Calculate The Number Of Paychecks And The Dates For The Calendar Year
Nov 7, 2009
I am needing to create a formula that will calculate the number of paychecks and the dates for the calendar year. There is some employees that are paid bi-weekly and some bi-monthly.
For Example:
A1-Employee, A2-Hire Date, A3-Pay Frequency, A4-Number of Paychecks
Based on the hire date and pay frequency it will calculate the number of paychecks in A4.
Is this something that can be calculate with excel or would it need to be done manually.
I have a business and i run payroll for my employees twice a month (semimonthly). Date of paycheck will be 16th and 31st.
So if employee was hired on say 7/5/2009 then this employee will have 3 paychecks as of today (1st paycheck from 7/1/2009 to 7/15/2009 2nd Paycheck from 7/16/2009 to 7/31/2009 3rd Paycheck from 8/1/2009 to 8/15/2009)
i need to know the # of pay checks for each employee computed in Cell C3 to C7.
I have a calendar in the sheet attached. If there are leave dates that are marked in red, can I create a formula to count the number of leave dates for the entire year ?
I'm having a data only pull week number and year. We are using Fiscal calendar starting in July. For example, A1 = Week number and A2= Year. How to set up a formula to retrieve a date for this? If A1 = 2 , A2 = 2013, the date will be 07/14/2012. I want the date pull of on Saturday every week.
I have a list of months in column A and would like a formula in column B that calculates the number of calendar days for each month (i.e. Jan=31, Feb=28 etc.)
I am trying to auto generate a calendar based on two drop down menus - Month and Year.
Once the month and year is selected I want to import all work orders onto the calendar based first on the "Labor Name" found in the list of work tab, then assign each work order for that labor name to the respective date on the calendar for the month.
How to create a spreadsheet with what I think will be a very simple formula?
If date in B2 - date in A2 is 1 or less days, put a 1 in cell C2. If date in B2 - date in A2 is 7 or less days but more than 1, put a 2 in cell C2. If date in B2 - date in A2 is 30 or less days but more than 7, put a 3 in cell C2. If date in B2 - date in A2 is 90 or less days but more than 30, put a 4 in cell C2. If date in B2 - date in A2 is 91 days or more, put a 5 in cell C2.
Another, maybe simpler, way of saying it is:
If date in B2 - date in A2 is 1 or less days, put a 1 in cell C2. If date in B2 - date in A2 is 2-7 days, put a 2 in cell C2. If date in B2 - date in A2 is 8-30 days, put a 3 in cell C2. If date in B2 - date in A2 is 31-90 days, put a 4 in cell C2. If date in B2 - date in A2 is 91 days or more, put a 5 in cell C2.
I am trying to calculate the number of days between two dates where the arrival date is in b5 and the departure date is in c5 for each month. I have been using the following formula =IF($C5="","",MAX(0,MIN(L$1,$C5)-MAX(K$1,$B5))) but when the stay is a full year it is giving me 365 in a single column. I think maybe I need to add in the number of days in the month but not sure how to do it.
I have a start date formatted as dd/mm/yyyy in cell A5 I have an end date formatted as dd/mm/yyyy in cell E5
In cell F5 I would like the result of the number of days between E5-A5 (Excluding weekends) In cell G5 I would like the total number of days in the range F5:F25 In cell H5 I would like the total number of working days from A5 to Today
I am using the following formula to get the result in F5 etc =SUM(INT((WEEKDAY(A5-{2,3,4,5,6})+E5-A5)/7)) I have copied this down and in the blank cells I get #NUM!
In cell F? were there is no date entered in cell E? I get a minus number (which I can hide using conditional formatting), but the minus number obviously has an affect on the result in G5, as cell G5 gives me #NUM! instead of the result for the current numbers in row F
I'm new here. I've searched these forums in the past for help, but never had to post, i've always been able to find something by searching. However, this time I couldn't find anything that addressed my specific need so I figured it'd be worth a shot.
Alright, I have two sets of dates, and i'm trying to set up a formular that calculates the numbers of days from the first date range that overlap/fall within the second date range.
For example:
In A3 type "1/1/2006" In B3 type "1/1/2007" In C1 type "6/30/2005" In C2 type "6/30/2006"
Now, in C3 i'd like to insert a forumla that tells me how many days in the date range of 1/1/2006-1/1/2007 fall in the date range of 6/30/2005-6/30/2006. Basically for this is should be half the year, however many days that is.
I have a report at the moment which shows me the calendar year that an action was carried out in, what I would also like to show is which of our financial years (they run April to March) the action was carried out in.
