I have worksheet A with cell AC2 to enter a team id# like 51922 for example. In Cell B3 I want it search sheet11 for the team name according to the number and put the team name in B3. Sheet11 has 11 columns the first one list the 613 team names, the remaining columns have #'s like the example giving for the teams. What formula would I need to perform this function?
This is a football game the other 10 columns represents 10 worlds with identical 613 teams to control in each world, but the teams have different #'s to identify the world, team, and coach.
I am having a problem filtering information within mulitple columns. I do not understand how the advanced search works either, so let me try to explain what is going on. I would post a pic of the table to make it easier to understand if I knew how to.I have thousands of rows in Column A with information, for this scenario a number. Thing is that all these numbers are seperated by many blank rows.
Ex: Row 1 has a number, Rows 2-10 are blank, Row 11 has a number, Rows 12-24 are blank, etc. Over in Column C, for every row that has a number in Column A, there is a corresponding number in Column C followed by Rows of numbers. ex: Row 1 Column A has corresponding information in Rows 1-10 of Column C.If this is clear, understand that this repeats for tens of thousands of lines. When I am looking for a specific number in Column A, I do a filter for just that number.
When that happens, it only brings up the info from that same row in Column C. I need the filter to bring up all ten rows of info in Column C that correlate to the row I filtered in Column A. I know the easiest way is to label all the rows in column A with the same number, but the reason the blanks are in place is so it is easier to read the breaks between the different information.
I have data that I copy from one sheet and move it to another. If I know I'm parsing data that may vary in amount of line items but will always be across 3 columns is there a way to parse this data evenly.
for example: I would like to look in column "D" and if there is an "A" I would like to parse cells A,B,C in that row to sheet 2 and parse this information evenly across 3 columns evenly across columns "A,E, I" In my example the data is only 21 rows of information the problem I have is evenly parsing this information.
Is it possible to automatically have columns repeat through all sheets in a workbook? I keep an annual book, broken down by sheets for each month. I always have to add 5 columns to each sheet, and was wondering if there was an easier way..?
I'm looking to average the numbers contained within 5 different columns if the corresponding cell in a different column is blank.
Here's what I have currently (with column A being the conditional cells and D:H being what I'm looking to average)
=AVERAGEIF(A3:A26, "", D3:H26)
From what I understand, this function only allows me to average a single column. If this is in fact a limitation of excel and not just of my knowledge, is there a different way to calculate the average of D3:H26 when the corresponding cell in column A is blank?
This is the function I have now: =COUNTIFS(Sheet1!A:A,Sheet2!A2,(Sheet1!E:E),"*") and it works great, counting every cell with a value in column E.
When I make criteria range 3 another column (criteria also being"*") my numbers actually start going down. I think it might be averaging the two columns out or something but I just want it to count all the cells with values in it from multiple columns and give me a total count.
I have 4 columns total that I want to be able to get a total count from.
I am trying to correspond prices with products from the validate function in multiple columns. I want to select the product and have the price for the product populate in the 'cost' column. I have the list of products with corresponding prices on sheet 2 named 'products'. I have attempted to write a formula in cell G11 on the Event Sheet, but was unsuccessful. Please direct my path.
I have 2 workbooks (workbook1 & workbook2). Information in column A and column N must match both workbooks per row/ cell (ie. if A2 and N2 in workbook1 match workbook2, copy information from 3 other columns (S, T, U from from workbook1 into workbook2 - cells S2, T2, U2). Workbook2 may have information in column S, T, U, but I need to over-write it with the information from workbook1. If the information does not match per that row/cell (ie. A2 in both worksheets are the same, but N2, they are not, so go to the next line that does match and copy the information into worksheet2). I do not want to use a V- lookup for this problem. I really need a marco.
if there is an Excel function out there that will copy over the contents of one cell into another by what is typed in another cell. Did that make sense?
Lets say that I have info in
(A1) John (B1) Smith (C1)X (D1)
Now I want to be able to copy over A1 & B1 to another part of the spreadsheet/workbook if I were to type the words "leave" into D1.
So basically it would look something like this...
