Finding Non Zero Smallest Numbers

Feb 16, 2008

Find smallest numbers in the range ignoring zeros.
I want it returned as value "1", all others - as value "0".
Example: range A1:J1 contains - 5,0,7,3,6,5,8,0,9,3
desirable result in the range A2:J2 - 0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1

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Address Of Smallest 5 Numbers (return The Value In Column 1 For The Smallest 5 Numbers)

Jan 14, 2010

I am using the following array equation to return the value in column 1 for the smallest 5 numbers. It works for small 1 and 3 but i get a #NUM! for 2 , 4 , and 5. The smallest 5 numbers are:




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Finding Smallest Value Within A Range

Jun 6, 2014

I currently am working with a worksheet that has over 250,000 data points. It is a spreadsheet for a company in which different work order are organized. A given work order can have several parts (ranging anywhere from one component to 40ish) and thus the height of the cells in which each specific work order is placed differs from work order to work order. For each component, the spreadsheet tells you how many can currently be made based on the materials available. What I would like to do, for each specific work order, is go through the data and simply tell whether or not the work order can be completed (the quantity of each specific component needed is also given in the spreadsheet) and then report out exactly how many components can be made.

Ultimately, this means that a "limiting factor" analysis must be done. For instance, if the work order is asking to create plastic bottles that consist of the bottle, the cap, and the label and it asks for 3 bottles but only 2 caps are able to be made, the limiting factor would be the caps and thus only two bottles could be made and the work order could not be fully completed.

The spreadsheet is set up based on another worker here, I am just trying to come up with a way to analyze it. Cells A1:Axxxxx are the work order numbers and the size of these cells differ because they are merged to fit the number of components they have. The componenets available are then ranged C1:Cxxxxx etc and the quantity needed are also listed in a similar fashion. What sort of structure could I use.

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Finding Smallest Unique Value

Mar 18, 2013

I'm after a formula to find the smallest unique value in a range

For example..


Small(Range,1) = 1
Small(Range,2) = 1

But i need the second row to show '2' as the result.

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Finding Smallest Value In A Column

Aug 21, 2008

In column A, I have a list of names.
In column B, I have a list of values.
I want column C to show me which name has the smallest value from column B.
In other words, if there are 5 names, I want ONE name to give me a value of 10 (for the smallest value), and the rest of the names I want to show zero.

I also have in column D another list of values.
In column E, I want to show first, second and third place amongst the list of values from column D. The rest of the names I want to show zero.

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Finding 10 Smallest Unique Values In A List

Oct 2, 2008

I have been using the SMALL function to find 10 smallest values in a list, however, some of the values are the same, is there a way of only having the 10 smallest unique values within a list?

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Finding Smallest Value In Range Close To Specified Calculated Point

Mar 8, 2012

Lets pretend that I have a boat load of automatically generated values from a different program.

There's a specific equillibrium point to a certain measurement, but this measurement involves a lot of fluctuation. To get a near accurate result, I must find the maximum value in an entire graph on the Y Axis value(Column B). Ofcourse, this is easily done using the =MAX value

Exactly 450 seconds (X Axis value(Column A)) positively and negatively from this point, something like this happens.


A.) I must find the highest points 450 seconds negatively ( X ) to the max of the entire graph.

B.) I must find the lowest point closest to the two points we uncovered, both on the positive ( X -->) side.

C.) The fluctuation of every spike can last to about ±30 measured points in the graph. (±20 seconds) Thus, the maximum point surrounding the +/- 450 seconds (±693 x values) needs to be accurately predicted as being around 450 seconds, not 10 seconds more or less.

D.) The measurement is known to something glitch out and suddenly get a spike somewhere along the road, which will then quickly fall back down, which is a false maximum level. How can I prevent excel from taking this as the maximal point?

Remember, this needs to be fully automated into a macro later on, ergo, I cannot manually add the formulas to all the (650 different) sheets.

I have 25 days before the project gets cancelled if this doesn't make it.

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Averaging Smallest, Non-zero Numbers In A Row

Nov 24, 2006

I'm struggling to get the syntax right for this formula. I've been trying variations on the following formula but can't get it right:


Columns AP:AZ:

Any column in this range could have a zero value.

What I need: The average of the 8 lowest non-zero numbers in range AP:AZ

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Sorting Numbers From Smallest To Largest?

May 10, 2013

There must be something I'm doing wrong, because I have a list of numbers and when I select Data --> Sort --> Column G, I am not given the option of sorting "From smallest to largest". Only from "A to Z" or viceversa.

