Highlight Dates On Calendar If Between 2 Dates
Dec 22, 2013
I'm trying to get excel to automatically highlight dates on my calendar that fall between a number of given dates, but this is causing some issues.
First of all excel doesn't support conditional formatting between dates, and second I can't copy conditional formatting rules to apply to another cell easily.
It would be possible to manually set up rules for all 365 days of a year, but I was hoping to use a formula that can do this automatically.
I found a formula that uses median that is quite clever, but I haven't found a way to apply it to a part of the calendar or the entire calendar for that matter.
This formula does a neat job for a single date, but it would be nice if it would work for an entire month.
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Jun 21, 2007
In sheet1 i have two dates
Eg. 11/6/2007 - 22/6/2007
In sheet2 is the calendar and I want the period in between these two dates in sheet2 to be highlighted in red.
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Oct 1, 2008
how I can make a calendar that pops up when the user mouse clicks or tabs/arrows over to a cell so they can choose a date instead of manually typing in the date?
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Dec 14, 2009
I'm trying to limit the information people can put into my format and therefore to ensure they put in a the correct date etc i'm wondering if it is possible to have a calendar pop up to click on the date for a particular cell?
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Sep 15, 2006
How do you block out the past dates?
Like today is september 14th, tomorrow I want september 15th to be highlighted but all dates previous to september 15th to be black.
Here is the code if it helps any one out. Thanks in advance for the help.
Sub CreateCalendar()
Dim lMonth As Long
Dim strMonth As String
Dim rStart As Range
Dim strAddress As String
Dim rCell As Range
Dim lDays As Long
Dim dDate As Date
'Add new sheet and format
ActiveWindow.DisplayGridlines = False
With Cells
.ColumnWidth = 6#
.Font.Size = 8
End With
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Jan 29, 2007
I need to create a Date Column (format = Friday, Janurary 10, 2007) for the entire year of 2007 that will display only the Tuesday and Friday of every week for every month ( total 2007 date entries : 52 weeks x 2 = 104 Dates). The format of the date is something that I will setup using the Format Cell menu options.
Is this task possible in Excel without involving a VBA script, because I'm not a VBA programmer? I tried setting up a formula to accomplish this task but the problem I'm having is that I can't add numberical values to Date values.
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Mar 18, 2009
Is there a way to have a calendar pop up when a particular cell is selected and only have Sunday dates as optional selections? Needs to be able to scroll by month.
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Apr 12, 2009
I have a calendar in the sheet attached. If there are leave dates that are marked in red, can I create a formula to count the number of leave dates for the entire year ?
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Oct 22, 2012
What I am looking to do is have a calendar on a worksheet that populates with dates from multiple worksheets across the workbook. I've got approximately 15 worksheets to pull dates from. Within each worksheet I have a table with 5-10 check options (Form control check boxes). When an option is checked, several dates appear going across the rows on the table. The dates in each row have several date ranges. For example, if I check option 1, I will get 4 separate date ranges of varying amounts of time. I would like these date ranges to then populate on the calendar. All worksheets should populate the same calendar. As each worksheet may have similar options, I would like the listing on the calendar to state Worksheet Name - Option Name for it's entry onto the calendar.
I've looked at the design of the calendar provided by Pete_UK and it looks like something that would work for me.
I've included a condensed version of the spreadsheet I am working on as well as the calendar created by Pete_UK.
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Jan 3, 2012
I have a spreadsheet that will always have the dates needed in cells H40 and H42. I would like the calendar to utilize the data validation in the cell to only allow someone to choose a date that is between the dates in H40 and H42.
Private Sub Calendar1_Click()
'ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:="pbrmeasap"
ActiveCell.Value = CDbl(Calendar1.Value)
ActiveCell.NumberFormat = "mm/dd/yyyy"
Calendar1.Visible = False
[Code] ...
Could I add this code anywhere to make it work?
Sub DataValidation()
With Selection.Validation
.Add Type:=xlValidateDate, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= _
xlBetween, Formula1:="=$H$40", Formula2:="=$H$42"
[Code] ......
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Sep 8, 2007
I have a sheet pasted below, I am wondering if it is possible to take data and have it automatically laid out in a calendar format. Say all the dates in column G could be sorted into a calendar with reference text from column E....
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Nov 23, 2009
I am trying to create a formula that can translate true calendar dates when a date is entered IE 2/15/09 if with the normal formaula, it alwways calulates 30 days or even on 31 day months.
I need th formula to calculate actual dates and know when there is a 31 versus a 30 day month or 28/29 for February.
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Aug 2, 2006
I have created a calendar as part of main userform and I need to be able to select 2 dates and link them to 2 cells in the spreadsheet. According to your help on the calendar form at http://www.ozgrid.com/VBA/excel-calendar-dates.htm I managed to do the basic calendar but need to select in it 2 dates.
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Oct 8, 2006
Is it possible to use one (1) calendar control to add different dates to different cells?
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Jun 24, 2008
I want the user to select a date from a calendar and insert a new sheet if a new date has been selected otherwise display the calendar again; then get the user to select a 2nd date and use this is in a Vlookup formula:......
Show the user the calendar Record the value Format it and check it against existing sheetsIf it doesn't exist, insert a new sheet ( name = date)If it is already present ask the user to enter another date and present the calendar to them againShow the user for the calendar for the 2nd dateRecord the valueCheck it against existing sheet names (names = dates) - it needs to be a valid date = sheet nameIf it's valid, use it in the vlookup formulaIf it's invalid, warn the user and display the calendar againOnce 2 correct dates are entered, I have a routine that then runs fine ....
