Including Destination Cell Value In A Formula

Mar 28, 2009

There is a big range of cells with normal numbers (ex. 100, 150 .. etc), but I need to convert them in the following formulas that give the same numbers as a result: for example if the cell value is 100, I need to convert it in =if(iserror(100);0;100) and so on with all other values. Is it possible this to be done automatically for all cells?

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How To Adapt A Formula Destination To Cell

Jan 9, 2014

Im trying to adapt a formula destination to cell.

I have a formula on cell B2 that is directed do other excel file, It appears like [1.xlsx] 1 being the name of the other file.

What I am trying to is make something like:

cell A2 = 1
and ["A2".xlsx]

so whenever I change the A2 cell, the destination also changes.

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AutoFill Destination - General Way To Specify Destination Range

Apr 14, 2013

I want to fill all a column bottom-up but without specify cells in format "A1500:A2" like

Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("H2:H1578")

{H1578 have a formula so...}

I have data in the first 7 columns, with a variable(Range) for the first 5 columns

Dim oRange As Range
Set oRange = ActiveSheet.Range(ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0), ActiveCell.Offset(89, 4))

{The first cell in it is A1}

My question is : How to fill Range("H2:H1578") using my ''oRange'' variable?

I try with OffSet but my code didn't work. I need to do the same with the 6 columns to the right and then plot in a chart.

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Copy Formula With Source Destination

Dec 10, 2009

I am sure this is simple but cant get me head around it (tried paste & paste link).. I am wanting to copy formulas in file (A) to file (B) with data source linked in the file (A).

i want is when i copy the formulas to file (B) sheet 2 and it should retain the original path say H:excelfile A[sheet1]$G$1+....xls and source from which the data is being used.

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Including 0 In Formula (#DIV/0!)

Jan 31, 2010

I am trying to create a marksbook that will ignore blank cells and calculate a percentage based on the amount of tasks completed.

So far I have managed to get it all working EXCEPT if I enter 0 as a value.

For example, suppose there are two tasks, both of equal value. If a person was to get 100% for the first task, and 0 for the second task, you would expect the total to be 50%. I cannot get my formula to recognise that a 0 has been entered.

(Cells F5:T5 are what the task is out of. Cells F6:T6 is the weighting. I want to be able to enter a 0 in cells F8:T8 to include it in the final percentage.) ...

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Including Worksheet Tab In Formula

Jul 8, 2013

I have a workbook with numerous worksheets. Each worksheet is similar to all the others, and I want to be able to (for example) lookup the values in cell C10 for each worksheet and record the value in a summary worksheet.

The name of each worksheet is in Row 1. Is there a way to reference the sheet name using the values in row 1?

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SUMIF Formula Including OR

Jan 30, 2009

How do I modify my formula (below) to include an OR statement?


I need something like this:

=SUMIF(I4:I20,"Core" or "Existing",G4:G20)

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Formula To Calculate Speed Knowing Distance, Destination Time And Checkpoint Times

Dec 2, 2008

On my spreadsheet i have a bunch of variables:

A1 = Arrival time at Checkpoint 1 - 5:53:08
A2 = Time to destination from Checkpoint 1 - 1:10:18

B1 = Arrival time at Checkpoint 2 - 6:00:56
B2 = Time to destination from Checkpoint - 1:02:30

C1 = Total distance from Start - 2.83
C2 = Arrival Time at Destination - =SUM(A1,A2)

D1 = Speed determined from the other variables
D1 is SUPPOSED to equal 25.00

It also is where I am stumped!!

Not only can I not figure out the math but also how to format the function to get the right answer.

ps: Arrival Time at Destination is only included in case it would be useful to find the answer!

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Averageifs Formula With And / Or Criteria Including Odd / Even

Feb 7, 2014

I have 3 columns of information. Column A will be between 1-6, Column B is between 1-10, Column C is the results that I need averaged. I need the formula to give me the average of Column C of all 1's in Column B that are even numbers in Column A. I have been looking on forums, and can find multiple criteria for ands, but can't see where I can do an and /or. I could do Column B = 1, Column A =2, but I need it to be OR =4 OR =6. I don't see any easy answer in excel for even/odds.

