I created a macro in an Excel workbook which uses MS Query to return 2 tables of data, and insert them into the workbook. Then, another macro uses a VLOOKUP to enter the values from the tables into their respective rows in other worksheets. Everything worked like a charm, but when I duplicated the workbook (copy and paste) in order to use it for other companies, the VLOOKUPs now return an error (only in the dupe workbooks; the original still works fine). After troubleshooting the issue, I determined that the VLOOKUPs cannot "see" the tables - almost as if they have become invisible. I even tried deleting the query macro from the dupe books and recreating it, but still the data is invisible to my VLOOKUPs.
I'm using the following code, which I figured out quite by accident out of happy coincidence that somebody else on here asked about selecting only visible rows:
I'm trying to write a macro that will look up information about clients that result from a pivot table. Depending on what two inputs are put into the pivot table (coverage, existing or target company) the client names that the vlookup needs to reference will change.
The vlookup information for each client would paste into a different cell on another worksheet, and change depending on which clients came up in the pivot table. So the macro would need to look up clients from a specified range that the pivot table is in.
I'm trying to write a macro that will look up information about clients that result from a pivot table. Depending on what two inputs are put into the pivot table (coverage, existing or target company) the client names that the vlookup needs to reference will change.
I'm working on a macro which compares values in particular cells across different versions of a sheet. Unfortunately there are quite a lot of values, and my code is running very slowly.
I'm trying to get the data in a grid, with the file version across the top, and down the left the project name. For each file version I need to look up a specific value for every project listed.
At the moment, my macro is creating a seperate formula for each cell which does a vlookup on the project name to the specific external file.
The relevant bit of code is below
At the moment its runnig to slow by several orders of magnitude, Working on a 4 by 10 grid it takes about a minute, and I'm going to need it to be able to handle a 50 by 800 grid.
While the code is running, the CPU is not maxed out, so I'm assuming that its the calls to the file system which are taking all the time.
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim ccount As Integer Dim rcount As Integer Dim sFilename As String Dim sPath As String
With ActiveSheet For ccount = 1 To Range("c1").End(xlToRight).Column - 2
Is there any way to "Inscribe" a cell? I would like to run a macro on Enter keypress, that would execute different code depending on that "inscription" that would be invisible to user. I could use some properties of . Validation property like this:
Private Sub EnterPressed 'following code to ensure proper functioning of Enter in any other Worksheet If ActiveSheet <> mySheet 'MySheet is global Variable then ActiveCell.Offset(1,0).Select exit Sub End If 'now the real code If ActiveCell.Validation.InputMessage = "1" Then ActiveCell.Offset(0,1).Select Else 'something else End If End Sub
The problem is, I use Data Validation and Conditional Formatting, so can't use any of these properties.
There is a column with a formula and a list validation, and an adjacent hidden column with numbered ids. When moving into the list validation cell the Worksheet_Selection_Change event code saves information about the Target cell - value, address, formula. When a value has been obtained from the list the Worksheet_Change event code looks up a belonging id in a lookup table and put this in the hidden id cell, and puts the saved formula back into the list validation cell. This makes the sheet (or window) unmanagable.
When I move around the sheet I can see the cell name in the Name Box, but the sheet itself is not visible. The only way to display the sheet is to add a new window (Window - New Window), choose the first "frozen" window (Window - 1. window) and quit this window. Then the new window is ready for use, but of course with the same limitations as the newly quitted one. Ring a bell, someone?? The funny thing is that in this workbook I also use the same functionality in another sheet without any problems.
Used the left formula on a list (10,000 rows) of address. Copy and pasted as values when i was done. Some of the rows do not have a value. However, excel reads it as such even though nothing shows up in the cells. If i click on the cell it clears whatever invisible data there is. Anyone have this problem and an easy solution to clear 3,000 plus lines without clicking in each one?
Using Excel 2010. I'm writing a macro that sets up a workbook to be used for estimating at the beginning of a project. In the code I need to create multiple tables (formerly known as "lists") in the workbook. Then later in the code I need to refer back to those newly created tables. Currently, the code that creates the table is part of a loop that creates the table on many different worksheets. The problem of course, is that I have to name the Table, and then it won't create a table of the same name on the next sheet. Then, later in the code, I need to make adjustments to the table that was just created before looping to the next sheet.
Is there a way to create a table without giving it a constant name? Or by giving it a name that builds off of other info in the sheet? For example, I would be good with the naming the table after the sheet name: "Sheet1_Table" or such.
Code: Sub Auto_Open() ' Dim sht As Worksheet If Range("A1") = 1 Then
I have an excel sheet that lists a bunch of different recipes. Right now I have all the recipes saved in individual sheets. Each of these are hidden when the sheet is opened. I have a main sheet which lists all of the recipes names and when clicked, the specific sheet opens up. What I am looking for is a code that will hide all of the sheets except for the sheet "Sortable List" and "Detailed Lists". Each of the buttons I have which open up the recipe sheet look like this:
VB: Sub Banana_Split() Sheets("Banana Split").Visible = True Sheets("Banana Split").Select End Sub
See I think the user might click on a bunch of the names to see the recipes and then get overwhelmed with there being so many open sheets.
