the problem is that not all the dates in the range are consecutive and there may be the same date more than once eg
the problem is if the date in cell H20 (inputted by user) does not exist in column D, it all goes wrong.
what i would like to achieve is a way of incrementing the cell date by one day until it matches a date in the range, in this case if 02/04/2008 was entered 03/04/2008 would be picked up.
based on user date ranges entered on sheet1, I'm trying to write code that will write each month of the date range on other sheets across the 2nd row. at this point I'm getting "object required" error at "Set DateStart = Cells(2, 6)"
I also want the date format to be mmm-yy (Mar 14) on the sheets even if sheet1 has a different format. I tried using sourcerange instead of DateStart, but that didnt work either.
Dim projStartDate As Date Dim projEndDate As Date Dim DateStart As Date[code]....
I have a range (C3:C56). I have a set number in each of these cells. I also have a range out to the side that calculates a number after input a % in cell BI2. The formula reads as "=AE3-(AE3*$BI$2)". Basically it is reducing the values in my range. If a number is in my range is 8 and i input 25% in cell BI2, then my result would be 6.
I have a few steps I want to happen with this range.
1 Display an input box asking for a percentage 2 I want to loop through my range and use that percentage to reduce the numbers 3 (optional but would be amazing to have) after the reduced value is determined, round down to the nearest multiple of 4.
What I have is an output of about 30 worksheets of individual stock data in a workbook, all with the same column headings, laid out like the following (so that the Column Headings are stock data as recorded on the Date in Column A): <Stock Name> <Date> <Price> <Price to Book> <etc.> with the stock titles also as the names of the worksheet.
What I want to do is create a macro that outputs to a single worksheet where I can input the stock name and a certain date for the stock, and then have it insert the appropriate row from the stock's worksheet underneath.
So, if I say I want the data for Stock A on March 24, 2007, I can input those two and have it output the appropriate rows from the worksheet. Or, more generally, I can create a list of stock names and dates, and have the macro output that data underneath.
I need some VBA code to hide columns if they are outside of a specified date range.
- the worksheet i need to run this VBA on is named 'Summary' - Columns A to G need to remain un-hidden at all times - from H17 to ZZ17 i have every month of the relevant years listed (all there chronologically) - D3 holds the 'Date From' variable - D4 holds the 'Date To' variable
In column C27 and down, the user can input a date. In column M27 down, the user chooses pass or fail.
N8, contains a date chosen by user as the "From" date and P8 the "to" date.
Cell o11 is "Passed" and cell 012 is "failed"
The user can choose a date range and input the from and to date in N8 and P8, this will count the number of pass and fails and input the number in O11 and o12.
Sheet 1 - I have columns filled with dates (weekdays only) For example 28-May, 29-May, 30-May up to 28-Nov. Above 10 rows below each date columns and each cell has some values.
Sheet 2 - I have Start date defined in B1 Cell, and End date defined in B2 Cell
I need defining the formula to sum all the cell values fall between the date range defined in Sheet 2 B1 and B2.
For Example if B1=28-May B2=30-May, I want the sum of all the numbers come under the range of 28-May to 30-May, with this above example, it should be 19.5.
I'm trying to combine the hours that a employee worked on a single date, with one of multiple time periods that exist for that employee.
I have two sets of data. Set 1 (hours) Employee number, date, hours 12345, 1-2-2014, 6 12345, 1-3-2014, 8 12345, 1-10-2014, 8
Set 2 (periods) Employee number, start date, end date 12345, 1-1-2014, 4-1-2014 12345, 6-1-2014, 1-2-2014
What I'd like to do is to add the start and end date of Set 2 to Set 1 for every row in Set 1
In above example the result should be like this. 12345, 1-2-2014, 6, 1-1-2014, 4-1-2014 12345, 1-2-2014, 8, 1-1-2014, 4-1-2014 12345, 1-10-2014, 8, 6-1-2014, 1-2-2014
This is a sub that uses the Find method to find a series of dates and copy them to another worksheet. The following error comes up: Object variable or With block variable not set. I have tried using a set command etc. but other errors end up coming up.