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Changing Cell Destination

Jun 22, 2006

How do I change the destination Cell in a workbook from data entered in a macro?

As an example If I press the command button the first time the Textbox1.value is sent to Cells(11, 5).
The next time I press the Same command button the data Textbox1.value is sent to Cells (12, 5)

Mainly is the rows I want to change not the coloums!

Struggled with this for weeks now which I am sure is a simple issue to code.

I am struggling to make people understand the problem though so I hope this works!

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Comparison Formula - Including Inherent Errors

Oct 5, 2009

I have two columns that I want to compare - but one of them is the result of a VLOOKUP - so it may actually contain the #N/A error - how can I compare them so that:

if col 1 agrees with col 2, then "yes" is returned
if col 1 does not agree with col 2 but the VLOOKUP in col 2 has NOT returned an error (so it's still a valid comparison) then "NO" is returned
if col 2 shows a VLOOKUP #N/A error then "NO" is returned

or, perhaps more straightforwardly:

Col 1 = ABC, col 2 = ABC then return "YES"
Col 1 = ABC, col 2 = DEF then return "NO"
Col 1 = ABC, col 2 = #N/A then return "NO"

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Formula To Show Top Scores - Including Ties

Jul 17, 2008

I have a list of team members and their scores for team building events. I need to create a list of the top ten scores (including any ties). The list will have to show the top ten scores as well as any additional names whose score ties with one of the top ten scores.

I tried large and also a pivot table using the advanced but cannot get it to show the top 10 unique scores as well as any duplicate scores.

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Enter Sheet Name To Destination Cell

Feb 15, 2010

I would like a button in (Sheet2) to do this operation when clicked: jump to (Sheet1) and enter Sheet2's name into cell B4, where this button is used in many sheets similar to Sheet2(aka2,3,4,5,6...) that all do the same to jump to sheet 1.

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Edit A Source Value From A Destination Cell

Jul 29, 2008

I'm positive that this is a dumb question that's been answered elsewhere, so pardon my n00bness -- this is a one-time project for a non-programmer.

My manager needs to edit values in a spreadsheet. This person is non-technical and put off by spreadsheets, so I want to create a custom view of the data to show only the editable data (with pretty colors and fonts, etc.)

I have a source worksheet and a display worksheet. I need the display worksheet to show the values in the source worksheet, and I need changes in the display sheet to change the referenced data in the source sheet. For example, if cell Source:A1 = "thingamabob", then cell Display:A1 = "thingamabob". If user changes cell Display:A1 to "hoodgie", then cell Source:A1 changes to "hoodgie".

Essentially, the user has to be able to edit the source cell via the display cell.

Is that possible?

Again, please excuse my ignorance -- for all I know, this may be an automated function in Excel... but I've been trying to figure it out for two hours and so I thought I'd ask you nice people.

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Formula To Work Out Cost Including Multiple Discounts

Mar 31, 2014

complicated formula for working out prices including applying discounts.

I'm looking for the correct formula for G6,G8,G10 and G15,G17 and G19

I think I have them correct(?) to include standard days and extended days but I can't make it work to include Half days. The formula gets too complicated for me to follow.

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IF Formula - Get Average Of Only Values In That Range Not Including Blanks

Nov 21, 2011

I am looking for a formula for the following:

If there is nothing is U6:W6 return blank

Otherwise sum the contents of Bf6:BH6 and divide by the number of cells that are not empty in the range U6:W6 (to get an average of only the values in that range not including blanks).

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Click To Copy Cell Within Range To Destination Cell?

Oct 18, 2013

My goal would be to click on a cell within a range of cells (in a column) and have the value copied to a specified destination cell. There would be a few different columns with source cells and two destination cells. Each column would to copy to a specific cell. My ojective is basically to deal with different processing times (days, weeks, months).

