Loop Return The Result Back In Row
Sep 21, 2009
Col ACol BCol CCol DCol ECol F
row 2531IN COMMAND#N/A
row 2631IN COMMAND#N/A
I have 5 coulmns of data and in col F I have the following formula in row 18
the results come back " TAX CONSIDERATIONS"
however the same results comes back in row 21 and row 24......how can I modify this lookup to change when column B changes
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Jul 2, 2009
I am wondering why the loop at the end of this macro loops endlessly.
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Jan 30, 2014
I am trying to create a data entry sheet to enter quotes on. When a quote is received, I click on my "Add quote" button and a userform appears. Data is entered into the userform (frmEntryForm) and returned back to the next available row.
I also need to be able to:
Edit a row by double-clicking it. When a row is double-clicked, data from that row is passed back to the userform, edited and returned back to the same row (to prevent duplicates).Validate that all fields are complete within the userform where relevant (i.e. if the work is not complete or in progress then the "Invoice Number" and "Actual Cost" fields are disabled and blanked to prevent entry (I think this is almost sorted judging by my tests)
I have attached my sheet : 2014 Gatwick Quote Log (Macro Enabled).xlsm‎
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May 31, 2013
I am doing a control F search on a value that does not come back with a result. But the value exists in the sheet. I have multiple columns and rows (over 22,000 rows). Are there limits to how much you can search using control F?
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Apr 23, 2012
I am new in Excel VBA and im trying to find a way to get back a result "True" or "False" when I have password, wich must consist of 6 letter, one upper case letter and a number must be in it. When this word consist of 6 letters and has a uppercase letter and number the result is True and this will be written into the cell next to the cell where the password is.
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Jul 13, 2009
I need to copy a changing source cell, paste its value into another specific cell (always the same), and then return to the source cell for continued action (ie range selection, copy & value paste, which I can code).
This action is then followed in the next cell to the R of the first cell copied, etc to end of data. I can code the move to the R.
How do I return to the source cells as part of a loop?
Specific notes included in attached - I hope I've explained it clearly.
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Mar 5, 2014
Here's my formula:
=AND([@[Tenure (Yrs)]]>=5,[@[2016 Sales]]>=150000)
(Where should I enter high and low? Do I need an if formula nested into it?)
I'm trying to get it to read if the customer reads both criteria which is they've been there 5 years and over 150000 sales =
High if not Low.
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Nov 29, 2011
I'm trying to make cell values in a range change so they appear blank when a checkbox is checked, and when it is unchecked, I need the original value to appear. I have the following so far:
Private Sub CheckBox1_Click()
If CheckBox1.Value = True Then Range("BTS").Value = ""
End Sub
...However I do not know how to change the cells back to the original value before it was made blank.
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Mar 26, 2009
I want to have a small button at the top of the sheet that when pressed, will automatically reset all filtered autofilters back to show all.
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Feb 26, 2014
I am trying to create a macro, that ultimately does the reverse of one written a while back.
I have created a macro that exports "Roster_Data" to "envision_Roster" in .csv style formatting. What I want to achieve is reverse engineer the macro to return the data back to a similar state.
I am trying to transpose column D into rows that correspond with dates in column c in a sheet called "OutputView" this in essence is similar if not exactly the same as the original worksheet "Roster_Data"
I have split the macro I am working on into three separate modules.
Module 1 - Initial Export of "Roster_Data" to "envision_Roster"
Module 2 - Format and output worksheet to find MAX date and MIN date and produce top rows of data
Module 3 - Analyse, Undertake Logical Tests of data, and transpose to suit (Replicate the initial "Roster_Data" view)
I'm having trouble visioning this altogether so I've been starting with basic code to output basic stuff, but I still can't relate this back to my data.
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Sep 20, 2007
I'm currently working on a program in which some sort of recursive looping seems logical.
