I'm working on creating a custom HTML report with javascript that I will be using to import in to excel to populate some graphs. Basically everything is working, except if I use javascript to show me a value.
When I use Import Data from Web via excel, everything gets imported except for the javascript part of the html doc.
An example of the html file (stripped down to nothing but 3 peices of data): [URL]
Getting some web page data into Excel 2010 using VBA. My scenario however is set up with the following titles in cell A1, B1, C1, D1 and E1 : POST CODE, OUTLET, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE, EMAIL
The result I want to achieve is I enter a post code into cell A2 for example, Excel then uses IE to navigate to the relevant web page as defined in the VBA code. I then want the following to happen:
The InnerText of the web page's h1 tag is then inserted into the OUTLET cell (B2)The first instance of the p tag is then inserted into the ADDRESS cell (C2)The second instance of the p tag is then inserted into the TELEPHONE cell (D2)The third instance of the p tag is then inserted into the EMAIL cell (E2)
All instances of the p tag are contained in a div element called div class="adBox_content" . There are also 5 other DIVs above that DIV in the hierarchy.
Using the YouTube tutorial link, the method has worked for me using the getElementsByTagName("h1").innerText
However, when I try adding a second getElementsByTagName("p")(01).innerText the whole thing fails.
So I'm left with two problems; I can't make the VBA get more than one element at a time from the page, I can only either have the h1 or the first instance of the p tag. I've tried all the getElementBy methods and none of them seem to work in getting the second and third instances to show.
I also need the code to make the data be put on the same row ONLY as where the post code was entered. In this scenario for example of entering a post code into A2, the OUTLET needs to land in cell B2 only, ADDRESS C3 only etc.
By following the youtube tutorial above by giving the cells names to refer to in the code, the data ends up being inputted in all further rows with identical cell names. I need it to not do that.
The code is needed for around 300 rows of post codes that will be entered and refreshed every week or so.
I am trying to have the total (cell e78) from one of my own excel files automatically filled into a cell in a different excel file when the number of that file is typed into a third cell. i.e. if the total on Ticket 4126 in cell e78 is $4500, then when I type 4126 into the Ticket # cell on my seperate Invoice I'd like it to fill in the third cell under Amount as $4500. Is this possible?
is it possible to import just a portion of a csv file into my excel workbook? For example:
My csv file has data from 2010-2015. I want to somehow import only data between 2013-2015 from the csv file into my excel workbook every time I click refresh.
I cannot delete data from the source file because many other people are using the same file. Is there some sort of "SQL" for excel that makes it possible to trim csv file?
I wanted to see if there is a VBA code to do the following :
a) Select a TabText Delimited file based on a criteria b) Import the Selected Data to Excel
I have the vba code where I can open the tab text delimited file in excel, use a selection criteria and then copy the data into excel. But I am having problems with the case where the Tab Text Delimited file exceeds the row limit that excel currently has and wanted to see if the data import can be done without opening the text file into excel at all.
I have a number of large CSV files with approximately 1.9 million rows, (this is more then excel can bring in). I typically have to import/delimit the files when brining them into excel. However, when I try this I get the message not all data imported. I would like to be able to split the records in the csv file to multiple tabs in the excel woorkbook when doing the import/delimit but do not know how to accomplish this. The delimit of the data varies each time due to the nature of the data so doing a macro is more trouble to create each time. Currently I am having to open the csv file in notepad and split it up into multiple files then import each new file seperately.
We (the board members of an ultimate frisbee team) have an debt workbook that we would like to dispurse amongst our team members as easy as possible. The thing is that we'd like to limit what they are seeing without having to edit the xls-file, only certain columns etc. Ignorance is bliss so to speak.
So my thought was to have some sort of function that exports data on the fly from the excel book to a html / asp / php / xml (or likewise) page everytime a member would access that page. This would give our treasure (as if..) master a lot less work and make it much easier for our members to check their debt. The workbook itself has a couple of worksheets and the ideal would be for us not to split these into seperate workbooks. Is this doable? I read about web queries, but they seem to be directed the other way, from html to xls.
Im trying to use excel as part of an real time display system, what im looking to do is after xx time period import some data (which is fine, I have that bit sorted), then save to as html- (hopefully using excel 07 abilty to repubish data to update the same file with more info).
I have added some Javascript to the html file to auto scroll, and then will be adding a refresh script which should hopefully update the display with any new info genrated from excel...
so far I have found the following code, but could do with a hand to tie it all up!
Code: Public Sub Watchon() State = "Mointoring Folder..." Timerun = Now() + TimeValue("00:10:00") Application.OnTime Timerun, "DetectNewFiles" Userform1.Nextupdate.Caption = ">Next Update will be @: (" & Timerun & ")" With ActiveWorkbook.PublishObjects.Add(xlSourceSheet, _
Then within DetectNewFiles Sub, I need to update the html data, I guess I can't reuse the above bit, as it would just overwirte the whole file (and so remove javascripts too).
Code: Sub DetectNewFiles 'Some code to import text files to excel With ActiveWorkbook.PublishObjects("Book1_24990") .Publish (False) .AutoRepublish = True End With
Some code to reset next time update of DetectNewFiles
I have a multilevel XML file. Attached my1.zip (XML files cannot be uploaded as is, hence I had to zip it). When I import the XML into excel, it creates multiple columns for the multilevel data. However, I need the multilevel data as additional rows. I have attached another excel file sample.xlsx which shows how excel imports the XML and how I actually need the data to be.
