At two places in the middle of my code I need to specify a particular variable; usually this is done by some autodection-method, but whenever this fails a userform gets loaded and the user needs to do some clicks which finally specifies that variable.
So far my code does NOT wait for the userform (and the user-input), but continues running until it fails, cause that particular variable (see above) had not been initialised with the correct value for this run.
My Question:
How can I force the code to wait until the userform has been closed? Or what other way do you usually solve that problem when wanting to use a userform in mid-code? Below you find the place where I load the User form 'UsrFormSpecifyFormat' ....
Is it possible to create a "floating" UserForm with VBA? That is, a form that is always on top af all the other windows. If not I think I will have to create an application in VB that imports data from the active Excel Spreadsheet, wich I have been lead to understand is fully possible. I really need this for the application that I am currently developing and I from what I have heard it is possible in VB.
I have a UserForm that requires a value in TextBox10. I load a "1" into it at start up. If the user tries to delete the value in TextBox10 and exit, leaving either "" or 0 in the TextBox, it will cause a great many problems. I need someway to keep the focus in TextBox10.
I tried to find something using the search engine but I could not find anything searching with this subject.
Here is the code from my first attempt:
Private Sub TextBox10_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
If TextBox10.Value = 0 Or TextBox10.Value = vbNullString Then TextBox10.SetFocus Exit Sub End If
It doesn't seem to do anything. When I delete whatever is in the Textbox and hit enter, it should just stay in TextBox10 but instead it goes to the next tab location.
I have a series of Userforms that I would like the user to be forced to enter in some sort of information in one of those userform in the series. I do not want it to be submitted blank. Is there a code or a properties toggle to make this possible.
i have a textbox on top of a picture box but i cannot replicate it with a new textbox or combobox. when i place the control on the picture box it disapears?
A userform to move the curser to a column then activate the Excel App and keep the userform visiable.
The problem is when excution the code step by step (F8) works fine, but when excution the code by F5 the cursor moves to the Range("A65536").End(xlUp) and doesnot then move to the required column.
also this line AppActivate ("Microsoft excel")
does not work , it gives me Invalid proceduers or call argument.
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Activate If ComboBox1.ListIndex = 0 Then Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "I").Activate If ComboBox1.ListIndex = 1 Then Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "J").Activate If ComboBox1.ListIndex = 2 Then Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "K").Activate
I've got a sheet with 5 UserForms (1..5). Whenever I hide one with a command button there is always a piece of code securing that the basic UserForm1 will be shown in the end. But this is only so when the UserForms get hidden with the use of the command buttons. When the user simply closes the UserForms by usign the x sign he ends up with the active sheet and no UserForms present. How can I secure that closing the last active UserForm with the x sign will cause the basic UserForm1 to show up.
I have a UserForm appear when the user opens my file. It prompts them to enter some data. If they Close (Terminate) the Window, I have a MsgBox appear telling them they must enter data - and allow them to go back or exit. When they opt to go back the UserForm reapears but Excel freezes and I have to force quit.
Here is the code for my UserForm, including the Sub for when the User clicks OK (CommandButton1) and the Sub for when the User terminates the window:
VB: Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim Blank As Integer Dim Subgroup As Integer [code]....
I'm working on a spreadhseet which has several macros that can take up to 5 minutes to run. When the macro(s) complete, I pop up a userform to provide instructions and collect some additional data from the user.
The "problem" is that when the user moves to another application to do other work, the user form remains hidden behind the active app. I've added some text to the status bar to let the users know the processing is done, but they would like something more obvious - so, is there any way I can force focus back to Excel?
Currently I have a database in an Excel template. After a user creates a new workbook from the template, a macro button on sheet 1 brings up a window (a userform) to allow selection of items from the database sheet. The item selected is entered on sheet 1 by means of VLookup. That works fine, but to edit the database correctly it is necessary to open the template itself. This is not a user-friendly method.
I figure the best way to solve this dilemma is to separate the template from the database. That is, make the database sheet into a workbook. This I've done. Here's the problem: What code is there that links the list box in the userform (of the template) with the closed database workbook? Is it even possible? If a file path type code is required, it may work on my computer, but when I use my template and database on another computer, the code doesn't work.
Another problem, and similar is this: I'd like to be able to have a macro button that opens the database from the new workbook (which was created from the template) in order to edit the database. If having a template seems to be my problem, I must have it since each workbook created from it is a different project.
