Get ActiveCell Data From Inactive Sheet

Aug 8, 2009

I need to grab data from one sheet while I'm in a different one - same workbook, however. From the first sheet, the data that I need would be an "activeCell.value" issue. From the other sheet, however, how can I get that cell's data - an "inactiveCell.value" call, in essence? Right now, I'm getting around it by assigning the value to a global variable but that seems wasteful.

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Change Activecell Of An Inactive Sheet

Dec 18, 2008

CopyPaste operations leaves the goal range selected and I don't want that. The .Activate and .Select methods seem to require that the cell to be selected refers to the ActiveSheet.

What I'm doing now to change the active-cell is kind of:
1. Disable ScreenUpdating
2. Save a reference to ActiveCell
3. Activate the relevant goal-worksheet
4. Change the ActiveCell to the upper-left-cell of the Selection
5. Come back by the reference in point number 2
6. Enable ScreenUpdating.

It works, but seems to me as a huge job for something as simple than "collapsing" a multi-cell-selection. Another irritating problem is the slight screen-shaking caused by the disabling/enabling ScreenUpdating.

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Create Range To Inactive Sheet

Sep 17, 2009

I want to create ranges in a worksheet that is inactive.I have 3 sheets in the worksheet and i want, while the first sheet remains active, to create ranges in the second one.

I'm using the following code that creates no errors no matter how i use it but it works only if the second sheet is active.

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Clear Filters From Inactive Sheet VBA

Dec 15, 2009

In VBA, is there code to clear all filters from an inactive worksheet or does the worksheet need to be activated?

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Copying Next Inactive Range To A New Consecutive Sheet

Mar 4, 2009

I tried to save a macro but it doesn't work (I am inexperienced!).

What I need is to copy five columns (e.g. range C:G) and copy it in another sheet ('1' range C:G). Subsequently, I have to copy the next range of five columns available (i.e. range H:L) and copy it in the consecutive sheet (i.e. '2' range C:G), and so on.

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Range(activecell, Activecell.end(xlright)).copy

Apr 6, 2007

Does this code copy all cells from the active cell up to the last non-blank cell, or is it up to the first blank cell after the last non-blank cell?

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Make Button Inactive Until There Is Data In A Certain Cell

Apr 21, 2009

I have a button that has a macro asigned to it. i don't want it to be active
or able to run unless it sees data in cell D25.

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VBA Inactive Worksheets

Dec 10, 2009

I am having trouble referencing a range in an inactive worksheet to feed an vba array. this is the following vba code that does not work:

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Inactive Cells

Oct 6, 2009

i have a workbook that contained a single sheet, i ciopied this sheet and amended them accordingly (ie picking up different variables etc).

For some reason every now and again some of the cells on the sheets that are effectively copies of the original dont update, i literally have to click on them and hit Enter.

I know that calculation is switched on as automatic.

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ComBoxes Are Inactive

Jun 8, 2006

I added a combo box to each sheet of a workbook. Each box referenced a range within the sheet and linked to a cell on the sheet. Each box was tested and worked perfectly. Yesterday. On opening the book today, however, I've discovered each combo box is dead in the water. They are totally inactive and can't be activated in any way. I've checked the properties sheet for each and can't see anything out sorts. As a test, I added a new combo box to a sheet, and interestingly enough, it not only works fine, but also seems to have activated the original box, which also now works fine. Other boxes on the other sheets are still inactive, however.

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Close Inactive File

Sep 21, 2009

close the inactive file
I'm using the

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Activate Inactive Workbook

Aug 2, 2009

I am having a "cosmetic" issue that I was curious if I can fix it.. I have a workbook that opens a network workbook, saves some data to it, and then closes the network workbook.

Everything is working fine, except I cant get the code to "reactivate" the initial workbook. After excel saves and closes the 2nd workbook I opened, my screen stays on my desktop, instead of refocusing on the initial workbook. I have to manually click on the initial workbook in my taskbar to bring it back into focus...

I thought the below code would bring the inital workbook back into "focus" on the users screen, but it's not working.

