Importing Excel Data Into Userform In Word

Mar 12, 2012

Our company has word template with userform that has 10 or so inputs. The data will have already been input into an excel file. Rather than manually retyping the data again, I'd like the option to import the data. Due to the data be specific to a given project I need the import function to ask user to select which excel file to import from. Additional there will be system parameters for multiple systems that will be on subsequent tabs of the same excel file. These system parameters aren't currently part of a userform. I'd like the option to import this data but rather than selecting a file only the user would also need to pick a specific sheet.

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Excel 2010 :: Populate UserForm In Word With Data From Spreadsheet

Feb 19, 2013

I have a word template that gives a popup when started for the user to fill out. At present this is okay, but it is hard to maintain. So what I want is to be able to add all needed information in Excel - since our tools have the possibility to export my needed info to this.

I have a spreadsheet in Excel 2010 named 'Input TR'. This info I want in the popup macro in word. When choosing name from a dropdown menu - I want Excel to give me the choices instead of having it in the coded macro. After I have choosen the name - I want the product belonging for this name in the 'Product/Service:' dropdown menu, e.g Test 1 will give the value 1...5. (I will only be able to choose one of them)

Today - everything is coded in the word2010 macro, and thus difficult to maintain.

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Extracting / Importing Tables From Several Word Files To Excel File

Jul 17, 2013

I have several word Files which has standard letter format and contains some tables which needs to be extracted / imported to Excel sheet

The File name is "employee name" which also needs to be extracted , if possible in same excel file.

Attached is the sample of word file. There are 3 tables which needs to be extracted

I have several files and I want to avoid doing it manually.

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Importing Data Into Word - But Eliminating Zero Value Lines

Mar 19, 2013

I've been asked to streamline some processes for a company I used to work with before I went on maternity leave (been two years now, my brain feels like its gone to mush). One of the things they have is a document where they input EVERYTHING manually into a word, sometimes the same thing several times. (felt like I had gone back into the dark ages). I know I can set up a template in Excel where all the required information can be imported into specific places within the word document, but Im struggling to find a solution to one part.

They get their clients to fill out an expenses form showing all their monthly expenses, some fields will be filled in but others are not relevant to them so they are left as zero.

How do I go about just importing ONLY the fields that have values input against them?

For example;

Mortgage $2000
Rent $0
Electricity $300
School Fees $0
Contents Insurance $200
Water $80
Pet Care $50
Groceries $1000
Takeaways $0

Then when the data is imported into word it would show up like this (formatted better of course)

Mortgage $2000
Electricity $300
Contents Insurance $200
Water $80
Pet Care $50
Groceries $1000

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Importing Data From Multiple Word Forms Into A Single Spreadsheet With Vba

Mar 29, 2009

I would like to use a vba procedure/procedures to achieve the following:
I have a folder with many Word2003 forms in and I want to save just the data from each form and then import the data into an Excel spreadsheet.

Currently I am opening each .doc file in turn, saving just the data to a new plain text (comma separated file) in a different folder and am unable code searching that folder for all the text files and importing them into the spreadsheet.
I have a two part question to my current approach:

1) I am 99% there with the first part (opening and converting the forms) with the following code having followed advice from another thread but I need Word open and not showing an open document. Is it possible to add code to take care of opening Word in the background and close it again after so the process is fully automated?:

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Importing Data From Web Into Excel

Sep 11, 2009

I'm trying to import a data from a website using Microsoft Excel however the link is too long & when I do import data from web & I past the link in there, it says that it's too long and it won't let me.

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Importing Access Data Into Excel Tab?

Jun 17, 2014

I have an acess database where I export the data into a blank excel workbook and then copy and paste the data into a report file. My goal is to automate this process and my first thought was to add a button into the access database and have it export to an excel template, but using/editing the access database is not an option, so, that leaves me thinking about automating this process from excel. Is it possible to export data from an access database into cell A1 of a tab?

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Importing Data From A Website Into Excel?

Jun 3, 2003

From inside Excel, I wish to surf to a website and retrieve the bottom entry in a column The column updates dynamically with a new number added to the bottom on a daily basis.

Here is the website [URL].......

