Google Image Search From Cell Contents Of Excel File?
Apr 5, 2014
i have an excel file with hundreds of rows of product codes which i need to download images for. is there a way this can be done directly from excel? basically if cell A1 has product name and Cell B1 have product code, id like Cell C1 to generate a link that will use the contents of B1 as the basis of my google image search. can this be created using a macro?
So basically I have an Excel sheet which has keywords that need to be entered in Google search. I need the URL of the first page of the search result that appears after that keyword is entered. IS there a macro for the same?
I have found Displaying an image based on text contained within a cell. which appears to be a very similar question, but no steps to follow.
Basically I have a folder with around 300 images in it, each is called ProductId number.jpg eg Z99S1234567.jpg
In my sheet I am using the same ProductId number and would like to display the product image on the sheet. I have A1:D19 as spare space Lookig at the info I have found the image will have to go into a cell, so can I break all the rules and merge cells to fit the image in, or do I need to make a single cell big enough or can I use VBA to import the image somehow to a specific place on the sheet.
There will only ever be one looked up image on the screen at a time.
Some of my worksheets are permission protected. They will allow me only to view the sheets - No editing, copy, cut, sort, add filter, etc. Is there a way to hack this and copy data (including formating) into other / new worksheets?
I have a worksheet that has a number in cell K5 - the number is generated on "file open" code and is custom formatted as "TN"0000. Thus 1 appears as TN0001, 2 as TN0002 and so on. I am trying to save a copy of the workbook based on the this cells contents i.e. TN0001.xls, TN0002.xls etc. but the files are saved as 1.xls or 2.xls. The code I am using is
I have this code which need to capture Rank & URLS of given keywords in Google paid search but now its not capturing any rank & urls, its gives no data found. solve this and modify it in such way that it record the position of the paid advert on the google page, advert title and description and then click on the ad to capture the actual landing page (not the landing page url shown in the paid ad).
I have a long list of Titles in Column A. I want to be able to paste a link into Column B and it automatically searches the text next to it. I would like it to be simple. Something that is the same for every row, so I can bulk copy and paste.
I have a range of cells each containing different values. Each of these different cells has a related date contained in the row underneath.
I want to be able to search the range of cells and find it in the contents of a cell and return the corresponding date from the row below.
Excel 2010 A B C D E F G
Row A4:O4 is the range of cells to be tested. Row A5:O5 are the corresponding dates. Cell B1 is the value I want to search for and B2 is where the date I would like to appear.
In the example shown I'd like 01-Sep to appear in B2.
I am writing a VBA for downloading a csv file from google trend.
In the first worksheet ,enter the search keyword in the excel file and the click a button to download the csv file and place it in another worksheet in the same excel file.
I have had some experience with downloading the stock stat. csv file from yahoo but then I realize this time is really a different story.In the google trend case, I cannot find a real URL of the csv file.
I strongly believe the solution is on [URL] .....
I have tested the code in #1 .It runs but cannot return a proper csv file just like Lloyd said. I do not understand what Kyle said. What do title and id refer to ?
Besides,I do not understand and cannot run the code in #6.
What is the input and output of this code?
When I run this, I face a Run- time error '-2147024891(80070005)'.
I am looking for a formula to allow an image file to show when a cell equals a certain text string. If it can be done can it be achieved with multiple images? I am making a database that will calculate from many variables my required glass sizes, given the size and window type and I was hoping to go one step further by making it raise a purchase order from a series of images and other related data.
I have numerous spreadsheets that I need to open and unhide a sheet, that has XML data stored in cell A1. What I need to do is copy that data in cell A1 and paste it into a text document and save that as an XML file saved as the XLS workbook name with a date stamp.
I'm running into many issues, the main issue is the saving as current file name, and the formatting of the text/XML file.
Here is my current code, which doesn't reference the current file name and is just very generic. Once I get the saving as file-name correct and the formatting of the xml file correct, I will work on it a bit more.
Code: Sub Test() Dim Rng As Range Dim wb As Workbook Set Rng = Range("A1:A2") Set wb = Workbooks.Add With wb Rng.Copy
Split from Open Image Using A String & Cell For File Name. what it looks like, but maybe I am not using the FollowHyperlink correctly?
Sub testFloodMap() Application. ScreenUpdating = False Sheets("FloodMap").Select 'Picture = ActiveSheet. Range("W4").Value This works manually with the path in "W4" 'Now I tried to use the FollowHyperlink next Application.FollowHyperlink "C:Documents and Settingsjim hutchMy DocumentsNarrative1My Appraisals2009-" & Sheets("Base").Range("B2") & "floodmap.jpg" Sheets("FloodMap").Select ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(Picture).Select Exists = Dir(Picture, vbNormal).....................
I need to find an easy way to locate an image on my server and upon selection rather than inserting the actual image I need to insert the image path. e.g. "s:imageshighresgreen1234.jpg"
I have a large sheet (approx 4k rows) and need to verify the contents of each cell by taking the name and searching for it in another workbook. I then need to copy over the cell contents found under certain columns in the secondary book and paste them into appropriate columns (row where search name was found).
