Automatically Paste Data After User Manualy Select A Destination Cell
May 27, 2009
I have two workbooks. I am copying cells data from one workbook A to workbook B with macro - pretty easy. Now, after selecting and copying cell data in workbook A and switching to workbook B I want to be able to pause the macro and wait for the user to chose a correct cell where he/she wants to paste the data. After the selection the macro would automatically paste the data in selected cell. Since I am completely newbie any help would be appreciated. Here is the macro I have so far :
Sub CopyVIN()
' CopyVIN Macro
' Macro recorded 5/26/2009 by Pacific Coachworks
Sheets("For copying VIN").Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Windows("Cami's Production Schedule.xls").Activate
' Here I'd like to have a code for waiting for a user selection and pasting the data automaticlly.
End Sub
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Feb 15, 2012
Data is input into my spreadsheet. It is not always in the same cell, and is not always the same length vertically. I want the user to select the top left of the data and then automatically do text to columns. Here is my code that is not working! :
Sub TextToCol2()
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Select a cell", Type:=8)
ActiveSheet.Range("rng:A" & Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row).TextToColumns DataType:=xlDelimited, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=True, Space:=True
End Sub
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Jun 11, 2003
I have created a user form using the addins that come with excel to create a calendar that will allow the user to select a date and automatically put that in a specific cell. My system is office 2000.
The code is as follows:
Private Sub OK_Click()
Dim i As Integer
Dim myCell As Range
i = 0
For Each myCell In Selection
myCell.Value = Calendar1.Value + i
i = i + 1
Next myCell
Unload Me
End Sub
Now, I gave it to my boss who has xp, and I get the following VB error when she chooses a date and clicks on the ok button:
Method 'Value' of object 'ICalendar' Failed
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Sep 3, 2008
I was planning to do was have a macro where the document opened and the cell that information was pasted in was decided depending on which cell was selected when the macro was run.
This worked fine, but it does mean that it needs someone who can edit the VBscript every time there is a new starter or someone leaves so isn't really viable.
What I was wondering, is if it is possible for me to start a macro, which then drags in the information I need from a text file, does all the calculations and rearranging, and then brings up a prompt for the user to open the document they want to paste it in, click on the cell where the pasting will start, and then the macro continues from there?
To try to explain it in as clear a way as I can. Say we have three managers, Alan, Brenda and Charlie. In Alan's team there are 10 staff members. Aaron, Bill etc.etc. If we have just run the report for Aaron, the macro will run, automatically drag all the information in and rearrange it, then it will pause while the user opens up the "Alan" spreadsheet, they select the "Aaron" first cell, click OK or something, and then the macro continues on its happy way?
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Jul 13, 2009
I want to prevent other users when pasting data, to overwrite the formatting of the destination cell.
Since, it is a shared file, i don't want to bother the people explaining use paste special.
I want this to happen automatically.
I don't know VB, and I tried copying what I found in the internet for similar codes, and none have worked. I only copied as they said either in Thisworkbook, and this is all I can do.
I need very easily explained if there is something more than just copying the code in VB view.
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Jan 30, 2007
i am writing a custom copy/paste routine which will paste data from a selection if the cell being pasted to is not locked.
The user will select the text for coping and then launch the routine.
The routine will query for destination cell and then process the paste.
This is my routine so far:
Sub testCopy()
Dim c As Range
Dim MyRange As Range
Dim Dest As Range
Set MyRange = Selection
Set Dest = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Select a cell", _
Title:="Paste Destination", Type:=8)
For Each c In MyRange
If Dest.Locked = False Then
Dest.Value = c.Value
End If
'dest = ?
Next c
End Sub
What I need to know is how to increment the dest reference so it is in the same 'relative' position from the initial dest that c (from the selection) is in or is there a better way to do this?
