Hyperlink & Cell Address
Jul 22, 2008
I'm so close to having this figured out, I use the formula =HYPERLINK("#Reps!"&ADDRESS(MATCH(9.99999999999999E+307,Reps!C:C),3)) for the hyperlink to the total I have for a PivotTable. But how do I get it to show the actual number as opposed to #Reps!$C$6489 in the hyperlinked cell? Any help would be great.
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May 26, 2014
I am working on macro, I want to have a formula in Sheet2 which pulls hyperlink from an active cell.
to select & and copy I use - Range("J" & ActiveCell.Row).Copy
Its a dynamic selection of cell. Any excel formula or VBA code to pull hyperlink from active cell and paste it to sheet2.
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Sep 26, 2006
I'm trying to automate the insertion of the current date in a cell of a separate workbook, then hyperlink that date to a file saved by the previous sub...
The code I'm trying is;
Sub LnkFile()
' Find TakeOff date cell in JobLog
Workbooks("Job Log.xls"). Sheets("Job Log").Activate
WorksheetFunction.VLookup(Jnum, Range("A2:H1000"), 11).Cell.Select
' Insert current date
ActiveCell.Value = CurrentDate
' Add hyperlink to file/folder
ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection, Address:="DestFile"
With Selection.Font
.Name = "Arial"
.Size = 12
.Strikethrough = False
.Superscript = False
.Subscript = False
.OutlineFont = False
.Shadow = False
.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle
.ColorIndex = 5
End With
End Sub
It errors at "WorksheetFunction.VLookup" with "unable to get vlookup properties".
The cell it's locating is empty...
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Feb 24, 2007
I am hitting a brick wall on this one. I am trying to assign hyperlinks to objects based on the cell value. Here is my code that colors the objects that have the same names as in Column AO. I am trying to also add a hyperlink to those same objects with the cell value in the list. The problem is while a hyperlink is added, I can not get the value of the cell to show up in the hyperlink address.
Sub TurnColOn()
Dim i As Integer
On Error Resume Next
LastRowa = Range("AO65536").End(xlUp).Row
For i = 2 To LastRowa
Labl1 = Range("AO" & i).Value
ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection.ShapeRange.Item(1), Address:=Labl1
Selection.ShapeRange.Fill.ForeColor.SchemeColor = 10
Selection.ShapeRange.Fill.Visible = msoTrue
Next i
End Sub
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Oct 16, 2007
-> In Excel Cell L4 to L9999, I would like to have Excel have that cell Hyperlinked of a Google search of the contents which were entered in that cell. (or, if that same cell can't be Hyperlinked, then a neighboring cell is OK)
-> So, for example, if cell L4 contained the word: "testing",
I would like to be able to click on that text in the cell to open a browser and take me to: [url]
...I hope this can be done without writing a macro (maybe by a formula instead?) BUT, if it's the only way of doing it, then yes, please, in that case, I would LOVE to know how to write/enter the macro.
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Oct 17, 2006
I am having a slight problem copying hyperlinks. I have written some code that sorts data by date and then creates a simple diary. It originally placed the name of the event in the new diary sheet. What I would like to do is instead of copying the name into this new sheet copy a hyperlink that I have created to the company's website for that event.
I can create the hyperlink using hyperlink(B1,A1) where A1 is the company name and B1 is the web address but since the new sheet will not have the underlying data I need to actually copy the values and format of the hyperlink rather than the formula.
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Feb 20, 2009
I need the code to extract the hyperlink address from a certain cell, without using the hyperlink count, i.e. hyperlinks(1), as the hyperlink in that cell is not necessarily number 1 in the count order. Something like this:
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Jul 23, 2009
im using this formula to return a hyperlink but its returning the hyperlink name, not the address!
im after it to say (http://www.google.com) but im getting say (google)
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Sep 7, 2007
How do I get the UNC address from a hyperlink? I insert a hyperlink using Insert -> Hyperlink. When I mouseover the hyperlink I can see the UNC address. However the hyperlink address property does not return the UNC address.
