Write Data To HTML File With Custom Tags

Nov 14, 2006

I'm trying to take the contents of an excel speadsheet and write it to an html file with my own formatting. For example I would like the row:


to end up in the html file as:

<td class="align-right">32</td>
<td class="">28</td>

In theory it seemed fairly simple to loop through a sheet and write before and after each cell, but once I tried writing the code I realized I was in way over my head.

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Write A Line Into A HTML File With VBA

Jan 1, 2007

Say there is a HTML file at C:DataFile.html

I'd like to use Excel VBA to write this meta tag into that HTML file:

****** http-equiv="refresh" content="600">
That's to make it refresh every 600 seconds.

The most elegant way would be to locate the "head" tag and write it right after it, but the refreshing meta tag seems to work where ever it is, even at the very end of the file after the "/html" tag! So locating the "head" tag is not that important, if it's difficult.

So, how do I use VBA to write lines into a HTML (or any text) file?

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Delete HTML Tags

Oct 30, 2007

I have lots of text with HTML tags attached, I would like to delete the tags and be left with only the text. Is there an easy way to do this?


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Bolds / Italics And Underlines To HTML Tags

May 3, 2013

I have multiple excel sheets wherein the content has bold, italic, underlined, normal text. I want to replace such texts with relevant html tags.Example is below

Identify the adjective in the following sentence. Can you please pass me the black pepper?

should change to

Identify the <b>adjective</b> in the following sentence. <i>Can you please pass me the black pepper?</i>

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Removal Of HTML Tags From Contents Of Cell

Oct 17, 2013

Any way via VBA to remove HTML tags from a string that has been imported into a cell?

For example, if the cell contained(bearing in mind I can't actually use HTML tags in this post...

"LeftPointyBracket" B "RightPointyBracket" CatDog "LeftPointyBracket" I "RightPointyBracket" Elephant "LeftPointyBracket" B/ "RightPointyBracket"I would need CatDogElephant returning. So, any pointy brackets and anything between pairs of pointy brackets needs to be removed.

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Removing HTML Tags From Cell Formula

Jun 4, 2014

VBA method to remove HMML tags from the contents of a cell?

It needs to remove all occurrences of the "" characters, plus anything that is found between a "< >" pair.

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Formatting Sheet- Can't Get Html Or The Image Tags To Work For Some Reason

May 4, 2007

This is going to be difficult to explain, but I'll try... I need to be able to format a sheet that has all data in column format. Column A contains a number and B an application. C contains the issue data. I need the issue data to be moved under column A and B as illustrated below. What formula can I do to accomplish this?



Can't get html or the image tags to work for some reason.

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Importing Data Into Excel With HTML File

Feb 15, 2012

I'm working on creating a custom HTML report with javascript that I will be using to import in to excel to populate some graphs. Basically everything is working, except if I use javascript to show me a value.

When I use Import Data from Web via excel, everything gets imported except for the javascript part of the html doc.

An example of the html file (stripped down to nothing but 3 peices of data): [URL]

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File Too Big...way To Parse Out Data And Write To Csv

Feb 12, 2010

I have a file with multiple tabs of data...lot's of data (each tab has 80,000+ lines and 23 columns...3 are formulas, the rest is imported data). I've brought Excel to it's knees (i.e. crashes). Yes, I'm using 2007.

What I'm trying to do is extract 6 cells of data from every 10th line and write it out to a CSV file with two more pieces of information (same for each line).

What I was doing was creating a separate worksheet for each one to be extracted, parsing out the data, and then copying that data to yet another workbook that was then saved as a CSV.

First, in retrospect, that was a waste of time. Second, the addition of the extra worksheets to do the parsing was crashing Excel due to the extreme size of the workbook.

What I'd like to do is use a macro to do all of this in one swell foop:

1) Prompt me for a file name (or I can put the desired name in a cell and read it from there if that simplifies the code)
2) Open a new text file with that name and ".csv" extension in the same folder as the original workbook
3) Write out the column headers: (Fix, Satellites, Lat, Lon, alt (ft), Date, utc_t, course)
4) Step through each row, looking at the text contents of column B (looks like 22:50:07.100)...if it ends in ".000" do the following:
4a) write "PPS,4," to the open text file
4b) write the cell contents from columns "V", "W", "J", "C", "B", and "L" to the text file in the exact format they appear in the text cell.

The output file should look like (very short example):

Fix,Satellites,Lat,Lon,alt (ft),Date,utc_t,course

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Write A Custom Made IFERROR Function

Aug 6, 2009

how to write a custom made IFERROR function which works on Excel 2003 that mimics as closely as possible the Excel 2007 IFERROR function without using any array formula.