Ex. I search for Apple and find 6 instances of Apple in the second book. I then take the contents of the cells found under columns Make, Model, Year (all from the row that showed the results as apple) and paste that into the same-named column in the first book.
I have been doing this manually but it takes too much time.
how would I go about having a button on my worksheet which is clicked will open up Internet Explorer and search the information located in a specific cell?
I just wrote two macros that each produce separate text files (call them 'A' and 'B'). I want to open 'B' with Excel VBA, copy all of its contents, and paste that content into 'A' right after a specific location in 'A' (where I have 10 consecutive asterisks, i.e., **********).
Most topics relating to Excel VBA and .txt files have to do with either importing / exporting into Excel (not what I want), or with associating .txt files to Excel (also not what I want).
My current problem is that I need to search two tabs of data and use the results to modify the contents of one cell in the first tab.
I'll try to be as clear as possible:
tab1 has relevant cells "a" and "b", same row
tab2 has 3 relevant cells "c", "d", and "e", all on the same row
All cells are text values - some digits, but should be treated as a regular String.
The search needs to look at cells "a" and "b", find their match in "c" and "d", then replace the original value of "b" with the value in "e" after a match has been found.
I have created a desk planning spreadsheet in excel. Each week a mailmerge sends out an email to everyone in the office asking them to confirm when they will need a desk in the next week.
As the normal employee doesnt get involved in desk planning I want them simply to state whether they will be in the building or not by entering "GH" (our building) in a cell under each day in the email they get sent.
When the reply comes in we select the cells from the email and then paste them into the desk planning spreadsheet. -----
WHAT I NEED TO DO: Select some cells (must be in the same row - that we have just pasted in). Press a button on the Worksheet labelled "Auto Assign Desk", which does this:- For each cell that contains "GH", replace with the right-most cell to the left of the selection that starts "GH_"... (this is the start of a unique desk reference (GH_1_1, GH_1_2,etc.) -----
This will assign the employee to the desk they were sat at last, when they are in the office next week.
So right now I have a spreadsheet that looks something like this:
As you can see, the stock names are slightly different in columns A & C (CORP. vs CORP, CO vs CO., etc). I need a formula in column D that searches column A for the first word in column C, and then retrieves the contents of that cell. I want to do this because I will then use a vlookup in column E to get the ticker for the stock.
Right now I have: =IF(ISERROR(SEARCH(LEFT(C1,FIND(" ",C1)),A:A,1)),A:A,"")
This formula searches column A for EXXON, but does not return the contents of the cell. Instead, it returns the contents of a different cell in the column.
Any way for an excel spreadsheet to automatically feed into or sync to a Google doc.
Unfortunately I have a dashboard which can only use a Google doc spreadsheet, so uploading the excel spreadsheet into Google drive wouldn't work. Nor vice versa as we have a Cube which feeds into Excel.
So the only way around this is for the excel spreadsheet to sync to a Google doc.
I am new to VBA and am having difficulties in getting a find function to successfully locate search criteria within cell. When the search criteria matches exactly that of the cell contents then the code works; however should the search criteria only form part of the total cell contents (such as a seach for "the" in a cell containing "the cat sat on the mat") the code doesn't recognise it.
Essentially, I need the code to search a range for the required string and if found within a cell activate that cell and populate a combobox with the full cell contents of the activecell.offset(0,-2).
The relevant section of code attached below:
Dim role_count as range Dim role as string
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("Role_Count"), Role) 0 Then Range("role_count").Select Selection.Find(What:=Role, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:= _ xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False _ , SearchFormat:=False).Activate
The mini project I've been working on does pretty much what I want it to do. It takes a list of script names and by providig it with the scripts folder/server and database the scripts are run and the log files are dumped in a newly created folder named logs.
Now that I have established how to check for the existence of a folder and creating new folders in Excel VBA, the next step is to check for the existence of a particular text file and if it exists, search the contents of that file for a specific word or sentence.
I need to know which objects and methods provide such capability [if any]
I need to link an image to a cell value and display the selected image in a new sheet of the same excel. I am attaching samplefile for easy reference. The requirement is, from the workout sheet when I select from drop down list, then the corresponding cell value appears in Parameter sheet in C9 cell.
There are four images copied in Parameter excel. The given image has to be selected and linked to the C9 cell value. Based on the selection that particular image should be shown on Sample Picture sheet. Here based on the selection only the image should reflect here.
Excel 2010. I need to place picture into one cell or one big merged cell, as a background fill. picture must resize to size of cell. must be fixed in, not in front. i still need write into that cell, so it needs to be really background.
I use Google Spreadsheet to feed some data online. Later on I use Excel to import this data that it is hosted at Google to do a better handling (reports, charts, etc). However when I import the data from Google, the contents of 1 row is splitted on 4 in Excel.
Are there any way to keep the same formatting from the original ?