(A1)John (B1)Smith (C1)X (D1)leave (want info to go here---->) (M4)John (N4)Smith (O4)currently on leave
And then have it automatically add the names below the one in M4-O4. so it would add names in M5-O5, M6-O6, etc
I have this spread sheet that has over 1000 names on it & it would help out alot if I could just use a function that could copy the information to another part of the spreadsheet or another workbook.
I know that I can use the filter, but I may want to have this stuff on another worksheet alltogether.
Also, if this is possible, is there a way that it can be automatically removed if I were to delete the word "leave" from the cell?
I've been working on a ss that requires me to create a function to determine a value from a exponential curve where the area of the curve is variable . The terminal points, 0,0 and 100,100 remain constant and the curve is symmetrical at the 45degree angle. How can I derive a function knowing only these things.
Here is an image to crudely illustrate what i mean [url]
The area can be 10, 20, 35% it doesn't matter, I need a way to determine the function from just the area!
I am unsure if this was answered already but I am having a lot of trouble. I am trying to find out if it is possible to count the number of entries in one column if it meets criteria in another comlumn?
Here is my problem: I work for a contractor and I am trying to find out the number of contracts sold(column J) by Mike (Column K). I have tried =COUNTIFS functions but these dont work. I know if I create 4 other columns with IF functions I can get the information but I have to imagine there is another way.
I have two very long columns of client names. The columns represent reports that were run at different times on the same information.
What I want to do is merge the two clomuns. The issue is that there are many names that are the same but some that are different. Is there a way that you can merge the info. So it ignores the client names that are the same but auto adds the ones that are new. There are financials in other columns that I want to have come along during the merger.
I have the following code below, im not sure how to modify it to make it only search 2 columns of information, how can do this?
Private Sub CommandButton3_Click() Dim StrFindWhat As Range Dim NextCell As Range Dim WhatToFind As Variant
WhatToFind = Application.InputBox("Please enter the Application or Service you want to search for?", "Search", , 500, 80, , , 2) If WhatToFind "" And Not WhatToFind = False Then For Each oSheet In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets oSheet.Activate oSheet.[b4].Activate.....................
Structure file which i attached herewith include all the cost center details. normally it is a big file contain more than 1000 cost center details. Structure File.xlsx If i want a cost center name for some cost center code, i have to open this file and find a specific name.
What i plan is develop a macro function called "CC".
If I type =CC("D232") I need to print cost center name for D232.
But the problem is i don't want to open the structure file, without open that file, when i type this function i need a result.
I have a list of 2500 companies. In each cell there is the company name, street address, and phone number. And of course, each one is of varying length. I need a way to put the company name, street address, and phone numbers in seperate columns. I tried going to text to columns but it wouldn't work due to the varying lengths.
I have a list of names with blank cells in Column A cell 2.
I want the programme to scroll through this column until it finds a name, when it does I want it to look in cell offset(1, 1), in this case B3 to see if there is a number. I want this number to be moved to offset (0, 1) AND any subsequent numbers below it until the next blank cell in that column (B).
In the attached image cell B2 will contain all numbers in cells B3:B9 with a / between them. Cell B10 will have number from B11 and B12 will have B13:B15. If there is no number it will just continue to the next name in column A. My rough code below delivered the first number only in the relevant cell and I'm not clever enough to get it right. It does not have to be super slick as it's for one time use.
I need numbers in column B cleared as they are concatenated into the single cell.
I have a spreadsheet that contains overtime information for employees. Basically, it has a list of names in column A, and a list of projects in the first row, similar to this:
Name 100323 100887 100987 100987 Sum
At the top of the page I've inserted a section similar to this:
Name Project Number # Of Hours
SMITH, John 100883 5
Where the name and project number are drop down data validation lists containing all of the project numbers and employees at our facility, and the # of hours section is just a manual entry.
I require a macro that, upon clicking a button, will verify that the name is in the list and insert a row if there isn't as well as verify the project is in the row and insert a column it isn't.. then it will add the number of hours i specified in the box. It would also be nice if the list of names would sort alphabetically and the project numbers would sort numerically from left to right after any additions. As well as clear the selections and # of hours I entered in the second table shown above once everything has been entered in to the main (first) table.
I'm pretty new to creating my own macros (even though im an engineer.. )
I am trying to create a worksheet which can calculate the Outstanding Work Estimation based on available information.