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May 1, 2008
i have a list of hyperlinks e-mails i would like to translate to TEXT
i have tried using the module posted [url]
it works for web address i need e-mail address
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Jul 26, 2009
When I type a eMail address, such as: " myemail@hotmail.com " into any cell and then touch enter, it automatically becomes a hyperlink coloring it blue and underscored. I do not want it to be a hyperlink, for when it is a hyperlink, I have to click on remove hyperlink.
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Sep 6, 2006
2007 version, hyperlink function...
does the new version allow more than 32 characters in the new version...?
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May 27, 2007
I have an office map with a somewhat large number of hostnames similar to the structure shown below. I would like to have a macro scan through the hostnames (they all start with "BIGENTERPRS") and change them into a clickable hyperlink that points to "\hostnamec$". So for example, one hostname is "BIGENTERPRS0001". I want the macro to hyperlink that name to the address \BIGENTERPRS0001C$
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Sep 1, 2013
I have hyperlink on sheet1 from A4:Z500, I want to extract the hyperlink address of .pdf files from them to new sheet in column 'A'.
Sub ExtractHL_AdjacentCell()
Dim HL As Hyperlink
For Each HL In ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks
HL.Range.Offset(0, 1).Value = HL.Address
End Sub
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Nov 17, 2006
Not sure if anybody has been succesful or not in the following but I am writing a macro to check that each hyperlink in my report is operational. My situation is as follows:
Cell A1 has the following hyperlink formula: =hyperlink(Worksheet1!B1,Worksheet1!B2)
I am attempting a workaround to capture the cell reference (B1) where the path and filename is stored and directing the macro to open the link. But when I try to send the hyperlink formula (Cell A1) to a string variable in vba, the result is the contents of Worksheet1!B2 instead of the entire formula.
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May 20, 2014
Assume the following list of addresses are all in separate cells of a single column (A1-A4). I just need the formula to extract the street addresses, and then a separate formula to extract the zip codes.
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Jul 2, 2009
I have this code that looks through my worksheet once the conditions are met it will email, and in column "M" I put a hyperlink to where the document is stored. All works as far as the email format, even grabs the hyperlink but it’s not clickable in the email.
Here is the code.
I am outlook 07 and vista 07.
Option Explicit
Const Startingrow = 11 'Data starts on row ##
Const AlarmDelay = 183 'send warning
Sub CheckTimeLeftFac()
'References needed :
'Microsoft Outlook Object Library
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim msg As Long
Dim Lastrow As Long
Dim WhoTo As String
Dim SubjectLine As String
Dim MessageBody As String
Dim olMail As Outlook.MailItem
Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
Dim strLink As String
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May 22, 2014
I am struggling to find a macro which can look at a name in column 'BT' and search it in the address book of Outlook to then place the email address of that person in column 'ED'
There are 35,000+ people in the address book and there may be over 5 email addresses for one name, so is there any way a message can appear for the user to select which email address is correct if there is more than 1 contact for that name?
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Apr 24, 2013
I have a list for addresses in excel in single column as shown below - aanandhi narayanan 3430 chemin de riviere sanjose,CA95148
abdi abdi 5390 monterey rd #6 sanjose,CA95111
Sheribel Abinsay 3212 Gateland CT San Jose, Ca 95148
I need the result to be in a way like -
3430 Chemin de riviere
San Jose
3838 Glengrove way
San Jose
5390 monterey rd#6
San Jose
3212 Gateland CT
San Jose
I have around 12000 records with the same format.
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Feb 25, 2014
On a worksheet called "Contact Info" column A starting in row 2 I have a list of names (variable length). In Columns B2-D I need the email address, work phone number, and cell phone number.
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Jan 30, 2014
I have hyperlinks betwene one worksheet to another - they only only hyperlinked thourh column & rows (eg: A100) etc. How can I lock these hyperlinks but still allow users to insert new rows without losing their place?