I'm getting very lost in when the routine 'SheetAlreadyExists' and 'InsertNewSheet' should run (ie before/after each other etc.)
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Jan 6, 2009
I have a spreadsheet that keeps track of my travel. Column A has the date I arrived somewhere, and Column B has the date I departed, and Column C has the name of the city I went to.
I am wondering if there is a way to generate a calendar using my list that will mark those dates. For example, a calendar for the month of June 2008 that would show I was traveling from June 3 to June 14, either by marking those dates with a different color or labeling them with the city names, or even just putting an x in the box.
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Apr 1, 2009
I have been asked to create a calendar which will display, on the applicable date of expiry, a contract name. Basically so someone can go and see what contracts are due to expire. And then if a new contract comes up it will automatically be added.
I have a list of Contract names in one column followed by the expiry date.
I have looked around and there are some things which could help but they are seriously complicated and I can't work out how to apply it to my situation.
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May 2, 2006
how to multiple dates can be selected using the calendar control object? I haven't actually explored this for very long
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Jun 20, 2007
The company I work for does not use the usual calendar dates and uses a modified calendar. As an example, the month of January is Dec 31 thru Jan 27, February is Jan 28 thru Feb 24 and so on. I need to group data using a pivot table and summarize data by month, but as I just described above, calendar months will not work. Is there a way to modify what Excel sees as monthly dates?
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Apr 15, 2008
I have a user form that has a calendar button. Once clicked it updates a txtbox on my user form. What I would also like is for another txtbox (txtQtrLeave) to be auto populated based on this entry. Below is the code I've tried:
If CalendarEnd.Calendar1.Value > #3/31/2008# And CalendarEnd.Calendar1.Value < #1/6/2008# Then
Qtr = 1
frmAddClient.txtQtrLeave.Value = Qtr
... Qtr 2, 3 etc
It seems to return a value if I have one criteria but it doesn't work once I add the And element. What am I doing wrong (this has been driving me mad all morning)?
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Jul 4, 2014
Attached is what I use as a Calendar Macro and it works great for single active cell use.
I have a column for 'Notes' and I can only use 1 cell per item so every time I have an update about a specific item I go the to notes section and put a date and leave few spaces then type in whatever the notes are. Currently I'm doing it manually and I tried to use my macro on the Notes column and what it does is to remove everything in the cell and replace it with whatever date I choose in the calendar.
find a way to use my current Calendar Macro to add a date in the cell instead replacing everything in the cell with a date.
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Aug 13, 2014
I have a worksheet that has about 20 columns and 60 rows, but only need the data from 5 of the columns to link with outlook calendar. I want to be able to enter the date of completion of a task in the excel spreadsheet and have an reminder entered into outlook calendar a year later. I would like the Subject of the appointment to be the EMPLOYEE NAME and the Location of the appointment to be the TASK (what the employee has to renew) [these would be the column headers]. The duration can be ALL DAY for all appointments. A reminder would be fantastic!
The only other fear I have is each time I run the macro/VBA it will recreate duplicate appointments.
And I don't know if this is possible but one of the tasks (column) for renewal, ie: drug test, calls for an employee to be randomly selected every quarter. This will cause the employee to have a new annual renewal date in outlook but will outlook still retain the original annual renewal appointment date? I am sure we can live with this, but just a thought if there is a possibility of removing the original appointment it would be amazing.
I have attached example of worksheet. The yellow highlighted column headers contain the information I need renewal appointments created for.
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Sep 10, 2013
I have a marketing calendar that I need to update just about daily with new promotional plans because the dates change very often and there are a lot of markets that we are keeping track of. Because the format of the excel is basically a bunch of merged cells to show the range of dates of a particular promotion, it takes a very long time to unmerge and remerge everything when one date changes.
I have an example of what the graph looks like below, as well as a grid of what I would like to use to generate this graph automatically using the start and end dates so thats all you need to change. If you changed the start dates, the market name, or the promo name, the chart would reflect the updates.
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Nov 7, 2009
I am needing to create a formula that will calculate the number of paychecks and the dates for the calendar year. There is some employees that are paid bi-weekly and some bi-monthly.
For Example:
A1-Employee, A2-Hire Date, A3-Pay Frequency, A4-Number of Paychecks
Based on the hire date and pay frequency it will calculate the number of paychecks in A4.
Is this something that can be calculate with excel or would it need to be done manually.
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Aug 3, 2014
I think this should work but it doesn't.
Should look like this
Excel Conditional Formatting.png
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May 29, 2014
I am working on closeouts and I would like the late due dates to be highlighted in three ways: past 30 days, past 60 days, and past 90 days. Also, I would like the highlighted to be disappear when the form is sent..
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Mar 6, 2010
I am trying to create a formula for conditional formatting to highlight any dates in certain cells within a 30 day parameter of a set date .
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Jun 18, 2007
In sheet1, i wan to enter a date in cell A2
after i have enter a date, in sheet2 it will search the date entered and bold the cell to red.
*Sheet2 looks like a calender that have all the dates*
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Mar 26, 2014
I've just started working on an FTE calculator and wish to populate a 12 month calendar with FTE depending on the start and finshed dates.
FTE Calculator non nursing.xlsx
I've attached the file. In Column D the user would select the month the staff start and in the Column E the month the staff will finish. I would like the fte that is calculated in Column Z then to populate in the 12 columns AB:AM (Jul to Jun) with corresponding month start and finish.
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Apr 28, 2014
I have a graph and wanted to be able to shade in color gray the data that fall within highlighted.
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