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Oct 24, 2013
I'm creating a Macro to paste a series of formulas from a template in hidden rows above to cells further down in the same worksheet. My code works fine if I set an absolute range as the Destination - here's a portion of it:
Sub TimelineRow150()
Dim TimelineMatch As Integer, ProjectPlan As Object
TimelineMatch = ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Value
If TimelineMatch = 26 Then
I'd like to be able to copy and paste this code to run it multiple times in the same worksheet, (the TimelineMatch variable actually has 26 different options). Is there a way to replace the [Range("E150:AQ152").Select] portion of the code with a range that is relative to the Active Cell? (I'd instruct users that cell E be the Active cell before running the Macro, and E to AQ is still the range I need the copied data to appear.) I've tried using ActiveCell.Offset, but I keep getting an error of Method 'Range of Object' _Global' failed.
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Nov 27, 2007
i need a method to find the end value in a row (right side) and select the empty cell to its right to paste data in.
problem is the row where this data is may change so using
limit = (row, col).end(XlRight).Col
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Jan 28, 2007
i'm writing a refrigeration selection user interface, working from values on an excel spreadsheet. how to get the programme to automatically select a value from a list or range once a user has selected corresponding value from a list within a combobox. for example if a user sets the temperature of their refrigerator to -5 celsius i need the programme to automatically select the corresponding value of enthalpy for the air at that temperature.
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Apr 29, 2014
I have a existing code which copies data from one 6 workbooks to Main workbook.
Copying data from workbook 1:
It has Header at 2nd row and Data starts from 3rd row.
From A column to AG
Destination workbook: In this workbook. I have Header at 26th row From A to AG copied Data needs to be pasted at 27th row.
And like wise while continuing to copy datas from other workbook it will get added at last.
My code is working fine. But my requirement here is at Destination area.
Now i have moved Header in Destination workbook. Header is at 26th row
From A To Ag to D to AJ
Data needs to get added at bottom of each paste.
HTML Code:
rowofcopysheet = 3
Set copyrng = wkb.Sheets(1).Range(Cells(rowofcopysheet, 1), Cells(Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row, Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToRight).Column))
Set Dest = shtDest.Range("A" & shtDest.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1)
Dest.PasteSpecial xlPasteValuesAndNumberFormats
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Aug 16, 2007
Is there a way to set the Paste options in Excel to default to "Match Destination Formatting"? Currently the program defaults to "Keep Source Formatting". It would be extremely helpful for the work I am doing to have the default be "Match Destination Formatting" instead. I thought there might be a way to set this under "Tools, Options, Edit," but there is nothing. I am using Excel 2003
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Oct 7, 2009
I am writting code that copys a range and then pastes the values back over the same range, which gets rid of the functions in the cells. I am doing this for multiple sheets. When the code pastes the copied selection back over the same range the code is interrupted by a message box that asks me wether I want to replace the contents of the destination cells or not. I do, how do I get my code to answer yes to this message box?
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Sep 24, 2007
I have a workbook with a Cost Analysis sheet, a master menu sheet, and then all the sub sheets. I have coded command buttons on the master sheet, so once a category is selected, it goes to the appropriate sub sheet. On the subsheet is a list of items of varying sizes, and command buttons beside that which will allow the user to "Select" that particular size. Once the size is selected, the verbage in cell B5 plus the verbage (size) beside the selected amount, and the prices (labor and materials) in the next two columns, need to be transferred to the first available blank line, starting with line C5, to the Cost Analysis sheet. I have never done coding before for a Loop (i.e. For i = ???) and am not sure how to get it to do what I want. After they select that, they can pick a command button that takes them back to the master menu so they can continue picking various items until they are through. Then the Cost Analysis sheet will show all the items they picked, (name of item, material cost and labor cost: Columns B, C, & D). Not everything is coded yet (such as selecting a command button to go back to the main menu, because I wanted to make sure I could solve this problem before doing the easy stuff).
