I Have A List Containing Customer Data.. Can I Insert A Date Automatically?
Nov 4, 2008
I have a spreadsheet which I am trying to use to capture customer data. What I want to happen is whenever I enter a new record, the date appears automatically in a Date column ....
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Mar 18, 2014
I have created a excel workbook in which I use for keeping up with storage unit rent. I have a tenant list sheet and each tenant has a sheet on which I keep up with charges and credits. What I want is a macro the will loop thru each tenants sheet based on tenant list and insert data and go to the next sheet. I found this on the web:
[Code] ......
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Aug 14, 2013
I ran a Home Service Massage, with ten massagers and it's continually growing. I know I'm supposed to use a database for this, but I'm not very good in creating one. I am however confident in using MS Excel, so in a much as possible, I only want to use MS Excel, and strictly use formulas (if I can get away with it).
Anyway, I keep customer records in one tab, and all their personal info is listed there. There are two types of columns, which I'd like to call 'static' and 'automatic'.
Static columns includes Unique ID (number), Name, Address, Phone Number, etc.
Automatic columns, by the term I used, is filled automatically. This includes the total number of hours they have availed the massage from us, the names of massagers who serviced them, --- and my biggest issue --- the date of last massage. I can manually input this, but I normally forget, so I want this filled automatically.
Aside from customer tab, I have one tab for each massager. First column is the date, then 48 columns for time. Starting from 8AM, 830AM, 9AM... 730AM. Hence I have 48 of them. Each column is equals to 30mins of massage availed. I copy and paste the Unique ID from customer tab.
so A2:A32 are dates, and B2:BC50 is where I copy paste the unique ID. B1:BC1 are time labes.
Is it possible for me, just by using formulas, to populate the 'last massage date' column?
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Mar 14, 2014
I have a very detailed spreadsheet with drop down lists. I would like to block other cells if previous cells have certain selections. I have 7 columns of data that get inputted throughout the month. These cells have drop down selections that I have created. Is there any way to create a drop down menu AND another data validation? So If a selection is made, then the next cells will be blocked, using data validation "custom"?
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Aug 1, 2014
I have a list of Spid numbers and a service category identifying if it is a Water Spid or a Waste spid.
The Spid is split into 2 parts. The Core is the identifier and the Category states if it is a Water or a Waste spid.
If the 1st digit in the Category is a 1 = Water.
If the 1st digit in the Category is a 2 = Waste.
There may only be a water spid or a property may have a water and waste spid.
What I want to do is have the information on 1 row rather than 2 rows
I have data in this format
Service Category
and I need to convert it into this format.
Core spid
I have tried IF(lookup) and it works for the 1st row but I can't get it to look at the 2nd row.My data consists of 400,000 plus rows
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Mar 7, 2014
I have a sheet(Sample.xlsx) in which weekly data is collected and this is done by using the VBA code(Present in Copy 1 and Copy 2 button in Master US.xlsm) written by me. But in my code, it inserts a new after asking two parameters, i.e. line range(i.e. row no for eg A64) and date. I want it to automatically search row containing last date and inserts row below it and this needs to be implemented in "Insert Automatically" and "Insert Date" button using VBA code in Master US.xlsm sheet.I dont have problem with second paramenter.
Logic i want to use :
Itergation of whole page
If (col A<>Date)&& col A=Average(i.e. contains average word)
inserts row above that row
And then ask for date to enter using date variable.
then inserts row above that row containing last week data in col A.
"Insert Automatically" in Master US.xlsm sheet is the button which takes system date and implements the above logic.
"Insert Date" in Master US.xlsm sheet is the button which ask for only date and implements the above logic.
Sheets attached.
Master US.xlsm
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Mar 14, 2013
I need to create a spreadsheet which will have a start date and duration on programme. Is there any way I am able to automatically insert the End dates based on the weeks on the programme?
Additionally, can a function insert a date for the reviews which should be every two weeks into seperate cells?
start date
weeks on programme
End date
1st review
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Apr 10, 2008
I recently found on this site the macro to auto insert a static date in one column when an entry was made in the previous column.
What I have in my spreadsheet and what I would like to be able to do is if I select a particular Order Status from a drop down list, that it auto inserts the date into the respective columns.
Column F contains the various Order Status indicators ie Order Submitted, PO Raised, Delivered, and Invoice Received.
The date columns that I would like populated and which correspond to those status indicators (in order) are Column G, Column I, Column L, and Column K.
So if I pick Order Submitted, the status date should be auto populated in Column G. If I pick PO Raised, the status date should be auto populated in Column I etc.
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Dec 17, 2009
I am creating a time sheet for a supplier & when the supplier enters a date into column A I would like a new line to be inserted below & include the formatting, formulas & data validation from the row above.
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Mar 6, 2014
i got a problem with date range.actually i wanna to insert date range automatically which is referring current week.
