Insert Row Based On Data Validation List Choice

Aug 10, 2008

I'm working on a simple worksheet, it is a tracking sheet for programs taught. What I'm trying to find is a code to insert a row based on a Data Validation List.

Exampl of data:

Column A is for " Name" then futher down Column K is "Program Taught" and Column L is " Date Taught".

Column K is where the Data Validation List is located with a in cell drop down.

What I would like to do is when a user selects a program from Column K a row is inserted with all of the formulas and formats from the previous row, and upon insert would like it to copy Column A into the new row.

This would be so I can keep a historical of programs and dates taught.

And to really spice things up I want to lock Columns K & L of the previous row after the new row is inserted.

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Return Value Based On Validation List Choice

Nov 14, 2006

I have created a cascading data validation list, and I would like to have an adjacent cell auto populate according to the dropdown selection.

Data Eg:

Oranges 1100
Apples 1101
Pears 1102
Grapes 1103

If the user selects "Pears" from the dropdown list, I would like the adjacent cell to populate with the numerical code for "pears", in this case 1102. I am designing a new expense report form at the office, and I am at a standstill with this problem.

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Run Macro Based On Validation List Choice

Sep 3, 2007

I'm looking for a method, vba macro or Excel code, to preform the following task:
In the C column the user chooses one of several options from a menu, let's call these options 1 - 10 (this part is already done). Depending on the choise, different things are supposed to happen:

For 1-9, the formulas for cell A - Q on the current row should be copied to the next row (but with +1 in row number in formulas of course).

For 10, 3 blank rows should be created (well they already are blank..), on the forth row down, A3 - Q3 should be copied exactly. On the fifth row, the same formulas thing that was created for choise 1-9 should be created.

Since the real xls-file is too big already and it contains some sensitive information, I can't attach it here, but I made a small and similar xls-file, that better explain what I want to do.

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Perform Action Based On Choice From Validation List

Sep 22, 2009

In all the cells in column F I have a validation list with several predefined choices, but at the bottom of this list I want an "Other..." option, which when chosen, enables the user to enter a new string in that cell if none of the predefined did not match.

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Force Choice From List: Data Validation List

Oct 18, 2006

is there a way to force so that a cell value can be only of what a validation droplist offers, hence users can not enter their own values and have to use the droplist for cell content selection.

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Data Validation And Multiply Values Based On Choice

Mar 11, 2014

I've got a spreadsheet and I've used data validation to look at a list on another tab.

I need to be able to multiply values out based on what i choose on the drop down menu.

I've attached a sample spreadsheet to explain : tasks.xlsx‎

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Data Validation - Creating Subset Choices Based On Adjacent Column Choice

Oct 27, 2013

I am limiting choices in a certain cell to a list via data validation (using data validation, allow - list and pointing to the source). I want to limit the next set of choices in the next column (in this example in Column C) for the user based on the choice made in the adjoining cell. For example to keep it simple I will use the following: if the user selected "Fruit" in B1, then the options in C1 would only show "Oranges","Apples", "Pears". If however the user selected "Veg" it would only show "Cucumber", "Lettuce", "Spinach", "Radishes" in the drop down in column C. I can put a prefix in front of the column C data validation list if that is needed to narrow down e.g. FR-oranges, FR-apples etc.

1 Fruit Oranges
2 Veg Lettuce

Data Validation source for Column B (H2:H4)

Data Validation for Column C: (I2:I10)

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Lookup Data For Drop Down List Choice & Show Blank If No Choice

Feb 6, 2008

I currently have a drop down menu in one of my worksheets, in which I have several different text values entered. What I would like to do is link each of those text values to a numerical value, which would be entered in to another cell. So if I select "Option A" from my drop down list, and Option A is equal to 200, I want "200" to show up in another cell. If I select "Option B" from my drop down list, and Option B is equal to 400, I want "400 to show up in that same other cell.

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Charting Data Based On Dropdown List Choice?

May 28, 2011

Charting Data Based On Drop Down List Choice

I am trying to build a report where I can chart data base on a dropdown selection.I did build the dropdown lists, however I don't have any expertise on execel functions in order to make it work.I am attaching my draft report.

