Finding Cells With Certain Values And Adding Fill Colour To The Cell
Feb 1, 2007
i have an excel file which contains data, I want to be able to search this file and to fill the cell and its next 3 cells to the right with a certain colour. Is this possible as I have wrote some vba to do this but, Im only able to search and not fill the cells with the correct colour.
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May 29, 2014
I need to fill 2 other cells with varying colours dependant on what is chosen within another cell.
I have a drop-down list in cell A2 to select either ON SITE, ACTIVE or CANCEL.
What I need then basically is...
if A2 equals 'ON SITE' then fill other two cells (A3 and B1) GREEN
if A2 equals 'ACTIVE' then fill other two cells (A3 and B1) YELLOW
if A2 equals 'CANCEL' then fill other two cells (A3 and B1) RED
[File attached]
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Jun 20, 2014
I have a calendar set up with dates going along P6:CU6. Column C9:C27 has various status' for the job such as "Complete" or "In Progress" etc. Next to that in rows D and E I have start and end dates for the job. What I am trying to do is change the fill colour of the empty cells that are in line with each job, so that between the correct dates they are the corresponding colour to the status. So a complete job on row 9 that started on 26/05/14 and finished on 28/05/14 would have three green cells along Q9, R9, and S9.
I have tried an IF/AND/OR statement which looks like this:
=IF(AND(Q6>=D9,Q6<=E9),OR(IF(C9="Planned","P",""),IF(C9="In Progress","IP",""),IF(C9="Late","L",""),IF(C9="Complete","C","")),"")
I am getting a #VALUE! data type error, I have tried reformatting the cells to various date formats but no luck so far. This could be because my dates are set up as =P6+1 etc. but I am not sure. The error only occurs when the cell falls within the dates, otherwise it remains blank.
I intend to hide the value in the cell and use conditional formatting to change the cell colour based on the hidden input.
Once this is working I also need to take weekends into account, column G has any 2 value combination of Y and N to say whether the employee is working Saturday, Sunday or both. Row 7 has a "1" value underneath every Saturday and a "2" underneath every Sunday. I can imagine how this would work but combining it with the above formula could be complicated.
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Dec 5, 2013
ActiveSheet.Range("A1:G40").Interior.ColourIndex = 6299648
I am trying to fill the above range of cells with a colour, but keep getting an error message.
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Jun 28, 2014
In the xls for each step I have 2 raws-planned and actual. Step planned duration is populated manually over the weeks.Before that row we have another reflecting the actual step status per week
I would like to find a way how cell reflecting the actual status of a step can be automatically populated (coulored) based on the colour/value of activities that are planned for that week and for that step.Activities are listed below the step and again have planned and actual row.
The rule should be : if for a week we have several activities all of them should be finished in order to have step stataus auto populated as green. If a single activity planned for that week is not done-then weekly step status should be red.
The activities for each step are grouped below the step. It seems that one of the difficult part in that request would be how formula will understand where starts and finishes the activities that belong to one step. To get that happen I placed a column showing step and another column where we activity.
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Apr 2, 2007
I have been working on a spreadsheet but I use autoformat for.
For example if the date in the cell matches today's date then it turns the text read and makes it bold.
I was wondering if there was a way to format several cells in a row if a certain criteria was met.
for example
1 Item Cost Quantity
2 Car £11,520 2
3 Bike £7,500 1
4 Tyres £50 4
Now for example if I set a condition whereas the quatity is greater than 3 then it would highlight the whole row.
So in the example above I would like to to highlight row 4 and Fill colour cells A4,B4 & C4 with a yellow background and Red Text and make the texted bold.
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Aug 12, 2006
I'm trying to create an excel spreadsheet to manage personnel and various ongoing projects, what I'm trying to do is create a custom box with a selection of options (5) that will automaticaly fill a selected range of cells with a colour and 'merged' text that was selected from the custom box.
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Jul 4, 2007
I have a spreadsheet where I am adding up figures in columns.
