-> In Excel Cell L4 to L9999, I would like to have Excel have that cell Hyperlinked of a Google search of the contents which were entered in that cell. (or, if that same cell can't be Hyperlinked, then a neighboring cell is OK)
-> So, for example, if cell L4 contained the word: "testing",
I would like to be able to click on that text in the cell to open a browser and take me to: [url]
...I hope this can be done without writing a macro (maybe by a formula instead?) BUT, if it's the only way of doing it, then yes, please, in that case, I would LOVE to know how to write/enter the macro.
I'm so close to having this figured out, I use the formula =HYPERLINK("#Reps!"&ADDRESS(MATCH(9.99999999999999E+307,Reps!C:C),3)) for the hyperlink to the total I have for a PivotTable. But how do I get it to show the actual number as opposed to #Reps!$C$6489 in the hyperlinked cell? Any help would be great.
I'm trying to automate the insertion of the current date in a cell of a separate workbook, then hyperlink that date to a file saved by the previous sub...
The code I'm trying is;
Sub LnkFile()
' Find TakeOff date cell in JobLog Workbooks("Job Log.xls"). Sheets("Job Log").Activate WorksheetFunction.VLookup(Jnum, Range("A2:H1000"), 11).Cell.Select
' Insert current date ActiveCell.Value = CurrentDate
' Add hyperlink to file/folder ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection, Address:="DestFile" With Selection.Font .Name = "Arial" .Size = 12 .Strikethrough = False .Superscript = False .Subscript = False .OutlineFont = False .Shadow = False .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle .ColorIndex = 5 End With
End Sub
It errors at "WorksheetFunction.VLookup" with "unable to get vlookup properties". The cell it's locating is empty...
I am hitting a brick wall on this one. I am trying to assign hyperlinks to objects based on the cell value. Here is my code that colors the objects that have the same names as in Column AO. I am trying to also add a hyperlink to those same objects with the cell value in the list. The problem is while a hyperlink is added, I can not get the value of the cell to show up in the hyperlink address.
Sub TurnColOn() Dim i As Integer
On Error Resume Next
LastRowa = Range("AO65536").End(xlUp).Row
For i = 2 To LastRowa Labl1 = Range("AO" & i).Value ActiveSheet.Shapes(Labl1).Select ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection.ShapeRange.Item(1), Address:=Labl1 Selection.ShapeRange.Fill.ForeColor.SchemeColor = 10 Selection.ShapeRange.Fill.Visible = msoTrue Selection.ShapeRange.Fill.Solid Next i
I am having a slight problem copying hyperlinks. I have written some code that sorts data by date and then creates a simple diary. It originally placed the name of the event in the new diary sheet. What I would like to do is instead of copying the name into this new sheet copy a hyperlink that I have created to the company's website for that event.
I can create the hyperlink using hyperlink(B1,A1) where A1 is the company name and B1 is the web address but since the new sheet will not have the underlying data I need to actually copy the values and format of the hyperlink rather than the formula.
I need the code to extract the hyperlink address from a certain cell, without using the hyperlink count, i.e. hyperlinks(1), as the hyperlink in that cell is not necessarily number 1 in the count order. Something like this:
How do I get the UNC address from a hyperlink? I insert a hyperlink using Insert -> Hyperlink. When I mouseover the hyperlink I can see the UNC address. However the hyperlink address property does not return the UNC address.
i have a list of hyperlinks e-mails i would like to translate to TEXT i have tried using the module posted [url] it works for web address i need e-mail address
When I type a eMail address, such as: " myemail@hotmail.com " into any cell and then touch enter, it automatically becomes a hyperlink coloring it blue and underscored. I do not want it to be a hyperlink, for when it is a hyperlink, I have to click on remove hyperlink.
I have an office map with a somewhat large number of hostnames similar to the structure shown below. I would like to have a macro scan through the hostnames (they all start with "BIGENTERPRS") and change them into a clickable hyperlink that points to "\hostnamec$". So for example, one hostname is "BIGENTERPRS0001". I want the macro to hyperlink that name to the address \BIGENTERPRS0001C$
I attach an example worksheet with the code I have thus far.
In my workbook I have other sheets, one of which changes and updates a specific one each time a new client's data is entered on said other sheet. Because I want to save the specific client's data and not lose it when another client's stuff is entered on this other sheet, I copy the sheet where the data is summarised (I called this sheet "Sheet to Copy From") to a newly inserted sheet and use Paste Special, Values Only to change all functions /f ormulae / Links ect to values.
I then change the name of the sheet to the name of the client.
I then use this sheet name / cell value to polulate a range on another sheet (Next Empty Cell) as a Hyperlink to the newly created sheet above. This sheet I called "Table of Contents".
how to code the hyperlink. Using Macro Recorder uses the specific case's names, but the Tab name to be used as Hyperlink value will always be the name of a new client,
Not sure if anybody has been succesful or not in the following but I am writing a macro to check that each hyperlink in my report is operational. My situation is as follows:
Cell A1 has the following hyperlink formula: =hyperlink(Worksheet1!B1,Worksheet1!B2)
I am attempting a workaround to capture the cell reference (B1) where the path and filename is stored and directing the macro to open the link. But when I try to send the hyperlink formula (Cell A1) to a string variable in vba, the result is the contents of Worksheet1!B2 instead of the entire formula.