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Custom Macro To Create New File From Data

Jun 12, 2009

I'm looking to create a new file from data in my table. I don't want to even imagine having to do this manually again...I'm optimistic there is a solution. All the data needed to create the file is in the table, but i need it stacked and organized in a weird way. It's almost to hard to explain...so I color coded an attachement that basically says it all. It's pretty much the same thing repeated over and over except the last 2 lines. It's just a really messed up organization. In the real version I need the new file in a new workbook. I'm extremely grateful to anyone who can automate this thing

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Write VBA Code That Will Generate Text File With ALL Changes Made To Excel File

Jun 4, 2012

Is it possible to write vba code that will generate a text file with ALL changes that were made to an excel file. Ex. If Cell A17 = "Monday, June 4, 2012" and a user updates Cell A17 to "N/A", I would like to know what the value was before and after the udpate was made.

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Run Macro In HTML File

Aug 10, 2009

I have wriiten a macro in excel that pops up some photos whenever the respective cell is selected. It is working good except when I save the file in HTML format. Also what is the difference between publishing and saving html file? I am using office 2003 and microsoft web components installed.

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Code To Open Html File

Apr 22, 2007

I need vba code to open a HTML file when i click a button in microsoft excel.

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Pull URL From HTML In Text File

Apr 18, 2008

I have some code that loops through a bunch of text files, finding any that contain an href, and printing that entire line (if found) into excel. These text files are source code for a website. What I need to do, is within this line being pasted, is grab only a few things from within some tags such as the info between <title>This is the title</title> the tags and print it into a colum, I do not want the entire line, just certain things that are in the line. I have supplied the code that I currently have. I have it so that 'WholeLine' contains the entire line. Can I manipulate that with something like Cells (myR, 3).Value = WholeFile(?).

Sub CheckTextFilesForHREFs()
MsgBox "Press OK to begin report"
Dim WholeLine As String
Dim myPath As String
Dim workfile As String
Dim myR As Long

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Save Excel File As HTML - Keep Formatting

Dec 23, 2011

How i can save my excel file as HTML but keep my formatting stay exactly the same as my excel file?

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Open URL Or Local Html File With Command Button?

Jan 16, 2010

What is the code to open a URL or local html file with a command button?

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Excel To HTML - Auto Publish With File Update

Feb 18, 2011

Im trying to use excel as part of an real time display system, what im looking to do is after xx time period import some data (which is fine, I have that bit sorted), then save to as html- (hopefully using excel 07 abilty to repubish data to update the same file with more info).

I have added some Javascript to the html file to auto scroll, and then will be adding a refresh script which should hopefully update the display with any new info genrated from excel...

so far I have found the following code, but could do with a hand to tie it all up!

Public Sub Watchon()
State = "Mointoring Folder..."
Timerun = Now() + TimeValue("00:10:00")
Application.OnTime Timerun, "DetectNewFiles"
Userform1.Nextupdate.Caption = ">Next Update will be @: (" & Timerun & ")"
With ActiveWorkbook.PublishObjects.Add(xlSourceSheet, _


Then within DetectNewFiles Sub, I need to update the html data, I guess I can't reuse the above bit, as it would just overwirte the whole file (and so remove javascripts too).

Sub DetectNewFiles
'Some code to import text files to excel
With ActiveWorkbook.PublishObjects("Book1_24990")
.Publish (False)
.AutoRepublish = True
End With

Some code to reset next time update of DetectNewFiles

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Import XLS File In Database That When Opened In Notepad It Will Be HTML?

Aug 29, 2013

I've a xls file ready to upload to the my server through phpmyadmin and im using csv with load -date to upload it.

But my biggest problem here is how to input html tags in a excel cell, because when uploading it every word is combined without < p > or < br >.

There is on the internet an option to convert word text to html, and when i copy and paste from each cel to the online converter, I get then the < p > and < br > codes.

But I have a lot of cells in Excel.

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Import Java Script Table From HTML File

Jul 24, 2009

I have an htm file, and i see the table. But when I go to import, it only brings in a few words -- none of the tables that I clearly see. I noticed that the tables appear to be created using Java. How do I import the table. If I select and copy/paste it works -- but I have 100s of these and I would prefer to figure it out and then program it.

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Why Won't This Write My Text File

Nov 21, 2006

I have verified that there is data in the worksheet...but while the text file is created and properly closed, nothing is written to it.

Sub ScoresToDeko() 'writes a text file
Dim Scores As String
Dim CRLF As String
Dim count As Integer

Scores = ""
CRLF = Chr$(13) & Chr$(10)

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Macro To Write CSV File

Dec 14, 2009

I have a CSV file that contains data in columns A-Q. Some cells may be blank.

I'm having trouble opening this CSV file because when I re-save it after editing it, Excel removes any quotes that were around the data.