The column I am interested in is the second column from the left under the History section. The column contains close prices for the currency symbol EUR/$.

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Importing Excel Data Into A Database

Jul 20, 2006

which databases people are using with importing excel data into a database.

I want to know people's experiences on different databases and suggestions on which database i can use maybe.

On this moment i do everything in excel, but excel is not longer working properly because of large files that need to be connected to 1 or more sheets.

This is the situation now:

VAX (Dos bases database) -> Comma seperated Files -> Importing in Excel -> Linking the data to sheets.
Now I want to have a database where i can do all normal operations to have a good look and the situation of stock status, ordered parts, sales etc. (inventory control)

Who has experiences with databases ? And what are you doing with that database?

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Importing Data From Another Excel File Automatically

Mar 4, 2007

I am trying to have the total (cell e78) from one of my own excel files automatically filled into a cell in a different excel file when the number of that file is typed into a third cell.
i.e. if the total on Ticket 4126 in cell e78 is $4500, then when I type 4126 into the Ticket # cell on my seperate Invoice I'd like it to fill in the third cell under Amount as $4500.
Is this possible?

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Importing Selected Data From CSV File To Excel?

Sep 17, 2013

is it possible to import just a portion of a csv file into my excel workbook? For example:

My csv file has data from 2010-2015. I want to somehow import only data between 2013-2015 from the csv file into my excel workbook every time I click refresh.

I cannot delete data from the source file because many other people are using the same file. Is there some sort of "SQL" for excel that makes it possible to trim csv file?

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Importing Data Into Excel With HTML File

Feb 15, 2012

I'm working on creating a custom HTML report with javascript that I will be using to import in to excel to populate some graphs. Basically everything is working, except if I use javascript to show me a value.

When I use Import Data from Web via excel, everything gets imported except for the javascript part of the html doc.

An example of the html file (stripped down to nothing but 3 peices of data): [URL]

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Automatically Merge Data From Userform Into A Word Doc

Aug 10, 2009

I have created an Excel spreadsheet that collects info from a userform; we are using this as a issue log.

However, at the same time, upon completion of the log, the engineer then needs to fill out the essentially the same information in a Word form for sending off to the customer. I was thinking that perhaps this could be done by using a mail merge but from past experience this generally isn't very user friendly or quick.

Is it possible to automate this somehow using VBA such that when Enter is clicked on the form, not only does it fill in the next available line in the log spreadsheet but it also opens Word and populates the required fields with this same info?

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Importing Fixed Width Text Data Into Excel

Aug 21, 2014

How to insert the column dividers manually--for importing a fixed-width text file into excel? The files I'm having to import consist of dozens and dozens of columns.

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Importing And Summing Up Data In Existing Records From Excel

Feb 28, 2013

I have a table with a number of columns, all of them number format, first one is a unique ID tying all my tables together.

The table contains a running tally of credits for each member and I need import reports every now and then adding on to the tally.

How do I set this up so that I can have Access read an Excel file with data to be added to the existing (not replacing, adding up) and a new record created if it doesn't already exist?

I've tried the append external data, but that fails as the ID field already exist most of the time, even when I created a blank copy of the table I get error messages even if it then actually imports (first time).

Do I need to format the Excel sheet in any particular way to match the tables number format? Is there additional steps I need to take? Would this work even if the import sheet included the same user several times (each occurrence to be added on).

I really don't want to have to step through every user and manually add up and update each credit.

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Excel 2010 :: Importing Online Data Into Spreadsheet

Jun 2, 2014

I have been tasked with streamlining a process to collect data from a specific online website (Web of Science) and import it into an Excel 2010 spreadsheet.

Currently they are going to the website, entering a short number of search parameters and then manually recording the pertinent data from the webpage. They would like to be able to enter a keyword in Excel (which acts as the search item) which then automatically does the rest of the process and provides them with a spreadsheet of the required data.

Is this possible? Perhaps by using Visual Basic code within Excel? I also saw a method that employed SharePoint Server 2010.

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Excel 2013 :: Importing Data And Maintaining History

Aug 5, 2013

I have to import data from an external source(oracle database) to an Excel(2013) table.

