Maximum Text String In A Column And Index Against It
Sep 24, 2013
I have trying to find the maximum date value in a series of campaigns with the same name [Combnined Campaign (Campaign)] , the aim is to pick the lowest version of the same name if the campaign is connected and pull the max end dates and number of weeks [Week Number Combined Campaign] that overall campaign has been running. A spreadsheet below explains this too.
What I need is to search for all the campaign names in column [Combined Campaign (Campaign)] and find the matching week number. What I am currently using is this formula:
Yet Max doesn't work with text.
Campaign Appeal Code
Launch Month
Combined Campaign (Yes/No)
Combined Campaign (Campaign)
Start Date
End Date
Week Number
Week Number If Combined Campaign
[Code] .........
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Oct 23, 2008
I was hoping that my formula would give me the count number based on the Maximum time (latest time) and the Name field...My result is a 0 instead of 62 (the correct answer).
=SUM((Download!$H$2:$H$10=A4)*(Download!$D$2:$D$10=MAX(IF(Download!$H$2:$H$10=$A4,Download!$D$2:$D$1 0)))*Download!$I$2:$I$10)
Would a Index/Match/MAX function be more efficient?
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Aug 1, 2014
I would like to find a text string in the column A and index the value after the string.
For example: somewhere in the column A is a text "value: 800 USD" , so I would like to find the text and index the characters after the ": " in the cell C5. Therefore in the cell C would be "800 USD"
I am including sample file here: smpl.xlsx
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May 3, 2013
I am trying to come up with a macro that will search a range for a specific string of text plus Interior.ColorIndex = 4. The range can have the text in it multiple times but i only want the macro to fire the next line of it if the cell address also has that color. Is there a way that can be done? My code below stops after it finds its first occurrence of the string and moves on to the next lookup. How do i make it look for not only the value but the index color?
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Jun 10, 2013
I have a built a catalogue of records for various of my companies assets. Each asset has its own sheet in a work book and I have used a vb macro to include an automatic Index sheet at the front of the book. This takes the names of the various tabs, in the order I have them in the workbook and creates a simple listing in column A as an Index List
What I want to do is to build a summary table to the right of the Index List, pulling in a few of the key data points about the assets into a single table.
To do that I need to be able to extract the text string from the Index List and use it to form part of a cell reference pointing to a specific cell in the relevant individual Asset sheets.
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May 13, 2009
The desriptions are in a row in cells A through F
The values are in the cells below
I want to find the max value and return the description above.
I come up with the formula above, which is not giving me the correct answer. I get the answer of 5 as shown below.
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Sep 13, 2013
I want to take what is in column A and replace the number after the "=" with new number.
I need a formula that identifies the 6 numbers or letters after the = and replaces with column A
111111 showstocknumnber//details.php?vid=111111
222222 showstocknumnber//details.php?vid=111111
345673 showstocknumnber//details.php?vid=111111
The 111111 after the = could be any string of 6 letters and numbers. The contents of column b are a URL.
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Aug 10, 2007
I have looked into the maximum length of a variant/string in vba and it appears to be 250 characters. I am running a macro which first lists all excel files in a folder, returning them to a sheet, then using a loop statement opens each one in turn extracting the information to a second summary sheet before closing it. The file path to the folder is ridiculously long and the macro stumbles. I used the =LEN(A1) formula to check if the file names were too long for the string, but the maximum file name length was 226 characters. I've tried both String and Variant to collect the file names but both have the same effect.
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Aug 29, 2007
How do I search a given text "GNMA" from a cell (A1) and (A2) and return it in other cell (B1) and (B2).
1 GNMA-4565X18-ROE
2 895GNMA-12
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May 26, 2009
i want to extract a value from a column into another column in excel.
this first column contains text and i want to extract a value that in located between the characters 'FOR' and 'MTHS'.
how do i do that?
the situation is the same for all the rows; the value that i want is just located between these characters.
is there a simpler way other than using the MID functn? because everytime i use it i need to count the no. of characters and its quite difficult to keep up with the numbers.
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Sep 23, 2013
I have one column that has forename and surname information and I need to separate the surname into a separate column next to the forename.
Is there a formula for this?
I've tried the formula where you can request to move so many characters to the right, but it's difficult with all of the surnames being a different number of characters.
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Aug 15, 2013
So, using an array under the Names column, search the string under combined names and break apart as illustrated. Must stay on the same line...w/o VBA.
Combined Name(A)
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Oct 5, 2009
I am trying to write a macro to search a column for a specific text string which when found, will copy the whole row the string is in. Once this row has been copied, I then want the macro to activate a new sheet and search for the next available empty row to paste the data. Once this has been done, go back to the original sheet and find the next cell in the original column with the specified text string and repeat until the range has been satisfied. Below is the script I have that sort of works.
