Macro To Automatically Add Totals To The Bottom Of A List Created With Advanced Filter

Mar 5, 2008

if it is possible to write/record a macro that will automatically add a summary/total row immediately below the data that is created from an advanced filter. (XL00)

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Advanced Filter Is Working Manually But Not Automatically

Jan 28, 2010

I have made a small routine that updates an adv. Filter automatically, but is doesn't provide me the right outcome (seems it does nothing). I also recorded my actions and also here an empty outcome.

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Advanced Filter To Filter A List Of Data

Jan 14, 2010

How do I go about using an advanced filter to filter a list of data e.g.


and have the filter extract only the boat entries to another worksheet, so on another worksheet I end up with


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Advanced Filter List Criteria

Oct 25, 2011

I'm trying to use an advanced filter to filter a large data set using several parameters. I had this worked out before but there have been some parameters added that have thrown my filter off balance and I'm struggling getting it back.

Here's the criteria I need to filter

Column 1:

Column 2:

Column 3:
BU 1
BU 2
BU 3
BU 4

Column 4:
BA 1
BA 2
BA 3
BA 4
BA 5
BA 6
BA 7

Since I have an uneven list of criteria, I'm struggling to figure out the layout with the 'AND' condition. I know I can copy the 85 and 3 figures to each line but when I have 4 figures in column 3 and 7 figures in column 4, how can I create the 'AND' condition for all these criteria?

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Unique List Without Vba Or Advanced Filter

Apr 20, 2009

I have a list of item numbers that will be repeated numerous times. I would like to extract a list of unique values that would update when a new number is added. I would really like to do this with formulas. Both of the list will be on the same sheet. I have racked my brain trying to figure out a way to do this. I thought I could use LOOKUP and MAX for the first cell, and then subtract one from the number above for the following LOOKUP formulas. That did not work. Probably because my list is not sorted.

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Advanced Filter - Extract List Of All Items But Only With Latest Date Of Each

Jan 20, 2012

What criteria can I use to filter a list on and item and the latest date?

I need to extract a list of all items but only with the latest date of each ...

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Advanced Filter - Macro

Mar 24, 2007

Having big problems getting an advanced filter macro to work on-going (meaning again and again and again once I update the table it filters from).

Macro is as follows:
Range("A3:O65536").AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, CriteriaRange:=Range( _
"H1:H2"), CopyToRange:=Range("T1:AH65536"), Unique:=False
Range("A3:O65536").AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, CriteriaRange:=Range( _
"G1:G2"), CopyToRange:=Range("AM1:BA65536"), Unique:=False

Do I need to specify the sheet that this filter should occur on? If so could someone indicate how I would get that into the macro?

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Data Validation - When New Row Created / Dropdown List Automatically Creates

Apr 7, 2014

I'm trying to create a spreadsheet that has a data validation in it. I have a drop down list that has to options to select; Yes and no. Every time I create a new row to add more information I have to go through the process of creating a new data validation for for each cell in this coloumn.

Is there anyway of creating a way that every time I insert a new row, a data validation list box will appear in the coloumn that I want it in?

Sample Workbook: datavalhelp.xls

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Advanced Filter Macro Does Not Work?

Feb 15, 2013

I've written a macro in an attempt to automate the advanced filtering in Excel.

Sub FilterData()

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Macro Code Using Advanced Filter

Jun 28, 2008

This is quite a easy one. I am a begineer so I don't know how to do it. I keep getting a runtime error. I want create a macro that does the following. I have this data(it is made up).


I want it to autofilter school njit


What would be the code for this? I want use the code for bigger data?. Also if you have a file which is 100 lines long and your macro does a series of steps for that file. Then you have another file and you want the same steps done but it is 500 lines long. How would you write a macro thatrun the steps taking in the last line and not just a 100 lines.

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Advanced Filter Active Sheet Macro Code

May 9, 2008

the macro mentioned below has been assigned to a combo-box form. I have 2 different datasets in the same sheet, they have the same headers (but named differently, myhead and myhead1) and the same adv filter criteria range (named as "dcrit") is applicable to both datasets. So, if an item is selected from the combo-box, both the datasets should get filtered according to same criteria. how i can combine the 2 IF LOOPS mentioned in the code?