I read over quite a few of the previous threads and am not sure how to change them to suit my circumstance. I know some code (VB), but not much. I do not understand the concept of DIM, and how the loop works to make it happen myself, and all the websites I could find were not suited to my situation of copying three cells of data to the first blank cell on another sheet.
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Oct 27, 2009
I am trying to learn the concepts, then apply them to a set of actual worksheets. I am trying to use named ranges from one worksheet in another worksheet. The named ranges need to expand. Although I can get the add data to a dummy worksheet to work within the same worksheet and I can even get a named range to work in the foreign sheet.
My problem is, when I can end up adding the additional data to the named range, it will only add one name. I have a number of named ranges that are referenced on various worksheets. The idea is, certain named ranges should be able to expand so I donft have to type them all in. (There could be hundreds of manufacturers or models.) I would also like them to be able to sort themselves after additional names are added to the named ranges. I would also like them to auto populate as well. I am using Excel 2003 SP3 (11.8307.8221). I have enclosed the file. Drop down lists (named ranges) are on the worksheet called DROP DOWN LISTS (LOCKED) **ITfS NOT CURRENTLY LOCKED**.
The data validation issues are on the worksheet called Rev7.0 Wood (Basic Sheet.) There are other instances to use these, but I hope to learn to do them myself on the other worksheets. Of particular interest is Column f.................
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Aug 15, 2014
I am wanting to pause a macro to allow a user to select a cell and when the user hits enter the macro starts running again. My intention is that a user would select cell B5 or B8 or B55 and then hit enter and the cell would move 6 cells right and enter a value from the macro. The following is what I have tried and even though it allows to select a cell, it doesn't make that cell the active cell.
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Aug 25, 2009
I have an event handler that runs a procedure when a user double clicks a cell. This procedure modifies the contents of this cell and other cells. I want the user to be able to select the cell so they can double click it, but I don't want them to be able to single click it and modify it by hand (accidentally or not). Is there a way to lock/unlock the contents of the cell without locking the cell itself?
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Nov 20, 2009
is there any way a macro can be automatically run when a user clicks unto a cell?
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Oct 15, 2011
how to lock a cell date automatically after the user saves changes, it's current format it is a tick box with a reference cell Today() but it need to be locked once completed,
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Sep 16, 2009
Hoping someone would be able to help me with this. I have a sheet (example attached) and this sheet has a number of varying description types in the W coloumn (usually approx 10,000 rows). This field is manually input so there could be spelling mistakes and/or non standard descriptions.
What I would like, if possible, is a macro that would look at the D column and if this is 'GENERAL LEDGER', it would then look at the W column.
An input box would come up, and would list the different descriptions it found in column W, and number them. It would only list each different description once.
1. Bank charges
2. Bank charge
3. Cash
4. Fund Custodian Fees
5. Fund Manager fee
6. Interest income cash account
7. Interest income cash acc
8. Miscellaneous expenses
9. Miscellaneous income
10. Other income
11. Sec lending comm
12. Sec lending commission income
13. Tax Reclaimable - Dividends
14. Withholding tax dividend
The user would then be able to type in the corresponding numbers, if possible seperated by a space, comma or semicolon and the macro would then run through the sheet and delete the entire row if D was GENERAL LEDGER and W was the selected description.
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Apr 8, 2014
I'm looking for formula or a method how could calculate a product of range of cells when I have only the first cell, but I need to multiply 260 cells that are in front of it.
I now find a cell using index with double match criteria and use "Cell(info_type, Ref)" to determine the cell where the first value is. I need to take that value and multiply it with with t+1, t+2, etc. to get the final number.
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Feb 4, 2014
I am looking for some code that would copy lines of data if the following to criteria are meet into anouther workbook caller YTD at the bottom of the data to provide a YTD summary.
If column h if marked "y" and todays date ( currently have a =Now() ) is 7 days or more thaen copy and paste to new workbook removing it from the current sheet.