Now the data in the staging table in the database keeps refreshing/changing, However in Excel i need the data to come into a new row everytime instead of refreshing the whole table and looking like the staging table in the database. So basically i need to build history in Excel.

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Selecting And Then Importing Data From Huge Tab Text File To Excel

Apr 11, 2012

I wanted to see if there is a VBA code to do the following :

a) Select a TabText Delimited file based on a criteria
b) Import the Selected Data to Excel

I have the vba code where I can open the tab text delimited file in excel, use a selection criteria and then copy the data into excel. But I am having problems with the case where the Tab Text Delimited file exceeds the row limit that excel currently has and wanted to see if the data import can be done without opening the text file into excel at all.

Here is my current query :

Sub TEST()
' TEST Macro

Workbooks.OpenText Filename:="E:Testdata.txt"
ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$B$1048576").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="1234"
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select

[Code] .......

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Excel 2010 :: Importing Data Into Database - Cell Formatting

Mar 19, 2014

I'm importing data from Excel 2010 into a database.

I'm joining to 2 cells into one. A1 = 12 Rushwood Street and B1 = London. So C1 = 12 Rushwood Street London

I need C1 to look like this:

12 Rushwood Street

I tried wrap text but when I import it comes out as one line in the database.

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VBA Importing Data From Access To Excel - Date Format Incorrect

Sep 8, 2008

I am using VBA to export an access query into excel, the query works fine in access but when importing the data into an excel spreadsheet, it doesn't display the date column headers in the correct format.

The problem I have is that the dates 1 to 12 are displayed the wrong way round eg:

In Access date column headers from query are:
09/01/2008, 11/01/2008, 12/01/2008, 14/01/2008, 15/01/2008 etc.

But when exporting to excel, the above dates are shown as:
01/09/2008, 01/11/2008, 01/12/2008, 14/01/2008, 15/01/2008 etc

It seems to be changing round the dd/mm when I export, but only upto 12 when the day is 13 or more it is displayed correctly.

Public Sub bttnDMA_Click()
'DMA Figures in Excel format
'Creating the Recordset
Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Set cnn = CurrentProject.Connection
Dim MyRecordset As New ADODB.Recordset
MyRecordset.ActiveConnection = cnn
Dim MySQL As String ....

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Importing CSV File Into Excel With Approximately 1.9 Million Rows - Not All Data Being Imported

Feb 14, 2014

I have a number of large CSV files with approximately 1.9 million rows, (this is more then excel can bring in). I typically have to import/delimit the files when brining them into excel. However, when I try this I get the message not all data imported. I would like to be able to split the records in the csv file to multiple tabs in the excel woorkbook when doing the import/delimit but do not know how to accomplish this. The delimit of the data varies each time due to the nature of the data so doing a macro is more trouble to create each time. Currently I am having to open the csv file in notepad and split it up into multiple files then import each new file seperately.

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Excel 2010 :: Importing Data That Has Imbedded Cost Center Subtotals - Move To Column

Jul 29, 2014

I am trying to create a Dashboard in excel (2010) using tables/pivot tables to build it. The data I am bringing into excel has these key fields of data: cost center+cost center description, general ledger account+general ledger account description, and YTD amount.

My problem is the data is from an external source report and the report has subtotals built in at cost center, and the report's format of subtotaling puts the cost center first and then the general ledger accounts below. There is no
formula value in the cell that has the subtotaled amount and the number of general ledger accounts can vary depending on whether there has been general ledger activity.

I want to take this format:
July YTD
Cost Ctr 1050 XYZ$6.00
625110 Supplies$2.00
650150 Postage$2.00
650550 Fees$2.00
Cost Ctr 1052 ZZZ$4.00
670500 Pens$2.00

and have it look like this
Cost CenterCost Center DescrGL AcctGL Acct descYTD Amt
1050 XYZ 625110 Supplies $2.00
1050 XYZ 650150 Postage $2.00
1050 XYZ 650550 Fees $2.00
1052 ZZZ 679200 Pens $2.00

Besides manually doing data moves and assigning a unique sort sequence number to keep the records together, how else can I quickly move my cost centers to a new column and keep the cost center with the gl account and $amount?