I have a Training Matrix with "Main", "Leavers" and "Reports" sheets. (can email it but can't upload it here; it's 534kb and I can't make it smaller)
In the "Reports" sheet I need to fill "Site Procedural Training" - "Number of people trained in period".
The periods are : 25/12/11 - 31/03/12 01/04/12 - 30/06/12 01/07/12 - 29/09/12 30/09/12 - 29/12/12
The source of data will be the "Main" and "Leavers". The data are dates in these sheets; each date = 1
The formula needs to look in to "Main" and "Leavers" and if it finds a date which fits in the required period in "Reports" then return it as 1. If it finds 300 dates then returns 300.
I have been using Excel to display, sort and present data in a professional way. I have created a pivot table with two columns below. Column C indicates the start date. Column D indicates the completion date. Blank cells show live data. I need to determine the number of days. 1) That have been - completed - a) That were < 2 Days, b) >2 but less than a week, c) > than a week (all). I have used the following formulas. a) countif(D4:D61, "<3"), b) countifs(D4:D61, ">2", D4:D61, "<=8"). Easy for completed data. My problem is, how do I determine the number of days, live data that following the same queries as above. I have figured out I can use countif to count the number of blanks by - countif(D4:D61, "(blank)") but how to put it all together and what formula should I use. I am trying to use countifs or if statements but am totally lost.
Column C Column D ---------- ---------- 06/01/2014(blank) 25/11/2013(blank) 13/12/201314/01/2014 27/12/201317/01/2014 27/12/201310/01/2014
I have two date columns, a start date and end date. Another columns tells me the number of days between these two columns. It may return 45 days which actually straddle 3 different months.
My aim is to identify between this date range how many days in Apr 14. Then in the next column howmany days in May 14 etc
So on the spreadsheet Id have 12 columns for each month of the year. in Apr 14 for each row between the given date range I want it to tell me how many days are actually in April. Id then copy that formula into the May 14 column.
I have a column say column B for example that has a list of dates in the format dd/mm/yyyy. I would like a summary at the top of the columns to state how many dates there are for the current month. But I wondered if this was possible based on the TODAY() function or similar. Thus the user would not have to change anything.
So for example at the start of the month it may state 14. Half way through the month down to 6 and at the end of the month 0 for example.
I was calculating the number of days between two dates using the Days360 function. However, now it is not accurate enough for me... Is there a function that is more accurate? based on 365 days and includes leap years... that I could use as I need this calculation to be exact? For example, number of days between April 1st, 2010 and August 31, 2012 is 884, but the days360 function returns 870.
I have just finished sorting my anniversary list by Month (in alpha order)
B C D E F 1 Hire Date MonthDay YearLast Name First Name 2 04/04/2011April 042011Emp 1 3 04/09/1996April 091996Emp 2 4 08/02/2012August022012Emp 3 5 08/09/2004August092004Emp 4 6 08/13/2001August132001Emp 5 7 08/16/2010August162010Emp 6
Is there a way to sort by Calendar year? Jan, Feb, Mar, etc.
I want to find the average value for each Jan 1st, 2nd, 3rd ..., for a data set of five years. How do I do this quickly? I can filter, but would have to do that 365 times and involves a lot of pasting. I tried a pivot table, but basically came down to the same problem, although I don't understand pivot tables that well.
I'm trying to calculate the number of days between dates in column A and B. I've looked at the examples in this site and thought I used the formula correctly, but the cell returns an error message when I type: =DATEDIF(A1,B1,"D")
I' using 2007 I'm trying to make a calendar that you can change the year in a text box e.g. 2014 - 2015 and it will change the date and days in the calender rather than having to do it manually.
Is there a way to make this formula refer to a cell rather than having the specific year in there?
This formula will return will return the date of Nth day-of-week for a given month and year. For example, it will return 26-March-98 for the 4th Thursday of March, 1998. Days-of-week range from 1 to 7, with Sunday = 1 and Saturday = 7.
I have 2 Columns of Holiday Dates (Column A is the "FROM" date; and Column B is the 'TO' date) and Column C is Peoples Names corresponding to the Holiday dates:
COLUMN 1 ; COLUMN 2 ; COLUMN 3 A1= 2 Jan 13 ; B1= 10 Jan 13 ; C1= Tom A2= 4 May 13 ; B2= 10 Jun 13 ; C2= John A3= 7 Jul 13 ; B3= 10 Jul 13 ; C3= Tom A4= 3 Aug 13 ; B4= 25 Aug 13 ; C4= John A5= 6 Dec 13 ; B5= 15 Dec 13 ; C5= John.
I am trying to figure out a formula (eg SUMIF) to calculate and summarize the number of Days Holiday based on a person's name (eg Tom's total Number of days Holiday days) based on the above column configuration of Dates and Names.