Finding Value Then Fill Out Corresponding Row?

Mar 18, 2014

I am creating a simple userform wherein when I clicked the save button, it will look for the value of a textbox in the excel column then it will save the details on that row. For example, the value of textbox is "12345" and it is located on D5, the value of textbox2, textbox3, textbox4 will be saved in E5,F5,G5.

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Conditional Formatting Fill Color Count Finding

Sep 15, 2014

The number of conditional formatting how the fill color macro How do I calculate.

ColorIndex colors with conditional formatting in VBA did not calculate.

conditional formatting.xlsx

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Finding Cells With Certain Values And Adding Fill Colour To The Cell

Feb 1, 2007

i have an excel file which contains data, I want to be able to search this file and to fill the cell and its next 3 cells to the right with a certain colour. Is this possible as I have wrote some vba to do this but, Im only able to search and not fill the cells with the correct colour.

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Fill Handle Pattern (not Finding My Pattern)

Jan 31, 2007

Pre-requisite: I would consider myself to be very poor with excel, based on what I've read on this forum and found on my web-searches. I have a worksheet that has a list of data on the left going vertically, then a summary of this data going horizontally across the top. It is not arranged in such a way that transposing the data will do what I want. I am pulling the 5th word out of the title of each block of the vertical data and need to show this word on the horizontal section.

When I use this formula to pull the 5th word: =MID(MID(MID(SUBSTITUTE(A2," ","^",4),1,256), FIND("^",SUBSTITUTE(A2," ","^",4)),256),2,FIND(" ",MID(MID(SUBSTITUTE(A2," ","^",4),1,256),FIND("^",SUBSTITUTE(A2," ","^",4)),256))-2)

I need to increase A2 to A30, then A58 (up by 28 every time) in every instance in that formula. The fill handle increases the values by 1, instead of 28 (even if I do 3 or 4 instances manually) How do I do this? I've run into this problem in other scenarios, and there HAS to be a way to get around it.

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Can I Fill Non-adjacent Cells With The Fill Feature? (example Listed)

Nov 7, 2008

how to enter data in non-adjacent cells using a fill command.

Here is what I am trying to do:
in the column, I am holding ctrl button to select every 10th cell down the sheet. I need to enter a date in every selected cell that is exactly 7 days apart, i.e., 11/7/08 then 11/14/08 then 11/21/08, etc.... but no other dates or data.

I have tried to figure out a way to do this other than manually, but am confounded.

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Auto Fill After Inserting Row Without Using Fill Handle?

Apr 30, 2014

Is there anyway to automatically fill the empty added cell after inserting a row without using the fill handle? For example, for a series of numbers: [URL]

2. Drag the fill handle Selected cell with fill handle across the range that you want to fill.

Or running balance: [URL]

2. Extend the running balance formula into the new rows by selecting the last cell in the balance column and then double-clicking the fill handle.

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Finding Name Then Finding Reoccurring Numbers

Feb 25, 2014

I have been trying to write two formulas in one cell. I have been able to write them both separately but have been unable to join them both together. What I am trying to do if first search name them how many reoccurring numbers appear. I have provided an example below

a b c d

1 Tom 333
2 Sam 22
3 Sam 22
4 John 5
5 Sam 22
6 Sam 1
7 Tom 3
8 Tom 333

So the answer would be

Tom = 2
Sam = 2
John = 1

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Use One Big Picture To Fill Instead Of Gradient Fill?

Jul 21, 2014

I am currently working on a project and want to use a picture of a cauldron and have that filled in as opposed to a bar graph filled with cauldron pictures. Is this possible? I picture something similar to how someone would fill a picture on a piece of paper until they hit their goal.

Secondly, If I need to do a bar graph I know I can do conditional formatting on the values within their cells but can I create this formatting specifically to the graphs themselves?

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Asymmetric Fill (fill Out Column B Referencing Column A, But Only Incrementing By 1 Row In A Every 2 Cells In B)

Feb 1, 2010

Is there some easy way to fill out column B referencing column A, but only incrementing by 1 row in A every 2 cells in B?


