Limit Data Validation Values To A 1 Point Margin In 3 Different Cells
Nov 17, 2009
I have a section of my program that asks for board scores (point value is 6-10 in increments of .5) I have set up a data validation so that users can only enter those specific values. Problem is, none of the values can be more than 1 point from each other. (the part I have yet to figure out)
Example, if the first value is a 6.5 the second is 7.0 and the third is a 9.0, I need the data validation to display an error because the 9.0 is beyond the one point spread.
Summary: Display an error message if any of the points are more than 1.0 point from another.
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Jan 25, 2005
I have a price sheet for my store in Excel. I want to make the spreadsheet easy for my sales people to use to calculate differing profit levels. I'd like to embed a drop down box at the top (I can do that part) that they can select, say, 10%...20%...30% markup. I know how to do that basic formula. I don't understand how to link that formula to a number selected in a drop down box. I don't know how to make the prices change based on the value selected in the drop down box. I can't do vlookup because it's about 1500 lines long. Also, it doesn't have to be drop down box based--that's just the idea in my head. I tried just making a macro that would run when they hit the button, but when the macro runs it switches the focus back to the top, very annoying if you were looking at prices on cell D811.
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Mar 12, 2009
I want to restrict the value entered on a sales sheet to force the value to be over 15% margin. In column M you enter a value in column N it report the margin. I want to force the value in M to give a minimum 15% in column N or report an error.
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Aug 30, 2012
I need cell H18 to look at cell F4, and if the value in cell F4 is 'CFB', I need validation to limit the entry in cell H18 to the values in a named range 'pripro' to populate. That part I know how to do. (=pripro)
But if the value in F4 is CCP, I need H18 to allow anything. I'm having trouble adding this to the first part.
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Jan 20, 2010
I have three codes (P, /P, P/) that could be entered in range H5:P5. P is counted as 1; P/ and /P are both counted as .
I have the following formula in D5:
I entered the following formula for data validation:
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Mar 6, 2008
Is there a limit to the number of entries in a validation list? I have a list that contains about 300 entries, but the drop-down list only shows 246 entries. I am sure that the references are correct.
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Jan 24, 2014
When you want to use Data Validation to limit the entry of the number of characters to a cell does this apply only to the cell that you are entering the characters or can it also apply to a cell that contains a LEN(A1) formula, for instance? Also,does the Data Validation limitation function includes spaces as well? Will the message appear while you are entering the characters (when it has reached the limit) or will it wait until you have hit Enter?
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Jan 25, 2014
Can I limit the text length in a cell that contains a formula? You may say "Limit the text length in the input cell". That can't be done because the formula in the resultant cell takes text from two other cells in addition to the input cell. I need to limit the overall text length to, let say, 50 characters.
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Jun 28, 2009
have created a list obx using data validation. My question is, is there a way to limit the data available on the list.
Example: sheet 1
A1 A2 A3
Address A
address p
address s Date
Sheet 2
has data validation list that consists of all of A1 a named range called "address". Everything works great.
I now want to be able to limit the available choices in the list depending on what cell the user is in
example: if user is in sheet2 a1, i only want them to be able to pick address that have an "A" or "p" in cell A2 on sheet 1
I tried to acomplish this using conditional formatting, I format my named range with different colors, but the colors do not carry over to the data validation list on sheet2.
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Mar 5, 2009
I require a custom data validation formula to limit cell value to maximum of 4 decimal places.
0.0001 ok
0.02 ok
0.3 ok
0.12345 fail
0.123456 fail etc
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Jul 10, 2014
I have a data validation list in col A.
I don't want ppl to be able to paste values in cell - them must either type the data or select from list.
Also - the sheet is protected but col a is open
have tried...without success
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A1")) Is Nothing Then
Application.CutCopyMode = True
End If
End Sub
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Apr 21, 2014
In cell H5 there is list of dates and in H7 there is codex, based on these two conditions in H11 a data validation list should be populated from the code_sheet using column B. The populated list should be unique entries, as the column B in code_sheet has duplicates.
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Jun 8, 2007
In the range A1:H89 I have expanding and retracting values - all of which is determined by the numbers in column A. Column A is simply A1+1 copied down. The value of A1 is determined by the value of another cell, based on age. If the value in column A exceeds a specific figure (let's say 50), formulas in columns B - H result in answers of "" (this is "nothing"?). Assume that the value of 50 is reached in A20. All cells from A21 (inclusive) down, including B21 - H21, will have the values "" in them and show up as nothing on my screen. When I print, I'd like to only print those cells where data is, i.e. cells A1:H20.
Sub Drukwerk()
With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
.PrintTitleRows = "$7:$9"
.PrintTitleColumns = ""
End With
LastRow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = "A1:H" & LastRow
' ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = "$A$1:$H$89"
With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
.LeftHeader = ""
.CenterHeader = ""
.RightHeader = ""
.LeftFooter = ""
.CenterFooter = "".......................
