Including Sort Function In Command Button Code

Oct 7, 2008

I am working on a simple employee list with names, phone numbers, employee ID numbers, etc. I have created a VBA form to make new entries or change existing entries. The form has 'next', 'previous', and 'close' command buttons that work well, but I would like to have my data sort by employee name after any of the buttons are clicked.

My data is in worksheet "Employees" with employee names in column A beginning on row 2. Here is what I have entered for the 'Next' command button:

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Press Command But And Execute The Code Assigned To Another Command Button

Apr 14, 2009

Is it possible that when you press a command button, that the first thing it does is to execute the code assigned to another command button (IE in another sub).

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Command Button Name / Sort By Command Button

Feb 3, 2010

How can I return name of a command button on click? I want to create some sort buttons on a sheet I will use regularly to speed things up. I thought if I could call each sort button by the column letter the button sits in I can use this in a single sub for all buttons

e.g the button sitting in column A is called "A". when i click the button, it returns it's name to a variable which I can then use to sort column A. I know I could create a seperate routine for each button but I was just trying to think of something neater.

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VBA Sort Command Button & On Save

May 26, 2009

I have a sheet name "all" Sheet 15. What I want to do via VBA is sort range B4:I803 sort by Column G (ascending) then by Column H (ascending).

Have this sort activated by a command button or once the WB is saved then activate the sort prior to saving. The former is the preferred but if it's not to much trouble with coding then the former and latter solution would be great.

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Command Button Code

Apr 29, 2008

I have a 2 worksheets. One "Projects in Process"and the other "Project Completed". when the users fill in the information in cells A4-F4 (line 4 is the starting line and it could go down as far as line 23 or a23 - f23) In Projects in Process they press a "completed Project" command button and the data in a4-f4 copies over to worksheet "Projects completed". In the next available row (starting at row 4).

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Command Button VBA Code

Feb 25, 2009

So right now I have the
Private Sub CommandButton19_Click()
Dim product As Double
product = ActiveSheet.Range("J45").Value * ActiveSheet.Range("S44").Value
Sheets("Sheet3").Range("R2").Value = product
End Sub

I want to be able to switch the cell the product goes into based on a certain command button that I click(for example I have a command button for when I use copper wiring and one for aluminum wiring and I want when I click the copper wiring button for the product to show up in one cell, but when I click the aluminum button for the product to show up in a different cell , but on the same sheet). To be more clear I have a quantity command button(which is the code above) that i want to be able to recognize the difference between when the aluminum command button is clicked and when the copper command button is clicked.

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Dual Function Command Button?

Apr 3, 2012

I can accomplish what I want with the "Spin Button", but I'd really like to use the command button instead...

Can the command button be used for 2 functions?

Right now, I have a Spin Button, that performs this function:
Private Sub SpinButton1_spinup()
Range("E11").Formula = "=c11"


Is there a way to have the Command Button perform the same function? Not very familiar with VBA...I'd even prefer to go with the "Check Box"...but frankly, I simply don't know enough about the command functions to make it work.

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How Can A Command Button Function For Two Worksheets

Jul 9, 2008

I've a command button on one worksheet (named "Front") that when clicked it "resets" a large number of cells back to "."

I've ALSO a command button on another worksheet (named "Back") that when clicked it also "resets" a large number of cells back to "."

Both are embedded on their own VBA tabs.

Both work exactly as needed.

No problem.

Is there a way I can move the coding from both to the "This Workbook" VBA tab, leave the one command button on the "Front" worksheet, and eliminate the one on the back?

I'm kinda guessing that this will require my rewording the
"(Range("C5").Formula = ".")"
(example line of code for the first cell it resets on the "front" tab) to something specifically referencing the "Front" worksheet, and the same for the ones on the "Back", but I could be wrong.

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Changable Code On Command Button

Feb 6, 2009

I have 5 xactive command buttons on a sheet1 and 1 xactive command button on sheet 2. If button1 on sheet 1 is clicked I would like to run the code named close1 from the click event of the commandbutton1 on sheet 2, but if button 2 on sheet 1 is clicked I would like to run the code close2 under the click event of sheet 2 commandbutton1 and so on. Is there some way of achieving the above

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Assigning VBA Code To Command Button?