I want to run vba code when a excel worksheet closes. But I want this code to be used for every worksheet that opens. So the macro or vba code has to be loaded with Excel automaticly. I don't want to reenter the code in every template I use. In access you can attach a module that runs when access or the application is closed: 'Private sub form_close()' Is it possible to create something like this in Excel.
An explanation what I want to do: I Open/create a workbook from within access. When the worbook closes I want to look with vba if there is a cell called " Total" and if so I want to open a access databases and submit the total to the database. I don't want access to wait untill the worksheet is closed. If the worksheet stays open for a longer time I want to work on in access with other tasks.
I am looking for VBA which will complete my below task.
copy data from active worksheet to closed workbook.Active sheet data should copy below old data of closed contain in A to K column of active worksheet.clear copied dataIf I moved both file any folder or drive, path should change automatically. ( something like fpath = current workbook path clworkbook= fpath & closedwbk.xls).
I am trying to write code in the VB behind Excel that will allow me to navigate to an excel file (can be open or closed) and delete it. ie navigates to file xxx.xls at N:/xxx/xxx/ selects the file and then deletes it.
Following syntax is incorrect, what is wrong? This should happen: Select op a specific worksheet (named DATA) in the workbook Report.xls and I empty the contents
Then I try with a 'With' statement to read the contents of a file named "sourcedata.xls' with helds a worksheet named "source". The values in this sheet should be tranfered to the sheet DATA in the workbook "Report.xls"
Sub FetchDataFromClosedWorkbook() Dim FileName As String Dim SheetName As String Dim cellRange As String Const ReportPath = "C:ExcelReports" Windows("Report.xls").Activate Sheets("DATA").Select Cells.Select....................
Is there code that will take certain data from one Excel sheet to another named file in a different place on the network? Example Copy cell aa47 from "Recent Faxes.xls" that sits in "correspondence" folder. Then paste into cell B25 "Current Documentation.xls" in the "Sales Contacts" folder
When I run the userform initialize procedure to reset the values in text boxes and the like instead of resetting like it should, now it closes the userform completely and then won't allow me to show it again, what could be the problem?
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Me.MultiPage1.Value = 0 TextBox3.Value = ActiveWorkbook. Sheets("Sales Invoice"). Range("G15").Value Dim hWndForm As Long Dim hMenu As Long hWndForm = FindWindow("ThunderDFrame", Me.Caption) 'XL2000 hMenu = GetSystemMenu(hWndForm, 0) DeleteMenu hMenu, SC_CLOSE, 0& End Sub
The Dim stuff down is to gray out the x button, there are also some module level declarations to go with that...
Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long Private Declare Function GetSystemMenu Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal bRevert As Long) As Long Private Declare Function DeleteMenu Lib "user32" (ByVal hMenu As Long, ByVal nPosition As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long) As Long Private Const SC_CLOSE As Long = &HF060
the userform shows when the workbook opens and is then hidden when the user has finished entering values, then when the user goes through the process of being asked to print and save, they are then asked if they would like to create a new record, if yes then it shows the userform again, but the userform is still filled with all the stuff previously entered. I tried using the unload me instead of hiding and that wouldn't work at all, didn't give errors just didn't show the userform either, this at least shows the userform, but now when the user goes to clear the information by initializing the userform again, it simply closes the userform and then it can't be shown again either.
This is the link to the ZIP, and here are some instructions for setting it up to work.
The contents of this need to be unzipped into a folder called SyntheticShield that is placed in the C: drive that way all paths begin with C:SyntheticShield and then the other folders or files will be referenced correctly. The template I'm having problems with is the SyntheticShieldInvoiceMaker template, when you open it you'll be prompted whether you want to create a new invoice, number is final blah blah blah, say yes, then it will ask if you are importing from the Quotemaker which you aren't say no, it should then show the userform as it should. Then you can go through that process and by pressing either the create invoice or go to template directly whatever, you can hide the userform. Then you press the command button (red) a userform is brought up asking if you'd like to save without emailing, save with emailing or close controls, as for right now, I'm just getting the save without emailing to work the rest is all the same just a few tidbits of code. So click save without emailing, it should then prompt an are you sure message box, click yes it will do some things, then it will ask if you want to print, click no, then it will ask do you want to create a new invoice, click yes, this should then start the process all over again by calling the workbook_open procedure, however, when you go through everything, and click no to the import from quotemaker part it won't show the userform. And at one point it would, but then I couldn't initialize the userform without it disappearing and not being allowed to be shown...I tried putting a command button on the template to show the userform, but it wouldn't do it either.
