Function To Write Information To Another Cell

Jan 12, 2007

if there is an Excel function out there that will copy over the contents of one cell into another by what is typed in another cell. Did that make sense?

Lets say that I have info in

(A1) John (B1) Smith (C1)X (D1)

Now I want to be able to copy over A1 & B1 to another part of the spreadsheet/workbook if I were to type the words "leave" into D1.

So basically it would look something like this...

(A1)John (B1)Smith (C1)X (D1)leave (want info to go here---->) (M4)John (N4)Smith (O4)currently on leave

And then have it automatically add the names below the one in M4-O4. so it would add names in M5-O5, M6-O6, etc

I have this spread sheet that has over 1000 names on it & it would help out alot if I could just use a function that could copy the information to another part of the spreadsheet or another workbook.

I know that I can use the filter, but I may want to have this stuff on another worksheet alltogether.

Also, if this is possible, is there a way that it can be automatically removed if I were to delete the word "leave" from the cell?

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Write Information Into New Row In Different Sheet But Keeps Overwriting Old Information

Apr 6, 2013

Basically I am trying to create a worksheet in which everytime I input information into Sheet 1, it is copied into Sheet 2. I want to have each entry in succession on Sheet 2 such that my first entry would be on Row 2, second on Row 3, third on Row 4, etc. However, everytime I put something new in Sheet 1, it just overrides the information in Sheet 2.

Basically I type in ticket sales in sheet 1, it calculates the prices and keeps a transaction log in sheet 2. But everytime I do a new ticket sale, it just overwrites the previous transaction witht he new transaction information. I've pasted my VBA below:

Sheet 1 VBA:

Option Explicit

'Form level variables - used in more than one event
Dim intAdult As Integer
Dim intStudentSenior As Integer
Dim intBalcony As Integer
Dim intChild As Integer
Dim sngAmountDue As Single

[Code] .......

Sheet 2 code:

Private Sub cmdSummary_Click()

'Declare Variables
Dim intCount As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim intAdult As Integer
Dim intStudentSenior As Integer

[Code] ......

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Write The VBA Function Through The Function Wizard

Sep 16, 2009

I have written a VBA program and using in Ms.Excel. The problem is when I try to write the VBA function through the function wizard it works but when I write the function in excel worksheet cell, it doesnt execute. I do not now the reason.

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Write An If Then Else Function

Jul 26, 2009

I'm wondering if an if then else function can be written for the problem that I'm having? Or is there a better way to accomplish this? I've detailed my problem within the example attached.

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Function To Write An Array

Jun 20, 2008

I have the following assignment to do, problem is I'm new to arrays and functions in VBA and nothing is working for me, i get errors no matter what i try, (for example i don't know how to feed the array to the function, and it won't let me write a range to an array)

5.A) Write a function that takes a 2D array of doubles, a single cell range, an optional cap and an optional floor.
B)Write the array on to the sheet with the single cell range parameter being the location of the top left of the array on the sheet. When writing the array to the sheet, for each value in the array where it is below the floor put the floor on the sheet, where the value is above the cap put the cap value on the sheet, otherwise display the original value. The input array should not be modified.
All code should be what you consider production quality.

Dim topleft As Range

array1 = Range("B8:C18").Value
'array1(1, 1) = 2
'array1(2, 1) = 3
'array1(1, 2) = 6
'array1(1, 3) = 9
'array1(2, 2) = 4
'array1(2, 3) = 5

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How Do I Write A Positive/negative And Red/green Function?

May 19, 2009

I'm trying to make a "weight-based" spreadsheet. I want to show a difference between numbers so if an item lost 5 lbs, there would be a "-5" and it would be in green font showing good.

For example, a box weighs 20 lbs and then drops down to 15 lbs. This would be a good result. So I would have 20 lbs in A4 and 15 lbs in A6 and I want to show the difference in A8. However, since I want the box to lose weight, I want it to show a negative value of "-5" in green font meaning it is good. And vice versa, I want it to show "+3" in red font if the box gained weight.

I can't really figure out how to get the signs working properly. I'm assuming to use an "if" function in where if the difference is a loss, show the negative sign and have it in green font. And if the difference is a gain, show the positive sign in red font.

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Write A Custom Made IFERROR Function

Aug 6, 2009

how to write a custom made IFERROR function which works on Excel 2003 that mimics as closely as possible the Excel 2007 IFERROR function without using any array formula.

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How To Write Macro To Use User Defined Function In Particular Column

Dec 2, 2013

In my spreadsheet, one user defined function i.e. pfizer is there which I want to convert into macro and use it in column H of sheet2 [sheets("sheet2").columns("H:H").select]

What should be the VBA code for this.

when I have started the macro with keyword as application. . the function is not populated.