Column A:
A1 = 1
A2 = 2
A3 = 3

Column B (I would like to fill this, referencing column A):
B1 = A1
B2 empty
B3 = A2
B4 empty
B5 = A3

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VBA - Cell - Fill Or No Fill?

Jul 13, 2012

I'm trying to loop through a list of about 1300 items and copy the rows where one of the cells has a fill color to 2 different sheets in the same workbook. If there's no fill color, the row moves to a different sheet.

My code is determining that all cells have a fill.

For Each cell In Range("Classification")
If cell.Interior.Color blank Then
Range(Selection, Selection.Offset(0, -9)).Copy Destination:=Range("Compliance")
Range(Selection.Offset(0, -5), Selection.Offset(0, -9)).Copy Destination:=Range("Mstar")
Range(Selection, Selection.Offset(0, -9)).Copy Destination:=Range("RP")
End If
Next cell

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Finding N/A

Nov 10, 2008

I have sheet with rows and column from cell(1,1) to Cell(8,18) and it has #N/A inside these data. Is there a way to use Find function to find #N/A and replace it with empty space?

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Finding Last Row

Feb 2, 2010

I am working on a macro that has a VLookup in it.

The sheet that this will be applied to comes in weekly and can have anywhere from 10K to 30K.

I want the VLookup equation to be able to find the last possible row with data in column A and then copy the Vlookp equation in column B to the last row.

Can someone please provide the correct code that will allow me to do this?

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Finding Last Value In A Row

Mar 13, 2002

What formula will return the the first value to the right?

For example: A1=empty cell, B1=3, C1=empty cell, D1=0, E1=5, F1=empty cell.

What does the formula need to be in G1 to return the value of the first cell to the left than contains 0 or a value, or in this case 5 (E1).

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Finding The Value

Jul 8, 2008

In my code I have a very useful line:

[other code stuff here]...Range("J" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))

That helps me find the value in the last row that actually has data in my spreadsheet. This is great, but I want to try to accomplish the same thing without vba. In other words, in cell A3, I always want the value that is in the J column, but the last row that has data. (In other words sometimes the last data row ia 97, sometimes it is 23.) Since the value is always changing this won't be vlookup. Is there another excel function that can find the end without the use of vba?

This might seem goofy to need to do since I already know how I can in vba, but in my (admittedly pathetic code) I keep have an endless loop and if I can figure out a way to get this value on the ss.

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Finding 3 MAX Using VBA

Aug 1, 2009

I need to find, using VBA, three highest numbers out of entire column (L), select 13 appropriate ranges like for L9 - A9:M9 , for L8 - A8:M8 and for L7 - A7:M7 and copy to a different sheet.

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Finding Value Between Range

Jul 25, 2012


I have two sheets of data and two tables (1=finial 2=data comparison) I am trying to figure out some kind of formula or vba that can easily tell me that the location point in table one data comparison matches the location in table two. The VPMDFS (location footage) in table two or NDE data can be a range, say vpmdfs.NDE + or - 3 ft. so the ILI or source record should fall in between this range. Once the match has been made I need to copy and paste that record onto sheet one all in the same row. I have been scratching my head and researching for weeks and cannot come up with a simple solution. My problem with all the scenarios that I've tried is the formulas what the data in the data comparison sheet to already be in the same row. Please reference my attached work book for examples.

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Finding Particular Cell Value

May 15, 2014

How to find a particular cell value, example: i have sheet and in that we have 30 employee names and i need to map the data of work from home, which is in dark bule color and need to make a total of it. rather than counting the all the sheet details from month start till end. I need to find it in a quick shot.

I would like to prepare a shift schedule for 3 months it should be a automated.

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Finding Next TRUE Value?

Aug 3, 2014

I'm currently using a formula which is exactly what i want but i need it to do something additional.

The formula is: =IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("Level 1 ",$I:$I)),$K:$K,"")

My understanding of this formula is that the cell the formula is in then searches column I for the value "Level 1 ", if it's true it returns what is in column K, if false then it returns the cell blank/0. This is a great function and works well.