I need to differentiate between 4 different "types" of cells to sum.
Cells with figures in them are either green, red or have no fill; and some cells contain no figures at all.
At the bottom of the column, I need to total up all the figures in red cells, as well as all the figures in green cells.
The shading of these cells is not permanent - colours are changed as work progresses, so I need the totals to keep up with this.
If it cannot be done based on cell fill colour, is there any other way to do it, other than the usual long-winded way of @sum(..... etc
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Oct 5, 2009
I have two dates lets call them cells A1 and A2. I then have another cell that caluclates the difference in these dates into a simple number (ie not another date) - A3. I need one of two things.
Ideally I want the whole cell (A3) to appear as a Green (fill) cell if the value is below 5, appear Orange if beween 6 and 9 and appear as red if its 10 or over.
I do not know if you can colour a cell that has a formula in already. So what follows is my current 'work around', which, if you can not colour the A3 cell, then I would need this cell coloured (A4). =IF(D12>7,"Urgent Attention",IF(D12<5,"New",""))
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Apr 17, 2014
I have a lookup that gives and RGB colour code in Cell A1; for example 186, 206, 140.
I'd then like Cells R10:V15 to fill with the RGB colour based on the result in A1.
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Dec 21, 2009
I am looking for a way for Excel to fill in cells in a column that has data sporadically in it. I am importing a text file into excel and saving it as an Excel file.
In the example attached, I need the numbers filled in all the way down to the next number. I don't care about the text, just the numbers. I realize I can copy and paste, but these files can be several hundred rows long and it seems there should be a better way.
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Apr 4, 2013
I have a list of data:
I want to have a formula that finds the sum of the values in Col 1 (Qty) for the rows that equal, eg: 140, in Col 2 (Product) So that I can have a list of Products of the Qty that relates to each product. (there are products in increments of 10 from 10 to 920, that is, 92 products)
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May 27, 2014
if I have one cell that ive enlarged to half the sheet.... and it is effected with rollover hyperlink so that when I hover over other cells. it turns different colours..
is it possible to make that cell open up different files using the double click event depending on the colour it currently is?
i.e. if its blue, open file1. if its yellow, open file 2 etc
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Oct 27, 2007
way to highlight selected cells if one of the selected cells equals a certain value eg
1 X X X Y X
2 X X X X X
3 X X X Y X
I select cells A1-E3 and if column D = "Y" then colour fill the row from A to E
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Oct 2, 2008
I have a table:......
I want to colour in the relevant cells for each ref depending on the numbers in the stage column. So for the first line, the cells in columns 1,2,4&6 need to be shaded in. For the second line, the cells in columns 1,2,3,4,&5 need to be shaded in. I already have a lot of conditional formatting set on the sheet so need to do this with a macro.
I have tried to write something but am having issues with it finding the 1 and shading in the correct column but then jumping out of the loop and on to the next cell.
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Oct 1, 2009
I am trying to add numbers from cells if it IsNumeric and for some reason in column K the macro doesnt recognize numbers after row 14?
The range column is "E4:E"
Search criteria is the letter "R" in column "E" Then using OffSet, I go thru other columns and process data. Most of the macro works except for column K after row 14?
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Feb 26, 2014
I have two problems sort of rolled into one. I have a spreadsheet with a list of skills to perform in cells a2:z2. Under those I put in dates where those skills are performed so a3:a100 , b3:b100 and so on. At the moment I have the these dates populating another sheet with the list of skills going a2:a200 and the dates in b2:b200.
Annoyingly I have been asked set it up so it inputs the other way so my problems are: The skills in the second sheet are in a different order than in the first sheet so its not a straight correlation between the two so I would need to search for the title and match it to the second sheet. Then the second problem is as the will be numerous entries I need to find the next available space in the first sheet. So can you add data at the bottom of a list??
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Jun 18, 2008
Can you sum cells based on colour, and if so, how do you determine what code/number your colour is to input into the programming?