Here's a little visual, clicking on C4 for example would copy the value "5" to cell B2. Clicking on D4 would copy "12" to A2.


Processing time X (weeks)
Processing time Y (in days)
Processing time Z (in weeks)





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How To Stop Linked Cell Destination From Changing

Oct 30, 2013

This is the current layout I have:

Sheet 1: A1:B20, is linked to Sheet 2: A1:B20.

I need to copy and paste data from the internet into Sheet 2, but it's not in the correct order, so I must swap column A and column B in Sheet 2 only. The problem with this is that when I swap them, the linked cells swap as well, which destroys my data on Sheet 1 columns C-Z.

Is there a way that I can keep the cells on Sheet 1 completely static, so that it only reads the data I put into the corresponding cell on Sheet 2?

Or maybe, is there a way I can just swap the cell information in Sheet 2 without messing around with the formatting? Just a complete swap of A1>B1 and B1>A1?

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Blink Destination Cell When Clicked On Hyperlink?

Jul 31, 2008

I have a sheet where it has got hyperlinks to many cells. When I click on the Hyperlink, the destination cell selected should start blinking.

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How To Create Destination Cell By Concatenating Cells

Feb 22, 2012

I am trying to create a destination cell by concatenating several cells and text together. A1 = Folder Name, B1 = File Name, C1 = Tab and Cell. In D1, I am creating a formula that concatenates all the cells to create a destination. This obviously doesn't work so I run a macro to copy, paste special values which displays this in E1, ='FolderName[File Name]Tab'!Cell. The pasted formula works but only after you click on the cell and hit the enter key. Is there a better way to do this?

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Formula To Return Multiple Criteria Including Stretch Target

Jul 8, 2014

I'm struggling to come up with a formula that ill give me the following:

I have will have a row of data (cells A4:H4 on the attached example), in the respective cells below each value in row 4 I want formula that will give me a value of 10 if it sees 90% in the cell above reducing to a value of 0 if it sees 80% in the cell above. I think that there should be a relatively straightforward formulae for that, my problem is that I want to add a further criteria that says; if the value in row 4 increases above 90% and reaches 95% then I must return a value that is 10 for 90% but "stretches" to 12 for 95%. Anything below 80% should return a value of 0, and anything over 95% should return a value of 12.

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Pasting Cell Values Matching Destination Formatting?

Mar 31, 2014

I have browsed for two days looking for material on effecting this. The technique quoted most is watch for undolist for paste & auto fill then undo the change and paste the value again with specific formatting needs. This technique can be implemented in a worksheet_change event handler. The problem that I am facing is that the user can copy and past while my VBA is running. Once it is caught inside my own application class object event handler all that undo stack is already cleared. Therefore I have nothing that tells me if the user has entered the value via a paste action. By the time the value is pasted, all that formatting would have been entered. For example, a value that is interpreted by another workbook as DATE will have my destination formatting changed to DATE as well even though it is designed to be TEXT at design time.

So far I have not been able to think of a scheme to deal with this.

My basic intention is to always ensure the destination cell formatting remains as TEXT. If something is already interpreted as DATE after the paste even if I can convert to TEXT the string will appear totally differently. I have to find a way to paste the whole thing as TEXT in order to keep the string the same. The problem is that there is no intrinsic PASTE event in VBA. Without a method to undo that paste I cannot catch this at all.

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Copy Folders To New Destination Based On Path In Cell

Sep 27, 2013

I have this code that copies existing folders to a new destination path. How do I change the code so that the From path and To path is based on cell value rather than writing it into the code?

Sub Copy_Folders()Set Fobj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Fobj.CopyFolder "C:UsersHengDocuments1243-01234photos", "C:UsersHengDocumentsCasework1243-01234photos"
End Sub

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Custom Copy/paste - Cell Reference For Destination

Jan 30, 2007

i am writing a custom copy/paste routine which will paste data from a selection if the cell being pasted to is not locked.

The user will select the text for coping and then launch the routine.