The relevant part of the code I've currently written looks like this:
Sub hello()
Dim Max_stream As Integer
Dim j, jj As Integer
Dim P_sum, P_min As Double
Dim antal_in, antal_ut, rad_in, rad_ut, ut1, ut2 As Integer
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Max_stream = WorksheetFunction.Max(Worksheets("Data"). Range("B65536").End(xlUp).Value)
For j = 1 To Max_stream
The problem with the code above is the last If, in which the function "rekursivloop" calls itself. I don't know if this type of formulation is correct, but for the cases the If condition is TRUE (ie ut1 <> ""), the function does not return any answer. Does anyone see an error in the logic or have some example for how to write similar recursive loops?
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Nov 15, 2012
I've been trying to loop data for column A from row 1 until 6 and print the result on specified cell. But the problem is, it keeps looping until column B,C and D.
I want to calculate average result separately for column B,C, and D without taking the previous data.
Here is the code that I've done.
Sub Avg()
col = 1
Row = 1
Name = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2").Cells(Row, col).Value
If Name <> "#" Then
[Code] ....
I attached my excel. The green box indicate the result that I want : function.xls
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Dec 9, 2013
Been working on this problem for a while, I need to have a vlookup (or other function) return locations based off of a concatenate (for unique identifiers). Only issue is that the concatenate formula creates doubles which returns the same location for each vlookup. I have attached an example file.
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Oct 14, 2008
creating a formula that will give me a result of either "W" or "L" depending on the amount in corresponding cell.
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Dec 16, 2009
I need to figure out a formula that will look across a row and once it finds the criteria specified, it will return a value going down the corresponding column. I have attached a file showing the example.
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Aug 5, 2008
I have this formula in C7:
The Table Array contains a list of 12 months, and there will be a match to the Lookup Value in A7 each month. I would like C7 to reflect the last completed match in the list (it will be updated each month). So, when June is the last completed month, C7 will return the matching amount from the Table Array for June; then when July is completed, I would like C7 to reflect the matching amount for July.
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Dec 6, 2006
I have tried searching for this topic and have been unsuccessful. Perhaps my search was too broad. Either way, I am trying to understand how to search/query a specific data entry among several sheets, and then return corresponding values from adjacent cells.
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Dec 30, 2006
I created a drop down menu from a named data range on a seperate spreadsheet in the same workbook. Based on the selection from that drop down menu I want a preassigned number to pull into another cell. I'm not thinking of the correct formula or something, because it's not working. Could it be because it's text? My spreadsheet with the data is as follows:
Bridger to American Fork 051725
Hunter to American Fork 051725
Hunter to Delta 051715
Hunter to Hiawatha 051728
Navajo to Am. Fork w/ front 051725
Navajo to Am. Fork w/o front 051725
The 1st column is the origination/destination and I named that range "freight hauls". Which is what the dropdown menu on another sheet (AP Reconcilliation) consists of. From that, I want the 2nd column number to pull into another cell on the AP Recon sheet. The formula I wrote that isn't working is: =index('AP Reconciliation'!A2:B8,match(A6,'Freight Hauls List'!B2:B7,0),2)
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Jan 17, 2014
I have in the attached file four variables, with their values in B3:B6, and the results of applying a formula to them in B8.
How to determine which value variable C must be changed to so that the formula returns the result in B10?
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Jul 2, 2009
I want to return a result IF a certain value is found in another cell. I've attached a sample workbook, but here's a description:
On the "Inventory" worksheet, in column H, I want to lookup the quantity in column B from the "Warehouse Response" worksheet. If the Part # in column E of the response sheet is NI1088106, I want THAT value to show under the NI1088106 part number, and I want the quantities for the NI1089106 to show under that part number. Ideally, the result of the formula would show a "0" if no data is found.
Here's the formula I tried beside the NI1088106 data, but it's not giving the desired results: =IF('Warehouse Response'!E:E="NI1088106", VLOOKUP(LEFT(A3,3),data,2,0))
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Nov 10, 2011
What I want to do is, given the data in col. a, I want to supply a number(range) of strings which can be found in column a, whenever a string is found, which exists in given range, I want to write the string from the Key(col. c) in col b instead of the value from the string that matches a value.