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Feb 13, 2014
Is it possible to search Excel by cell colour, i.e. font colour...and then change the said colour to another one?
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Oct 26, 2008
I have a sheet that returns 4 numbers where 2 will match. Is there a command that will return that matching value?
For example:
cell 1 = 5
cell 2 = 9
cell 3 = 4
cell 4 = 9
something to return the value 9
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Nov 10, 2012
I need to write a condition in such a way that cell IF A1= "DBR","BPR","SLR","SKR" then change cell B1 to SPECIFIC COLOUR Each condition different colour. A1 values ("DBR","BPR","SLR","SKR") is a list of selectable values. if the condition is falls then B1 should be normal (white color cell) with 0 in it.
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Jul 18, 2006
My question is i want a cell to have the colours:
Green=if within the max min range [as specified by user]
Amber=if the current value is less than the allowable slack level[again specified]
red=if the current value is less than or more than the min or max respectively.
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Nov 28, 2006
I'm looking for some code to change a cell's fill colour
eg. by selecting an individual cell in a range, say A1, the colour of a cell, say K1, in a corresponding range changes to yellow
or if I select multiple cells, say A1:A9, the colour of cells K1:K9 change to yellow
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Oct 5, 2013
If there is a colour in a cell that I want to use in another cell how can I find what the colour is, and/or copy it to the new location?
Sometimes a colour other than those available as a "standard" colour is used and it is almost impossible to match it by trial and error.
I realise that the Format Painter can be used but I often just want the colour only and not have the rest of my format altered.
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Sep 12, 2013
I want to gradually change th colour in a block of cells. my plan is to use code to sequentially fade through ten or so shades from light to dark. is there a way to slow the code down so that it takes a couple of seconds to run the sequence?
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Sep 6, 2013
1) I am trying to find a matching value in a table. I have a 5*252 table that starts in B2. So the table goes from B2 to F253. I am trying to match a value in column D (column 3 in the table and column 4 in the spreadsheet) with a value in Column F (column 5 in the table and column 6 in the spreadsheet). The original value is in cell 222 in the table and cell 224 in the spreadsheet.
I tried the LOOKUP, VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP functions, but they return nothing but N/A. I use a reference cell or just the value for the lookup value but it does not work. I do not know if I am using the wrong formulas or what, but I have tried various permutations. (question 3 in excel workbook )
2) I am trying to calculate the standard deviation of a column D (contains both numbers and text) divided by column B (first in table). Excel does not appear to have a custom division formula. It has a remainder and a quotient formula which does not apply here. The problem is that the STDEV function does not allow for a division sign (/) in the formula. the STDEV function does ignore texts.
Is there a way for me to divide a cell ( containing both letters and numbers) by another cell just containing numbers and then taking the standard deviation of those values all in one formula?
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Apr 1, 2014
I am trying to find the Maximum Value in Column C based on the criteria that Column B contains "Afghanistan but NOT Mobile.
In a second cell I also want to find the maximum value in Column C based on the criteria that Column B contains "Afghanistan" AND "Mobile"
The code I have come up with is in the table however it is only showing the max value for cells containing "Afghanistan". If I add the wildcard "*" it does not return a value. how I can achieve my objectives?
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Feb 22, 2008
create formula/condition to colour fill different cells based on multiple Criteria.
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Jun 5, 2014
I request you to write a code for me to fill the cell values as "Not Applicable" in Column "AZ", if the "B" Column cell values = "Justified", "Approved LSAR" & "Approved SDAR".
I have attached the work book of what I am trying to accomplish.
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Jun 1, 2006
I have an IF statement. I am wondering is it possible to automatically make the colour of the result for true yellow and red if the statement is false. This is my if statement =If(Monday!G4="NFR","YES","NO")
Basically the if statement is if Sheet "Monday" cell G4 is equal to NFR then it returns a "YES" which I would like to come up coloured Yellow. If it is not equal it puts a "NO" which I would like to come up coloured as Red.
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