Sub myfilt()
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
If ActiveSheet.FilterMode Then ActiveSheet.ShowAllData
If Not (Range("indsignal")) Or Not (Range("countsignal")) Then
Range(Range("myhead"), Range("myhead").Offset(1, 0).End(xlDown)).AdvancedFilter _
Action:=xlFilterInPlace, CriteriaRange:=Range("dcrit"), Unique:=False
End If
If Not (Range("indsignal")) Or Not (Range("countsignal")) Then
Range(Range("myhead1"), Range("myhead1").Offset(1, 0).End(xlDown)).AdvancedFilter _
Action:=xlFilterInPlace, CriteriaRange:=Range("dcrit"), Unique:=False
End If
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

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Automatically Assigning Macro To Any Shape Created

Aug 14, 2014

I've got a macro that I can rund when I click on a shape. It's called "Shape_Click".

Basically, I want this macro to be automatically assigned to any shape I create, as I create it.

I know the line will be something like: [Code] ........

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Automatically Assigning Macro To Created Shape?

Aug 14, 2014

I have a macro that runs when I click on a shape. This macro is called "Shape_Click"

I can apply that to a shape by selecting it and manually running this macro:

[Code] .....

How do I get the subroutine to run as soon as the new shape has been selected, rather than haviong to manually run it.

Something like "Sub Worksheet_ShapeAdded" or something like that? I can't work it out.

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Sum Totals In Bottom Toolbar

Oct 12, 2006

In the bottom right corner of a worksheet there is a place that allows for sum, average etc... to be displayed for a selected goup of cells. Is there a way to make that show a cells value as changes are made to a worksheet?

EDIT: I guess I do not have to do it this way. I am trying to figure out how to keep a total on the screen at all times and I have freeze Panes already in use.

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Sorting With Totals At The Bottom Of Dataset?

May 15, 2013

From time to time a have columns of numeric data that I want to sum on the last row. Occasionally, I like to sort Top to Bottom. I have always wondered how to stop the bottom row or total column from moving directly to to the top?

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Add Like Text Totals Of Columns At Bottom Of Column

Jul 2, 2009

Note that the "Fruit" and "Fruit Totals" column letter position will always be different every time I run the macro, so I would like the macro to find these columns by name rather than by column letter.

I'd like a macro that adds the total number of fruits in the "Fruit" column by looking doing 2 things...

1. Add the total number of "Fruits" in the "Fruit" column, find the bottom-most row of data in the "Fruit" column, go down 2 rows, and create the text named "Fruits Total"

2. In the cell directly to the right of "Fruits Total" put the value of the total number of fruits in this cell (which will be in the "Fruit Totals" column)

3. Add the total number of "Apples" in the "Fruit" column, find the bottom-most row of data in the "Fruit" column, go down 2 rows, and create the text named "Apples Total"

4. In the cell directly to the right of "Apples Total" put the value of the total number of apples in this cell (which will also be in the "Fruit Totals" column)

5. Repeat steps 3 & 4 for the other fruits

Best to show you an example ...

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Advanced Filter Code - Criteria Range More Than 1 Row Breaks Filter

May 1, 2014

I found a great bit of Advanced Filter code that works great, and fixed a problem of clearing a cell breaking the filter.

But if I want to increase the criteria from 1 row to 2, so you can start to include And , Or operations, it breaks the filter. Even an attempt at a manual one fails, until you put the criteria range back down to one row, then it's fine again.

I've tried changing the Target Row to >2 but that didn't work. how to make the criteria range bigger, and no problems of breakage if you clear the cells? It makes for a very useful automated Advanced Filter.

Here's the code :

[Code] .....

Database = the named area of raw data.
DATA is the name of the raw data worksheet
The criteria range should be AZ1:BC3, but of course royally breaks it...

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Filter>Advanced Filter>Unique Failure

Jun 14, 2009

Can anyone explain why the unique filter does not produce a unique result - sample attached?

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Advanced Filter :: Filter Data Between Two Dates

Mar 15, 2007

1- Force cell format date to by (yyyy/mm/dd) only, with worng msgbox( validation).

2- Make the first day of a month in a color cell

I've Tried this In Conditional Formating (=VALUE(right(A1;2))=1) but didn't work

3-Make Advanced Filter to filter data between two dates .

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Macro To Copy Dropdown List Created In Cell O2 And Then Paste In Same Sheet

Feb 12, 2014

I am trying to write a simple macro to copy a drop down list I created in cell O2 and then paste in the same sheet. I need it to paste starting in cell A2 and then move to A4 and so on for every even row cell through A9778. I would also like it to keep a border around the cell. I can't find direction on how to tell it every even cell or defining x and then doing x + 1...

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Compound Filter With Top/Bottom X

Dec 5, 2007

I have selected a custom autofilter for one column of my data. After that, I want to use the top 10 autofilter in another column, but this appears to filter the top 10 overall, not the top 10 of the custom-filtered records. My data is transformer sizes.

