Merging Content From Two Spreadsheets
Oct 24, 2008
What I am trying to do is take the data (all columns) in Spreadsheet 2 and put that data in Spreadsheet 1 with all the companies matching up, how do I do this, is this possible?
I tried using VLOOKUP but I don't know if I was doing it right and I don't even know if it's the right function to use.
In sheet 1, column A I have a list of about 30,000 companies
In sheet 2, column A I have a list of about 10,000 (pulled from sheet 1), I have other info associated with these companies in columns B and C.
Basically I want to take column A, B and C from sheet 2 and match them up with the same companies in sheet 1. So there will be 10,000 matches and 20,000 N/A's. This is how I set up the VLOOKUP but nothing happened.
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Jul 14, 2013
I have a template and several spreadsheets based on this template, and when changes are made to the template they need to be manually merged into each spreadsheet, a very painstaking, time consuming, and error prone process. Changes are mostly added rows, data tables, and macro (coding) changes. Surely there must be a better way of doing this. There must be some way of automating at least part of this process, or so I would think. I know that changes to a workbook can be tracked, but I don't shows changes to code, and I don't know if it is true for templates as well (but I suspect that it is); at least this would show me what changes to the template had been made, but maybe not changes to the code, but this is only a small part of the problem.
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Jul 18, 2012
I have two spreadsheets of part numbers, one with a full list of parts approx 3500 lines and another with the same part numbers (but only approx 1000 lines) but this file also contains sales history. columns shown below
What i want to do is merge the two files together so the 1000 parts i have sales history for correspond with the same 3500 lines on the other master spreadsheet, so i can then sort them in which ever order i need at the time.
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Aug 11, 2006
I have three large txt files. All three are the same number of columns but are of a different number of rows. (Each month the number of columns will increase but the 3 source files will still contain an equal number).
Therefore I need to open the first text file, select all data and paste it into my master file.
I then want to open the second txt file and paste all the data at the first empty row of my master file.
I will then open the third txt file and paste all the data at the first empty row of the master file.
Finally I will close the txt files.
I will then have several other amendments to make to the master data file.
So to my problem....
Opening the txt files is fine.
However I want to select all the data in the first txt file but excel gives me an error message. (On the line highlighted in my code). I remember there being a function in VBA that selects all data around a cell, can anyone remember how to do this?
My code so far is:
Workbooks.OpenText Filename:= _
"C:CUSTOMERPass 1.txt" _
, Origin:=xlWindows, StartRow:=1, DataType:=xlDelimited, TextQualifier _
:=xlDoubleQuote, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, Tab:=True, Semicolon:= _
False, Comma:=False, Space:=False, Other:=False, FieldInfo:= Array(Array _
(1, 1), Array(2, 1), Array(3, 1), Array(4, 1), Array(5, 1), Array(6, 1), Array(7, 1), Array(8 _
, 1), Array(9, 1))
ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlMinimized
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Jan 23, 2014
I have a spreadsheet with names and phone numbers. I have another spreadsheet with similar- but not the same names and not in the same order- with email addresses.
I have pasted all info into one spreadsheet and alphabetised it- it looks a little like this now.... (joe bloggs being an example name)
joe bloggs telephone no
joe bloggs email
Is there a way i can easily merge these two rows keeping the name the same? Otherwise it will take FOREVER!!
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Aug 15, 2014
I have a spreadsheet with only 80 rows in it and I need data from another spreadsheet with over 200 rows. One of these rows in each spreadsheet contains a matching field (Job #). I only want the 80 matching rows data from the over 200 row sheet.
Is there an easy way to combine these two. Even adding the 80 to the 200+ will be fine as I can just remove the blanks. I can't figure out a way to combine them and match them up.
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Jul 31, 2014
I have two years of sales data for same and different product codes in different sheets for each year.
I want to merge both the sheets so that i have a consolidated view of both years data in one sheet.
The sheets have columns that look like the one described as under:
Product code Month 1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 m7 m9 m10 m11 m12
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May 2, 2014
I have two Spreadsheets on Excel 2003, one provided by a service supplier (i), and one from my own system (ii).
I need a macro attached to spreadsheet ii that looks for data matches between the F column of my spreadsheet, and the C column of the suppliers. Where data matches (i.e. if cell C42 in spreadsheet ii is the same as cell F23 in spreadsheet i) it transfers the contents of the A column of spreadhseet i and places it in the corresponding cell in the C column of spreadsheet ii.