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Extracting Data Based On Drop Down List Choice

Oct 4, 2006

I'm trying to do is build a form that will allow me to select from a list of options, that links back to a catologue of data so that when i click on the generate button it will pull the data associated to the item selected from the list into a text box in excel. I have attached the form that I have created.

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Range Populated By Choice In Validation List

Mar 12, 2009

I have a Range on one sheet formatted like this and sorted by Sup then Rep:

Rep Sup
John Sally
Mark Sally
Joseph Sally
George Betty
James Betty


I have a Validation Drop Down list where a Supervisor is chosen. There's a specific range that I would like to automatically fill in with the reps assigned to the Sup. This is driving me crazy! I already know how to obtain that list as another Validation Drop Down, but not quite sure how to make those values appear in a range instead of a Validation List.

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Validation List Choice To Copy Row From Another Sheet

Dec 17, 2008

I need to get data copied from sheet1 to sheet2
depending on selection in a validation list.

The data is on the same row and all the same range.
So it would look something like this.
Fruit Orange Apple Pear
Veg Potato Carrot Onion
Animal Bear Cow Dog

I have the data in A in a dynamic range and validation list.
I need all the data copied from the specific rows ie
choose Animal from the validation list in Sheet2!A1 and
the entire row Bear Cow Dog get copied to Sheet2!B1, Sheet2!C1, Sheet2!D1.

The second problem I think is a lot more complex.
So the same scenario above but this time its a multi select on Sheet3.
I need to be able to select two (or more depending on Fruit and Animals to display in A1, A2 and then their valid options to appear in B, C and D

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Fire Chart VBA Code On Validation List Choice

May 8, 2009

very complex spreadsheet for weight & balance calculations. It's to the point where everything works perfectly in Excel 2007, but it must be used primarily with Excel 2003. Discovered that a crashing problem had to do with condtional formatting, that's all been cleared and will soon be fixed, but there's one that I just can't quite figure out.

I'm using the worksheet change event to trigger the update of charts... In this case, it's looking at a particular cell that has data validation on a dropdown as the trigger. Works perfectly in 2007, and if I put a msgbox prompt in to be launched by a change of that cell, it launches. I can put the chart update code in a separate sub and launch it manually every time, but I cannot call it from the worksheet change.

I've included attachments showing what I believe are the relevant bits of code -

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Validation Choice From Pull Down List Triggering A Warning Box

Sep 19, 2006

Is there a way to trigger a warning box (ie - must be divisible by 50) when a specific entry is selected from a pull down validation list? The triggering factor is a correct answer to the validation so I do not think the error alert will work in this instance.

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Linked Validation Lists & Lookup Based On Choice

Aug 12, 2007

I'm trying to continue on this post: Populate Cells After Choice From Drop-Down

I'm trying to expand on CNL's idea. What I need to do is create a spreadsheet that autopopulates two blocks based on the dropdown box that preceedes it. I've got it to partially work, but can't figure out the next step. The differnce between my sheet and CNL's sheet is my drop-down is an indirect data validation.

The easiest would be to have my data in one long list, but my goal is to make it easier on the user to find the specific procedure (I'm trying to build a budgeting spreadsheet for a medical office). So in box A15 there is a list of the different service area, which gives a list of choices in C15 based on the choice selected in A15. My goal is to have G15 and G16 list the cost and charge respectively.

M1 - O3 is the data for Radiology
Q1 - S4 is the data for Labs
U1 - W4 is the data for Office

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Recognizing Data Validation Choice In VBA?

Feb 16, 2012

In cell I2 I have a data validation list. If the selection is "2" then I want to copy and paste a value from another cell to another sheet.

I did a recorded macro but the code does not recognize the selection from the data validation celll, I2.

Is there some code I can add to get the macro to recognize what the user selected?

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Data Validation List Based Off Cell Value

Apr 25, 2014

I'm trying to have a Data Validation list issue where I want to populate a second list based upon the value of the first list.