Apr 30, 2013

I have placed a CommandButton1 and CommandButton2 on the do i then assign the macro code to these Buttons

CommandButton1 is called MANAGERS GROUPS (macro called Split Sheets)
CommandButton2 is called CLEAR MANAGERS GROUPS (macro called clear_managers)

It was working before as i just used rectangle shapes as the buttons but have since removed these shapes and used the CommandButtons

The error is below in RED

Option Explicit
Public TrainingRows
Sub SplitSheets()
Dim rCell As Range
Dim sht As Worksheet
Dim lastrow As Integer


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VBA Code For Command Button To Have Password?

Sep 6, 2013

I have an excel spread sheet with say 20 or so sheets. Sheet 20 known as "Rates" is hidden. What I would like to do is when the user presses a command button say on sheet 1 he is asked for a password which will unhide the Rates sheet . If he gets it wrong a message pops up say incorrect please try again or have an exit button to cancel.

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Adding Command Button With Code Embedded

May 11, 2007

I have a macro which I use to do all sorts of routine things on a spreadsheet for my employees. (you guys helped me with that too. thanks)

I would like to add a command button to this sheet to run series of code and I want to add this to the final step of a macro.

Question, is there a series of code, which would
1. create the command button on the active sheet, and
2. add the required code to the command button, and
3. embed that button and code onto the active sheet all at once.


I need to do this regularly so it is a currently manual process I am trying to replace.

Ex. of code I want placed:

Selection.Font.Bold = True

This is not the exact code which I will use, but it will help me to understand what I would have to do to make it work.

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Excel 2011 :: VBA Code - Command Button Location

Aug 16, 2014

I am building a code based on a command button in a row, which will check is a worksheet exists (message), if not create a worksheet from a template (from another worksheet specific to a on a cell value in the same row), rename the worksheet based on a cell value in the same row.

I am having some success for each task with exception to relative cell values .....

As the code will be specific to the row (one button per row) Questions:

how to i determine the location of the button that is clicked? (I assume once this is established i can use to pull values in the same sheet on certain columns....?)

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Change Command Button Captions Via Code: At Run Time

Oct 1, 2006

how to change in a for next loop the CommandButton.caption in a usersform

For n=1 To 300
CommandButton & n.caption= Sheets("info"). cells(n,1)
Next n

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Command Button To Display Calendar Doesn't Function Properly

Mar 17, 2014

Userform1 on the attached file has a "Calendar" button to display a calendar that allows the user to select a date and have it placed in the Date Text Box. It simply doesn't work unless you click on the userform area where the calendar should appear - but how would the user know that?

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ActiveX Command Button Code To Enter Values From One Range Of Cells Into Another

Jun 15, 2014

well, the clear worked well and now I have another idea for a button for my worksheet;

I want the button to insert values from other cells. so when it is clicked, the values in cells F82-F86 are entered in cells E19 - E23.

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Code Breaks Sometimes/sometimes Not: Subroutine Executed When The User Presses A Command Button

Mar 10, 2007

I have inherited support for the an Excel 'program' that seems to be fairly unstable. I am currently having problems with the following code in a subroutine (executed when the user presses a command button):

With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
.PrintTitleRows = "$1:$7"
.PrintTitleColumns = ""
.PrintArea = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
End With

Sometimes it works and sometimes I get the following error: Run-time error '1004'
Unable to set the PrintArea property of the PageSetup class.

… on the .PrintArea = ActiveSheet.UsedRange

I am having a hard time figuring out what is causing its wishy-washiness. Running the following code (launched from worksheet named 'consumer' with a command button):

Sub subConsumerFacesheet()...................

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Sort Command - Custom Order Or Sort Ascending Or Descending

Oct 8, 2006

Is it possible to make excel sort ascending or descending but from mid way through alphabet and then loop through the alphabet again. for example. If Cell A1 had "A" in, it would sort as normal.

Cell A1 = A
Cell A2 = B
Cell A3 = C
Cell A4 = D
Cell A5 = E

If Cell A1 had "C" in, it would sort from "C" through the alphabet and then loop to the start of the alphabet as shown below.

Cell A1 = C
Cell A2 = D
Cell A3 = E
Cell A4 = A
Cell A5 = B

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Sort Column A Including Row 1

Aug 18, 2009

I want a macro to sort Column A through B (Sort newest to oldest)that includes the first row. I can record a macro but it doesn't include row 1.