-->I am able to populate the data with the formula like this = pfizer("I1")

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Need Function To Write The Starting Date And Time Immediately

Feb 16, 2010

Ihave this exel sheet i nedd function to write the starting date and time immediatly after i enter the name in the last colume ineed from exel to write the date and time emmideatly if the case is (done, cancelled ,or rejecteted)if the case is (select status )i want the cell empty but if the case is (pending)iwant to the program to calculte the deffirence between the ClosingDatetimee(which written by the program)and the delivering date(which entered manually by user)

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Sep 25, 2008

ColumnA Column B ColumnC (Yes/No)
2121 345766
23423 6456546
4234 6456456
7567 64566456
76756 654645
67567 3344534
76575 34534534
756756 45345
7657 534545
756767 4534534
756756 435345

What I am trying to do is

Search the number written at ColumnB in ColumnA and if found write YES to column C

if not write No

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Multiple Columns Of Information Function

May 6, 2009

Ok this is what I need to do:

I have worksheet A with cell AC2 to enter a team id# like 51922 for example. In Cell B3 I want it search sheet11 for the team name according to the number and put the team name in B3. Sheet11 has 11 columns the first one list the 613 team names, the remaining columns have #'s like the example giving for the teams. What formula would I need to perform this function?

This is a football game the other 10 columns represents 10 worlds with identical 613 teams to control in each world, but the teams have different #'s to identify the world, team, and coach.

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Derive Exponential Function From Limited Information

Dec 5, 2009

I've been working on a ss that requires me to create a function to determine a value from a exponential curve where the area of the curve is variable . The terminal points, 0,0 and 100,100 remain constant and the curve is symmetrical at the 45degree angle. How can I derive a function knowing only these things.

Here is an image to crudely illustrate what i mean [url]

The area can be 10, 20, 35% it doesn't matter, I need a way to determine the function from just the area!

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Bloomberg - Excel Function To Get Information Through ISIN Code?

Apr 15, 2014

, just by using the ISIN code of a Bond in bloomberg, to get in excel:

- Coupon
- Cpn Freq
- Day Cnt
- Maturity

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User Defined Function To Extract Information From Closed File

Feb 7, 2014

Herewith I attached a sample excel file.

Structure file which i attached herewith include all the cost center details. normally it is a big file contain more than 1000 cost center details. Structure File.xlsx If i want a cost center name for some cost center code, i have to open this file and find a specific name.

What i plan is develop a macro function called "CC".

If I type =CC("D232") I need to print cost center name for D232.

But the problem is i don't want to open the structure file, without open that file, when i type this function i need a result.

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Using Lists Function Calculate The Outstanding Work Estimation Based On Available Information

Feb 10, 2009

I am trying to create a worksheet which can calculate the Outstanding Work Estimation based on available information.

The information available with me is presented in Rows 3, 4, 5, and 6. For these types of work orders, I have information regarding their Previous Outstanding Status, New Orders, Completed Orders, and at presented Unworked Orders (or Outstanding orders at the end of Jan 2008).

Second set of information is available in rows 9 to 23. This information provides for which type of orders were completed by Staff 1 and Staff 2.

Based on these two sets of information, I am trying to get to the point where I can calculate the following:

a) Applying the weight of orders (namely 1A, 1B, 1C and Blend) by using the drop down list function in column B, I should be able to get the results in Column C (C25 onwards till C40), Column D (D25 onwards till D40), and Column E (E25 onwards till E40). Simlarly for all other months...for February, March, and so on...till December 08.

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Write Value In Cell

Sep 9, 2009

I have a question, that could be answered by the experts in this forum. Question: I need to write the letter "E" in the second column (B) when I find that any cell in a row is in orange color (color 44). The code I wrote:

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Userform Find Cell From ComboBox Value And Write To Adjacent Cell

Jan 27, 2010

I am having a problem using data from my combobox to find the cell on the worksheet and write to the adjacent cell.

Worksheet name is Fleet
ComboBox Name is ComboBox7
TextBox name is TextBox3

I would like to be able to take the text from ComboBox7, find this text in Col A of worksheet Fleet and write the Value of TextBox3 in the adjacent cell in Col B. when
the CommandButton1 is pressed.

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Write Anyone In Particular Cell Only & Remaining All Cell Total Protected

Nov 30, 2009

we have one excel sheet. I want to write or edited data in specific cell. For example anybody can write in coloum : C1, c2, c3, c4, k6 and m6 (highlighted in green colour) and remaining all cell range protcted no one can change data. Also they didn't know formula which i m writing in others cell for example fom l6 to l33 or n6 to n33. We are attach file for ur ready ref to know easily.

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Write Value To Cell When I Delete The Value

Jan 26, 2007

I have one cell that contains a function. Sometimes I want to change the value in the cell because the value is used in another function in the sheet.
The problem is that I want the function to reapear in the cell when I press the deletebutton.