I use this to read cell content, add some text/characters (ie. [ and ]) and change the properties of the complete cell
Sub COMMENT() Worksheets("DVD Lijssie").Activate If ActiveCell.Value 0 Then ' Change all in to ... ... ... ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = ActiveCell.Value & " " & "]" & " " & "[" With ActiveCell.Font .Name = "Arial Narrow" .Size = 8 .ColorIndex = 16 End With End If End Sub HOW can I change this vba-code so it leave's the content of the cell like it is and add some content with the use of let's say TexBox1 and ONLY use different font properties for the newely added content?
Formula/macro/etc that would enable me to have content of a cell changed based on the content of another cell in the same row.
Example: cell in column D says "PSA" - so I would need the cell in column H for that same row to read "Radio"
I would need an entire sheet scanned to review for these occurrences and make the appropriate changes. I also would need the formula to be inclusive enough to scan for variations in column D cell content (PSA 1, PSA 2, etc).
Assume the following list of addresses are all in separate cells of a single column (A1-A4). I just need the formula to extract the street addresses, and then a separate formula to extract the zip codes.
I have this code that looks through my worksheet once the conditions are met it will email, and in column "M" I put a hyperlink to where the document is stored. All works as far as the email format, even grabs the hyperlink but it’s not clickable in the email.
Here is the code.
I am outlook 07 and vista 07.
Option Explicit Const Startingrow = 11 'Data starts on row ## Const AlarmDelay = 183 'send warning Sub CheckTimeLeftFac() 'References needed : 'Microsoft Outlook Object Library
Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim msg As Long Dim Lastrow As Long Dim WhoTo As String Dim SubjectLine As String Dim MessageBody As String Dim olMail As Outlook.MailItem Dim olApp As Outlook.Application Dim strLink As String
For a table like the one below produced for the sake of example (actual is much much bigger) I want to make it list rows that are true for a certain column for a certain variable in the matrix. So for say water terrain, which types of activity can I do i.e. swimming. Or for Offroad the activites which I can't do i.e. Run and Swim.
ActivityWaterRoadOffroad Jog nym Run nyn Walk nyy Swim ynn y=yes n=no m=maybe
I am using VBA to create a word document (.docx). This word document contains plain text content controls as well as picture content controls. I then use VBA to automatically select a picture based on the code below
Code: Set oCC = Word.ActiveDocument.SelectContentControlsByTitle("TabPic").Item(1) On Error GoTo TabErrorHandler oCC.Range.InlineShapes.AddPicture Filename:="X:XFERANDREW-TDCD " & LblVL &
After the document has been closed down I try to open it again and I am told "The file cannot be opened because there are problems with the contents."
When I click details it says "Unspecified error" and "Location: Part: /word/document.xml, Line: 2, Column: 0"
If I click ok it says "Word found unreadable content in "". Do you want to recover the contents of this document? If you turst the source of this document, click Yes.
Clicking Yes opens the document with all the contents and it is now renamed to Document 1. If I click no it does not open.
I am struggling to find a macro which can look at a name in column 'BT' and search it in the address book of Outlook to then place the email address of that person in column 'ED'
There are 35,000+ people in the address book and there may be over 5 email addresses for one name, so is there any way a message can appear for the user to select which email address is correct if there is more than 1 contact for that name?
On a worksheet called "Contact Info" column A starting in row 2 I have a list of names (variable length). In Columns B2-D I need the email address, work phone number, and cell phone number.
I'm having issues with sumproduct. I can't seem to get the right info that I need. Attached is the file I'm working on. Problem: I need to get the number of people "Occupied", "Partly Occupied" and "Available" on a Monday, Tuesday etc of the current week. "Occupied" means an employee has more than 2 tasks (based on New and Active-To-Date status). "Partly Occupied" means an employee is working on 2 tasks. "Available" means an employee has NO task at all.
How to determine the correct formula for this requirement?
Assuming I have 2 individual excel files and an index excel file (in reality, there are more than hundreds of file). For index excel, once the user enter part number (eg. 1 or 2), the excel will look for the part number excel file and determine vlookup function.
The only problem I have here is I can not make the index file automatically add the part number shown on most left column into the required formula (replace the part number file section).
I tried use the indirect function but this require each file to be opened, which is not possible for actual use. I am looking for a function that can work in closed worksheet.
I am working on developing QR Codes using some MATLAB code and it would be really convenient if I could create an excel program which changed the background color of a cell containing a 1 to black and a cell containing a 0 to white.
I am currently trying to create a spreadsheet whereby if I enter certain text in a cell in Column A on worksheet 1 that correlates with text in a cell in Column A on Worksheet 2, then the description in Column B in Worksheet 2 is entered into Column B on worksheet 1.
For example, if worksheet 2 has the following:
and I enter XXXX in column A on worksheet 1, I want Column B on worksheet 1 to automatically enter PRODUCT 1.