Control F Search On Value That Does Not Come Back With Result?
May 31, 2013
I am doing a control F search on a value that does not come back with a result. But the value exists in the sheet. I have multiple columns and rows (over 22,000 rows). Are there limits to how much you can search using control F?
I have 5 coulmns of data and in col F I have the following formula in row 18 =VLOOKUP(E18,$C$18:$D$800,2,FALSE) the results come back " TAX CONSIDERATIONS" however the same results comes back in row 21 and row can I modify this lookup to change when column B changes
I am new in Excel VBA and im trying to find a way to get back a result "True" or "False" when I have password, wich must consist of 6 letter, one upper case letter and a number must be in it. When this word consist of 6 letters and has a uppercase letter and number the result is True and this will be written into the cell next to the cell where the password is.
What i have so far is: -3 Sheets (Sheet1 - Search, Sheet2 - Data, Sheet3 - Result) -Sheet1 has a userform ready to link up - this opens up when workbook and worksheet is activated. -Sheet2 has some example data to search - the search is for column 1 (see attachment) -Sheet3 has a template ready for the data to be pasted to.
I would like the search result is column 1 to copy the data from columns 1 to 7 to sheet3.
I want the template/layout to remain after the pasting of results. (everything protected from editing, if possible).
Once finished (ie go back to sheet1, i want the data from sheet3 to be cleared.)
I have a dataset which is dumped into my model every month. The Report tab is a "user form" whereby the user can select multiple search criteria. The dataset is then filtered according to the search criteria entered by the user.
Problem is, that if the user only selects 1 of 3 search criteria and the other 2 cells are left blank, the filter filters on these blank cells and doesn't retrieve any data. Any ideas how I can overcome this?
Sub PopulateReport()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim MyFilter1 As String Dim MyFilter2 As String Dim MyFilter3 As String
MyFilter1 = CStr(Sheets("Report").Range("C2").Value) ' convert cell value to string MyFilter2 = CStr(Sheets("Report").Range("C4").Value) MyFilter3 = CStr(Sheets("Report").Range("C6").Value)
Dim Rw As Long Dim Rng As Range
Rw = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row Set Rng = Range("A1:W" & Rw)
With Rng .AutoFilter .AutoFilter Field:=20, Criteria1:=MyFilter1 .AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:=MyFilter2 .AutoFilter Field:=13, Criteria1:=MyFilter3 End With
how to display my excel worksheet using HTML maker as I've downloaded the software but have no idea how to use it!
To set up the problem, I have a folder that contains files that are all named numerically, ex. 08-100, 08-101, etc. Each file is identical in format but contains different data, ex. cell B1 is alway "material weight", cell B2 is always "estimated man hours" and new files are added weekly.
I am trying to set up a master spreadsheet that all I have to do is enter the file name (08-102) in the first column, and the second column will return the data in a specific cell of that file.
i have the following macro which finds instances of a search criteria and brings them back to a results column. what i need is instead of having the word GD: appear before each result i need it once at the begining of the results
LastRow = Sheets("design owb").Cells(Rows.Count, 10).End(xlUp).Row Application.ScreenUpdating = False For i = 26 To LastRow Target = Sheets("design owb").Cells(i, 10) With Sheets("design") For J = 2 To 54 For K = 4 To 11 If Target = .Cells(J, K) Then Sheets("design owb").Cells(i, 11) = Sheets("design owb").Cells(i, 11) + "GD: " & .Cells(J, 15) + " | " End If Next K Next J End With Next i Application.ScreenUpdating = True
I have this spreadsheet that has over 20,000 rows. I was asked to build a search page to will bring back all transactions based on a primary key (account number). Here is a sample:
In A1 there is an ActiveX Control Text Box inserted, now in A1 cell which is beneath this text box contain the formula that if A9 is blank than "Customer Name" should appear else it should show blank. But the problem is when I write some thing in this text box which is connected with A9, formula works as "Customer Name" disappears but when I delete in text box it simply acts as if something is still present in cell A9 and formula does not comeback to "Customer Name" again & therefore in order to appear "Customer Name" I have to go to A9 and press delete button to get the desirous result from the formula.