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Userform - Importing Information From Spreadsheet Into Form

Sep 20, 2013

I have a userform that will be a 'work order' for repairs. The ladies in the office can fill out all the blanks that will be entered into the spreadsheet. Each time someone is done, it will plug the information on the next available row on the spreadsheet. Easy enough.

What I need is putting a 'work order number' on the form. I have put numbers (101, 102, 103...) in Column A on the spreadsheet. I would like the form to pull the next available number and put it at the top of the Userform. I want this number to be 'locked' in so the ladies can't change it.

My goal - when the ladies are filling out the form, they can see what 'work order number' has been assigned and can give this number to the maintenance.

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Exporting Data From Excel Into Word

Jun 2, 2008

I have a very indepth spreadsheet at work. We also have a form that was typed up in word that uses some of the information from the spreadsheet. I was wondering if there is a way to have the information from the spreadsheet autofill the form that is in word?

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Import Word Data To Excel?

Apr 16, 2014

I would like to extract some text from a word file and transfert it into an excel spreadsheet.
My text is always presented in the same way. First there is a line with some data (see exemple bellow). I have no problem to extract them using the macro bellow even it's not perfect.

My problem is on the main text. I weed to keep the format or at least the different paragraphes as when you copy text in word and past it in the formula bar (or press F2).

Here is an exemple of my word file

Code : XXX1- Abrege : DGS45 - Type : D - ADICAP : PHXT5847

Text Paragraph 1
Text Paragraph 2


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Automate Data From Excel Into Word?

Sep 23, 2011

how to automate data from excel into word. This vba code takes every sheet from excel and puts it into a word document:

Sub CopyWorksheetsToWord()
' requires a reference to the Word Object library:
' in the VBE select Tools, References and check the Microsoft Word X.X object library


My problem is that it doesn't style the data into a table, is there any way to do this with the code I have posted? perhaps with a .Style code or something of that sort?

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Pasting Data From Word To Excel

Jan 15, 2013

I have 10 pages of data in a word document.

Can i write a macro,

to copy Word Page1 in excel sheet1 cell(J2),
to copy Word Page2 in excel sheet1 cell(J3)
to copy Word Page3 in excel sheet1 cell(J4)
to copy Word Page10 in excel sheet1 cell(J11)

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Creating Word Report From Excel Data?

Dec 11, 2013

I have a huge Excel spreadsheet with various worksheets and data, I want to merge some of that data into a report using word template. How can I pull simple data like the company infomation into that word report from Excel? Do I need to know VBA to accomplish this?

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Creating Invoice In Word Using Data In Excel?

Apr 7, 2010

The way that I was thinking about doing this would be by creating a template in word and using bookmarks. Then I would use VBA to populate those bookmarks based on the person (publisher in this case) i was invoicing.

I'm having a couple of issues logistically though. I'm not sure how to attach the sample invoice, so i'll do my best to write them out and if i figure out how to attach a doc by the end of this i will include a sample so you see what I'm talking about.

Issue 1: Each Invoice form has the publishers Name and Address listed at the top of the form. The problem is, the information i'm pulling the number of sales (and money we owe them) is from a different spreadsheet every month and wouldn't contain this address information on it as it is an aggregate spreadsheet of ALL publishers numbers. Would it be possible to create an initial template for each publisher and then have the rest of the information be populated with the data from the CSV that has their sale information. I could create a seperate database in excel with each publishers address and name but then it might get difficult to match these up. how to automate that, as we have 100's of publishers and invoices are done every month.

Issue 2: Bookmarks seem like a nice way to use VBA to replace their values with excel data (in theory, i've only read about it and never attemped)... However, in this particular invoice form, I have to create a seperate listing in the description field for each product a publisher sold (including how many they sold and how much money they are owed). Some publishers may have sold 5-10 different products, while some may have only sold 1 or 2. How do i get word to insert a new bookmark (or something) based on the number of products a person has sold.

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Macro To Move Data From Excel To Word

Apr 24, 2012

I have data in a single Excel worksheet, single tab, columns A:C.

I want to move that data into Word.

The format in Word:
Contents of A1
Contents of B1
Contents of C1
Blank Line
Contents of A2
Contents of B2
Contents of C2
Blank Line
etc, etc, etc, etc....for all rows in Excel.

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