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Dec 4, 2012
I'm looking to change raw data into a "point" system. One of my value exchanges is every $1,000 equals 5 points. So if cell A1 equals $4,685 I am looking for cell A2 to give me a value of 20. (5pts times 4 increments of a $1k) The point value only changes at the $1k milestones, so the remaining $685 does not change the point value. What would the formula look like for something like this?
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Dec 17, 2007
I need to create a Drop Down Menu that gets it's data from another group of cells. I have done this before but it has been sometime ago and now I can't remember.
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Jan 20, 2014
Basically, I have a Userform and am trying to have a user enter 1 datapoint into a Textbox. Based upon that datapoint (it's 9 digits), I am trying to see if I can therefore reference a linked Access Table to fill in other textboxes with information tied to that record (so if they enter a unqiue ID, I want to automatically return Name of Person, Location, etc.) . I liken it to a vlookup in regular Excel but am just not sure how to go about it in VBA.
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Feb 26, 2009
I want to limit data entry in a range of cells to Y or N (Upper Case)
I have tried data validation, list, but this still allows y or n, I want just Y or N
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May 28, 2014
I've looked through the forum, and have seen several requests for data validation defaults, but not related to cells that need to repopulate to defaults based on an action. I'm attaching my worksheet to get an understanding of what I'm trying to accomplish.
Default Data Validation Help.xlsx
Basically, any time a new employee name is selected, I want default review begin and end dates populated to the data validation cells so that the dates don't have to be manually selected every time a new employee is reviewed.
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Aug 11, 2009
- I type a number in a cell
- If the number is not a multiple of an adjacent cell, it will automatically do a ceiling to that number
- If it is a multiple it is ok.
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May 27, 2013
I have defined name in excel like:
Named: My_CARS
Refers to = My_Cars!$C$2:$C$100
Now in sheet2, I I'm doing in field A2 data validation and set up to Validatation Criteria as:
- Allow = List
- Source: = My_CARS.
But I have all values - with duplicates. How can I get only unique values?
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May 29, 2013
I am trying to create a Data Validation drop down, that is based on contents of 2 different cells, without using VB. I tried doing this with an "if" formula, but it did not work.
Column F is a DV with a list for Area. I can use "=INDIRECT(F115)" to have separate ranges for column G, but I would like to use DV in column H, based on the values in F & G.
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Feb 5, 2007
in data validation i have taken a list & assigned it to defined named range say industry ( 50 - 100 industries which are repetitive in nature)
now the problem is the data is neither sorted nor unique
but i want unique sorted data (i can not make changes in original data because of its other various linkages nested formulas)
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Jun 25, 2014
Sheet: Users
Column A has "Yes and No"
Column B has "Names"
Yes Peter Johnson
No Patrick Andersen
Yes John Smith
Now i would like to create a list in sheet [Employee] where one the users with Yes in column A is shown.
In this ex.
Peter Johnson
John Smith
No need to show yes or no.
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Jan 6, 2009
I need someone to go through them assigning a building number, level and location to each of them. I am using drop down menus, the first choice is building and has the following options:
Depending on the option selected there maybe different locations, i.e. B1 has the following available locations:
Whereas B7 only has: ALL. The third column, level, operates in a similar way.
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Jan 3, 2013
trying to substitute out values that i am using in data validation. From the sentence:
Consulting (Logistics, IT, Management)
I would like to remove the spaces, the (, the ) and the commas so that it reads:
So that i can use it for data validation.
In the data validation box i am trying the formula:
=INDIRECT(SUBSTITUTE(substitute(substitute(substitute(c2," ",""),"(",""),")",""),",","")
But i keep getting told i have an error.
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Dec 14, 2011
I have several data validation lists that are driven by named ranges. These ranges include blank cells in order to allow for expansion of the list easily - without updating the named range itself.
Seems like because of these blanks rows...excel is accepting any value. The list is visible and can be used, but the user can also enter in a value not on the list. (when I remove the blank rows from the range, the validation works properly)
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Jun 4, 2006
data validation to display a list of values. The problem am facing is .. this list has a lot of names & it becomes difficult to scroll through when i need to search for a particular name.. Is it possible that when I press a key on my keyboard, the name starting with that letter is highlighted in the drop down list.. This is not happening automatically using data validation... Is there a work aorund for this?
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Jun 8, 2006
I have data validation in cells A1:A50 which allows to select values from a list. There are about 50 items in the list that can be selected. Is it possible to have the user select an item only once i.e., if an attempt is made to select an item thats already selected it show an error message.
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Mar 11, 2014
I've got a spreadsheet and I've used data validation to look at a list on another tab.
I need to be able to multiply values out based on what i choose on the drop down menu.
I've attached a sample spreadsheet to explain : tasks.xlsx
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Apr 24, 2014
Is it possible to have a dependent validation drop box that under certain conditions automatically produces an actual value in the cell instead of a drop-down list to choose from? For example, if I choose “Holy Avenger” in the first drop box, and the value for that choice in the second drop box is always a “2”, can you get it to auto-populate in the cell occupied by that 2nd drop box (cell B5 in the attachment)? Or, are you restricted to using Lists only, meaning that you could create a List that only has the value “2” in it, and the user would be required to choose the “2” in the drop box?
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