Macro To Sort Then Copy

Feb 6, 2007

I have 8 columns of data with each column containing approx 130 rows of information.

In the 8th column there is an IF function in every row that checks criteria and gives a result 'OK' or 'NOT OK'

Now what i would like to do is create a macro that sorts the whole table in terms of OK/NOT OK, so that the OK results are at the top of the table. Then after being sorted it copies all the OK data to another table.

This all sounds simple however, sometimes there might be 10 rows of OK data and other times there might be 50, and i need excel to identify all the rows of OK data to be copied to the other table.

So the problem i have is trying to tell excel to look for all the OK data and not just the first few lines.

This is pretty hard to explain so if you need further clarification please let me know.

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Complicated Macro To Copy And Sort Data

Apr 23, 2008

I got a complicated macro that I need some help on. I want to write a macro that does the following (for clarity, I have attached an excel file).

I want to write a macro that automatically copies the rows in worksheet 'boekhouding' to their corresponding worksheet. The name of the worksheet, to which the data of each row has to be copied, is specified in row I (Beware: if it is not in row I, it is in row H). The names of all destination worksheets are given in the blue cells in worksheet rekeningen.

For example, row 2 (of worksheet 'boekhouding') should be copied to worksheet 'ABD'. Row 3 (of worksheet 'boekhouding') sheet be copied to sheet 'bestuur'. Row 4 (of worksheet 'boekhouding') should be copied to sheet 'Commissiekosten gala'. Etc for every datapoint (row) in worksheet 'boekhouding'. The number of datapoints will exceed 300, so manually doing this will be too time-consuming and unreliable.

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Sort Data Macro Then Copy / Paste

Dec 26, 2011

I am looking for a macro that will allow me to the following:

- search column F for "word1", "word2", "word3", and/or "word4"

- then match the search to row on column C data

- then copy/paste row or rows of matched data unto "Sort" worksheet but only data from columns A, B, C, and F

- also, when copying, copy the row above

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Macro To Sort Data And Then Copy To Different Sheet

May 5, 2012

I have a worksheet(1) that contains data like: date, name, price, size....etc. I need to "sort" by size (only use 2 values - large and small), then copy each to another worksheet that saves data by the Month. The amount of data on worksheet(1) changes monthly.

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Macro To Sort Colums And Protect After Sort

Nov 5, 2009

I am looking for a macro to sort my colums in ascending order the range i need sorted is from A7:F107, it will be sorted with the numbers in the A column ie 1 - 107. sometimes different numbers get added and it has to be sorted in number sequence.

If possible i would also like a macro to protect this range after the sort,

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Macro Coding: Add A Code To The Sort And Paste Macro That Will Open The Second Spread Sheet

Jul 21, 2007

I am making a spreadsheet that sorts and pastes, but I need to know if I can add a code to the Sort and Paste Macro that will open the second spread sheet needed without just already having it open and using the

Windows("estimate sheet one.xls").Activate

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Copy And Sort Using VBA

Feb 9, 2013

I would like to copy Sheet1, col C starting from C7 to the last cell of data entered to Sheet2 from D7.

The list of data would change as and when I enter more data.

After Copy I would like the list to be sorted in ascending order.

Page Break after every 44 lines

Next page should begin after 6 lines and same as above , page break after 44 lines

Secondly I would like to mention serial numbers, for eg. in sheet 2 from C7 if data if data is present in D7 then 1 should be mentioned and so on.

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Copy To Another Worksheet & Sort

Sep 19, 2007

After copying the data from a sheet to another the sort generates an error. write the vba for sorting the copied data?

norowspm = Sheets("PM"). Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
Sheets("PM").Range("A6:A" & norowspm).Select
Sheets("OP Vs CL").Activate
Sheets("OP Vs CL").Range("F1").Select
Application.CutCopyMode = False


Sheets("OP Vs CL").Range("F1:F" & norowspm).Sort key1:=Range("F2"), _
Order1:=xlAscending, header:=xlYes, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _

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Copy And Sort Cells Into Database

Jul 31, 2014

I would like to make a piece of VBA code that will copy the data from B3:C11 (fist sheet) and put it into the individual columns (second sheet). The columns are named ID, name, e-mail, phone, value, address.

The second sheet should therefore act as some kind of database, where new entries are put below the last one. Also, it would be great if the program checked at first whether the ID is already written in the sheet2(database) and if so, it would write an error message.

Included : samplexxx.xlsx

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Clear Contents, Copy And Sort

Jan 18, 2007

I have 10 separate files that each have a data input sheet. I have 1 master file that has all 10 sheets in it and an extra sheet to display all 10 sheets information on 1. The drama I am having with sorting the master sheet is that every cell in the 10 sheets has a formular to copy what in the corresponding cell within the separate file. So techincally, the cells are not blank.

