I have a list of names and numbers when I add new entries I place them in alpha order. I need to insert extra lines because I have first and last name in the field. Also, how do you formulate cells for dates and also to accept a 16 digit number.
I know you can take a number from one cell and combine it with number from another cell and make it one number. What I need to do is the reverse. Take a two digit number in a cell and separate it into single digits in two cells. If you have the number 50 in a cell, then is there a formula that will take the 5 and put it in cell and take the 0 and put it in the cell beside it?
Column A contains names Column B their unique ID number Column C the date a transaction occurred
How can I count the number of entries between two dates i.e. 1-31 April regardless of duplication or anything? I've tried a few things mentioned in other threads but none seem to work.
I have a specific issue that I have not been able find in here or on the internet. I need to count entries in one column based on a date range using corresponding dates in another column.I found countif, countifs, dcount, etc but have not been able to get any code to work. I don't know if my excel spreadsheet attached correctly but I can explain it since it's a simple one. Column A is filled with report dates that generally increase from 10/1/2012 t0 9/30/2013. Column B is filled with the number of "AFIS searches." If an AFIS search was not conducted for a specific report then the cell is blank. I need to count the number of AFIS searches between the dates of 1/1/2013 and 3/31/2013.
I'm an Excel newbie using 2010, but have been given a rather daunting task. I have a lot of data organised in a table, something such as:
Column A: Name, Column B: City, Column C: Date Entered
I can obviously filter this table to show the values I need, but I need it to automatically tell me the total amount of people entered per week, per city on a separate worksheet.
I understand I could use a pivot table for some of this, but I want to further automatically manipulate the data once I have the totals (for example, adding a financial value for each, etc) which I'm not certain how to do with a pivot.
So, ideally what I would like is a formula that says total entries in Table 1 that are marked Sheffield in Column B and have a value including or between 01/03/2014 and 07/03/2014 in Column C.
How to calculate a check digit in excel. The details to calculate this are as follows:
All variables in the calculation are positive integers.
We take each integer of the pro number and multiply it by a value and sum them to get a total.
An Example: 8 Digit Pro Number: 66988757 Pro Number: 6 6 9 8 8 7 5 7 Position in the Pro Number: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Multiply each digit in the pro number by (10-position) in the number, to achieve a sum.
Using our example pro again: 6*(10-1) + 6*(10-2) + 9*(10-3) + 8*(10-4) + 8*(10-5) + 7*(10-6) + 5*(10-7) + 7*(10-8) 6*9 + 6*8 + 9*7 + 8*6 + 8*5 + 7*4 + 5*3 + 7*2 54+ 48+ 63+48+40+28+15+14 = 310 Take the Sum of the previous calculation and divide it by 11 310/11 = 28
(Actually, it's 28.181818, but since we're working with integers, we truncate everything behind the decimal).
Figure a remainder by multiplying the quotient by 11 and subtracting from the sum. Remainder = 310 - (28*11) ---> Remainder = 310 - 308 ----> Remainder = 2 Check Digit = 11- Remainder Check Digit = 11 - 2 ---> Check Digit = 9 Note: if the check digit is 10 or 11, need to subtract 10 from the Check Digit.
I have a column of 6 digit numbers in excel, and I need to remove the last digit from each number, turning it into a 5 digit number. No rounding, just simply remove the last digit. Each number is different. Does anyone know how to quickly and efficiently remove the last digit from each number? I can convert to alphanumeric string if need be...
I need a macro where I can highlight a column and change all of the 2 digit years to a 4 digit year (actually, some of the 2 digit years are only 1 digit, e.g. "9" instead of "09").
I have an if then statement that I can use in the column after it, but I'd rather change the actual numbers in the original column, rather than adding another column (and having to keep the original, too).
The statement I had was: =if(A1>=50,1900+A1,2000+A1)
I just copy dragged down to get the cell numbers for the rest of the column... but using A1 was just for an example, here, it's not necessarily going to be in that column. It needs to be just whichever cells I select.
It seems like it should be pretty simple, but I don't know how to word it in a macro.