Example 1 : In spreadsheet i cell C20=BN213YD. In spreadhseet ii cell F55=BN213YD. Therefore, the macro takes the contents of cell A20 in spreadsheet i and places it in cell C55 of spreadheet ii
Example 2 : In spreadsheet i Cell C75 = TN142XS. In spreadsheet ii this data is not found. The macro therefore takes no further action.
Basically, the suppliers spreadsheet has less information per row, but more entries overall. My spreadsheet is lacking a lot of suppliers references, but has more comprehensive information elsewhere. Until now i have been doing a manual search of the postcodes between the spreadsheets and rectifying them manually, but this is taking longer and longer as the spreadsheets grow.
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Jan 15, 2013
I am using VBA to create a word document (.docx). This word document contains plain text content controls as well as picture content controls. I then use VBA to automatically select a picture based on the code below
Set oCC = Word.ActiveDocument.SelectContentControlsByTitle("TabPic").Item(1)
On Error GoTo TabErrorHandler
oCC.Range.InlineShapes.AddPicture Filename:="X:XFERANDREW-TDCD " & LblVL &
After the document has been closed down I try to open it again and I am told "The file cannot be opened because there are problems with the contents."
When I click details it says "Unspecified error" and "Location: Part: /word/document.xml, Line: 2, Column: 0"
If I click ok it says "Word found unreadable content in "". Do you want to recover the contents of this document? If you turst the source of this document, click Yes.
Clicking Yes opens the document with all the contents and it is now renamed to Document 1. If I click no it does not open.
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Sep 12, 2007
I use this to read cell content, add some text/characters (ie. [ and ]) and change the properties of the complete cell
Worksheets("DVD Lijssie").Activate
If ActiveCell.Value 0 Then ' Change all in to ... ... ...
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = ActiveCell.Value & " " & "]" & " " & "["
With ActiveCell.Font
.Name = "Arial Narrow"
.Size = 8
.ColorIndex = 16
End With
End If
End Sub
HOW can I change this vba-code so it leave's the content of the cell like it is and add some content with the use of let's say TexBox1 and ONLY use different font properties for the newely added content?
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Jan 29, 2007
how to combine the content of 2 cells into one cell and have the information separated by a comma.
For example:
Software 1
Spreadsheet Software
The desired results is:
Software 1, Spreadsheet Software
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Apr 18, 2014
Formula/macro/etc that would enable me to have content of a cell changed based on the content of another cell in the same row.
Example: cell in column D says "PSA" - so I would need the cell in column H for that same row to read "Radio"
I would need an entire sheet scanned to review for these occurrences and make the appropriate changes. I also would need the formula to be inclusive enough to scan for variations in column D cell content (PSA 1, PSA 2, etc).
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Mar 21, 2014
For a table like the one below produced for the sake of example (actual is much much bigger) I want to make it list rows that are true for a certain column for a certain variable in the matrix. So for say water terrain, which types of activity can I do i.e. swimming. Or for Offroad the activites which I can't do i.e. Run and Swim.
Jog nym
Run nyn
Walk nyy
Swim ynn
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Mar 7, 2014
I am merging the following two IF formulas together.
and the second formula I want to merge is
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Jul 8, 2008
I have an excel sheet with first and last name and I have another column called username.
The username will be "firstnamelastname" all lower case and no spaces.
I know I can use C1=lower(&A1""&B1)
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Aug 2, 2009
I'm compiling data to be transfered into a report program but the programe can't deal with any Excel Formulas so the data has to appear 'as is' so to speak. I have 2 columns of data (roughly 1200 rows) and I need to merge the two together but i can't have the formula in the merged cell......
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Sep 10, 2009
I have 2 sheets
1st sheet data
Job_idHost_NameOutcome STEP_INDEX
742762Blank success Null
742762QCTCRMBLD07success 0
742762QCTCRMBLD02success 1
742762Blank skipped 2
2ND sheet data
Job id RunTime QueueTime
742762 52 .4562 0.12365
Now i have to insert the 2nd sheet data into the first sheet whereever the step index is NULL
So Basically my output should be like below:
Job_idHost_NameOutcome STEP_INDEX RunTime QueueTime
742762BLANK success Null 52 .4562 0.12365 742762QCTCRMBLD07success 0
742762QCTCRMBLD02success 1
742762BLANK skipped 2
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Dec 3, 2009
I am looking for some tips to merge the 2 rows into 1 row with all data transferred. I have tried the following:-
However, it returns "0" when cell is empty. Your help is greatly appreciated. Attached a file for better understanding.