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

I just moved the Application.ScreenUpdating line as initially I had it at the very bottom, but that did not correct. The is just a dialog box that informs the user the changes were saved successfully. I would like the first workbook "sxssubmit.xls" to come back into focus automatically though, without the user having to manually select it from the taskbar.

What is my code missing?

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Use Of On Time To Kick Inactive Users

Apr 16, 2014

I use the 'on time' function to kick users out of a shared workbook after 30 minutes of inactivity (i.e. no cells updated). Technically it works, as it does kick out the users.

However the time after which it does so seems to bear no relation to the time I have instructed. Sometimes shorter, sometimes longer! If it is was always longer, I would be happy that there is an error in my code somewhere (i.e. the time value is resetting on an unexpected event that I need to find and alter).

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Show Inactive Workbook Filename

Jun 8, 2014

I open two spreadsheets only. In one of them I would like the filename of the other spreadsheet shown in cell A1.

The reason why is the filename is a 6 number date and I'd like to confirm it showing in full format.

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VBA Code To Close Inactive Workbooks

Sep 7, 2009

I tried to use Workbooks("Inactivebookname.xlsm").Close False
and many variations thereof, but I simply cannot close this workbook when currently another workbook is active.

I have no problem in closing an active workbook with

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UDF In 2007: Inactive After Re-loading File

Nov 11, 2009

I'm just trying to figure out how to implment UDFs. I got a nice tool that provides linear interpolation for a data table. Unfortunately after saving, closing and opening the file the cells only show #NAME? in it. Do I have to activate macros or something like that?

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Automated Reply To Inactive Window

Jun 30, 2007

I am using PrimoPDF, as suggested elsewhere in the forum, to attach a PDF to an E:Mail and send it automatically, it works a treat ... however, I do have to manually intervene to click on the OK button & then again to click on YES when the filename is duplicate. I would like to automate these actions and am looking for a way to do it. It looked like the SendKeys command was perfect, but I'm not 100% sure how to do it. The PrimoPDF window is open, named as "PrimoPDF", but is not my active window, so I have put PrimoPDF.SendKeys "{Enter}"

... into the program but I am getting the error message "Run Time Error '424': Object required". Is this something to do with my code ? I am guessing that the program isn't recognising that PrimoPDF is an open & inactive window, so am I missing a prefix here or is it something more serious, like having to add a new Component or Additional Controls ?

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Check Box(es) Inactive/active Depending On Value In A Cell

Dec 27, 2006

I have a drop down lets say in cell A1. Based on what value is selected in A1, the user should see a different set of check boxes. My thought, which may not be the best way to implement this, is to have all the check boxes and depending on the value selected in A1, the check boxes that are relevant should be active or visible, while the unneeded ones are inactive or invisible.

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Automatically Close If A User Is Inactive For A Period Of Time.

Nov 13, 2008

We have one shared excel workbook and it is used by many people (more than 20 simultaneously), is there any way to auto save & close the workbook (session) if a user is inactive for specified time.

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Excel 2007 :: VBA To Make Command Button Inactive Until User Field Selected

Nov 14, 2011

I am creating a userform in Excel 2007 which requires a user to pick their name from a drop down box then press Ok, what i want to do is disable the Ok button until the user field has been selected.

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Dec 18, 2006

Here's the situation:

I want to search through the cells in a column to locate text in one of the cells. If this text is found, I want to make that the ActiveCell and then insert a row underneath it. If this particular text is not found, I want to insert a row and put that text that wasnt found into the first cell in the created row.

I trimmed down my code a lot so I could post it here.

So, in this particular case, once the user selects one of two product lines (named "ADC" and "DAC"), I want to first search for that text and if it is found I want that to be the new activecell and insert a new row.

The main problem is that I can't seem to figure out how to set the "Foundcell" as being the new active cell. My initial activecell is set by locating and selecting the cell containing the text "Product Line".

Here's my

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Select Activecell And Following

Aug 7, 2009

How can I select the current activecell and the next 50 following rows of that column? I cannot define a range since it has to variable.