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Dec 11, 2006
i have a an invoice template setup on my computer in excel.
what i would like to know is how do i get my customer address to automatically fill in (cell b) if i select them by customer number (drop down menu in cell a) in an different cell (cell c)
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Jun 20, 2008
I can't seem to find a way to make a data validation list automatically show the first item in the list rather than showing blank.
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Oct 16, 2011
A colleague recorded this macro to insert a row into a column of data which a graph is plotted from to automatically update the graph each time more data is added. I can't figure out how to simplify the VBA and stop it adding a row on row 57 rather than the bottom of the graph.
Sub Button1_Click()
' Button1_Click Macro
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
[Code] ........
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Apr 25, 2014
I have a workbook that I open for each job we receive. On the first sheet I call the job information sheet I hand enter the following info
Customer name in one merged cell
address in one merged cell
city and state zip in one merged cell
This info is then transferred to a few other sheets within the workbook IE invoice sheet, Labor sheet ect
I would like to created a customer list that I can use a pull down list and input this info on the job information sheet
I have attached a copy of my file for reference.
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Mar 27, 2008
I have a list of customers that contains duplicate records. These records ALSO include thier addresses WHICH may or may not be identical.
Example: Customer with LAST NAME in A1, FIRST NAME in B1 may be the same person as A2 and B2, however each record may have a different address in column C1 and C2 respectively.
I want to be able to filter out all duplicate customers based soley on the first and last name (data in columns A and B).
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Aug 28, 2008
I am almost done with form I have been making and so far this forum has been invaluable.
My last hurdle is this:
I have a list of Tax Exempt Customers that when thier name is entered into the form, I would like it to not add tax.
I have tried a forumula like this:
=IF(CustName='CustTaxExemptList'!D2:D27,"Exempt",(=VLOOKUP(qtProjAddress3,'City Mileage and Tax Rates'!A2:C702,3))
The above formula does not work, but I dont know why. I want it to lookup the city tax and add it in if the customer is not on the tax exempt list.
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Jul 14, 2014
i have 2 dilemmas
**dilemma 1**
i have a date of purchase in column A
i have a customer number in column B
now if i want to search for a date and for it to display the results from columns C,D,E and F (purchased items) i know i use HLOOKUP
but how would i look for a customer and a date at the same time.
**dilemma 2**
i want to be able to put in a customer number and excel to tell me all the dates they purchased items.
currently i use
and i change the ROWS($1:1) to ROWS($1:2) or ROWS($1:3) etc
to bring in that result, but i want it to bring in unique dates, as a customer might ring us back with another purchase on the same date and i dont want it to duplicate the date.
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Aug 8, 2008
I need to create a list that has one row per paid date per customer on a new worksheet. My source data has one row per customer with the paid dates across 12 month columns. I have many rows in the source data with zero paid on all 12 months and I'd like to filter those out in the process.
This is not a simple Transpose because I want the customer number, and customer name to repeat for every instance of a paid amount.
I have attached a sample file with the current and desired layouts of the data.
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Feb 16, 2014
I've had a search on here, but can't quite find what i'm looking for. I have a cover sheet with a drop down list which has customers in it. under it I have the customers address, phone etc. What I am trying to do is when I click on a particular customer, I want the address and phone numbers to all fill in automatically. I have tried a few things, but to no avail.
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Feb 18, 2014
I've attached a quick sample, I have two customer ID's, AB1 and AB2, I want to be able to put a formula into column C that will return the latest date for each customer. So AB1 will show 01/04/2013 and AB2 will show 01/05/2013. I know I can use a MAX formula but I don't know how to connect it to the specific customer ID.
Max Date Query.xlsx
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May 14, 2013
I am looking for a formula to capture the "date" of my first sale to new customers.
A B C D E F G H Date of first sale
1 Co. Name 2/2/2012 6/5/2012 7/6/2012 10/16/2012 1/22/2013 4/17/2013
2 ABC Co. $10 $11 $5 $12 $12 2/2/2012
3 Smith Co. $19 1/22/2013
4 Brown Co. $11 $15 6/5/2012
5 AAA Co. $5 $10 7/6/2012
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Jun 9, 2014
I have a spreadsheet that contains over 3000 customers. On this there is much data...but what I am interested in is purchase date. The problem I am having is that customers have purchased multiple times and have multiple purchase dates. I was wondering if there was a way to get rid of all but the most recent purchase dates for each customer...thus having only one line per customer as opposed to 5 lines per customer?
In other words: Jon purchased on 1/2/14; 2/4/14 & 5/8/14
Bill purchased on 2/17/14; 3/19/14 & 4/21/14
Tom purchased on 4/2/14; 5/1/14 & 6/5/14
I need to get rid of the oldest dates and keep one line item by most recent purchase date for each customer...so instead of having 300o line spreadsheet I will only have 1000 lines.