1. Cell A1 contains this function.
This returns a value that is used in other cells in the sheet.

2. Now I want to try what happens in the other cells if the value in cell A1 is changed.
I select cell A1 and writes the new value that I want to test.

3. If I want the function back I simply should select cell A1 again and press delete.
4. A VBA macro now writes the original formula back into Cell A1.

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Write Text To Cell - Failure

Oct 5, 2008

I have just started VBA for the first time in Excel 2007. I have spent 2-3 hours trying to write text to a cell and I do not understand why it is not working. I have reduced the operation to the simplest form that I can find, now using the following

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Write File Using Cell Value And Given Text

Mar 25, 2009

I found this thread ,
on the forum site which involves
saving a file by value in a cell.

I want to change the code so that it saves that name by
a cell value + "_BOM"

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Write Cell Contents To File?

Jun 2, 2014

Sometimes I want to have the abbility to quickly write cell data to a textfile. This is an effort:

Function Write_To_File(strMessage As String) As Boolean
'strMessage is a data in a cell
Log strMessage


Basically I want just one function that returns True for a succesfull write and False in case of an error. Now I have one function and one sub.

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To Write A Macro That Does Not Use Cell Names Eg (A22)

Oct 4, 2007

I would like to write a Macro that does not use Cell Names eg(A22). Instead, I would like to navigate around by using R1C1 reference cells or maybe GoTo fuction.

I am trying to write a Macro that Copies Cells from Sheet 1 and Pastes that information in another worksheet 10 rows below previously pasted information. I don't want to use Cell names in the Macro as it will paste the information in the same spot each time.

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Calculate With Subtotal Functions And Write Value In Cell

Aug 22, 2014

i have wrote the following code snipped:

Sheets(2).Range("D8").Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Subtotal(109, Sheet(4).Range("BJ3:BJ" & b)) + Application.WorksheetFunction.Subtotal(109, Sheet(3).Range("BJ4:BJ" & a))

The debugger said: That "Sheet" is not allowed in the subtotal-function. because i would like to calculate two subtotals in two sheets an write the sum in another sheet

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Write/print A Cell Value In A Text Document

Aug 21, 2009

I am trying to write/print a cell value in a text document but am having problems (I know what the problem IS, just can't find a solution).

Right, so my code is as follows

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Write Current Time Next To Changed Cell

Sep 21, 2009

In my spreadsheet, I want a macro to write date and time everytime the user change a cell with a list validation. On the table, the E column contains the status of each row. I want to know since when the status is that.

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Ping IP Address And Write Result To Next Cell

Oct 28, 2009

I would like to “ping” each computer ip address to check if it is online or offline and then write the result in Column C.

There needs to be no limit to how many ip addresses the script can ping.

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Write Text To Cell Based On Checkbox?

Jan 23, 2010

I have a userform with a checkbox. If the box is checked, I would likke to write "Option One" to cell A1 in Sheet1 when the Close button is clicked. I can't get the code correct for this. The workbook is attached.

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How To Write Sum Formula For A Range In Last Empty Cell In Each Row

Sep 22, 2013

I have a spreadsheet. In this sheet the data is added daily so one column is increased everyday. The rows may also be increased. What I am trying to do is to sum the data in each row for a range of first cell in the row to the last non empty cell in that row and this has to be done for all the rows. So I thought the for loop would be useful for such requirement and I tried to write the following code. But unable to write the sum formula in the last empty cell in a row and I get the value error. The code is as follows.....

Sub sum_on_LastEmptyCell()
'find the last empty row in column A
lrow = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("sheet1").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1
'find the last empty column in a row

[Code] ........

Though one of my friend told that it can be done with "with and end with block but I am not aware of with and end with block.

It would be better if you tell me that how can I put the sum formula in my code. How can I use variables which return the row number and the column number in the sum range within the For loop because I want to put If Else condition for the calculations within the For loop i.e. if certain condition is true then I want this calculation to take place otherwise do something else. Moreover it will be easier for me to understand. Because I can use different formula based on different cells as well. Is there any way to do this?

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Match Characters In Two Strings, Then Write To Cell

Aug 1, 2007

I have a SS with 700 rows. 2 columns (Col K and L) may or may not contain text in their cells. If the cells do have text, I want to check for the presence of keywords which could be anywhere within the text, and if I find match write the matching word in Column I. Example: I want to seach for the following strings Loaned, injured, suspended etc ... in the range the K4-K700. Lets say Cell K50 contains the text Injured - broken bones. As the word injured is a match I want to write the word injured to cell I50 In addition if Cell K50 has text and Cell L50 does not, i want to put the text "NEW" in I50, and the reverse if Cell L50 has text and Cell K50 does not i want to put the text "recovered" in I 50. Following formula (in each cell in Col I) does this job currently. Can't figure out how to redo this in VBA, and wondering if checking the 700 rows will cause Vba to be slower.


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