The cells range is B5:G1004 on every sheet. I paste 'values only' from the range of each sheet into the master sheet, but when I go to sort column B Ascendingly, it puts all the data at the bottom of the rows and there is 10000 rows on the master sheet. I cant get it to flip around. What I need is a way to clear the cells on the 10 sheets that do not have a value before I paste into the master sheet.

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Sort, Copy Paste & Create New Sheets.

Feb 16, 2007

I have a file that i import into excel as fixed width. this is done with the code i have already written. Now im at the point where i need to "pretty" up the report.

In colum A there are Account numbers.

My goal is to have every row with the same act copied to a new sheet, and have the sheet named after the common value in colum A.

once its done there should be roughly 10 to 15 separate sheets.

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Sort Unique, Then Copy From Original List

Mar 1, 2004

I have a CSV spreadsheet full of data: many rows and many columns. I want to sort based on values in some column. Then, I want to divide my large worksheet into smaller worksheets based on these sorted column values. For instance, if column 4 was 20,000 items long and contained 6 unique values I would want to create 6 smaller spreadsheets. Each spreadsheet would still have a column 4. Now, however, all the column 4 values would be the same for a particular spreadsheet. It would be nice to have a pop-up window query me for which column to use to divide the data with, instead of hardcoding a value in (like 4).

I am trying to crank this CSV file through MATLAB and it is just too big. My PC has 1GB memory and it still craps out. I am guessing that a dozen or so smaller files will be easier for MATLAB to digest. Any help is appreciated!

For the record, I am doing the following to sort a column, then copy it to a scratch worksheet and then determine all the unique values. I have hardcoded in column lengths and would really like to know how to make these variable expressions:

Sub divide_and_conquer()

Dim lngSheet As Long
Dim strName As String

Range("A1:HR778").Sort Key1:=Range("D2"), Order1:=xlAscending, Key2:= _
Range("B2"), Order2:=xlAscending, Key3:=Range("E2"), Order3:=xlAscending _
, Header:=xlGuess, OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:= _
xlTopToBottom, DataOption1:=xlSortNormal, DataOption2:=xlSortNormal, _.............

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Sort Data And Copy Top & Bottom 10 Into New Sheet

Jul 30, 2009

I'm looking for a simple piece of code I can use to manipulate the data on the attached workbook. Firstly, I need to be able to sort the data by column O ("Balance"). I then need the code to extract all the information for the top 10 and bottom 10 rows and paste the info into a new worksheet. The code will need to account for the fact the number of rows might increase/decrease with this report.

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Sort, Copy And Paste Special Code

Feb 22, 2007

1. Alphabetize the worksheets that have a red tab color. The number of worksheets with a red tab color will vary from time to time.

2. All worksheets with a red tab color are formatted the same. I would like to copy the same range of cells (AP5:BP9) on all n number of worksheets with a red tab color to a worksheet labeled "Posting". Also, since AP5:BP9 are cells with formulas and formatting, the ranges need to be copied with formats and value and number formats. The first copied range needs to be on line 8 on the Posting worksheet, the second range to start on line 15, etc.

3. Last, but not really last, I would like to start the code with deleting whatever is currently on the Posting worksheet starting at line 8.

I have attached a small sample. The sample does not reference the same range as above on the worksheets with a red tab color, nor does it contain the formulas and formatting.

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Copy Info Between Cells And Sort By Horizontal Titles

May 25, 2014

I have a column of Data (A1:A20584) that includes information for different contacts


I need the information to list as Row Titles (horizontally) so I can sort. I hope I am saying this correctly.

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Copy The Destination Data Using Some Sort Of Hyperlink Function?

Nov 10, 2009

I'm currently working on a problem that I'm having with Hyperlinks. Basically I want to copy the destination data that the hyperlink points to onto another sheet.

The main problem I'm having here is that I cant seem to find a suitable method to do this....I had the idea of using the hyperlink.follow function and then copying the data once I'm there and then moving back to the source hyperlink. My only problem with that is that I dont know how to find the cell address that the hyperlink is in, once I have found that hyperlink.

Therefore my question is two-fold:

- Is there a way to copy the destination data using some sort of hyperlink function?
- If not, is there a way to find the cell address within a worksheet, once a hyperlink is found on that worksheet?

I've attached the spreadsheet below to give a better idea of what Im doing, along with the "findHyperlinks" macro,within that workbook, that I am currently working on.

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VBA - Copy Data To New Range Then Sort And Remove Duplicate

Jul 4, 2014

I want some example of VBA that could copy data (A1:B15) to new range (D1:E15) then sort and remove duplicate.