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Nov 23, 2009

ActiveCell.Activate. I'm reading through a VBA book and one line of code was

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Jan 1, 2010

I want to use the following command but with more to it:

ActiveCell.Offset(rowOffset:=X, columnOffset:=Y).Activate

I want to use this type of command to highlight an area...not just move rows/columns. I want it to highlight from a point on the sheet marked by X and Y and then down Z rows.

So if I'm in cell A1 and want to highight from A1 down to A10, I'm not sure how to write that part of the code.

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Losing ActiveCell Value

May 30, 2006

I have a list of line entries for which I need to insert a variable amount of empty lines per line. (the variable amounts listed in a column to the right of my Active Row.

Unfortunatly I loose the ActiveCell's Value. During Debug it shows the correct cell and value, but after the Debug Step Over, the value shows 0 again. I include my

Sub IP_Insert_rows()
' IP_Insert_rows Macro
' Macro recorded 2006/05/29 by Joseph Clark
Dim GrpCtrVar As Integer
Dim LnCtrVar As Integer

GrpCtrVar = 3
LnCtrVar = Range("B8").Value

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Looping With ActiveCell

Jul 1, 2006

I am working on a sub that will populate a cell based on the values of two other cells.

The ws is of variable length, the columns are A through I. I have the logic done, now I need help with the looping. It only loops through the first row. I believe that my problem is something to do with declaring the ActiveCell and looping with that. Also should I use variable names rather than Range(A2) ex. Dim EMUNCD As Variant
EMUNCD = Range("H2").Value

I have the following code so far

Sub MainMgrRpt()

Dim LstRow As Long
LstRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
For Row_counter = 2 To LstRow

Dim planCase As String
planCase = Range("F2").Value

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Set Print Area Using Activecell

Oct 7, 2012

Goal is to select range from active cell ( where coursos is ) to the top of that row. For some reason

ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = Range("xey1":ActiveCell())

Does not work?

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Identify Activecell Of A Shape?

May 24, 2014

I have put a rectangle shape in a cell in excel. The shape is within the border of a particular cell.

Is there a way to find the reference of the cell on which that particular shape resides.

For example, I have kept a rectangle shape in cell F5. I was looking for a macro which would return the cell reference "F5" in which the shape resides.

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Get Listbox Selection Into The ActiveCell?

Apr 26, 2014

On Select cell F6 my list box appear, however once an item is selected form the listbox, i cannot get it to appear in the active cell (F6).

code and where to place it to make this work

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ActiveCell And Command Button

Mar 5, 2009

I have a spreadsheet that automatically analyzes the last week's worth of data and then displays a table of summary data from that analysis in the range C2:G11. Each row (i.e. 2:11) represents the statistics from one of the 10 regions in the state. I then have a second "details" table which remains blank (it occupies the range C14:G20; one row for each day of the week) until an "x" is typed in Column H in the cell adjacent to a region's summary data above, e.g.

if I want to display detailed data for region 4 for the last week, I would type an "x" in cell H5; formulas in the blank "details" table then lookup information on region 4 from a larger dataset. This system works fine, but is a little clumsy (typing "x"'s and deleting previous "x"'s, etc.).

Here's what I would like:

1): A macro for this sheet that will place an "x" in the ActiveCell (only in the case that the active cell is somewhere in the range H2:H11), will remove that "x" when that cell is no longer active, and will not place more than one "x" at a time-- for instance if more than one cell is accidentally highlighted

2): Also, I would like to be able to paste the values and formatting of the "details" table (C14:G20) to a separate sheet (we'll call it Sheet2) if they're interesting, and I'd like to be able to do this with a command button. The problem is I don't know... 1: how to place a button on the sheet, 2: how to attach code to this button, 3: where to place this code (can it go in the same place as the ActiveCell macro I described earlier?).

Ideally, the code would allow me to paste an arbitrary number of these tables to Sheet2, so the code would need to be able to identify the first blank cell in Column A as the location to paste a new table when the button is clicked.

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