The routine will query for destination cell and then process the paste.

This is my routine so far:

Sub testCopy()

Dim c As Range
Dim MyRange As Range
Dim Dest As Range

Set MyRange = Selection
Set Dest = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Select a cell", _
Title:="Paste Destination", Type:=8)

For Each c In MyRange
If Dest.Locked = False Then
Dest.Value = c.Value
End If
'dest = ?
Next c
End Sub

What I need to know is how to increment the dest reference so it is in the same 'relative' position from the initial dest that c (from the selection) is in or is there a better way to do this?

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VBA - Setting Paste Of Series Destination Range Relative To Active Cell

Oct 24, 2013

I'm creating a Macro to paste a series of formulas from a template in hidden rows above to cells further down in the same worksheet. My code works fine if I set an absolute range as the Destination - here's a portion of it:

Sub TimelineRow150()
Dim TimelineMatch As Integer, ProjectPlan As Object
TimelineMatch = ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Value
If TimelineMatch = 26 Then


I'd like to be able to copy and paste this code to run it multiple times in the same worksheet, (the TimelineMatch variable actually has 26 different options). Is there a way to replace the [Range("E150:AQ152").Select] portion of the code with a range that is relative to the Active Cell? (I'd instruct users that cell E be the Active cell before running the Macro, and E to AQ is still the range I need the copied data to appear.) I've tried using ActiveCell.Offset, but I keep getting an error of Method 'Range of Object' _Global' failed.

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Automatically Paste Data After User Manualy Select A Destination Cell

May 27, 2009

I have two workbooks. I am copying cells data from one workbook A to workbook B with macro - pretty easy. Now, after selecting and copying cell data in workbook A and switching to workbook B I want to be able to pause the macro and wait for the user to chose a correct cell where he/she wants to paste the data. After the selection the macro would automatically paste the data in selected cell. Since I am completely newbie any help would be appreciated. Here is the macro I have so far :

Sub CopyVIN()
' CopyVIN Macro
' Macro recorded 5/26/2009 by Pacific Coachworks
Sheets("For copying VIN").Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Windows("Cami's Production Schedule.xls").Activate
' Here I'd like to have a code for waiting for a user selection and pasting the data automaticlly.

End Sub

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Formula In Destination Workbook Will Not Update When Change Tab Name In Source Workbook

Jul 17, 2014

I am working with multiple workbooks with several tabs in each one. I need the forumula to update the "sheet name" from the source workbook even if the destination workbook is closed.

this is a portion of the forumula I am working with:


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Making 1 Cell Equal Another Cell Including Its Comment?

May 18, 2014

I have a spreadsheet with some cells which return values using INDEX and MATCH to bring back the entire details of a person based on there membership number. However I require the comments to be attached with the returned values. The comments have there image in, rather than just text.

I have found some answers with vba, which do the process, however you had to manually enter the cell, from which the comment was to be copied from, into a pop up box. This involved finding the box myself to then select the box to take the comment from. In doing this I had found and read the comment, which is the is the process I'm trying to bypass.

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CountIf Contains Including Cell Reference?

Apr 29, 2014

I have a sheet that calculates what items are on any given transaction - this works well. I now want another table that counts how many times a certain brand comes up.

For example one item on a transaction might be "TENSOR REG TRUCK BLK 5.0 x2"

I need the table to look at this and count if tensor is in it (sheet name: 'Sheet 1') but I want it to look at the list of brands and and reference that brand rather than type it out individually.

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Including Environment Username In Cell

Feb 1, 2006

I have searched the forum several way to resolve my issue and the only solutions were as follows:

Public Function UserName()UserName = Environ("username")UserName = Computer("UserName")End FunctionOption ExplicitFunction NetworkUserName() As StringDim responseNetworkUserName = Environ("Username")End Function 

Problem is that I get a #REF! and #NAME? instead of the user names
I am using Excel 2000 (I can not upgrade, Government PC) plus we need it to support Excel 2000 - present versions.

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