Central Pinklao FLG

RMA Trading
Thonglor 13

IT Square

[Code] ......

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Copy Worksheet, Rename As Cell Value & Sort All Sheets

Oct 1, 2009

I am working with a workbook that has data automatically entered each time a new child is enrolled to the program. The child's data is automatically entered to the sheet named "Intake". What I need to do now is rename that sheet using the child's name as the sheet name, but also keep the sheet named "Intake" for the next entry. I would then like to sort the sheets alphabetically but leaving the "Intake" sheet either as the first sheet or the last sheet. I have attached an example of the workbook I am working with.

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Copy And Paste Function Messes Up Because Of Custom Sort / Filter?

Jun 5, 2013

what I do with excel: I have an excel sheet that has over 18,000 rows in it. Since it would be a nightmare to scroll around to find what I want, I use the Custom Sort and Filter options under Editing>Sort&Filter. So for example, I can omit 17,800 rows using a specific setting so that I can work with a more reasonable 200 rows. Moreover, the 200 rows comes from all over the spreadsheet. Meaning their row numbers are not always consecutive.

Here's the problem: Whenever I try to copy anything from this "edited or filtered" excel sheet, the resulting paste is not an exact copy. Excel perfectly copies the first rows up until the point where the row numbers ceases to be consecutive. So, the copy function messes up somehow when the data being copied comes from a different section of the original 18,000 rows.

In case this isn't clear enough...

Let's say that the original file has rows 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

Once I filter/custom sort, I see rows 1,2,3,8,9,10

When I try to copy/paste 2,3,8,9, excel copies 2,3, but messes up the rest of the 8,9. And I end up with a totally useless copy that's generally shorter than it's supposed to be.

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Copy Rows Based On Criteria, Paste As Values To New Sheet & Sort

Apr 15, 2008

I have spent a few days searching through forums but cannot find examples that i have been able to successfully adapt ( because they are to complicated for my limited knowledge). I have a workbook with 5 sheets, sheet1 (current), and sheet 4 (archive) are the important ones. I need a macro to

A) copy rows from "current" to "archive" ( to the 1st empty row) if column S of "current" contains "Closed" ( the word is generated by formula).

B) The paste needs to paste special values and number formats ( want to lose formula but not conditional formatting).

C) data sort "archives" based on col A - this puts the newly archived data into correct sequence.Data sort lowest number 1st

D) delete the copied rows from "current".

e) give me a count of how many rows it deleted, (I have a macro to insert rows so will run that manually to recreate the correct number of emtpy rows (with formula and formatting) to bring the current sheet back to usual size.

I tried modifying a macro by RPaulson (based on cells on one sheet to cells on another), to work with entire rows but couldn't get it to work.

Found that paste special uses PasteSpecial xlPasteValues, but , and thats about it.

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Sort Macro And Input Box

May 10, 2007

With guidance from this board in the past, I was directed to a macro that sorted information on a sheet (using values in column 1), opening a new sheet named by the sort title then copy/pasting all the relevant entries

The only restriction for this macro is the fact it is set to only sort information on sheet named Sheet1

I wanted to change this to an InputBox so the user can tell the macro which sheet to sort

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Macro To Sort 100 000 Rows

Sep 21, 2008

I've got up to 150000 rows in excel (2007) and i need to sort the data into 2 sheets.
Sheet1 contains all the data. Sample:

1000999999027FRESH PASTA FETTUCINE WITH TOM102002P N0809100000035000000012810000000+0000000+ 0000000000000000+0203001896409

As you can see, the first row starts with 1000 and second with 2000. That would be the criteria. All other rows goes exactly the same.

I need macro that copies all the rows starting with 1000 onto sheet2 and all the rows starting with 2000 onto sheet3.

Filtering and copy/paste won't help, because the list is toooooo big. Thatswhy only hope is to find macro that loops threw the list.

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Macro To Sort Automatically

Nov 8, 2008

I am now trying to write a macro which is a little over my head and was hoping some one may have some idea how to do it or have some code that is similiar and I can try to customise it myself. So here goes.

Basically all that happens is I paste data into a work book that always has two columns. The first column is a list of names and the second column is a list of numbers. I need to sort that information automaitcally every time it is pasted into the work sheet as follows.

1) Once any information is pasted to sheet 1 run macro automatically with no user interaction

2) All numbers must be rounded up or down first before sorting. If it is say 2.4 then it would become 2 and it it was 2.6 it would become 3.

3) Then move the numbers only from a specified column from sheet1 to sheet 2 and split them up into seperate columns based on the following results.

a) 0 - 3 gets moved to column B
b) 4 -7 get moved to column C
c) 8 - 10 gets moved to column d

4) Delete both columns from sheet1 after this is run so the user can re paste new information

5) If a user does this again then do the same but move into a new set of columns e f g and so on until the work book ends.