Private Sub CommandButton7_Click()
On Error Goto errorHandler Dim startDate As String Dim stopDate As String Dim startRow As Integer Dim stopRow As Integer startDate = InputBox("Enter the Start Date: (mm/dd/yy)") If startDate = "" Then End stopDate = InputBox("Enter the Stop Date: (mm/dd/yy)") If stopDate = "" Then End 'startDate = Format(startDate, "mm/??/yy") 'stopDate = Format(stopDate, "mm/??/yy") startRow = Me.Columns("A").Find(startDate, _ LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole).Row stopRow = Me.Columns("A").Find(stopDate, _ LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole).Row Me. Range("A" & startRow & ":A" & stopRow).Copy _ Destination:=Worksheets("Report").Range("A1") End
errorHandler: MsgBox "There has been an error: " & Error() & Chr(13) _ & "Ending Sub.......Please try again", 48
I have a table that shows across the top row date headings for year and month. So it would show like this, 2008/01 2008/02 2008/03 2008/04 etc to year ending 2009/12 I need a formula which will tell me the first date that a customer started transacting. Under each date heading is a count of transactions for each year/month by each customer. So, I need to search for the very first transaction number and return the date.
I have a formula =WORKDAY(TODAY(),-1) which will give me 10 Apr 07 in C1of sheet1 today. I am trying to find the cell in column A of sheet2 which has the date value equal to C1. However, my below macro keeps telling me object variable not set at the last line.
Dim s1, s2 As worksheet Dim tdy As range Dim today As Long
Set s1 = sheets("Sheet1") Set s2 = sheets("Sheet2")
today = s1.range("C1")
Set tdy = s2.range("A1:A65536").find(today, lookin:=xlvalues) tdy.Activate
I have one excel sheet. In the first column there are various Project Codes and in the first row there are various date. Cells in the matrix contains 0 or 1 value. If value is equals to 1 that means the project was on hold during this months and if the cell value is null of 0 (Zero) it means the project was active. For a project in a particular row there are several times a project went on hold and now I want a date range showing the project's hold duration. If project went on hold more than one time the result should also give different range for each time when project went on hold.
I am having some data running into 60 (C:BJ) columns and 200 rows. It is the record of dates query raised and answered with refernce to query number in the A coulmn. I have zero value as entry for the unused cells in this range due to some constraints. I need to find the smallest and the largest non-zero date in this range for analysis purpose. I plan to use the difference between these 2 dates to calculate turn around time for a query.
Problem is to find the smallest and the largest non zero date within range C6:BJ6 which would be used as input in the Networkdays formula.
I want to save myself some time at work, that's why I want to create an automatic sheet in Excel using VBA. I need to create files with monthly reports of data.
My project looks like this: 1. Gather information from user (Month & Year) 2. Create a file which name is based on Month & Year 3. Select data sheet 4. Find date range to copy (RowBegin, RowEnd) 5. Copy nad Paste required data into new file (point 2.) 6. Delete rows, formated in certain way 7. Find bottom of all columns and insert row with all formulas 8. Format all sheet acording to requirements
I was looking over and I know how to do all the points besides point -> 4. Find date range to copy (RowBegin, RowEnd)
I got a column "D" with about 5000 cells for now and the sheet is updated daily. In those cells I got dates formatted like this:
What I don’t know is how get in VBA two variables – range of row numbers describing selected month (for example March) - from (RowBegin) & to (RowEnd), in this case RowBegin=4014 and RowEnd=4016, which I can later put into:
I am assessing the impact of product price increases on volume (qty) and sales (£/$).
The prices are changed sporadically and at no set intervals. For example pries were changed on the 15th Jan and 13th Feb this year.
We have set reporting dates (calender months) so i am hoping to be able to divide the report which shows sales & qty's during the 15th Jan - 13th Feb segment and apportion them to the correct months.