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Oct 2, 2009
I searched and I keep finding something that's not quite what I'm looking to do so I think I'm missing something really simple.
Let's say that I want each cell in col b to be the sum of 5 plus whatever value is in the cell adjacent to it on the left (col).
I know that you can just write a formula in each cell like...
b1 will be =sum(a1+5)
b2 will be =sum(a2+5)
... but is there a shortcut so that you don't have to write out the actual cell address for each one?
Meaning - is there a predefined name or something that represents the cell to the left or right so you can just use that instead, allowing you to just copy paste the same formula all the way down the column? Something like...
b1 will be =sum(left+5)
b2 will be =sum(left+5)
... where "left" represents whatever value is in the cell to the left of that particular cell?
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Dec 2, 2009
I have a formula (AL15) to determine the address of the last column with a value greater than 1. =COUNTIF(C16:AC16,">=1")+2. I then use this column value to aquire the Absolute row "15" and the determined column=(ADDRESS(15,AL15,4)). This returns to me a Column value and row value that I need to use as a refference. How can I convert this returned value to a reference.
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Mar 12, 2014
If a cell changes to true i want it to send an email to the address that is in another cell,
For example if F5 CHANGES to true then send email to address in G5,
From here i can add in the subject line, and body i just cant figure out how to get it to send to a specific email address based on the cell value, and also only do it once, when it changes to TRUE rather than everytime the sheet is active, so i would require a macro to constantly be running, or run of off the cell when it changes
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Oct 25, 2009
I've a sheet that presents the profitability of sales locations in a geographic layout (similar to Tables in a restaurant), each sales location is a cell, with roughly 1,600 locations presented. Each location is colour coded based on performance / measure, in a basic thermographic way [e.g. dark blue for very poor, solid red for high performance] with users being able to change metrics and re-colour cells accordingly.
The sheet is already information rich, but I'm wanting to detect the cell address directly under the pointer and populate a text box or other cell based on the value in the cell directly below the mouse pointer.
My question is; Is there a simple way of detecting the mouse position on the XL Grid? nb. Want to avoid having to activate cell beneath pointer.
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Aug 5, 2013
I have a table which says that this is the amount of coloured cells we have in another sheet.
For e.g.
Field Name Code A
Item Description 5
Now, the item description column has 5 cells in another sheet which are filled in with "Yellow" Colour. So what i want to do is to click on this 5 in sheet 2 in this case as per the attached sample which takes me to the filtered result on sheet1 of 5 yellow coloured cells under the column of Item description including an additional filter of Code "A"
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Mar 16, 2009
How can you access a cell's value via a vb variable that contains the cell's address. I have a vb variable named cellAddress (string) that contains "$A$1" and I want to assign the contents of what cellAddress points to another VB variable - how do i Do this?
e.g. if cellAddress = "$a$1" and A1 contains "xyz", I would like to assigne "xyz" to a new vaiable by referencing just cellAddress??? Also - Can anyone reccomend a good Excel VB book? A book that maybe stresses the VB language rather then a cook-book approach.
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Mar 10, 2008
I have this certain value "Y" in all the sheets. In the summary sheet, I would like to get the cell address for this value in a given sheet. I know that you can get cell address using CELL worksheet function. However, for that you need to know the reference to the cell, which is what I am interested in.
I tried Hlookup to get column #. But couldn't figure out how to convert the number to letter so that I can use MATCH to get row # and then finally, index or address function to what I am looking for.
If someone knows how to convert column # to column letter OR knows a better/easier way to obtain cell reference/address based on cell value,
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Jul 16, 2008
I am looking for a formula that returns the cell address of the last cell > 0 in a range.
in the example: A1CLA23 8
the result should be A7.
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Sep 21, 2007
Display Alert On Closing If Cell Not Filled In
How do I alter this code so that it acts like an INDIRECT function so will pick up a cell reference in another cell?
I can't just use A1 as I want this to change dynamically.
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