In this instance I have a Department in the drop down and Employee Name in the second drop down and I want people to only see Employee names if they're allocated to a particular Department. I've been able to do the list using the INDIRECT function, however that only works when there's only a small sample of both names & depts, however I'm looking at populating this document with around 3000 people and over 250 departments, so I would like to be able to use Column J on the Source Tab to populate the details on the Manager Entry tab.

I have attached a sample spreadsheet if I've not explained very clearly.

TIMESHEET sample.xlsx

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Populating A Data Validation List Based On...

Apr 18, 2009

I want to populate a Data Validation based on values in another cell on another worksheet--but, I want to populate it with the values stored in the cell right next to the cell. would be an example....

What I want my Data Validation List to do is to look at column B and wherever it sees a certain color--for example, red, I want it to put the corresponding value in column A in the list.

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Hide Row Based On Data Validation List

Sep 26, 2007

What I would like to do is hide rows 27:30 if the data validation list is equal to "Select Product...". The list is in B27:B30. I've search the forum but couldn't get the codes to work...

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Drop-Down List To Be Based On Choice Of Another

Apr 23, 2008

I have a drop-down box(K6) When a style is selected I need to have data show up in other drop-down boxes (H3,L3,P3) These selections would only pertain to the selection in K6. They would change when a different style is selected. There are multiple choices in the secondary drop-downs. [IMG][/IMG]

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Drop Down List Based On Choice From Another

May 1, 2008

What I need to do is create a Drop Down box. When a user makes their selection it gives another drop down box from what they selected. Each choice in the 1st drop down will give a different drop down box in the next field from what they selected in the 1st. I am having troubles getting this to work.

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Updating Cells Based On Data Validation List

May 14, 2009

What I am trying to do would appear to be very simple. I am trying to build a quotation form for our sales guys to use. I would like to use a drop down list with the list of products in, which I have created using a list in a second sheet and then using a data validation drop down list.

What I would like to achieve is the sales person selects the product (of a list of only 14) from the list and excel to automatically fill in the two columns to the right with the model no. and also the price.

Would it be possible to use an IF statement as there are only 14 products to choose from? Is there a better way of doing this? I have created the lists of model numbers and prices in the second sheet alongside the product name which the drop down list sources from.

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Data Validation List Based On A Table That Can Change?

Jan 11, 2013

I am building an Excel file that will be used to track information and at the core of it all is a list of people from different offices where the number of people per office can change and/or a person leaves the company and is replaced by another. I'll simply:

Column A Column B
Office Employee
Hamilton Emp 1
Hamilton Emp 2
Hamilton Emp 3
Toronto Emp 4
Toronto Emp 5
Toronto Emp 6
Toronto Emp 7
Toronto Emp 8
Waterloo Emp 9
Waterloo Emp 10

This will be all on Worksheet 'Info'. I have a Worksheet for each Office and named them accordingly. On each worksheet I want to use Data Validation on a column, we will call it 'ChosenOne', set it as 'List' and have the Source pull all the employee names that belong to that office and use them as a selection

ex: Hamilton Worksheet, 'ChosenOne' would show Emp 1, Emp 2, and Emp 3 in the list.

If Emp 3 changed offices to Waterloo 6 months from now I would like to change A4 from Hamilton to Waterloo and the formula would not have to be changed and the next time someone selects 'ChosenOne' it would only show Emp 1 and Emp 2.

Of course this means on the Waterloo Worksheet, 'ChosenOne' would show Emp 3, Emp 9, Emp 10 now.

So basically I am trying to not specify a specific named range for each office and am hoping there is a way to poll information from a Table (or any other tool that can simplify this).

I would be ok with something like:

Column A Column B
Office Employee
Hamilton Emp 1, Emp2, Emp 3
Toronto Emp 4, Emp 5, Emp 6, Emp 7, Emp 8
Waterloo Emp 9, Emp 10

and just move Emp 3 from B2 to B4 but I don't know if a list can be created from multiple items in a single cell seperated by a , or ; or :.