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Jul 26, 2013
I have 29 inventory sheets that are identical. I need to merge them in to one master work sheet.
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Jul 17, 2014
I have 3 Worksheets in Excel I would like to merge into a new worksheet. Worksheet A, B, C. I have 133 rows of information on each sheet.
I would like to merge them in a particular order. I would like to take Row1 of Worksheet A, then merge Row1 of Worksheet B, and then merge Row 1 of Worksheet C.
So on the new Worksheet I have 3 rows of combined 3 worksheets. The would like to repeat this for all rows 2, 3, 4 etc. till will get to row 133 or end.
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Jan 19, 2009
I have a column with data, the cells go data, blank cell, data, blank cell, data etc.
The row count will vary.
What I need to do is go through the non blank cells in the column and merge the them with the blank cells beneth them.
ie A2 = Apple
A3 = blank
A4 = Pear
A5 = blank
run the code to get
A2 and A3 = Apple
A4 and A5 = Pear
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Feb 10, 2009
I collect data from a number of tools for our server and switch info. I don't have a problem merging that data. My problem is trying to get that data into a working format.
-- I have a server that has dual network connections.
-- This data resides in different rows, and each has slightly different data that I need to preserve.
-- I want to merge these two rows into one pre-defined output layout on a separate sheet without loosing any of the data.
Some other things of note. Not all of the servers have duplicate entries, but still want that data on the output sheet as well.
I have attached an example of what I have to work with and what the output sheet that I'm trying to get to looks like.
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Oct 15, 2009
I have two worksheets in the same workbook that need to be merged into a third worksheet. I need to take all the data in worksheet "On Hand" and bring in from the worksheet "Transactions" the data in columns E & F (into the new worksheet "Excess Inventory"). There will be item numbers (Column B in both sheets) that will only be in the "On Hand" sheet. I have entered data in the sheet "Excess Inventory" to show what I am trying to do.
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Jul 4, 2007
I have an excel file with the same columns of data for different years (each year's data is in a different sheet). Each of the columns corresponds to a different survey question asked to the same farmers year after year. These farmers have been identified by ID number in the first column and I would like to consolidate the information from all the years into a single sheet.
The problem is that there are many farmers who dropped out of the survey or were added to the survey over the years. So, for example, in year one you may have data for the following ID numbers: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9 And by year 4 you may have data for the following ID number: 2, 3, 4, 5, 9.
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Dec 16, 2008
merging two Excel files. 2009 Item List.xls file has two columns Part number and Description. Price.xls file has two colums: part number and price. I need to merge them into a file that whould have three colums: part number, description, price. There 6712 rows in 2009 Item List.xls and 4743 rows in Price.xls file. So I need them matched based on the part number, and have the cells blank for the part numbers for which the price was not assigned.
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Mar 21, 2012
I'd like to combine two VBA subs existing on a single sheet. Since they can't duplicate I need some sort of a switch statement...?
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
Dim VRange As Range, cell As Range
Dim Msg As String
Dim ValidateCode As Variant
Set VRange = Range("E4:E100")
For Each cell In Target
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Dec 20, 2006
i would like to merge two columns as explained below
for ex
the 1st column is:
the 2ed column is:
the merged columns should be:
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May 25, 2007
I have data in two separate cells as follows:
Cell A1 = 7890
Cell A3 = 1
In Cell A4 I want to merge the figures as following figure:
What type of formula would I need to create for this to work for me?
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Oct 1, 2007
I have given an example of below of what i am trying to achieve. I am seeking to match up the region name with the project id and to have the outocme put into expected output. i have done two examples below. The problem that i am facing is that "Asia" as you will see has more than one project info. (the list is quite long)
ProjectInfoProjectIdRegionRegionNameExpected Output:
CW28915NL - Netherlands
CW28915HK - Hong KongNL - Netherlands ; HK - Hong Kong
CW30695Middle East / Africa
CW30695EuropeAsia ; America ; Middle East / Africa ; Europe
CW32739Middle East / Africa
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Jul 17, 2008
I need help in merging sheets in 4 workbooks, meaning bringing the sheets in all 4 workbooks into 1 workbook.
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