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Jun 27, 2006
I am trying to automatically show the date of the last invoice per the customer number.
I have attached an example.
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Jul 9, 2009
I have a spreadsheet of our Customers rankings with a column with the date that they sent their Report Cards in. I need to pull by Cust# the most current date. I tried using DMAX but I can not get the formula to work. The sheet is not sorted and can not be sorted by Cust#.
=DMAX(A$6:D$886,"Report dated",G$6:G7)
range field criteria
Title row starts at 6
A B C DCust #Marketing LocationCustomerReport dated1034ColmarScientific Systems11-Nov-021032ColmarRaymond4-Feb-031029ColmarPhiladelphia Gear6-Feb-031028ColmarPall4-Apr-031016ColmarGreene Tweed 22-Apr-031032ColmarRaymond6-May-031032ColmarRaymond15-Apr-041012ColmarATK Launch Systems, Inc.27-Apr-041032ColmarRaymond22-Oct-04
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Apr 17, 2009
I have is a list of data with headers
mold # casting date manufacturer condition
and have about 150 entries for each column.
What i want to do is to store data to the next available row in that list by entering "w x y z" in columns A1 B1 C1 D1.
Then when i have new data ww xx yy zz, i again want to enter it in columns A1 B1 C1 D1 and automatically have it stored beneath my last entry at the bottom of the original list.
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Oct 27, 2009
I am trying to learn the concepts, then apply them to a set of actual worksheets. I am trying to use named ranges from one worksheet in another worksheet. The named ranges need to expand. Although I can get the add data to a dummy worksheet to work within the same worksheet and I can even get a named range to work in the foreign sheet.
My problem is, when I can end up adding the additional data to the named range, it will only add one name. I have a number of named ranges that are referenced on various worksheets. The idea is, certain named ranges should be able to expand so I donft have to type them all in. (There could be hundreds of manufacturers or models.) I would also like them to be able to sort themselves after additional names are added to the named ranges. I would also like them to auto populate as well. I am using Excel 2003 SP3 (11.8307.8221). I have enclosed the file. Drop down lists (named ranges) are on the worksheet called DROP DOWN LISTS (LOCKED) **ITfS NOT CURRENTLY LOCKED**.
The data validation issues are on the worksheet called Rev7.0 Wood (Basic Sheet.) There are other instances to use these, but I hope to learn to do them myself on the other worksheets. Of particular interest is Column f.................
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Jul 6, 2006
I've been using Dave Hawley's "Excel Data Validation List - Automatically Add to a Data Validation List" in my wb with great results, but now I am going to use a secondary wb to keep the Data Validation List and herein lies my problem. I lack the VBA skills to be able to modify the code and references so that when I input into the primary wb the data is updated in the secondary wb. The Primary wb is an xlt that I'm developing, each time a new xls is opened from the Primary.xlt, vba in the Primary.xls opens Secondary.xls. Secondary.xls has a named range "Names" which I wish to be able to update when data validation is performed in Primary.xls per the sample on this web site.
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Apr 16, 2007
I'm trying to implement the feature from this great Ozgrid 'how to', and it's working for the most part, but the VBA falls over here...
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim lReply As Long
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
If Target.Address = "$F$10" Then
If IsEmpty(Target) Then Exit Sub
If WorksheetFunction. CountIf(Range("Dept"), Target) = 0 Then
lReply = MsgBox("Add " & Target & " to list", vbYesNo + vbQuestion)
If lReply = vbYes Then
Range("Dept").Cells(Range("Dept").Rows.Count + 1, 1) = Target
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Basically, I have a tab which contains 2 lists. One in Column A and one in Columb B. I want the corresponding dropdowns on a different sheet to allow entry of anything that's not on either of the lists.
I can get it to work if I place the lists on the same sheet as the main 'form', but I need to keep them on a seperate sheet (and as the 'how to' suggests the lists can be on any sheet, I thought it'd work 'out of the box').
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Mar 5, 2008
trying to incorporate this in to a workbook in which name range is on a separate sheet to where the validation cell is but with no success could any one tell me how to adjust it so that it works,
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Aug 10, 2008
I'm working on a simple worksheet, it is a tracking sheet for programs taught. What I'm trying to find is a code to insert a row based on a Data Validation List.
Exampl of data:
Column A is for " Name" then futher down Column K is "Program Taught" and Column L is " Date Taught".
Column K is where the Data Validation List is located with a in cell drop down.
What I would like to do is when a user selects a program from Column K a row is inserted with all of the formulas and formats from the previous row, and upon insert would like it to copy Column A into the new row.
This would be so I can keep a historical of programs and dates taught.
And to really spice things up I want to lock Columns K & L of the previous row after the new row is inserted.
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