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Sort Code In Macro

Feb 3, 2009

I have a sort function in one of my macro. Sometimes it works, sometimes it does not. I can't figure out why. I am trying to sort columns A-F and each column has a header.

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Sort Macro Based On Zero / <0>

Feb 16, 2010

I have a data set that id like to sort via macro. The first two fields are not relevant to the sorting proces.(Column A & B ). Column C contains totals some are zero, some are greater than zero and some are less I have a macro which I use for many reports that sorts based on Autofilter but I dont know how to change it so that I can use less than, greater than and = to 0. Below is my attempt which didnt work.

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VBA Macro To Sort Range?

Sep 12, 2012

I am trying to write a macro to sort a range of data by another column. Here's the code that I already have :-

Public Sub sort_data(sort_range As Range, key_range As Range)
' MsgBox sort_range.Address
' MsgBox key_range.Address
sort_range.Sort Key1:=key_range, Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlYes
End Sub

However I get a run time error 1004 stating that the sort reference is not valid.

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Macro / VBA To Use 2 Columns In 1 Sort

May 13, 2013

I am trying to write a Macro to basically do a lot of redundant formatting for me and I am stuck on one part of this code. Everything else works just dandy, but I am having the darndest time getting this Macro to sort by 2 columns instead of just 1.

I did the basic first step and recorded myself sorting the datasheet by both columns in 1 sort and got the code, but the problem is that the number of rows will change day-to-day, week-to-week, and so on, so I need it to not specify a cell number as the end of the range.

While searching around, I saw a very handy little piece of VBA code that will search for a header name, which is really nice because that would make it much easier to share this Macro with my coworkers who have different reports that all have columns in different locations.

So, I have a multi-part question. I will start with the most important one:

How do I alter this to not specify A9590 and D9590 as the last cells in those ranges?

ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Date XREF").Sort.SortFields.Clear
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Date XREF").Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range( _
"A6:A9590"), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:= _
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Date XREF").Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range( _
"D6:D9590"), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:= _


Is there a way to have the Macro find where the header row is? The header rows in our reports can appear anywhere from Row 1 to Row 8 depending on how the report is set up (usually we have some information about the data, date range, etc at the top).

Dim c As Integer
With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Date XREF").Range("A5").CurrentRegion
c = .Find(What:="Assignment ID", After:=.Cells(1, 1), LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
.Sort Key1:=.Cells(1, c), Order1:=xlDescending, Header:=xlYes, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom
End With

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Macro To Sort Three Columns Into One

Jun 25, 2013

I have a sheet that looks like this...

Start #
End #


[Code] ........

And I want to sort it to look like the following, in order to track each number to a date and to enter into an external database...





I need to list the entire thing instead of having starting and ending part #s. Any macro to do this? The actual spreadsheet has 250 dates and over 30k part #'s so doing it out is not really an option.

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Sort By No Of Words Macro

Jun 3, 2007

I am look for a macro that can look through a range of cells within a sheet and sorts that range of cells by word count.

I have 1 macro that is excellent which sorts by character count.

If possible, if this macro can be duplicated exactly the same, but to sort by Word count and not character count.

As a note the range of cells are always in a sheet labelled " AllKWs"
Always start from Cell A3 running down.
And the phrases could be anything like "car to rent in london"

As to the macro I have already for character count, it is this kindly written by VOGII

Sub NoOfCharacters()
Dim lastrow As Long, TotP, TotC, AvC
lastrow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
If lastrow < 4 Then
MsgBox "Nothing to sort!"
Exit Sub
End If

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VBA Macro To Filter And Sort

Aug 6, 2008

I'm tryin to set up a macro to filter and sort and when I record the macro correctly it does not run properly.

I have detailed info below:

I created a sheet "Met Logbook" which contains all links to the source "Master Logbook". This master logbook has a lot of info added daily and we add info at the top of the sheet (we insert new rows every time at the top for different reasons). So what happens is the master logbook always changes its cells (when inserting new rows at the top, all the cells change row number). So I have just linked all the cells and more that we may be using in the Met logbook. This is why I need to filter and then sort the Met logbook (since there will be so many blanks, unuseful info and in the wrong order). (It will be in the wrong order because the "master logbook" has newer info at the top and I have more than one sheet of info for the master logbook) (so my links in the met logbook are somewhat out of order).

So what I need is to have code to filter column B with:

and column H with "Blanks", then I need to sort column A (rec'd) in descending order (so that newer info will be at the top). I will post my Met Logbook sheet on my second post since its a little large.

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