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Finding Name Then Finding Reoccurring Numbers

Feb 25, 2014

I have been trying to write two formulas in one cell. I have been able to write them both separately but have been unable to join them both together. What I am trying to do if first search name them how many reoccurring numbers appear. I have provided an example below

a b c d

1 Tom 333
2 Sam 22
3 Sam 22
4 John 5
5 Sam 22
6 Sam 1
7 Tom 3
8 Tom 333

So the answer would be

Tom = 2
Sam = 2
John = 1

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Finding Common (repeated) Numbers In Columns Of Numbers

Mar 21, 2008

I work for a charity and I have to cancel the donations of people whose credit card donations have been declined in three consecutive months.

If in Column A I have a list of donor IDs whose credit cards were declined in Jan 2008, in Column B I have a list of donor IDs whose credit cards were declined in Feb 2008 and in Column C I have a list of donor IDs whose credit cards were declined in Mar 2008, is there a way of showing in a fourth column which donor IDs were common (repeated) in Columns A, B and C? I would have a title for each column in A1, B1 and C1, and also the column where the repeated donor IDs would be displayed.

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Finding A Sum Of Two Numbers

Nov 16, 2012

Is there a function in excel that can look at an array of values and find the two values that equal a number.

I have a number 159. I have an array of 100 numbers but only two of them added together can equal 159. Rather than sort through every possible combination is there a function in excel that can do that?

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Finding The Sum Within A Range Of Numbers

Dec 30, 2008

So I have multiple columns of numerical data,

I have to find the sum of all numbers between 10 and 40 within a column, NOT cell 10 to 40 but the actual number 10 and 40.

How do I do that?

Is it SUMIF? I cannt seem to grasp this.

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Finding A Value Between Two Given Numbers In One Cell

Mar 29, 2009

I have another post here on this forum, but I'm afaid the formula is getting so complex that nobody is able to fully understand what I want. Instead I want to find a value between two numbers and add it to some IF sentences. It will do what I want, even if it's not that elegant.

I've looked at the SUMIF function but it did not do exactly what I wanted. It finds a number or adds numbers only if they are in range it seems.

What I want is the following:
Return sum between 500 and 1000 in one cell.

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Finding 2 Numbers In A Field

Jan 14, 2013

Create a form where i would enter 2 numbers into 2 seperate boxes, and those numbers would be highlighted/bolded/shown in red from a list of 30 rows of numbers x 20 numbers in each row. these 2 numbers will not be the same all the time, below is just for an example

ie. number: ... (5) number: ... (59)

1 28 19 20 5 9 80 72 12 38 50 53 59 83 ...
8 4 38 29 11 39 27 38 3 49 59 80 13 12 49 4 5 ...
and so on....

So picture something like that, but with 30 rows of numbers x 20 numbers in each row.

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Finding What Numbers Are In One Column But Not The Other

Nov 10, 2009

I have a large list of numbers in two columns. I need to know what numbers are in column A but don't appear in column B. For example if the numbers are 1 2 and 3 in column A but column B only has 1 and 2 I need to know that 3 is missing.

the only thing I can think of is doing =IF(A1=B1,"TRUE","FALSE") however typing this a thousand times would not be practical.

Is there a macro that can check column A against column B and tell me which ones are missing?

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Finding Numbers From String

Aug 11, 2009

I am trying to find numbers from a string. I have for example words "EUR Fwd 9x12" and "Eur Fwd 11x15" And i want to write a function that reads the first number from a string if there is only one number before "x" or two numbers if there are 2 numbers. So I have tried to build following function:

Function NumbersInString(Word As String) As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim FirstNumberInString As Integer, SecondNumberInString As Integer
For i = 1 To Len(Word)
If IsNumeric(Mid(Word, i, 1)) Then
FirstNumberInString = Mid(Word, i, 1)
If IsNumeric(Mid(Word, i + 1, 1)) = False Then
Exit Function
SecondNumberInString = Mid(Word, i + 1, 1)
End If
End If

NumbersInString = FirstNumberInString & SecondNumberInString
End Function

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Finding The X Highest Or Lowest Numbers In A Set?

Jul 24, 2014

I am looking for a way to find a highest (and/or) lowest value in a list of numbers. The list keeps getting longer and after a certain point I will need the 2 highest (or lowest), then the 3 highest (or lowest). I know MIN and MAX will find the high and low, but how do I find the 2nd highest, etc?

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Finding An Average Couple Numbers

Jul 9, 2008

I am trying to get an average of a couple numbers, but I have to enter both numbers in one cell.

I have to enter the numbers in a cell as a range (ex. "1000-3000"). I need to convey it as a range in the spreadsheet I am doing, but in a separate cell I need the average of the extremes (1000 & 3000). Is there a formula or anything that would let me get the average of those two numbers(2000) directly from that one cell? If needed, I could make the cell "1000,3000" instead. I just don't want to make two separate cells, one saying 1000 and the other saying 3000.