Here is the criteria that the data must be formatted like:

If the value in column A = "H", the following columns need quotes around the cell - A-F, H-I, K-M, P-Q. The values in the rest of the columns do not need quotes.
If the value in column A = "D", the following columns need quotes around the cell - A-D, F, I-O, Q. The values in the rest of the columns do not need quotes. Data is only in columns A-Q.

Can somebody write a macro that will format the data as list above and save?

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Write Log To Text File

Jan 7, 2007

Are there any examples, instead of having MsgBox, but have a log file created ?

So instead of MsgBox, it might be MsgLog

Is there such a thing in VBA ?

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Write To Text File

Jan 4, 2008

I'm getting an object required error in excel, but don't really understand.

rivate Sub CommandButton1_Click()
free_number = FreeFile()
Filename = app.Path & "/file_write_output.txt"
StringToSave = Cells(1, 1).Value
Open Filename For Output As free_number
Write #free_number, StringToSave
Print #free_number, StringToSave
Close #free_number
End Sub

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Write File Using Cell Value And Given Text

Mar 25, 2009

I found this thread ,

on the forum site which involves
saving a file by value in a cell.

I want to change the code so that it saves that name by
a cell value + "_BOM"

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Write Cell Contents To File?

Jun 2, 2014

Sometimes I want to have the abbility to quickly write cell data to a textfile. This is an effort:

Function Write_To_File(strMessage As String) As Boolean
'strMessage is a data in a cell
Log strMessage


Basically I want just one function that returns True for a succesfull write and False in case of an error. Now I have one function and one sub.

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Read & Write Mp3 File Tag Properties

May 31, 2008

The problem with the Write macro was that, although it did work, it used SendKeys which has to be slowed down considerably.

Here is a new version of the Write macro that works as normal. I originally tried to use CDDBControl.dll version which is widely available on the internet but found that I could only get it to change 1 file before crashing Excel.

I have put the READ macro in the next message.

Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim FromRow As Long
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim FilesToChange As Integer ' number of files to change
Dim FilesChanged As Integer ' number of files changed
Dim MyFilePathName As String ' full path & file name
Dim MyFileType As String ' mp3 wma etc.
Dim id3 As Object
Dim MyArtist As String
Dim MyAlbum As String
Dim MyGenre As String
Dim MyTrack As String
Dim MyTitle As String

Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Set ws = ActiveSheet
Set id3 = CreateObject("CDDBControlRoxio.CddbID3Tag")
LastRow = ws.Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row ' count worksheet rows
FilesToChange = ws.Range("A2:A" & LastRow).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Count
If FilesToChange = 0 Then MsgBox ("No files to change."): Exit Sub
FilesChanged = 0........................

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Read-Write Popup - File Now Available

Apr 29, 2009

I have a tool that accesses a master sheet. Multiple people use the tool (sort of a user interface).

In some cases I need to write to the Master in which I check to make sure its not read only when the macro opens it (that works fine).

In other cases, like when just pulling information, read only is fine. But, I have not specified read only when I open the master.
Sometimes the users are getting a "File Now Available" with a read-write and cancel option. I do not want them to get this message.

My current universal call to master looks like this: ...

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How To Make A Custom Conversion Program / Formula Between Custom Data

Feb 15, 2014

I'm trying to make a converter between about 8 various types of values. These are not units like Km or miles or something like that, but rather numbers that represent a specific "hardness value" on a variety of scales (to name a few: HRC, HRA, K)

What I've been doing so far is plotting the two types against eachother and then getting the best trendline I can so that I can use that formula to convert between the two with relative certainty. (for example, when plotting HV vs HRC my fourth order polynomial trendline with an Rsquared of 1 is y=0.0001x4 - 0.0188x3 + 1.0768x2 - 20.709x + 350.69)

My questions comes up where I was hoping to make a window or box of some sort allowing the user to input a numeric value, then selecting the Input units and the hopeful output calculated units, and have the box spit back to the user the conversion.

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Macro To Open File, Copy Paste As Values And Save As Excel Html

Feb 16, 2010

I have a folder containing 40 single sheet excel workbooks and I would like to automate following tasks:

- Open each excel file (need to open the file so as to update it since it gets the data from another workbook through =formulas)

- Copy paste as values

- Save this as excel html in the same folder as original excel files (keeping the original file name)

- Close (original excel file should not be changed ie formulas should remain in place, only the html file will contain values)

- Since there will always be xHtml files with same name need the macro to replace the excisting file

My abilities with excel are limited to functions, no VBA knowledge other than finding ready codes and pasting them in the module.

Since this routine is to be run almost daily the macro should run all files, instead of one by one.

I just hope that I am not asking too much for excel to handle and I hope that explanation is clear.

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