What i want to know, is there a way to add another rule on to it that instead of returning the value blank/0, it finds the next cell in the column that has a TRUE value and omits it instead.

For example:
At the moment it shows:
Level 1A
Level 1B
Level 1C
(Blank Cell)
Level 1D
(Blank Cell)
Level 1E

But i want it to show like this:
Level 1A
Level 1B
Level 1C
Level 1D (Replaces blank cell with the next TRUE value)
Level 1E (Replaces cell that previously had "Level 1D" in it to the next TRUE value seeing as "Level 1D" is now above)

I don't want the cell to appear as blank.

In column K, i would only have the data for "Level 1 ", i can then copy the formula to other columns for "Level 2 " and so on. I don't need it to return the cells in alphabetical order, just the next true value in the column that matches the values in the reference column.

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Finding MAX Value In A Column Not Just The Last Value?

Jan 22, 2014

I have a working formula that gives me the last value in a column using Index formula below. How can i slightly adapt the formula to find the maximum value in that column instead?

=LOOKUP(10^99,INDEX('Data Drop'!$A$15:$AZ$10000,,MATCH($H$9,'Data Drop'!$A$15:$AZ$15,0)))

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Finding Max Value In Duplicates

Jul 22, 2009

I have data that has about 10 duplicate values (UTC Time) in one column and another column with number values (depth ft) that vary. I need to obtain the maximum (highest) value in the depth column and remove the other duplicates to filter out the low values. So for the data example below for UTC 15:56:28 I only want the 5.7 row, for 15:56:29 I want5.3 row and so on. I can attach the sheet. - this is a huuge dataset so manual filtering wont work. Data is from a sonar that gives 10 depth readings per second - I only need one depth tat is the highest value.


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Finding Subtotal Row When It Changes

Jan 5, 2010

I tried "googling" this, but I can't seem to find an answer. Is there a way in VBA to refer to the "subtotal" row(s) in a sheet? I have a large sheet that has a varied number of rows. Each month the data changes and I have to go in to the report, subtotal by one column and then enter a specific formula into the subtotal row.

Is there a way to reference the subtotal row in VBA so I can write a macro that will do this all for me? There are typically a varied number of subtotal rows and the locations of them change depending on the amount of data we have each month.

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Finding Only One MAX Value Out Of Several Columns?

Jan 23, 2014

maxvalue = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(Range("D:D", "A:A", "G:G"))

This gives me 'Compile Error:Wrong number of argruments or invalid property assignment'.

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Finding Max Value In One Row Of 2D Array

Feb 11, 2014

What I'm trying to do is generate a 2D array of values in VBA from data in a spreadsheet. (Array is not pulled from sheet)

What I would like to do next is look at each row or column of the 2D array and find the max value. I've tried using the worksheetfunction.MAX to no avail.

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Finding The Next Empty Row?

Mar 24, 2014

I can put the Data in F21, but then I need to skip a cell and put the next Data in H21 and so on, the cells are in yellow that I need to string out the data in. so every time I open the form the data skips a cell.

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Finding Column Name

Nov 5, 2008

How can i know name of the column.


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Finding A Range

Apr 4, 2009

I want to be able to find all the 0 differences (i.e debit = credit) cut that group out of that sheet and paste it to a new sheet in the same workbook. I have the code to find the 0 difference but I don't know how to select the range that makes up that difference and cut and paste it to a new page.

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Finding Where A Range Name Is Used

Jun 16, 2009

I name a range "MyList".

In another cell, I use Data.Validation.List and use "MyList" as the source.

Now I find another range named "HisList". Is there some way to determine if "HisList" is being used as a source for some other validation somewhere in the workbook?

"Trace Dependents" doesn't work.

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Finding If Name Within Range

Sep 12, 2005

If i have a range, lets name it "Names" and i want to find if the name
George is in that range, what formula should I use?

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Finding The Last Working Day

May 15, 2006

I have a Sheet which has a Header Row which consists of Dates like this: ....

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Finding The N! Routes

Sep 30, 2007

let say i have six cities.

a guy in city A, must visit all other cities and come back to A..


so that this gives us 120 route.

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