I have an address (city, state, zip format) in a cell. Some of the zip codes only have a 4-digit zip code which is the way the file was received. I know these zip codes have leading zero. How can I convert these to a five-digit code. Examples are as follows:
Waltham MA 2453 convert to 'Waltham MA 02453'
Boston MA 2210 convert to 'Boston MA 02210'
CEDAR GROVE, NJ 7009-1174 convert to 'CEDAR GROVE, NJ 07009-1174'
TEANECK CITY, NJ 7666 convert to 'TEANECK CITY, NJ 07666'
I have 2 digit years (98, 99, 00, 01) that I need to convert to 4 digit years (1998, 1999, 2000, 2001). There is one year per cell. If it was simply a matter of adding 19 or 20 to the beginning of each, I could do that. But since there's a combination of both 19 and 20 that needs to be added and there all intermingled, I'm not sure how to do it.
Can a rule be written to add 19 to the beginning except if the current cell starts with a 0, then add 20? The highest year is 2008 (no 2010 to deal with).
What I need to do is sort certain entries in longer list (column A, it is in .csv format and needs to be in it so coordinates and names and ID, all sorted with commas) and I have another list (column C) which is shorter list of certain IDs. I googled and tried and got some results for the basic structure but the fuction seems to fail. It doesn't matter how I get that third list done, but there is only one criteria: since the list in column A is really long and those entries need to keep the .csv formatting, the function should copy that info what is in the matching cells.
Let me try to put it simple: .csv cells from column A that have matching ID from column C should be copied to column B (or N).
I have a list of data and I want to identify the unique entries for both columns but the second column has to unique to the unique values in the first column.
I have column a with 1000 ten digit numbers. I need to remove the digit in the fourth place from the left side in the entire column. I don't know how .
how you can determine if a cel value is a number or a digit
It is actually for a column to determine if it has a heading or not and acordingly y have to count the rows off that "current region" and put some values with a formula next to this column.
Y was testing an expression with this
msg = IIf(target.End(xlUp).Value = "X", "is this a LETTER", "is this a DIGIT")
I am trying to sort a spreadsheet in descending order of a certain column. I have been able to do so quite easily in the past. However, for some reason, when I am trying to sort it now, it is sorting based only on the first digit of the number in the cell. For example, the order after sorting may end up as 90, 9, 9, 82, 8, 8, 8, 74, etc. I don't know what happened to cause the change, or how to fix it.
Well I want to add few numbers in a few number for example I have ten columns containing few cell numbers and i want to add 92 my country code with it. I have tried this by using replace formula but in result it comes in text format from which i cannot use another formula unless text format is removed and for that i have to do it one by on in every single cell. I have attached a sample sheet.
I have data in cells A1:Z1. The data is all 1 digit numbers, but sometimes they have asterisks behind the number. For instance in cell A1, I have 4, but in B1 I have 3**. I want to take the first digit of each cell and add it together and the result to be in AA1. The only thing I can think of doing is =SUM(LEFT(A1), LEFT(B1)...) but that's going to take too long (especially as I add columns).
I have a slight problem...I have a range of values..
0113 1240 8430 0903
I need to count the occurance of a a particular no. from 0-9.. So i want to know how many times say 0 appears in that range of values etc so on till 9. I tried using CountIF but the problem i face is lets say in my cell 0903 there are 2 0s inside, it doesnt count this 2 zero..
How can I get one cell to increase by 1 after I change the date in another cell. The spreadsheet is used to keep track of Oxygen Bottles at the local Fire Dept. and I want the " Times Filled" cell to increase by 1 after the " Date Filled" cell is changed. I'm not sure if they key the date in or if they use a calender add-in pop up.
I have column b filled with 17000 plus numbers formatted as text. I need an easy way to delete the first character on the left in each cell provided it is a zero.
or whatever the number is after A1D, but when AK8 = a value of 1 or 2 or 3...... It comes back as A1D1 or A1D2... How ca I keep the two digits in AK8 to stay and put the value the way I want in AE5 ...
I have simple (or not) question: how can I convert a digit that I input into a cell to an hour format ?
I want to achieve something like this: - when I input a digit into a cell , for example: 9 a want to convert it to 9:00 (9 hours, 0 minutes). How can I do it ?
I am trying to find a way to turn the raw data below, into the results on the right. Specifically I would like to extract any 5 digit (denoted by "." as a break) numrical value from the cells in column A (there could be as many as 20, 5 digit numurical values, id like each one listed in b2, c2, c3, and so on)