Links To A File In My Documents
Aug 21, 2009
I have a template that I wish to distribute to others. It will link to a second file (also distributed by me) that will be in each users' "My documents" folder (or "Documents" in Vista). I currently have the template set to look at "C:" as that is common for everyone. Turns out that creates other problems. However, now each user's file location will be unique due to the path of their documents folder
Question, is there a robust way to automate the finding of the linked file in the template without having each user "relocate" it? Reason is the template will be updated frequently and I want to ease their pain by not making them go through this every time.
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Mar 31, 2012
Below code is for splliting text file into multiple excel worksheet. I want to modify it to splitting text file into different msword documents in folder. Is it possible to change the code
Sub LargeFileImport()
'Dimension Variables
Dim ResultStr As String
Dim FileName As String
Dim FileNum As Integer
Dim Counter As Double
'Ask User for File's Name
FileName = InputBox("Please enter the Text File's name, e.g. test.txt")
[Code] ........
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Sep 28, 2009
I have thousands of Excel files, each with a generic names (i.e. 2009092812163503.xls)
Each of them contain a header with contains column titles like Company Name, Executive Contact, Address, etc and then a single row of data for a single company.
I want to be able to task excel to extract all the data in the second line and enter them all into a single spreadsheet for further work.
We're talking 30,000+ unique files here, what would be the best way to approach this?
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Oct 22, 2009
I have attached the file I am working on. I am attempting to create a link to an external file based on the value of cells in column A. Then I would like to simply copy the formula down, lets say in Column B, the rows and as I do the external file reference will change depending on the value within the cell in Column A. I hope that I am making sense.
I am using Windows Vista with Excel 2007. The files will all be within the same file folder, however, there are hundereds of files so I won't be able to open them all for the indirect to work.
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Jul 16, 2014
I copied 2 worksheets from one file to another and went in to "Edit Links" and changed the source to itself rather than the original file which took away those links in the cells that the original file was present in, but it still gives me a dialogue when opening the file that links to the original file. I go back to "Edit Links" and press "Break Link" but it doesn't seem to remove the link to the original file. If I click on "Connections", none are present. I clicked on "Startup Prompt" and set it so that it wouldn't annoy me with the prompt any more, but I'd ideally like to not have any reference to the original file.
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May 8, 2006
Last week I copied a worksheet from one spreadsheet into another, and have since been working from the new one. When I open the file I get a message box asking if I want to Update links from the other workbook. But I've deleted all named ranges, formulae, shapes, everything that could possibly link to the other workbook. I've also (in my frustration) completely deleted the sheet that was originally copied and re-made it from scratch. But it STILL comes up with this update box. In Excel's Help it says to go to Edit/Links and press Break Link, which I have tried but it doesn't do a thing. The link is still sitting there in the display box in the Links window - it says that the Type is Worksheet, I don't know if this makes any difference that it's not a formula or anything?
Also, in complete desperation when it wasn't deleting the link, I changed the source to a random file, so it now comes up with an error in updating (which it obviously would) however this doesn't have any effect on my file because as far as I can tell it no longer has links to the other file! I'm tempted to just go to the option that says don't show the Update prompt on opening (the file is to be handed in as coursework on Wednesday) but this doesn't solve the problem, only bypasses it! Each time I made a major change (e.g. recreating the copied worksheet, changing the source) I saved the file under a different name, so I have all old copies just incase I've completely messed it up!
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Jun 9, 2006
we work in a group on different excel worksheets. now we want to combine this sheets and get the following linkages in the files:
= 'I:[versuch_joe.xls]Koeffizient'!C156+'I:[versuch_joe.xls]Koeffizient'!C157*B25+'I:[versuch_joe.xls]Koeffizient'!C158*(LN('I:[versuch_joe.xls]Daten'!Y17)-LN('I:[versuch_joe.xls]Daten'!Y16))+'I:[versuch_joe.xls]Koeffizient'!C159*'I:[versuch_joe.xls]Daten'!R17+'I:[versuch_joe.xls]Koeffizient'!C160*('I:[versuch_joe.xls]Daten'!AE16+'I:[versuch_joe.xls]Daten'!AE15)
how can I delete all "[versuch_joe.xls]" that are not needed anymore? i got hundreds of them in my file.
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Apr 10, 2013
I am working on a research project of which details cannot be disclosed. I basically have many worksheets which each contain 3D positional data and I am plotting overlaid graphs using multiple worksheets. I have gotten them to work where I manually enter the names of the worksheets, but I am trying to use the CELL("filename") command to get the current worksheet's name, then using a substitute command to change certain fields, then I would like to use the string name created by those functions to call a global variable in another worksheet which defines a range. I will try to give an example.