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Jun 20, 2007
Id like to take the first 3 letters of a string i have stored, copy them and put them into another string that im forming. For example. The strink "gek_8856". Id like to take that only copy the "gek" part and put it into another string that i format like "\example1folder" & "gek". Can someone help me on this coding?
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Mar 28, 2007
is it possible to declare an array or anyother datatype like the following in VBA?
Dim myArray() As Integer
myArray("A") = 0
myArray("Test") = 0
myArray("G") = 0
after checking some conditions i need to change the corresponding values too, like the following,
If mycondition = True Then
myArray("Test") = 1
End If
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Jun 23, 2006
I have a spreadsheet with 2 sheets. The first just links to another file and pulls in the contents of a particular sheet, cell for cell. The second sheet is a formatted report that I'm creating to put that data into a different format for presenting to others. I'm using the Index and Match function along with range names. All is fine except where the string that should be returned is very long. When that happens, I get "######" all the way across the cell. It doesn't matter how wide I make the column or how tall I make the row, the "#s" do not go away. Is there a limit on the number of characters the Index function can return?
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Jun 21, 2007
I want to know how to get the max of text.
I am having sheet which is showing Codes for deliverables as A,B,C,D as an entry.
I want to pick the latest code, means i want search the row for Max value, i.e is D and display it in cell.
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Mar 17, 2009
I am trying to get the maximum from a range of text cells. The data in the cells consist of
the formula I am using is:
the answer that is returned is 15 and it should be 28. Any ideas on how I can fix this?
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Jan 8, 2008
If I have names in one column and amounts in the next column, how do I determine the maximum of the amounts and return the associated name from the other column?
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Jul 12, 2013
I've got a table where I want excel to generate the next number. With the following table excel must generate an invoice number (column B). I've got the formula to work correctly until a payment is done as shown in B12,B13 and B14. I need a formula to lookup the maximum invoice number (SC1-0007) and in cell B15 the serial number SC1-0008 must be shown. [URL]
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Dec 7, 2009
I use VLOOKUP with text (to return comments made by people that I have copied in another sheet). The problem is that sometimes, it doesnt copy the whole comment.
Apparently there is a limit for the amount of text VLOOKUP can copy: after a LEN() test I have found that I cant copy texts longer than 255 characters.
Is there a simple way to make the VLOOKUP work even if the text is more than 255 characters long ?
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Jul 31, 2008
Is there a vba function that can determine that "1B" is > then "1A"? Max only works with numbers apparently, but I know that MS Access' version of Max does this.
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Jul 9, 2006
I need a formula for Excel
I want column J2 to L2 to display the highest amount on colum M2 and add 2 to it.
I've tried some IF formula.
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Jul 15, 2009
I am a novice to VBA in excel, i have a table of more then 5000 rows. I would like to find a maximum value from each row and return the column title as "GL_Weld" or "Bend" or "Header" into another worksheet cell. i.e First Row max value = 0.011510 should return "Bend" into another worksheet
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Aug 8, 2007
I have a column of values the values can be "T", 0.00 ->any number to the nearest hundredth. I thought I had this problems solved a while back but after having time to do some quality control I found that anytime there is a value of "T" the macro does not work. I have had some great help with this in the past to get as far as I have but I still cannot seems to get it 100%. I have attached a sample file. The result that I would like to see is in the cell BH145 is "16,17,23" without the quotes of course.
When you open the worksheet you will see that the values of concern are precipitation values. These values are rounded to nearest hundredth. When there is a trace of precip however it is recorded as "T" therein lies the problem that I cannot seem to solve.
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Apr 29, 2009
I would like to write a formula to have a result in a cell that gives me the maximum value of a column, but smaller than another cell.
For example:
C1 = Maximum value in column A1:A20, but smaller than B1.
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Dec 26, 2013
I have this column [Status] in a table, as below:
I want to get the maximum year value out of this column (in this case, 2014). What formula can I use?
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Nov 21, 2006
Trying to grab the value to the left of the max value in a range of cells. Wasn't sure if I needed to use the offset function, I tried the vlookup function but the value i'm searching for is in the 2nd column, not the first. I can't download files at work, so if you could examine the example spreadsheet i uploaded, and then type the formula I should use in the post.
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Apr 26, 2007
I have a problem looking up the cell at which a maximum value in a curve is located. I have attached a workbook with an example of my problem (this is scaled down to limit the size of the attachment – my usual string of data is 5000 rows long). Column A is the time and all subsequent columns will contain force values (as shown in columns A and B) which create a similar sharp curve.
Ideally I need to be able to lookup the time point (column A) at which the maximum force value occurs for each curve or if this is not possible the row number in which the maximum force value occurs. I would like to be able to do this using a formula rather than a macro if that is possible?
I have tried using a number of excels lookup functions and read through the examples on the site but have had no success.
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Oct 9, 2008
Look in Column E and find the MAX value. Once you find the MAX value, (let's say E27) display the date that's in C27. I bet this is really easy but I've been screwing around with it for over a half hour and can't get the correct result.
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