I have the start & end dates of the calender months in cells A4:B18 and each time a new report is run (ie 15th Jan or 13th Feb, these dates go across the top i.e. cell C3 = 15th jan & D3 = 13th Feb.
I would like to return a % in cell C4 which relates to the amount of total days in the segment that relate to Jan (ie. 29 days in the segment, 16 relate to Jan so 55.2%).
Cell C5 would then return a % which relates to the amount of total days in the segment that relate to Feb (29 days in the segment, 13 relate to Feb so 44.8%).
Cells D4&D5 would return the next reporting segment and how many days in Jan/Feb respectively (the answer will be 0 but a constant formula acrosss all would be perfect. tried to give as much info as poss.
I'm writing a macro that will import data from one workbook to another, based on yesterdays date. I have the import functionality working, and I've been playing all afternoon, but I can't find a way to find yesterdays date in a range and use that row number as the row offset value in this line:
Rather than having a set row offset value (in this case, 14) I would like to use the find function to lookup yesterdays date in range "B50:B80" in the worksheet I've designated as "sh1" and return the row number of the cell that has yesterdays date and use this value as the row offset value, replacing the hard coded 14 that is in there currently. The date values in the range are formatted as per Date Format.jpg.
I would like to design a macro that can find a value within a cell in a colunm and copy a value in the row then count occurances of that value next time a match in the colunm is found on a different row, but also do this only if the date range in the row is within a specified range. So a multi-critieria search and copy operation.
To explain a little better here is a simplified example of my spread sheet that is in input for the macro.
1 PART NO. date in date out comp1 comp2[code]......
Column A lists the coponents found on the same row as the seach critria, in this example "12-3".
Column B lists the number of occurances of the components. This search is limited to a date range input by the user.
So what I can see is the components replaced and the amount of times replaced on a specific item over a fixed time.
*It is difficult to describe this problem without showing the macro output, but this is just an example for the purpose of explanation.
I know a bit of VBA programming and initially I started with an input box that asks for the part number and limit dates.
I've attached a workbook which contains two sheets: PAYM DEVICE_PAYM
Data is updated on DEVICE_PAYM each day with the figures I need located in column "AN". I need to be able to copy the data from "AN" and paste it into a column on the PAYM sheet. The destination column on the PAYM sheet needs to be specified by inputting a specific date - ideally, I would like to use the calendar Add-In as part of this process. I've already input some code for the calendar but am unable to develop this further so that it finds the correct date column and pastes the data across from the other sheet.
1 column in my sheet is a list of dates (affectively a calendar). I am trying to create a macro that will only display rows 1-5 and then current the current date and the next 30 days and hide all other rows.
The approach I have tried is to use “ADDRESS(MATCH(BS40,$B$1:$B$462,0),2)” equation to find the cell with todays date in it (Cell BS40 contains todays date). This was repeated for todays date +30. The problem I have is that although I now have the cell address’s located I cannot reference their values in a
I have a input box that prompts a user to enter a date of a new month - it has to be the 1st of a new month. I have validation that it is a date that has been entered but then i want to validate the date entered is a month ahead of a date in a cell range on a sheet.
It is a monthly reset so it has to roll on from the previous month.
Here is what i have currently but it isn't working.
' Get user to input the first day of the new month to populate all dates with dNewMonth = InputBox(Prompt:="Enter first Day of the new Month. Must be the 1st of the Month e.g. 01/10/2012", _ Title:="Enter Date") ' Validates the entered date is a valid date If (IsDate(dNewMonth) = False) Then
I'm using nested SUBSTITUTE formula to make some changes to the some of the data. I'm also using IFERROR to return the input if it does not find the criteria I have specified. I have lot of variations in my input data.
The formula works fine for all except for date format input.
N90232Y09--->SUBSTITUTE(A1,"N","")-->90232Y09 12335--->12335 12/3/1923---->58936 (I want the date to be retained)
why the date format is changed even if don't specify any changes for it. I expect my IFERROR to just retain the input as it is.