I have used VBA to copy data from a sheet into some shapes. Some of these shapes are upside down and therefore the text is upside down. Is there a way to flip the text without having to flip the shape?
What's the easiest way to take columns of cells with a number followed by a space and then text, and switch the order to text/space/number? (my columns look like this "8 piscataway", "14 dayton", "42 mason", and I'd like them to read "piscataway 8" etc).
I have created a garden bed planting chart in excel. I made each cell a square where each cell will be equal to 1 square foot and simply typed in the plant name that will be planted in that spot. The planting beds will be on each side of a sidewalk. I want a mirror image of the layout for the opposite side of the sidewalk. How do I do this in excel?
First one about avoid the movement of this macro, as you can see it starts at one sheet but the job is in other sheet when i run it it goes to the second sheet to do the job,, how i can avoid showing the movement.
Second question about th last part of the macro,, it most replace words with no thing,, if these words are not available it givs me alert,, how i can eliminate this alert.
I have one column full of Item #s and Descriptions. I have another column that I want JUST the Item# in it.
For example:
Column 1: Gyroscope REF#1234 Bike Thing
Column 2 Should Be: 1234
Column 1: BallWall Bikes Ret# 12456 Helmet Thing
Column 2S hould Be: 12456
I don't know how to do this (I do know how to do VBA mildly, and I am pretty good with formulas). I also have a database of every Item# that could be in that cell.
I have a text box that has default text in it. When I mouse down on the box I would like it to select all of the text in the box automatically. Does anyone have any code to do this?
I have an excel work book that I want to extract certain info from Each tab where in the result tab I use this formula to get required data from another tab.
I has about 24 tab , in the 25th one i collect data from all previous , using below formula inside each cell to get
Have an .xls file with multiple sheets and many objects (Shapes) on of those sheets. The objects are all rectangles, some of which contain text frames, where I had entered manually some text.
Also, each shape has a name.
Now, I want my VBA Macro to take a specific shape (using its name), and find out if it has text frame in it.
I am trying to simply change the text inside a textbox named (TextBox 2). My current line of code is giving me the error "The item with the specified name wasn't found". Any thoughts on how to troubleshoot this?
I have around 10 buttons in a sheet and all the buttons have same macro. I am trying to extract the text inside the button which I click (and not the name of the button). How to do it using vba?
I have used the following: buttontext =ActiveSheet.Shapes(Application.Caller).Text buttontext =ActiveSheet.Shapes(Application.Caller).Caption
PS: When I used buttontext =ActiveSheet.Shapes(Application.Caller).Name there was no error but it gave the name of the button not the text inside it.
This it possible to change an auto-shape text say Rectangle 200 based on what cell is selected. For Example Peps: -If i select cells(3,3) then the text in Rectangle 200 will change to Hello!!!, but if i select cells (3,4) then the text will change to Bye Bye!!! Do you understand me babes
Is it possible to have a macro create an Elipse then place text inside the elipse. The text will be numeric and automatically count from a user entered starting value. It will only count in whole numbers from 1 to 4 digits in length (1 thru 9999). No leading or trailing zeros.
I am looking to do this by clicking the mouse on an image placing the elipse/text shapes with the elipse outline ontop of the text. The worksheet will have an image covering its entirety. I recorded a couple macros but, this one, is not so easy. I may have actually found new errors never seen by mankind before. (I kid).
I am importing data into excel from another application. I place the data on a sheet and then use macros to re-arrage the data to another sheet. One column of cells gets populated with strings of the following format <text1>(<text2>) I would like to extract <text2> and place it in a cell on another sheet. the length of text1 and text2 varies.
I struggle with my old excel (2003). There is a thing i have to do: put arrows from one sheet which will change its color depending on data, written in some fields. Also there is a task to put these values inside created arrows. I put values using commands:
Worksheets("Map").Shapes("COL").Select With Selection.Characters .Text = Range("Data!E4").Value
Arrows are drawn in different angles using drawing tool. So i need to rotate the text inside the arrows respectively to angle of the arrow rotation. So how is it possible to rotate text inside that shape?
I'm having trouble keeping the formatting correctly in a text box through VBA. I'm sure this is something simple, but I'm the intern that got stuck with trying to program for the break since they know I've taken classes on the subject. I've been able to figure out a lot
End goal: To have the first word of a text box larger, underlined, and bolded. Problem: It only formats it Calibri at 24 point with no special formatting as indicated in the code.
rearragning text on excel. I believe Macro will be needed to solve this problem so if anyone can help me out, it will be a big help. Thank you.
Example 1: I need to rearrange "trace Silt, cm SAND, some- f Gravel" into "cm SAND, some- f Gravel, trace Silt"
Example 2: I need to rearrange "some+ Silt, f SAND, trace- f Gravel" into "f SAND, some+ Silt, trace- f Gravel"
There are many different cases for this problem. So if there is a way for the computer to recognize the Capitalized word and move it to the front and rest should be arange in order listed below.
Order and+ and and- some+ some some- little+ little little- trace+ trace trace-
each term is seprarated by commas. For example f SAND, some+ Silt, trace- f Gravel each color represent one complete sentence. and the order for them should be capitalized funciton first, then the follow the order provided above.