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Stop Sort Including Headings

Sep 22, 2007

I have this macro that must sort my data from biggest number to smallest

Sub SortTopBottom(varASourceSheet As Variant, varSortKey As Variant, varSortRange As Variant, varCopyRange As Variant, varPasteSheet As Variant, varPasteRange As Variant) ', varAShourceRange As Variant, varSortRange As Variant)
With Application
.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
.StatusBar = True
.StatusBar = "Getting the top 10..."
. ScreenUpdating = False
End With
varASourceSheet.Sort.SortFields.Add Key:= Range( _
varSortKey), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlDescending, DataOption:= _

For some reason it moves my headings from row 25 to row 2 in sheet2. Also - I read in Mr. Hawley VBA 10 commands that I should NOT select and should NOT activate. Is there a better way to do this sort? I use Office 2007 that does not handles some off the sort stuff I have found here.

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Run Command Button Click From Another Command Button

Aug 31, 2007

I have a userform with a button on it named But1. Is it possible to store But1 into a variable then activate the But1_Click action using a variable?

Dim strButname As String
strButname ="But1"

Now, how would you activate the But1_Click method using strButname variable. With listboxes you can use the Control(strListboxName) methodology?

This doesn't work, but gives you an idea of what I am trying to do.


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Command Button Click Creates New Rows Above Button?

Nov 8, 2012

I currently am using a form button to create new rows.

I need two different kind of buttons. I have a button that does this-

Sub InsertRow()
'this inserts a row where the button is clicked.
Dim r As Range


However, when I try and create these codes using a Command button (I need it for the color), I get the error

"unable to get the buttons property of the Worksheet class"

P.S one other thing, say the button is in row 3, and Cells A1 and A2 are merged, when you click the button in row 3, it should extend the merge to A3.

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Command Button - Create A Save Button In Sheet 1?

Mar 9, 2013

i want to create a save button in sheet 1, on clicking the same the data entered in the particluar cells of sheet 1 should get saved in sheet 2 in given format

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Macro Works With Form Button But Not Command Button

Oct 5, 2006

This is probably really straight forward but cant see why it happens, the following macro works fine when called by a button created by the form toolbar but doesnt when called by a command button, get the runtime error 1004, "select method of range class failed"


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Toolbar Command Button As Toggle Button

Aug 13, 2008

I have read several articles saying using a command button as a toggle button can't be done but some articles have said it is possible using the state properties.

.State = msobuttondown
.State = msobuttonup

Is there any way to combine this with the onaction property so that when you press the button, it stays down and activates a macro then when you press it again it pops back up and activates another macro.

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Dynamic Named Range Sort Including Cells Outside Defined Range

Apr 3, 2008

Im sorting a dynamic range as mentioned in this Sorting a Named Range. My range is called drWarningTypes and is defined as:

=OFFSET(DataSource!$A$2,0,0, COUNTA(DataSource!$A:$A)-1,1)

When there is only one cell in the range, then running the following sort function includes A1 also in the search (and also adjoining columns).....

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Copy Entire Worksheet Including All Macros And VBA Code

Dec 16, 2008

I need to copy my worskheet multiple times to create about 10 of the same worksheets within a workbook. I know if you click in the very most top left hand corner of the worksheet, then click copy, go to the new worksheet and click paste, it copies the whole page, but it does not copy over the VBA Code.

Also, for some reason, it does copy over my macro buttons, but does not put some of them in the right spot?

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Command Button

Jul 29, 2008

I have searched this topic but I came up with nothing regarding my exact situation.

I have 5 buttons on sheet 1. I want them to all direct me to another sheet in the same workbook. However, some buttons will contain more than one sheet.

Example: Button 1 will direct me to 4 different sheets. Is this possible?

Also, When I open the workbook, I see many sheets that I am working from but I do not want them to show up when I open the workbook. The only way to see these sheets is to click on the command buttons at the top of sheet 1.

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Disable Paste Function (Including Drag And Drop) On Excel Worksheet

Jun 27, 2014

How can I disable the paste function on an Excel worksheet, including drag and drop?

Preferably I still want to retain the ability to copy.

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Uncheck Check Box + Check A Option Button Using Command Button

Aug 20, 2009

When I press a command button I want to:

Uncheck a checkbox made with Control Toolbox

Check a particular Option Button within a group box made with the Forms Toolbar.

EDIT: Clarification, I want both things to happen when I click one button.

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