Say I have 3 worksheets for arbitrary measurements:
1) filename 1mm
2) filename 2mm
3) filename 3mm
I would like to graph all 3 sets of data in worksheet "filename 1mm", using the fact that everything in the filenames are the same except for the 1/2/3mm part. I have a template of which I will be copy/pasting data from numerous data sets and then each worksheet has defined names "X_vals" and "Y_vals" which give me dynamic ranges for the data I wish to plot from that worksheet.
When I type the names manually--i.e. " 'filename 2mm'!X_vals" everything works fine, but when I try to create the exact same string dynamically using indirect/substitute/left/right etc, it does not let me do it. I am able to create a dynamic string with a range, such as " 'filename 2mm'!C10:C100" but then when I change it to " 'filename 2mm!X_vals" it just gives me #REF!.
I guess my question is just is there any way to use the indirect function to create a string name dynamically which references a defined name in another worksheet? If not possible with just simple excel functions, is there a way to do this with a macro? I am not exactly familiar with VBA in excel, though I know how to run macros.
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Jun 2, 2014
I have a workbook that links to four files. I would like to automatically update the links when the file is opened and if the linked files are not available, don't display a message.
I got the first part done using the Options menu in Excel but can't figure out how to suppress the message when the linked files are not available
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Jul 19, 2006
My first post at last.
I've recorded a Get External Data macro and wish to modify source and destination components. I would like to replace the absolute link to the file name with a variable and the Destination range to the active cell at the time I run the macro.
This is the is the macro code line that handles the source and destination components I want to modify.
With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:= _
"TEXT;C:filename.csv", Destination:=Range("AQ2"))
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Mar 3, 2007
The master has rows corresponding to numbered files:
4300 | CellValue1 | CellValue2 | etc
4301 | CellValue1 | CellValue2 | etc
In attempting a simple formula (a couple VBA codes I tried did not work and were probably substantially more than I needed anyway), I made the following:
='CMain FolderSub Folder[concatenate(cell w/file number,".xls")]Sheet1'!A1
This is identical to the copy/paste link formula currently in use except that I am trying to have the actual file number/name generated off the master list instead of what is in the file itself.
Purpose: in case I was not clear on this above, I am trying to automatically populate the master worksheet with the data from the workbook. The current procedure is to copy a line of the data from the workbook, then paste as a link in to the master worksheet on the row corresponding to the file number.
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Jan 28, 2010
I have an Excel 2003 workbook (named TargetWorkbook.xls) with some links to a CSV file called DataSource.csv. I use Excel 2007 to open the workbook. I checked the "Update links to other documents" option under the "When Calculating this workbook..." section on the Advanced pane of the Excel Options window. I unchecked the "Ask to update automatic links" option under the "General" section on the Advanced pane of the Excel Options window. I selected the "Don't display the alert and update links" option on the Startup Prompt dialog (accessed from the Edit Links dialog) I created a simple Auto_Open macro with the following statements:
Sub Auto_Open()
Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:ProjectsExcelTestDataSource.csv", ReadOnly:=True
Windows("DataSource.csv").Visible = xlVeryHiidden
End Sub
The DataSource.csv file is updated daily. I want the cells of TargetWorkbook.xls to automatically update from the csv file when I open TargetWorkbooks.xls without displaying a prompt. I plan to deploy this workbook to a server and open it programatically via a Windows Service (I know, I know, Microsoft doesn't encourage this)and can't have it throwing up a user dialog.
Here is the problem: When I open TargetWorkbook.xls manually using Excel 2007, it updates the links but throws up the dialog "This workbook contains one or more links that cannot be updated...". When I click on the "Edit Links..." button, it displays the message "Warning: Open source to update values". When I click the "Check status" button for this link, it says "Source is open". How do I prevent this dialog box from poping up? I've been wrestling with this for a few
days now and can't find a solution.
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Oct 2, 2006
Is there a way to log the userid of the person who last made an update in the external file links?
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Aug 29, 2006
I am trying to open set of excel files to fetch data starting from a master excel file where the links are given using a loop. Some of files given as links are either absent or the link is wrong.
* What is the syntax to find if the link is correct/present
* What is the syntax to find if the file is present in specified location
* What is the syntax to find if the file is password protected to open
* I use error handler to resume the next statement if OPEN statement fails.It works fine inside the loop only for first two files.
For example if the third link is errorneous the error handler fails and RUN TIME ERROR occurs.