Screen shot attached for your quick reference sample.xlsx.jpg
Basically, I have a column that contains a list of names of files without the extension, ie "A2=File1" What I want, is for excel to open the file associated with the name in the column, "(A2).xml", and extract a value from that.xml file and insert it into B2.
I have searched and all of the examples I find aren't quite what I am looking for. I have an add-in that works exactly the way I want it, but does not extract certain values that I need it to. This is a commercial add-in so I don't have the source code for it or else this would be a snap.
I am using the following code to browse to a CSV file and import it into my current workbook. How can I “capture” the name of the text file (myFile) for future use?
myFile = Application.GetOpenFilename("All Files,*.csv") If myFile = False Then Exit Sub End If
' Open file With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:="TEXT;" & myFile, Destination:=Range("A1")) .Name = "DATA" .FieldNames = True...............
I want to import a excel file in the current sheet but want that few of the starting lines are not imported. Suppose i have a file with 500 rows but i dont want to import starting 39 rows.
In theory it seemed fairly simple to loop through a sheet and write before and after each cell, but once I tried writing the code I realized I was in way over my head.
I have bit of code that opens an external excel file (call it the source workbook), grabs certain data, copies the data to other excel file (call it the destination workbook), and then closes. I have most of the code completed but am running into an issue with how to grab certain data from the source workbook and copying it to destination workbook.
I want the code to read the data in the source workbook line-by-line.
For each line that is read, I want to copy part of that data (value in column A and column B) to column A and column B of destination workbook only if the value in column D is equal to “Block”. For column C and column D, I want to do some form of lookup, being I want the code to look at each line of data until it finds corresponding line in which column A = “60612105” and in which column B = the value in B. Once this line is found, copy the value in C to column C of destination workbook and value in D to column D of destination workbook.
I have attached two files. First file is the import file (destination workbook) which has two tabs; (1) import tab (2) desired result. Second file is the raw data file (source workbook). Hopefully this makes since.
I have a group of CSV files that I will need to periodically import and sort in Excel.
The CSV files will contain one column I wish to use (It is the first one and the rest can be ignored or imported) and sort the desired data based upon the existance of a particular bit of text. Each entry will either be just a username or a username with a '-label' appended to it so for instance each of the CSV files might contain:
bob fred mark-label ted angie-label
Basically I want to seperate the names with the -label from the ones that do not have the -label. Doing searches, I was able to get part way using the code from this thread:
But am running into problems trying to modify it to suit my needs. Is there an easy way to accomplish this? I'm not very good with VB so that hasn't helped me. It would be nice to move the sourted output to seperate columns if that is possible.
I have thousands of Excel files, each with a generic names (i.e. 2009092812163503.xls)
Each of them contain a header with contains column titles like Company Name, Executive Contact, Address, etc and then a single row of data for a single company.
I want to be able to task excel to extract all the data in the second line and enter them all into a single spreadsheet for further work.
We're talking 30,000+ unique files here, what would be the best way to approach this?
I'm trying to import a data from a website using Microsoft Excel however the link is too long & when I do import data from web & I past the link in there, it says that it's too long and it won't let me.
I'm using the following code to import thousands of html files into my spreadsheet. The code is working fine. Since I am importing thousands of files, when there is no more space on my worksheet, the code stops with an error message. I want to make this code add another worksheet & continue importing the html files until there are no more files to import.
Sub Master_Importer() Dim I As Long Dim strFilename As String Dim strPath As String strPath = "file:///C:/Documents and Settings/c/Desktop/New Folder/" With Application.FileSearch .LookIn = "C:Documents and SettingscDesktopNew Folder" .FileType = msoFileTypeAllFiles .Execute For I = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count strFilename = Mid(.FoundFiles(I), InStrRev(.FoundFiles(I), "") + 1) With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:= _ "URL;" & strPath & strFilename _ .......................
I have an acess database where I export the data into a blank excel workbook and then copy and paste the data into a report file. My goal is to automate this process and my first thought was to add a button into the access database and have it export to an excel template, but using/editing the access database is not an option, so, that leaves me thinking about automating this process from excel. Is it possible to export data from an access database into cell A1 of a tab?
From inside Excel, I wish to surf to a website and retrieve the bottom entry in a column The column updates dynamically with a new number added to the bottom on a daily basis.
Here is the website [URL].......
The column I am interested in is the second column from the left under the History section. The column contains close prices for the currency symbol EUR/$.
which databases people are using with importing excel data into a database.
I want to know people's experiences on different databases and suggestions on which database i can use maybe.
On this moment i do everything in excel, but excel is not longer working properly because of large files that need to be connected to 1 or more sheets.
This is the situation now:
VAX (Dos bases database) -> Comma seperated Files -> Importing in Excel -> Linking the data to sheets. Now I want to have a database where i can do all normal operations to have a good look and the situation of stock status, ordered parts, sales etc. (inventory control)
Who has experiences with databases ? And what are you doing with that database?
Our company has word template with userform that has 10 or so inputs. The data will have already been input into an excel file. Rather than manually retyping the data again, I'd like the option to import the data. Due to the data be specific to a given project I need the import function to ask user to select which excel file to import from. Additional there will be system parameters for multiple systems that will be on subsequent tabs of the same excel file. These system parameters aren't currently part of a userform. I'd like the option to import this data but rather than selecting a file only the user would also need to pick a specific sheet.
How to insert the column dividers manually--for importing a fixed-width text file into excel? The files I'm having to import consist of dozens and dozens of columns.