See below for example of what I got working but not exactly what I was looking for
Col. A- Data
Col. B - Result
Col. C - Keys
I used
This does produce a result, but not entirely what I am after.
This requires only one string to search for, and will in cell B1 result in a value of 'Orangegreen' as I can only supply one valeu to the function. What I want to do is supply the function with a range of values, and have those values outputtet in colb instead af the value of cells where the result is found.
I tried modifying the function to include a range, but that does not produce a valid result.
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Mar 3, 2007
Any other day but today (I've been starring at numbers too long) I could do this.
I need a simple formula that will return:
a. 3 if resut is >= $2.5M
b. 2 if over >= $0.5M
c. 1 if
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Aug 17, 2007
I have an excel worksheet that consists of 4 tabs. Each tabs has approximately 60,000 lines of data. The data consists of user id's and menus that correspond to the user id. There are 131 user id's in total. I would like to be able to return all the menus for one of the user id's. If we need to start with one tab and work from there, that's fine.
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Nov 29, 2007
I've created a Database using excel which feeds data to a pivot table I created based on it. My objective is to create a new item in this pivot table (Pivot Table > Formulas > Calculated Item) which calculates the average data for the past 6 months.
The formula I used in order to get a result is this:
and the problem is that the answer is 0 when there is no data for all 6 months (for example, there is a customer who hasn't baught anything during the past 6 months), the pivot table displays 0, instead of not showing this customer at all. My goal is for the IF function not to return any data if the result is 0, so that the pivot table doesn't show items with no data.
I also tried:
and also using ;" ";
but these formulas return #VALUE! in the pivot table, given that the Data is "SUM OF Sales" and "" is not a number.
How can I get the formula not to show anything at all?
In addition to this, I was wondering if it is possible to make this formula more automated, so that it calculates the average of the past 6 months, taking into account some type of reference month (rather than having to edit the formula each time a new month is analyzed).
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Sep 16, 2009
I have a production planning spreadsheet that is updated every week from a database to a new sheet. This sheet is 'Sheet1', last weeks update becomes 'Sheet2'. Every day people annotate and colour cells for various orders, depending on their place within the planning scheme. It's really only the formats that I need to copy across, I could use the VLOOKUP function for the values - So I suppose you could say I'm looking for a VLOOKUP macro/VBA Code which keeps the original formatting (cell colour etc.)
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May 30, 2006
After using a vlookup to find a value in a cell I want it to return the cell belows information.
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Oct 27, 2006
if Cell F42 contains 50%, then my fomula returns "wrong"
how do I get the formula calculate correctly?
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Nov 6, 2006
When i have a formula standing at A3 fore example =A1-A2
and when i fill in a number like 100 at A1
And i fill in a number like 150 at A2 then at A3 where i had make my formula in there stands -50
Now i want the -50 not to disapear but instead there must be stand a 0(zero)
What is the formula i can use
i dont mind to put in at another cel like A4 for example
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Dec 15, 2006
I have a list of people with SSN, about 3000. This list contains business done by each individual, which can be in all 50 states. I have another list of the same individuals with just their name and addresses and what we call "client number". I need to put the client number with the list for the individual states. See example list:
List of individuals with client numbers
123 John Doe
456 Jane Doe
List of individuals with state business
John Doe AR
John Doe CO
John Doe FL
John Doe MS
John Doe TX
Jane Doe MS
Jane Doe TX
Jane Doe AZ
I need for those client numbers to appear in the column before the names on list with states.
123 John Doe AR
123 John Doe CO
123 John Doe FL
456 Jane Doe MS
456 Jane Doe TX
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Dec 19, 2006
I have these numbers located in column A (rows 1:3)
formula that will return my search result (in these case 532) as well as the information immediately above & below the location of cell that has my search info?
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