Readers are requested to make this formula work becz the situation in which this formula has been invented is well fitted and not other formula can supplant it.
Rather than use Control-F to find the text in a cell, is there some VBA programming that could do the same and then go to the cell or cells containing the text input to be found? I tried recording the macro to find, but it would show up in the VB Editor because I had to close the find function down to then stop recording.
I have a rather large sheet with lots of embedded form control buttons, each one with a document link. Is there a function (no VBA) to search for a specific form control button in excel? for example: i want to find the form control button which is linked to the "application" document.
My difficulty: I have an Excel 2007 DB xlsx Workbook file (mydb.xlsx) made up of several (8) Worksheets. I can't modify the content of this DB. For this reason I 've created another Workbook (MyGUI.xlsm) implementing a user interface for db querying.
The userform let the user making searches using the find method (criteria: "Text contains...") In the DB file there is one particular Sheet with thousands of entries. This makes the searchs too long (30 seconds). During this period the entire form is blocked.
My question: when the user realizes the search is too long I'd like to stop the current search introducing for example a new button "stop current Search" to click it in these situations.
i have been using a code that "Joe Was" wrote on this forum the code search all cells for a word i type and then copy the rows where the word was found into a new sheet. my problem is that the code overwrites the rows, so only one line is shown even when the result box say it finds 10 results.
Public Sub FindText() Dim ws As Worksheet, Found As Range Dim myText As String, FirstAddress As String Dim AddressStr As String, foundNum As Integer myText = InputBox("Enter text to find") If myText = "" Then Exit Sub Worksheets("Søkeside").Cells.ClearContents For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets......
Do foundNum = foundNum + 1 AddressStr = AddressStr & .Name & " " & Found.Address & vbCrLf Set Found = .UsedRange.FindNext(Found)
If Len(AddressStr) Then MsgBox "Found: """ & myText & """ " & foundNum & " times." & vbCr & _ AddressStr, vbOKOnly, myText & " found in these cells" Else: MsgBox "Unable to find " & myText & " in this workbook.", vbExclamation End If End Sub
I am trying to position the cursor in a spreadsheet column based on the data within the column but am struggling with the software to do it.
What I have is: (a) A column (A:A) containing a mix of up to 500 numbers (1 to 3 digit) and a few text entries (1 to 6 char). These form the basis of a movement log where say 100 different drivers (each with unique identity) are logged in and out, so there will be duplicates. (b) A number of other columns logging task/times etc but the one I am interested in (B:B), contains a tick (martlet font "a") to denote the driver has departed.
What I want to do when a driver departs, is have a quick way of finding (from the top down) the row containing the drivers number (A:A) where the driver logged in, but has not yet departed (so I can tick him out!).
So from the top: find the first row (in A:A) matching a specific number/string, where B:B is also blank and position the cursor at B"x").
I have imagined a "button" with data entry at the top of the sheet being the easiest physical way of doing it but am open to offers.
Can the Cursor (or cell?) be highlighted as well, because this is not always easy to see in bright light.
I import some text from a web page. The data is separated in rows and columns so it easily slip into cells in a nice row and column manner.
Now, I want to parse some names in one column (column A:A). The names do not reside in any other column. I want to change the content for those cells that is "Alpha Beta" into just "Beta", and I only want the replacing to be carried out on a specific sheet (named "Import").
But, when I try different setting for the range I get the same script, I mean, for when I try the search & replace with settings for both the whole workbook and for the current sheet.
How can I control the search & replace with VBA to only be valid for a defined sheet?
i've been using an IF function in order to display a certain value when one or more criteria are met in one cell in one specific worksheet. here's how it looks like:
with different values and names.. but it's just to give you the idea of what kind of function it is. this one works perfectly, but i also needed another one in which the logical test range is no longer only one cell, but more, thus a selection. i wrote the same formula, but instead of the "A1" i wrote for example "A1:A20" which i thought it would work.. but it doesn't. even more surprising, when i open the insert function (the helping wizard that pops up when i click the "fx" button on the left of the function string) and i put in the logical test, at the bottom of the window it says the correct result (ie: yes). but on the actual worksheet, the cell displays the wrong result (no). i know there are no errors in the formula, so i really don't know how to solve the problem.