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Jun 22, 2012
I have an unwanted link and I can't remove it. I have tried through the Edit Links dialog box, searched for [ in formulas throughout the workbook and gone searching manually for the reference but to no avail.
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Apr 28, 2009
This code will take the value of the active cell (which is a filename) and open the corresponding PDF document of the same name.
Sub OpenPDF()
Dim fName As String
Dim fExt As String
Dim fPath As String
Dim fFullPath As String
fName = ActiveCell.Value
fPath = "M:Books"
fExt = ".pdf"
fFullPath = fPath & fName & fExt
ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink Address:=fFullPath, NewWindow:=True............
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Jul 13, 2009
I receive a Weekly list; let’s call it “Doc1” with a load of order numbers in column A. I then have another excel document, lets call it “Doc2” also with order numbers in column B.
Is there a way to see if an order number in Doc1 already exists in Doc2; perhaps change the font colour to red for example (in Doc1 only)? I don’t want to affect Doc2 in any way I am not allowed to alter it at all.
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Feb 7, 2014
I have several excel documents all linked to one unique excel document which I will call document A.
Document A is a performance spreadsheet where I have percentages, sales figures and times, for my sales team.
Each sales person has their own unique dashboard (another excel document) that I am currently trying to finalize.
Their personal dashboards have pie charts with text boxes. The text boxes within the charts link up to their relevant cells in document A.
When Document A is open and I open 1 of the sales person's dashboards. Everything looks good and works, however.
When I close document A the dashboard information changes. For example, the dashboard information could be showing 25% but when I close document A it reverts to 0.25
If I close down the dashboard and open document A back up, change it to 30% then close it. The dashboard recognizes the change BUT reads as 0.30. This is the same with them all.
The only fix I have figured out is creating another tab in Document A then duplicate of all the information required for the dashboards then save the cells as TEXT (as opposed to currency, percentage etc).
This kind of defeats the object because I have formulas set up in Document A and don't want to be doing twice the work.
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Feb 24, 2014
I have a file containing thousands of hyperlinks to respective image files. How I create a macro to save them with respective document names as shown in individual cells ?
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Nov 17, 2007
I am having problems opening Excel documents on first try. If I double click a excel doc icon it will start excel, hang for about a minute and a half then just display a excel blank doc. If I then go back to the original doc icon with excel still open and double click it again the document appears.
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Apr 17, 2012
I have been sent a document of clients names that I need to check against our own, is there a way on excel in which I can see if there are any matchers between our client list and the one I have been sent. It is for security purposes.
I do not fancy Ctrl - F 4000 client names
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Jul 30, 2008
Is there any code that can make it possible to navigate to my Documents Folder only that is on a network drive and open the folder but not a document.
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Aug 15, 2008
I have 330 lines of formula that all reference to different excel documents. These files are donated by a 4 digit number. i.e. 4186.xls.
The main document that looks at these files needs to ability to acknowledge changes in the 4 digit number in its formulas and look at a different file if necessary.
EG. =sum("4186.xls"!E4:E5)
A very simple example of the formula i am using. I just need to actively change the 4186 that is in the formula to whatever is in the contents of another cell.
I might just be stupid. Infact, i admit i am no expert. That was my first =SUM formula actually.
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Aug 2, 2006
Is it possible to link excel document that will update each other? I am looking for the capabilities similiar to linking worksheets in a workbook.
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Apr 9, 2009
I have an Excel document that I need to secure. By that, I mean that it can be viewed by anyone, but it cannot be changed or printed.
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May 19, 2009
I have two workbooks one names "Quote" other named "product supply". In "Quote" i would like to have somthink like a Vblookup that on a givin line can enter price's, disciptions and other data automaticly on that line, From the "Product Supply".
"Quote" A:1 Dropdown list. Select product, Then refers to "product supply" of that product, then trasphers data into "Quote" A:2
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Sep 2, 2009
I have data concerning documents people have to write, which is updated weekly. Is there a way of looking up a name and then returning all the documents that they have to write. I have tried a vlookup, but this only returns the first entry and not the lot. Also i would prefer the document data for each person to be returned in to one cell.
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Sep 28, 2009
I need a little assistance opening a Word file via an Excel macro. The two files are linked and upon opening, the Word file asks if the links should be updated. I need this to automatically be "Yes" everytime the file is opened.
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Dec 5, 2012
If i had a template in excell would it be possible when it was opened it could generate a new number for the sheet in a cell for Ref ID.
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May 29, 2013
I'm putting together an Excel sheet which contains links to other files. I was wondering if I can display the properties of those files in an adjacent cell? Basically I want to show the date the document being pointed to in a hyperlink was last changed. The documents are contained on a local drive.
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