How do I pause my macro until the user selects a chart in the worksheet? Or Keep prompting a message to the user till he selects the chart and when a chart is selected run the macro.
Step 1: Check if a chart is Selected Step 2: If yes, run the macro Step 3: If no, prompt the user with a msgbox of Retry/Cancel. Step 4: If the user selects Retry, wait till he makes a selection. Step 5: If the selection is a chart, run the macro. If the selection is not a chart prompt the same msgbox again and keep looping it till he selects a chart.
Sub test5() Dim chtSelected As Chart Dim UserResponse As Integer
On Error Resume Next Set chtSelected = ActiveChart
I have a very long code with multiple functions and operations i.e. it calculate many fields. The normal running time varies from 2 minutes to 30 minutes depending on the data size.
Can any one tell me a way so that I can put a kind of status bar to show the progress or estimated time left? Basically, during operation it looks like excel is hanged and not responding but infact its not.
how do I code in vba for it to wait until the user has checked the file that has been made make a few amendments and then when done one would click OK or resume for the program to carry on with the rest of the code.
Below is the code I currently have implemented. The first line of code creates a .csv file. The third line of code opens that file. I couldn't put the third line right after the first because it would try to open the file before it was finished being created. Hence, the second line which waits for 5 seconds. Is there a way, either in the CMD or VBA, that I can have it wait until the first line of code has completed?
VB: Shell "cmd.exe /c M:" & "&& cd DesktopExcel Project" & Command Application.Wait Time + TimeSerial(0, 0, 5) Workbooks.Open("M:DesktopExcel ProjectInfo.csv")
I'm using a pre-made spreadsheet from my stock broker (Interactive Brokers) that retrieves and displays real-time quotes, and allows one to retrieve historical stock data, among other things. I've created a little macro within it to try and automate some common tasks I do everyday - basically I want to retrieve a year of daily stock quotes for "stock 1" from IB's servers, then have the macro wait for the retrieval to be done and written to the spreadsheet (takes anywhere between 10 and 30 secs). After that's all done, then I want to do the same for "stock 2". Then when that's done, the macro proceeds to go ahead and do some calcs on stock1 and stock2. The problem is after my stock1 data request, the macro just keep on trucking through to the next commands while stock1's data retrival is still going on.
so things are getting all balled up. How can I get my macro to wait until stock1's data retrieval is all done?
My question is if it's possible to change the code and make it work faster. When I change the ComboBox I wait about 1-3 seconds for about 40 items in the Worksheet. I still didn't test it with more items. Here's the Private Sub ComboBox1P2_Change() If ComboBox1P2.ListIndex = 0 Then ComboBox2P2.Style = fmStyleDropDownCombo ComboBox2P2.Value = sign ComboBox2P2.Enabled = False ComboBox3P2.Clear ComboBox3P2.Enabled = False ComboBox1P2.SetFocus ElseIf ComboBox1P2.ListIndex 0 And ComboBox1P2.ListIndex -1 Then ComboBox2P2.Style = fmStyleDropDownList ComboBox2P2.Enabled = True...........
When clicking the button on my userform, it goes through a quite complex process of changing the views in several pivot tables that are linked to an "report" sheet, which has all the figures the user needs in a neat format.
Changing these pivot tables takes up to a minute, so I wanted a userform, called "frmwait", to pop when clicking the command button. It would say "Generating Your Report - Please Wait". At the same time, the initial userform, which is called "frmroutedashboard", would be hidden.
This does not happen - the "frmwait" userform shows, however the "frmroutedashboard" does not hide.
Is this because the code I composed uses the values on the "frmroutedashboard" to generate the view, and it cannot hide until the report is completed? If so, there must be a way around this. Anyone know how?
when I run a macro, it takes me to a different sheet, clicks on a cell, and then goes to data--> form to automatically generate a form so I can make a new entry. I want the macro to wait until I have completed the form, and on completion to do something else. I'd prefer it if I could indicate completion of the firm by just a keystroke, but a mouse click will do as well.