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Hyperlink Based On Data Validation List Choices

Feb 6, 2008

I want to select a Hyperlinked file.These files are named using Data in ColumnA,B & C. The realtionship between filename and data in columns is; A-B-C.ext. After selecting data A from the dropdown list,i should be able to select corresponding data B and then again another dropdown list for corresponding data C.This should show the desired already hyperlinked file. I want to select the hyperlinked file name by simply selecting all the three data independently.

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Lookup In Table Based On List Choice

Aug 22, 2007

I have a way of getting a cell value from having a data validation linked to a row of cells containing lookup formulas.. which in turn are looing at a table.

I have attached a small example.

The problem is the spreadsheet is a large one and i was hoping I could shrink the size of this by removing the vlookup formulas by having some kind of index/match/lookup formula inserted directly in the data validation.

I got this to work using nested IF formulas but its not very practicable!

The attached example has data validation in column A that selects the task type. Choosing this then changes the values in the vlookup area.. which then becomes the validation list for cell in column B.

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Macro - Hide Rows Based On Data Validation List?

Dec 30, 2011

I have a data validation cell that has 5 items to be selected, lets say A-E.

I would like a macro that checks and does the following:

A or B selected, hide row 25-34, rows 45- 53

C or D selected, hide row 24-44

E selected, hide rows 34-53

In each case, the macro should check and unhide all rows between 25-53 before doing the above

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Offset Real Time Data Based On Validation List

May 8, 2007

What I have:

I have 12 months in a year and each number represent a month. I have generated lists of data mainly interest and principle payments from 12 amortization sheets which i have just copied into the attached spreadsheet and will change accordingly based on the loan terms which doesn concern us. For our purposes we wont make distintion between principle and payment as i just need to see how to make what i need work.

What I need:
I need to offset data vertically automatically once i the user selects an option value (Number in this Case) from the validation list located within the Payment control box. Going from left to right you see the raw data but in this example i need the data on the right hand side to be offset down the number of rows which may be found in the control box as a validation list.


So if i were to use "Loan I" [L6] and select a "2"[J6] from the "Payment Control" then the data on the right hand side [L6[ would reflect a $0 but instead the new value for L7 would be "$24.96" and would continue down for about 374 rows. This will have to be done for Loans I - Loans N [L6:Q6] respectively. This is all i need in order to compile and make use of in my spreadsheets.

Thanks and cannot be a formula as forumlas will be overwritten and cannot be a macro so it must be a module in itself so it an run when the list is changed.

the single digit values in coulmns M6:Q3 are there mainly so you can see the difference between the base and the position at which the data is placed at. its not need but is there to stress and to show the number rows in offset of data.

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Cross Reference (Vlookup) Based On Data Validation List Dropdown?

Jun 19, 2014

Attached is example of what I'm trying to do. I want to use the drop-down on the "Master Tab" and have the corresponding price by promo_month appear in the yellow cells.

Currently its on July, but I would like to switch that to August etc and have new prices populate in the yellow cells. Prices come from the "table" tab.

Example 06.19.14.xlsx‎

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Updating Cells Based On Selection From Drop Down List Data Validation

Dec 13, 2009

I'm using Excel 2007. I would like to seek some advise on how i may update cells after selecting a month from a drop down list.

i have created a simplified version of what i intend to have. One the 1st tab 'Cash Budget 2009', i have filled up a table with numbers, sorted by months. On the 2nd tab 'Dec09', i would like to create an expense table, to be able to be selected by month. So i have created a drop down list based on the months that are created in the 1st tab.

Upon selection of the month from the drop down list, i would like the cells to display (fetch) the data from the 1st worksheet. It would also be helpful if the name of the 2nd tab can be updated to read as the month that is being selected.

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VBA To Fill In Three Cells Based On Data Validation Dropdown List Selection

Dec 26, 2012

I've created seven names in my data validation source list on Sheet 3 in the following range of cells, A2-A7. My data drop down validation list is located on Sheet 1, A2 in the same workbook. I would like to trigger a macro based on the name I select in this drop validation drop down list that will fill out an address, telephone number, and email address in the following cells next to my data validation drop down list on Sheet 1: B2, B3, and B4. I want it to be designed so that users will select a name and have that person's corresponding address, telephone number, and email address fill right next to their name on the same sheet.

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