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Finding Which Numbers Make A Total

May 22, 2009

I do a lot of work in excel to do with accounts and this often needs checking against sage. When the invoices/petty cash sheets are put into sage the total amount is put in, but in my spreadsheets I need to split the reciepts. So I was wondering if there was a formula/VBA code, that if I only knew the total of the invoice would find which cells added up to this total?

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Finding Numbers In Text String

May 11, 2010

In a data report i have a column which contains a mix of text and may contain an 8 digit number which could start in 0.

for example

in column A i could have "Hello how are you 01237232 I am fine"

I wish to extract the number into a seperate column, and would ordinarilly use a mid or left/ right function, however the text infront and behind the number will vary in length, which means i cannot do this.

The number will always be 8 digits, could start in 0 but will not always, and it may not be present in all the cells in this column.

How I an achieve this?

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Finding Numbers Of Rows And Columns?

May 5, 2013

How I can know the numbers of rows and columns in a excel sheet?

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Finding Similar Numbers In Two Sheets

Jun 25, 2013

I have an excel file which contains two sheets. In one sheet there are some numbers in a single column. In the other sheet again there are certain numbers span across rows and columns (a number may be duplicated). I need to check whether there are numbers which exist in both the sheets. If such a number is found it may be marked (say with a color) in both the sheets.

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Finding Difference Between Non-consecutive Numbers?

Jul 11, 2013

I have got the following issue. I have got a large list of values in a column. I need to detect the the ones which are in non-consecutive order and display the difference in single numbers. For example:

1 fine
2 fine
3 fine
7 - 4,5,6
10 - 8,9

In other words I need to find the missing values and get them displayed.

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Finding Sums Of Different Numbers Of Cells

Jun 21, 2006

I am building an inventory simulation and have run into a problem. What i want is, when i change a number in cell H4, i want excel to find the sum of C25 and the cells "H4" up. If H4 is 5 then i need the sum of C20:C25...if H4 is 10 i need C15:C25. Does anyone have any thoughts on how to do this? I have attached a sample sheet to make it more clear.

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Finding Prime Numbers In A Range And Highlighting It

Oct 28, 2013

How can I find prime numbers in a range and highlight it if a number in a cell is a prime.

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Finding The Middle Cell In A Column Of Numbers

Sep 8, 2009

I am looking for a formulas to first find the middle number in a column of numbers eg 1,2,3,4,5 3 is the middle (similar to median) thats where the calculations start...

it then assigns values of minus to the numbers above the middle and plus values to the numbers below the middle
1 -50
2 -50
3 0
4 +50
5 +50

now when it comes to even numbers eg 1,2,3,4,5,6 if i use median it divide 3 & 4 and comes up with 3.5 ........ i want it to recognize 3 and 4 as the middle numbers
and assign plus and minuses above and below the middle numbers
1 -50
2 -50
3 -25
4 +25
5 +50
6 + 50

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Finding Country Based On Phone Numbers?

Dec 5, 2008

I have a list of mobile phone numbers from various countries. However, I do not know which country each entry is from. Ideally I would like to have a macro that looks at each number, compares to a global list of PSTN structure to determine which part of the phone number is the country code (generally the first 1-3 digits), and then put the country in a separate column.

I am certain all numbers are formatted correctly, so it is only a matter of finding out which part is the country code and putting a value for the country.

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Excel 2010 :: Finding Duplicate Numbers?

Jun 15, 2014

Using Office 2010.

I am trying to find duplicate numbers in sets but so far I can only highlight the ones that are in exact order. I need to find each set that has the same numbers, in any order. Example..

I will provide an example of sets of 3. But I get 3, 4 usually but sometimes 5 or 6.

I get them from different people.

Person A- 234, 569, 498, 849, 848,343,567,347 etc...

Person B- 432, 596, 677, 566, 565,433, 455 etc..

Now I need to find each set that has the same numbers, any order. Like 234 from A and 432 from B would be the same, so I would need to highlight them 2 sets. But I can not figure out how to do this. For Excel to highlight it they have to be 234 and 234. Does not recognize same numbers, different order.

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Finding Country Based On Phone Numbers

Dec 5, 2008

I have a list of mobile phone numbers from various countries. However, I do not know which country each entry is from. Ideally I would like to have a macro that looks at each number, compares to a global list of PSTN structure to determine which part of the phone number is the country code (generally the first 1-3 digits), and then put the country in a separate column.

I am certain all numbers are formatted correctly, so it is only a matter of finding out which part is the country code and putting a value for the country.

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