The information available with me is presented in Rows 3, 4, 5, and 6. For these types of work orders, I have information regarding their Previous Outstanding Status, New Orders, Completed Orders, and at presented Unworked Orders (or Outstanding orders at the end of Jan 2008).
Second set of information is available in rows 9 to 23. This information provides for which type of orders were completed by Staff 1 and Staff 2.
Based on these two sets of information, I am trying to get to the point where I can calculate the following:
a) Applying the weight of orders (namely 1A, 1B, 1C and Blend) by using the drop down list function in column B, I should be able to get the results in Column C (C25 onwards till C40), Column D (D25 onwards till D40), and Column E (E25 onwards till E40). Simlarly for all other months...for February, March, and so on...till December 08.
I am trying to sort/filter the information by columns but I need the information in each row to stay together for instance...
1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 1 3 4 5 1 2 4 5 1 2 3 5 1 2 3 4
I need to sort the numbers in column 3 in ascending order or filter them but i need the entire row to move when sorted so it needs to look like this
4 5 1 2 3 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 1 3 4 5 1 2
I am using the list function to sort and filter the data in the columns but when i try to sort them in ascending order i get....
1 2 1 4 5 2 3 2 5 1 3 4 3 1 2 4 5 4 2 3 5 1 5 3 4
I don't know how to write formulas or VBA's or anything but am willing to try.
Is it possible to sort the data and get a result like the second set of data? and is there an easy way to make this fool proof so people that use the spreadsheet will not mess up the data?
I have a 5 row list in WA2. Each row holds its data across 3 columns i.e A1description, B1 product code, C1 unit cost. In WA1 I want to have a drop down table in cell B3 that looks at this range and then populates this information into B3, C3 and C4. I have tried data validation but it keeps telling me that it can only look at a single row or single column
I have a feeling the answer to this will be 'no' based on the searching I've done, but is it possible to allow formatting of rows/columns on a protected worksheet, yet prevent the user from unhiding some rows/columns I don't want them to see? I've allowed them to format rows/columns so they can "size" them to fit the text they enter, but that has opened up the ability for them to unhide columns. Using Shrink To Fit would be cumbersome due to the number of cells involved.
I recently undertook an excel based knowledge test and whilst I haven't been informed of the answers/scores yet I have been frustrated with my inability to find the answer to what seemed like a simple question on the test....
Q: Without using copy and paste, put A1:H11 and its associated formulas and formats onto all 7 worksheets within the workbook.
Bearing in mind all questions on the test generally used only a few keystrokes, I felt fairly stumped and with copy and paste excluded from the options I am convinced I answered incorrectly. But the worst of it is I left fairly contently from the test and thinking I would get home and satisfy myself with the answer outlining a simple oversight on my part, have been shocked that I've been unable able to find one anywhere, is anybody able to put me out of my misery here as it's beginning to really bug me!
I have a file that is a master report. Every month i have to pull information to it from 40-50 different files (all of these are exactly the same and the data is in the same sheets columns and rows) Is there an easier way of just pointing excel to one folders so it would automatically pull the date into mu master sheet?
I have an excel file that contains 93 tabs, all with the same type of information, and I need to take the information from each tab and combine it so that it has all the information from all 93 tabs in one.....without having to copy and paste each tab,
I am writing a macro that organizes data, but also needs to be able to conditionally copy data from other sheets in a workbook.
I have a table with values...column A has the identifiers (strings of letters) and column N has comments related to the data in each row. So, for example, row 3 column A has the value "AAPL," and row 3 column N has the related value "sells electronic goods."
Now, I want to be able to copy column N based on the value of column A into other sheets using my macros. So, say I have another sheet in the workbook and row 6 column A has the value "AAPL," I want row 6 column N to have the related value from the previous sheet. Is it possible to do this?
I created a drop down list of contacts for specific accounts:
Primary Second Third Fourth
When I click on each one, I want in adjacent individual cells their name, address, phone, and email. The results should only show up in the same row as per list choice.
This drop down list applies to 20+ accounts so each contact info corresponds to the accounts. A E F G H I So: Account... Contact Name Address Phone Email (DropList) And do that for all the accounts.