I have a bit of a problem getting an instance if IE9 to open with
.visible = False
No matter what i do, it still displays the ie window visible, and displays the navigation i am doing which slows everything down.
Code: Dim IE As Object Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") IE.Visible = False IE.Navigate "https://www.reliancenow.com.au/procurement/edriver?ACT=LoginBP&EID=1" Do While IE.Busy Application.Wait DateAdd("s", 1, Now) Loop
I'm using Excel 2003 for PC to keep up with the hours I've worked on different jobs. So I have a column with jobnumbers and a second column with the name of the client to wich these jobnumbers are assigned. When I try to filter on a specific client or I want to filter on of the jobnumbers of that client, I can't choose them in my dropdown menu on top of my column.
I use this code to make text not visible and it does work well using matching font color (fcolor) and cell color (icolor), but this leaves one issue. When I print the text it is no longer hiden by the matching colors.? I was hoping to use -4241 to set the color to no color,(invisible?) but now it produces errors.
Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate() Dim icolor As Integer, fcolor As Integer, Target As Range, FormulaCells As Range
Set FormulaCells = Range("a4:a104")
For Each Target In FormulaCells Select Case Target Case "one" icolor = 37 fcolor = -4142 Case "two" icolor = 27 fcolor = -4142 Case "three" icolor = 35 fcolor = -4142 Case "four" icolor = 45 fcolor = -4142
I need to make a sort of "to-do" excel in which i have 2 worksheets:
Sheet1 is my "to do list" Sheet2 is my note list
The idea is having a "note" list in which, day by day, i add new things sequentially and a to do list that shows NOTES entries but in correct order and separated.
what i would like sheet1 does:
simply, when adding a new voice i would like that one of the cells is filled by the date of TODAY but statically, not with the Today() function otherwise it changes. each voice will have a priority number that i put manually.
What i would like sheet2 does:
I would like having on sheet 2 5X filtered lists that shows only certain voices of total entry list on NOTES like:
PRIORITY1: would like that under this tables only entries with priority 1 are shows PRIORITY2: would like that under this tables only entries with priority 1 are shows PRIORITY3: would like that under this tables only entries with priority 1 are shows PRIORITY4: would like that under this tables only entries with priority 1 are shows PRIORITY5: would like that under this tables only entries with priority 1 are shows
My approach right now was with TABLES and filters... basically what i did is having a NOTE list of 1000 entries.. and having 5x tables with those 1000 entries copied that filters with the priority criteria...
WORKS.. but the file is really slow..
i would have a macro that copy in PRIORITY 1 TABLE only NOTES rows that have priority 1 in their entry.. on PRIORITY 2 TABLE only notes rows that have priority 2..
so this way i should have 5000 active entries for the filtering.
I'm trying to create an accounting document, but stuck in couple fields
1) Make balance appear in column E5 only if column C5 OR D5 is polulated, so goes for the rest of the cell in that colu
2) I like to have 2 digits after the decimal but (same as above) i want it to appear ONLY if there are any decimals to that number, all those 0 become confusing.
3) I need to make it so the last calculated cell on sheet Jan of column E gets transfered auto to sheet Feb D3 of F3 so the calculations could proceed to the next month
I wanted to know if I can make an error message invisible or maybe have the text white so you can't see it. For example, Iam using the vlookup formula which works fine when it is reading right. But when there is no info in the cell I'm looking up I get a #N/A. So I would like to have this sheet set up so that when you enter someone's name it gives you address, cell, etc.... But if no name is entered, instead of showing #N/A in all the cells.....I would like it to just look like an empty cell. I'm thinking I can use conditioning formatting so that if there is an error message then the text color is white. Can't quite get it to work.
I have several buttons I and a chart I want to make invisible and visible programatically. The buttons have names like Button65, etc. I did not give them these names. Curiously, these buttons don't have properties when I right click on them in design mode as do other objects. Why not? Further, they act more like rectangles drawn from autoshapes in that I can assign a macro to them, but unlike a rectange they are not named as rectangles (e.g. rectangle 284). Why not? These are hybrid creatures!!
I like to use rectangles as command buttons, but then they do not have properties which allow them to be made invisible, etc...
The chart name is Chart 1. Same problem, it has no properties. How can I make it invisible?
I have a sheet set up with invisible values in certain cells. To make them invisible, I have coloured the font the same as the backround. The colour used is a light shade of yellow, colour index 36 I think.
Unfortunately, even though the values in these cells are invisble on the screen, they are visible when the sheet is printed. Is there any way to stop these cells from being printed? Note that they are scattered all around the place.