I'd like to search for text and get the column character where the cell with the found text. The combination the two 'demands'/formulae into one are giving me problems. And the fact that the column character can exist out of two characters I cannot solve.
I can get the column number with HLookup right? and it gives me the column number, not the character. I can solve this partially (and ugly even more) with =Char(((Hlookup etc)+64 (letter before A))).
how to create a simple form that would search a sheet for a word and display the list of resulting rows - something similar to Adobe Reader 7 Search functionality ?
If I was having administrator privileges on this PC, I would simply install Cygnus and use its "grep" command on a CSV file but without that possibility, it's rather cumbersome to search an Excel sheet when you need to do it repetitively, and I need to locate a specific row each time without knowing the exact content of the cell (only searching for one or another word I know the cell contains).
I have a userform that with a combobox called "complaintdis". This combobox displayes all the records in column A of worksheet "ComplaintData". When user selects any record from that dropdown list, it populates the other related fields on labels on the same userform. This part is working fine.
when user is looking at any displayed record on the userform (displayed via labels), I want user to be able to add comment that will get added to the column J of worksheet "ComplaintData".
I can workout a way to send this input data from textbox (called "txtcloser") to the column J, but I am struggling to figure out a way to link that comment to the specific record.
As there are number of entries in the worksheet "ComplaintData" , user should be able to select any record (via combobox) in no specific order and leave a comment.
way I can search a particular column, and when results are found, copy the rows where the results are to a new worksheet? And perhaps reuse the same worksheet (so clear the sheet on every execution)
I have tried auto and advanced filter but its not really working to my liking....
My current problem is that I need to search two tabs of data and use the results to modify the contents of one cell in the first tab.
I'll try to be as clear as possible:
tab1 has relevant cells "a" and "b", same row
tab2 has 3 relevant cells "c", "d", and "e", all on the same row
All cells are text values - some digits, but should be treated as a regular String.
The search needs to look at cells "a" and "b", find their match in "c" and "d", then replace the original value of "b" with the value in "e" after a match has been found.
Currently I am working on a data entry form for CRM database using Excel. Now i am stuck at filtering and displaying the data from the spread sheet to the user form.
There are three text boxes to key in the filter criteria and a button which will filter the data from the spreadsheet based on the criteria in the three text boxes. Then the whole row where the filtered data resides will be displayed on text boxes on the user form.
Basically, I need to look for an item, lets use "apple" as an example, in a range of cells, A1:D100. Then the corresponding result would be in another column in the same row.
When I do a SEARCH operation to find the number 10 among hundreds of cells containing data, I'm often finding the way Excel highlights the cell that meets the search result is not easy enough to see.
Is there anyway I could setup Excel so that the resulting cell that meets the search result is highlighted in a RED border or RED Fill? I would like the cell that meets the search result to scream at me with a color highlight that is not easy to miss.
I have a table in excel with a group of headings. (Serial Number, Model, Description, Repsonsible and a few others) What I would like to do is be able to search every cell within the range of that table. When the user clicks search an inputbox is displayed and you can enter any search term you like. if there is a match within the cell range, i want the entire row (and the heading row always at the top) printed into a new sheet to display results. There may be a match in multiple rows, and id like evrery row displayed.
I am trying to create a report that I can enter the codes I am looking for and the formula will search the sheets within the report and once the results are found then find the average of those results.
What I am trying to do is search the codes from Sheet 1 under Outlet and ESA(in Blue) in sheet A,B and C. The problem is the ESA code seen in column I of A,B,C is only used when column L is empty in A,B,C.
Once the relevant codes are found I then need to look for the KPI's seen in sheet 1 B4, B6 and B8, they can be found in A,B,C in column R. then the result comes from column S in A,B or C.
Once the result is found for each code I want to find the average of them, with the answer to populate in yellow in sheet 1
I want the formula to be able to handle more or less codes as well as adjust the formula so I can add more sheets(possible D,E,F,G etc)