This will ALWAYS begin with 978 or will contain N/A. There are no blank cells in this column Column B - Grade
In the formula above, cell D2 represents the Grade criteria. And in the second part of the criteria I was trying to create a wildcard so all numbers beginning with 978. Excel "accepts" this formula with giving me an error message, but yields 0 as a result rather than 34.
I'm working on a spreadsheet at work and I'm trying to sum only the values in a column that meet criteria in the column next to it. For example, in the attached spreadsheet, I would like to have a totals line at the bottom of the spreadsheet for all three Facilities and the total next to them. I know I could do a pivot table but I know this approach would be more aesthetic and easier for my supervisor.
we would like to get results from a formula that looks at several cells and provides the cost for a product.
If we choose Cell A3=Transport (from drop down list) Cell A4=Entrance Facility (from drop down list) Cell A5=Bandwidth (from another drop down list) returns the cost for this product in cell A6
We would also like to restrict the lists to the different catergories: if transport is selected you only have the option of 2 of 5 facility types that will work with transport products. Do I need to separate my lists?
I'm trying to use the SUmif with Offset, but the width argument of offset doesn't seem to work within the SumIf function. I have 14 columns
A Employee B department C-N jan through dec salaries per employee per month
41 rows
1 titles 2-41 names of employees
now in May I want to know the salaries per department for the month may only, but also cummulative from jan up to may. Getting may per department works fine, but getting the cummulative doesn't seem to be working
=SumIf(B2:B40;"account";offset(C2;;4)) gives me the sum of department Account in the month of May =SumIf(B2:B40;"account";offset(C2;;;;4)) starting point zero (= january) plus 4 columns width, just gives me January.
I've tried several options, but every time he only sums 1 column. Without the SumIf it works fine but for the whole company, not per department ofcourse.
how a SUMPRODUCT function can resolve this. In this sample I want to have 1120-32188 & 1120-32188W be treated the same for the Total sum qty. In this case =10. This will compute but how do I include items in column A that have 'W' suffixes for computing Total Qty? Formula: =IF(A2=A1,"",SUMPRODUCT(($A$2:$A$100=A2)*($C$2:$C$100)))
I have an Excel sheet with 3 worksheets. On the first sheet I want to enter a formula that will check the third sheet. On the third sheet I need to compare all the entries in column N with a value in Cell B2 of the front sheet. If these match then I need the formula to add up the relevant values in column N. (column N has a 4 letter code, I am only interested in comparing the first letter, as such the value in cell B2 is H*, then in column U it has numbers of minutes, I want a total of the minutes of all those entries with a code that begins with H)