I created a macro by using the macro recorder. It creates some columns and formulas and does some formatting, then it is to take the data and create some pivot tables.
for some reason it gets stuck on the first pivot table. It creates it, but it wont add the first field to the table.
I have recorded a Macro to create Pivot Tables, I would like this to run in any workbook. The problem is that every time a Pivot Table is generated Excel alters the number of the table(Pivot Table options). This then does not match that in the Macro as below("PivotTable1").
ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:= _ "Sheet1!R1C1:R37C6").CreatePivotTable TableDestination:="", TableName:= _ "PivotTable1", DefaultVersion:=xlPivotTableVersion10 ActiveSheet.PivotTableWizard TableDestination:=ActiveSheet. Cells(3, 1) ActiveSheet.Cells(3, 1).Select With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("GAME") .Orientation = xlRowField .Position = 1 End With With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("LANGUAGE") .Orientation = xlRowField .Position = 2
I am trying to create a daily task activity sheet. I would like to know, how to make the columns visible and invisible as per the selection from previous column.
For eg:
Column A has a list which has values 'TC creation' , 'TC modification', 'System Test' etc.
Upon selecting TC creation, i need to make a column visible ie 'total tcs created'.
Upon selecting 'TC modification' i would have to make the previous column invisible and make a new column visible for entering no of tcs modified.
Upon selecting 'System test' the other columns should go invisible and make other 3 columns visible for no of tcs executed, no of tcs passed, no of tcs failed etc...
I have put calendar in my form and I want it to be visible only if I click on the combobox and make it invisible when date gets filled in the combobox.
I wrote the following code but it gives me runtime error -2147417848(80010108) Automation error :The object invoked has disconnected from its clients.
A project I am currently working on requires me to make a spreadsheet that handles a large amount of data with constantly changing entries. The data will be outlined into groups and subgroups. Subgroups will be added and removed, but the removed subgroups MUST remain on the sheet. The group will contain a sum of the subgroups.
So, my question is how can I keep the subgroups in the sheet but remove them from the sum in an efficient manner? I planned on doing this in macro form by having the user select the row that contains the subgroup, and then activates a macro that strikes through the data, dates the change, and (hopefully) "hides" the data from the SUM function in the group.
I have about 9 different sheets, but they all will have 4 types of graphs (totals, comparison, bydate, trend). I am writing vba to conditionally show one type of graph on every sheet. For example, if I want to show the totals graphs, I want all of my sheets in the workbook to update. I can already make the graphs go invisible and visible on one sheet, but I would like to do so on all sheets. Here's my code now:
Code: Sub UpdateGraph() Sheets(".graphManager").ChartObjects("Totals").Visible = False End Sub
But no luck. I do not want to manually type all the sheet names into an array because I may add more sheets in the future and don't want to keep changing the code. How can I loop through all sheets and set a graph named "Totals" to invisible? Or can I just set all graphs in the workbook named "Totals" to invisible without looping through the sheets?
I'm trying to make a macro that match table in sheet "Vocabulary" to the second table (columns Q,R,S,T) in sheet "Overview" and compute correct values in column U using weights from column F, sheet Vocabulary on values from a corresponding cell at column M, sheet Overview. The entries for every ISIN in the sheet Vocabulary are in no particular order and some positions from sheet Overview don't have to exist in Vocabulary at all (but I still need them to display in the table on the right to be able to make charts from summing these categories).
How should the end result look like is displayed on the last sheet.
I am currently working on a project that uses Excel to parse a .txt document. Its working quite well for me. It functions by having two worksheets. In the first worksheet I use the " import external data" menu to import my .txt file. In another worksheet I have set up fields that show only the important information from the .txt file and leave the junk behind.
I’m looking to improve the functionality of this by adding a button to automatically clear the data in the first worksheet so that new data can be added quickly.
I have searched the forum and found a couple of threads on "QueryTables". After reading up on those, I have made a simple button with the following code.
After I load a .txt file and parse it using the formulas set up, I copy my needed information and then press this button. The cells clear, and the QueryTables are "reset" (maybe not the right word). Now a different .txt file can be imported and the process starts again.
The problem I am having is that. If there is no "QueryTables.Item(1)" to delete, I get a run time error. (Run-time error '9': Subscript out of range).
Would anyone know how to make my button conditional to having a "QueryTable" active? I.E. If I press it when there is no data loaded it doesn't do anything or give me that error.
I am trying to find a way to set up a macro that will allow me to pull in data - create the Pivot table - delete the table - then pull in fresh data (of a different row length - same number of columns) and create another Pivot table. I have tried to manipulate recorded code to no avail. Here is what I am starting with:
Const lngLastPossRow As Long = 65536 Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(Cells(lngLastPossRow, 1).End(xlUp).Row, 24)).Name = "Data"
While it creates the first pivot table fine, after deleting it and starting again it wants to create the next sequence (PivotTable3) which crashes the macro. I must close the file and reopen to run it again.