By "Return all row numbers that have a given value written somewhere inside text in their column B" I mean....
I want to be able to search an alphanumeric value "ABC12345" within a column that has a paragraph of text written in each row, I want to know which rows have this value written somewhere in them and have it return 2,4,33, as row 2 and 4 and 33 have this value in them inside column B on that row.
on column A i have the respective row numbers all the way down ie: ( 1,2,3,4, etc) (to pull up the row numbers)(unless you have a better way)
On Column B i have the paragraphs of text to search in (there is lots of text and spaces in the paragraphs.)
On column C i have the value to look for... ie: ABC12345 (different values in each row of column C) to be compared to all of column B
On column D would be the formula to Pull down and get the results.
and something tells me you might have a better way of getting the row numbers rather than having column A dedicated to numerating each row 1,2,3,etc
1 paragraphs of text look for it's found in row #
2 anything can be written here and might have ABC11112 DDD77777 4
3 anything can be written here and might have ABC12345 ABC55555 5,6
4 anything can be written here and might have DDD77777 BBB11111 Not Found
5 anything can be written here and might haveABC55555 ABC11112 2
6 anything can be written here and might haveABC55555 ABC12345 3
I have a picture in my spreadsheet which slight tilted. I want to add a text box on to that shape and add some text but i want the text to be angled the same shape as my picture.
If I create and rotate my text box manually, the default rotation makes it rotate slight to much.
I was hoping if I could add a custom drawing of a text box so the text can be the same a picture.
I have a button on say, sheet1 with text that I want to change after a certain action takes place; however, I was trying to change this text without switching sheets. (switching sheets isn't a big deal, I'm mainly trying to do it my way for the practice). I'm able to select the button on the other sheet without actually switching sheets, but when it comes to changing it's text I get an error. Here is the code I tried:
Sub macro1 () Worksheets("sheet2").Select Worksheets("sheet1").Shapes("Button 2").Select Selection.Characters.Text = "Done" End Sub
Problem with this is it gives cell A1 on sheet2 the "done" text. I also tried this...but it gives the error.
Sub macro1 () Worksheets("sheet2").Select Worksheets("sheet1").Shapes("Button 1").Select With Worksheets("sheet1").Shapes("Button 1") .Characters.Text = "Done" End With End Sub
I am making a buiness card request form, which I have attached. On the Master Sheet (Sheet 1), the user enters in his/her personal data, such as his name address, phone number, etc. After he/she finished entering all the relevant data, Business Card Layout (Sheet 2) automatically populates and shows the user what their business card will look like.
Everything works fine, however I just realized that the contact information might vary from person to person. Right now, a person can enter 5 different contact information, but most of them will probably only choose four.
I wanted to know how to shift the cells down if the user does not fill out one of the contact information.
COLUMN A COLUMN B 2008-01-01 00:00:00 CRIMINAL EVENT 2008-01-04 00:34:48 OTHER 2008-02-04 00:23:59 SUSPICIOUS INCIDENT 2008-01-31 23:59:59 ENEMY ACTION 2008-01-08 00:45:43 FRIENDLY ACTION 2008-01-09-00:45:33 RAID
I need a formula or macro that will count all the times "Criminal Event", "Other", "Suspicious Incident", and "Enemy Action" occured in January. Also if possible I need to not specify column ranges, such as A2:A7, but instead it needs to find the last cell containing data in Columns A and B, and use that as the end point. For example it would search A2:Last Cell Containing Data
As part of a program I'm writing in VBA (for Excel 2010), I have a textbox in a user form used as an interface to write a formula in cells in Excel.The resulting value of a formula from a cell is loaded up into the textbox. It would be shown in the textbox like "See 1.2 and 1.3" where the formula in the cell is
This is just used as an example but the principle is there. It is worth noting that I’m writing this for very inexperienced Excel users but I need them to be able to edit the string part of the formula without breaking the formula.
However where I’m struggling is to pick up a selection change event inside a text box already selected. I need to be able to check if the textbox.SelStart is within an address value or within the string in the textbox.
The event Enter won’t work if the user is already editing the textbox (i.e. typing stuff) and then clicking or using the keyboard arrow to move the cursor somewhere else inside the textbox. I don’t think the event Change is the solution either as it would mean that the user would have already typed something and as a result the formula may already be broken.
I have had a good look around and I didn’t find an event for a selection change inside a textbox. Does it exists and/or is there a way that would have the same result?
On the attached spreadsheet there is two irregular shapes. "Area1" & "Area2". I need to be able to determine which area the "ball" shape is located in. If the ball is in Area1 then "Multiply 8" gets the ball and "Multiply 9" moves to the blue cell "AH39". If the ball is in "AreaB" Multiply 9 gets the ball and "Multiply 8" runs to cell "S37"
I should be able to do the moving of the shapes using all the samples, its determining which area the ball is in is the problem.
In the real spreadsheet i will probably have around 10 different Areas.
Can I paste text inside a box on sheet 1 that automatically paste into a cell in sheet 2? I'm trying to make sheet one look more like a web page. I want to be able to create text boxes on sheet one that will automatically copy the text into a certain cell in sheet 2. Seems like I seen something a long time ago where you go to sheet2 and in the cell you want the text to show up, you type in something like =sheet1 box1 .