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Apr 14, 2013
I want to fill all a column bottom-up but without specify cells in format "A1500:A2" like
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("H2:H1578")
{H1578 have a formula so...}
I have data in the first 7 columns, with a variable(Range) for the first 5 columns
Dim oRange As Range
Set oRange = ActiveSheet.Range(ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0), ActiveCell.Offset(89, 4))
{The first cell in it is A1}
My question is : How to fill Range("H2:H1578") using my ''oRange'' variable?
I try with OffSet but my code didn't work. I need to do the same with the 6 columns to the right and then plot in a chart.
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Apr 14, 2014
I need to copy and paste the specific dates from the specific city that the user will insert in the "dash" sheet.
Basically, I need the macro to read the city and range of dates that the user will type into the "dash" sheet and copy the columns "AA" to "AD" from rows specified by the dates input. Once it has been copied, it has to be special pasted just the value onto the sheet "1" beginning at location B2.
the the data will not be available as it is vlookups to another excel sheet that i have not provided. I have deleted the data, but you can pretty much put 1's everywhere.
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Aug 7, 2013
I need a vb code which would open different workbook automatically, autofilter the first row and select data and copy and paste in the other workbook.
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Jan 20, 2014
I need a formula to automatically change the summary column according to the month we are in.
Last Months Data
'Last Months Data' column should show Dec. However, as we move into February and I complete the 'Jan' column, I would like 'Last Months Data' to automatically change to show Jan's data - is this possible?
I was previously told to use the following formula but this would automatically select the current months data and not the previous months data which is what i need - =INDEX(B2:L2,MONTH(TODAY()))
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Mar 3, 2014
Can I paste text inside a box on sheet 1 that automatically paste into a cell in sheet 2? I'm trying to make sheet one look more like a web page. I want to be able to create text boxes on sheet one that will automatically copy the text into a certain cell in sheet 2. Seems like I seen something a long time ago where you go to sheet2 and in the cell you want the text to show up, you type in something like =sheet1 box1 .
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Jul 2, 2009
I have a command button that I want to automatically copy and paste certain data to another worksheet when clicked. I keep getting a "runtime error 1004; application-defined or object-defined error". The code I have so far is:
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Nov 30, 2008
I have a macro that automatically takes data from one sheet, copies it and pastes it on another sheet, but I want it to select the empty column that is to the right of the last column to contain data (so basically the next empty column). What code would I enter into editting my macro to be able to do this please?
Also, one thing I've tried to do with my macro is that when I select the data, it's suppose to select from the first name to the last. When doing the actions for the macro, I use "Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow Key" to make the selection select the bottom of the list. However, when running the macro, if the list is longer (or shorter), the macro selects that number of cells instead of the action of just going to the bottom of the list. For example, if during the actions of the macro, I recorded using the Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow Key that 50 cells were time if I have 60 cells, only 50 are selected, even though I used an action command which should select all the cells in that group (in this case being 60). Is there some code I can add to that so this would work correctly?
In case its required, here is the code from the macro:
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Nov 9, 2011
I have a list box, that I have set MultiSelect to "1 - frMultiSelectMulti"
What I would like to be able to do is select multiple items and have those items appear in a single cell on my spreadsheet.
Maybe something like: WA, CA, OR Forms.ListBox.1 is the name of my object. Or do I need to use a different object type?
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Apr 8, 2013
I have a spreadsheet where user can search for information inside a search box and the appropriate rows are returned using formulas.
I have a drop down list (Category: Model) in the search box as well as a search field (Category: Program, cell D2). Underneath the search box, search rows are returned with column categories: Program, Model, etc.
What I require is that if a user enters the specific program into the search field D2, then the dropdown list would automatically choose which model that program belongs to based on the returned row.
For example, if I typed "engine" into D2 and pressed enter,
Under the records section (Row 14 and beyond), the following record will pop up:
Based on the record, F-16 would be chosen from the dropdown list. Is there any way this can be done?
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