First I custom filter the secondary voltage column to get only distribution transformers (less than or equal to 480). Now I want to know the 10 largest distribution transformers, but the top 10 filter on the size column makes all the records disappear. I believe it is selecting the top 10 overall, and it happens that none of the top 10 have secondary voltage less than or equal to 480. (When I change the custom voltage filter, I can get anywhere between 0 and 10 records for the top 10 by size.)

This seems to be an aspect of Excel, not an error. So far the workarounds I can see are:

1. paste the custom filtered data into a new sheet and then do the top 10
2. use the custom filter, sort descending by size, and count 10--but this problem was first brought up by someone doing the top 100, so this is not preferable.

Does anyone know a better solution that will make it easier to manipulate this data frequently?

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Advanced Filter On Name Selection

Apr 8, 2014

I have a large Excel with details of 1,000 staff

Column J1 is called: Resource Name which has 1,000+ staff other columns have corresponding Hours, Project names etc

I want an advanced filter where I select COLUMN J:J and filter this whole sheet based on say 25 names (in the format they're in) e.g

Frank, James
Wilkonson, Paul,

In the Advanced Filter, Ive selected J:J as LIST RANGE, but how do I input an OR statement in the Criteria, as above i.e where name is Frank, James OR Wilksonson, Paul OR

Alternatively, I have the list of the 25 names in Sheet 2, can the Advanced Filter do a VLOOKUP then filter entire Sheet based on the names provided?

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Using INDIRECT In Advanced Filter

Aug 5, 2014

I have a condition in advanced filtering as >90%. However, I would like the "90%" to be calculated via a formula in another cell and this condition to reference it. Is it possible?

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Advanced Filter Using Calculaions

Jul 25, 2006

I have a file that has a column of dates. I would like to use advanced
filter to filter anything with a date that is <today()-1 but I can't seem to
make the fomula work. I can make it filter on =today()-1 but when I use the
< it doesn't calculate today's date and gives me nothing.

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Automate Advanced Filter

Sep 8, 2009

Basically I have set up a list on sheet1, this is now on a drop down in sheet2 and my raw data in sheet3.

I want the table in sheet2 to just display the product items I select in the dropdown but it is displaying all the raw data (although is updating when I update the raw data)

Granted I copied the code whilst researching but I'm just not quite there.

Could someone possibly look at the attached and let me know where I am going wrong. Also as you can tell I am very new to teh VB application in Excel, could anyone reccommend a good place to start learning the very basics?

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Advanced Filter Not Filtering In UDF?

Dec 17, 2012

why the Advanced Filter works in the macro but not in the UDF?

Public Function strUniqueVal(rng As Range) 'rng variable must include sheet name
Dim c As Range
rng.AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterInPlace, Unique:=True


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Advanced Filter With Wildcards

Oct 28, 2008

I have a worksheet that conatins multiple columns that are populated from a sql query.One column is a parts list.This has 1705 rows.

I have another worksheet that contains a list of parts in one column.This list is varying in row length.

I want to be able to produce a list that only contains matching data , including () around parts and if not too difficult an indication of data that is not in first list but is in second list.

When I do an advanced filter using the second list as the criteria i am not recieving all of the data from the filter , ie in the first list there is parts in (1234XYZ ) but in the second list the part is 1234XYZ , this part is not being resulted in the advanced filter unless I put brackets around the part in the second list . There is no way of knowing which part is in brackets in the first list.

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Advanced Filter For Text

Aug 23, 2009

I have a huge list (over 900,000 rows) of text codes (e.g. ABC-12345) on Column A Spreadsheet 1 and would like to remove the ones that are not included in Column A Spreadsheet 2.

I changed all of the text on Column A Spreadsheet 2 to have the in front of it (e.g. ABC-1234) and tried to run the advanced filter but it does nothing.

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Advanced Filter Cut Instead Of Copy

Feb 9, 2010

This code works, but I would like to cut (remove) the records from the original record list.

Range("A:F").AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, CriteriaRange:=Range _
("H1:H3"), CopyToRange:=Range("J1:O1"), Unique:=True

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Automate Advanced Filter With VBA

Jan 17, 2009

I need to lookup and concatenate all the header values where the value in the corresponding row equals a certain value. For example, column D, has the column header value if the cell values equals "X". Likewise column E has the column header value if the cell values equals "Y". I have too many columns (this is just a simplified version) to use nested if statements.

resource1resource2resource3 XResources YResources
Jeff X resource2
John X X resource2 resource3
Jim Y resource1

I'm not an excel newbie, but I keep thinking there must be a simple solution that I am missing.

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